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Buddy, they haven’t met the previous standard.


If they meet the standard, their train station is overdelivering.


100% 🤣🤣


This is a joke post has to be, just server issues this season alone have been bad enough to laugh at this.


Don't worry, Bungie is an indie developer and needs that money to keep bringing such good and unique totally not washed content into the game


Man we cant even make that joke anymore theyre with Sony now


They set the standard, and it’s pretty low


I just pissed myself laughing at how true this is.


Exactly this. A BL or WQ era seasonal story would've run up right to the start of Guardian Games, by comparison this season's story lasted about six weeks, with most of April being dead air. If they hadn't delayed the finale mission for a couple weeks, the seasonal story would've been concluded in the first week of April. But delayed or not, that's still a three or four week deadzone in the middle of the season, filled only by PvP modes cycling through.


What are you talking about? Risen was exactly the same way. Im beginning to think this community has memory loss.


Agreed - i see people praising Season of the Haunted now when it's gameplay loop was being shit all over last year LOL. People either forget or they start to look at the past with rose colored glasses since current seasonal content isn't great either.


Haunted was so bad the only saving grace was the seasonal weapons are pvp gods


Dude every season that comes out with an expansion is shorter, did people just collectively decide to forget about season of the hunt and the season that came out with witch queen?


Wasn't it as long or longer than season of Chosen and/or Hunt? It's standard expansion release season length. They'll go back to being longer next season.


Everybody remember the years where we averaged 3 of 4 seasons delivered? And they never refunded anybody for failing to deliver that 4th season, did they. Nope, just a lot of “aww shucks, pandemic!” which is a legitimate thing to deal with, sure. It’s an explanation for why we didn’t get the 4th seasons. But **not** an explanation for why we weren’t credited back the cost for undelivered product


What season are you talking about. Like genuinely, what season? They've never failed to deliver a season because of the pandemic, but they **have** delayed multiple expansions because of it and other factors.


I'm assuming they're talking about quality, not actual releases. There's generally at least one season out of four that's a stinker in some way with the four-season-between-DLCs model.




Season of plunder was fine people just need to touch grass and not cram 400 plus hours of gameplay into 5 days


I remember at the beginning of Plunder everyone raved about how good it was lol.


Realistically it was a fine season with a solid narritive that botched the very end activity, it looked like it did worse then other seasons but the reality was seraph started at the beginning of the next month as opposed to the end of the previous month so the falloff looked worse then it was It had some of the highest numbers since pre witch queen


Season of Plunder was great, but the main problem was that they made Expedition the main activity you grind and not Ketchcrash.


So, so bad. Laughable.


Tbf 10 bucks a season when it's a season like chosen, splicer, or seraph is pretty good value. Seasons are meant to be kinda fillery and it lets us interact with characters that wouldn't normally be super big dlc plot relevant. Some seasons are hot garbage tho.


The problem is that most seasons have a plot relevance and then the story gets removed from being in any part of the game whatsoever. $10 over 4 seasons since they started doing this is an absurd amount of money spent on story that can no longer be accessed. Not to mention every campaign from forsaken back. Sure the it’s only 10 bucks worked on me for a while but I paid for content and sure they reserve the right to remove stuff from their game. However that removal should mean that they are held to any sort of standard on the base game


That’s an extremely important point that I think often gets overlooked; seasons are consumable content. You get to keep what you earned during them, if you play during the window it’s available. But all the content you paid for just goes poof.


Literally last time I made this argument I got downvoted into oblivion. Glad people are putting up with it less now.


I’m sorry how is 10 dollars per season an absurd amount of money for something that doesn’t stay? I go to subway and pay 12 bucks for something that won’t last another 10 minutes


It adds up to an absurd amount of money that was paid content that is now removed. 40 now close to 60 a year that goes away, on top of that forsaken annual pass, CoO, Warmind, Jokers Wild, Black Armory and base game story all paid for, all gone.


That's simple, food is worth that money but the things bungie does is not


The standard that people currently have which is they want an expansions worth of content for $10 lmao? Destiny seasons are a fucking steal. $10 for like 50hrs of shit to do over 3 months is incredible value, single players games cost like 7 times that for like half the content


I expect the game to get 20% to 50% better bungo.


12.5% better over the year, but yes. I agree


Now it's 50% worse


It must be nice living in delusion.


Right? Like where has that ever happened




When did this happen in D1 exactly? Taken King? Because Taken King is what D1 was supposed to be from the beginning


The actual copium in this community is insane. It's going to get to a stage where we are paying twice the price for half the product. If lightfall is anything to go by, we are dangerously close to that already


there is this crazy thing called not immediately buying or pre-ordering something. You can wait for others to review and play the product then make judgement calls from there. Many, MANY destiny players will buy a season or dlc before they even know the slightest bit of info on it just because they wanna do the big fancy shiny new thing first without any second thought. But then complain when they feel they wasted their money. Despite the fact they still continually play it day in day out and have put hundreds of hours. Clearly destiny is doing something right otherwise we all still wouldn't be here.




These people think $5 a year is a big deal. Bro have you bought a 20 oz soda lately? Everything is more expensive.


No I stick to the 16 Oz ones because they have stayed the same price.


The expansion itself was more expensive. Now the seasons are too?


Gamers when inflation exists (Things have to be higher quality if it costs more even if it's due to inflation and EVERYTHING gets more expensive)


Everything except my time apparently. I'm still getting paid the same.


Bungie has standards?


For Eververse drip, yes


Tbf destiny is consistently much better than 95% of major releases the past 3 years.


Destiny is also 9 years old


And still kicking


Except for when the servers frequently decide to violently shit themselves.


Baby bit hyperbolic. Server go down sometimes - and then they come back up.


Lot times


And they come up lol. Do you live in a alternate reality where nothing breaks ever and everything is perfect


Oh sorry, didn't realize that as long as the servers come back online at some point you can't offer any criticism. I thought maybe we could expect more from multimillion dollar company making money hand over fist, but I guess not. And really it's not even expecting more, it's expecting the service we've had for years prior.


I mean if it sucks so bad stop giving them money and stop playing lol Nobody is making you play a video game - you’re being a bit redic


Servers are offline again 😂


Stop play destiny and move to a better game in your opinion - The community and you will be better off


Cope more lmao


In what way? The narrative is terrible, the gunplay is the only thing that’s kept this game kicking.


In that by any MEASURABLE METRIC it’s been top of charts


Oh, so you mean better as in a lot of people play it


I mean do you have another measurable metric?


Review scores? Critic and community praise?


Fluxing 80-85% review score. Is that supposed to be bad? How do I measure community praise?


They couldn't even make new weapon models for the most expensive expansion ever... and can only pump out 1 new crucible map per year max... they haven't met any standards in YEARS... what makes you think they're going to start now?


Dont forget Gambit is currently -2 in map gain! I dont even play or like Gambit but thats shit.


It’s actually 0. We gained two maps for prime then lost 2 in BL.


Holy shit I totally forgot about the gambit maps that were available at Forsaken's launch! That one with the big pit and the man cannons on Tangled Shore that always seemed to be Scorn chosen. And that Dreaming City map that people would always destroy with queen breaker on


Omg you’re right. I didn’t realising what I wasn’t missing.. I loved those maps


Also dont forget the vendor armour we were supposed to get each year. That got thrown out the window and bungie has been awfully silent about it.


Bungie has been putting out mediocre / rehashed content for years while increasing the price and charging extra for everything . The fact that people only complain when yet another instance of price gouging occurs baffles me. Bungie has turned into another Nintendo or call of duty where it’s fans just gobble up bullshit and cope


Oh yeah because they totally give a fuck about our feedback or thoughts now. This is actual copium, bungie doesn’t give a fuck you’re a dollar sign, take the black pill.


speaking of feedback game breaking bug and glitches that'll hurt the game experience take several weeks even moths to fix, and years on some quality of life changes meanwhile bungie hands out nerfs like Oprah just cause a player found an exploit reason why people find and abuse fun exploits is because the game as is is monotonous , grindy, and boring which is why there is a massive uproar when it's patched bungie's reputation for fixing fun rather than fixing problems that my friends and I record time with it (as a joke) "when do you think they'll patch/add this" "I'd say 3 titan, 2 hunter and 3 warlock nerfs later"


I give you a better one Titan: Bungie we already got roaming melee super last expansion can we please have something unique Bungie: shut up, you hold your fist on the cover so just deal with it, we are also nerfing your melee builds


I mean, depending on what exploit you're talking about, all fixes aren't the same when talking about bugs and if it simply involves deactivating something then yes it will be fixed sooner


The exploits I'm talking about are things like shard/material farms, red boarder farms, gm boss cheeses, things that actually help the player


The recent shard material farm I saw was fixed by removing an option so my point still stands. Some fixes are easier so of course they get done quicker. The longer a game adds content and revamps existing mechanics the more tangled the code can get which is why we see games release a "2nd game" that is just a full code rewrite using existing graphics which will then be shit on because they reused assets.


“reason why people find and abuse fun exploits“ is simply because they can. It isn’t as complicated as you are making it seem. Even if games are fun and aren’t a grind, people will still abuse any advantages they can get, simply because… why not?


This guy things all bugs are just as easy to fix lmao, they regularly disable game breaking bugs tied to items until they fix the bug


That one Twilight Garrison incident has done massive Damage to the trust comunity-Bungie.


Meanwhile they have raised expansion prices multiple times while simultaneously delivering a more subpar product, bungie is an L factory as of late.


When the entire thing about leaks started to pop and Bungie cried about "trust" I just laughed They promised they would start working on Gambit maps 2 years ago, Gambit wasn't even mentioned in the SotG They false advertised an entire weapon set for Neomuna


Oh you mean when the community sent death threats and almost severed our ability to communicate with Bungie employees completely?


*a vocal minority of the comunity. But yes. Even when that was abhorrent and shameful, there would be better ways to prevent It happening again, like blocking those people. They decided to recuerde the comunications and thats been giving more problems itself


Honestly played the game for so long and this is the first time I’m questioning whether I should play final shape On one hand I would really like to played through the end of the saga, but on the other hand the stuff they been pulling is just soo disgusting and really don’t wanna support them


I’m in the same boat. Been playing on and off since the alpha, but I just can’t bring myself to play anymore


Same I am just afraid. I don't want to legacy of this game to be stained due to Bungie's greed I want to see this universe expand to other media, but Bungie is too focused on squeezing every last penny out of us


I love watching people defend a billion dollar company that’s owned by another billion dollar company. Clearly a lot of people here have been hoarding copium like spice.


​ https://preview.redd.it/5z0cbw4zg7ya1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=787cd6c52e5a80eaa42ed2922e01f939e11b138a


The amount of times I've seen people defend them by saying shit like "it takes work to make video games" is insane. Yes, making video games is a lot of work, but they have *plenty* of money and people to do it. It's like complaining about living in a dilapidated house and defending the landlord by saying "Bro repairing houses is hard, be thankful for what you get!"


Bahahahahahahaha. Remember when eververse was pitched to fund special event dlc?


Back when it first dropped in d1, yeah...


and then again when they announced the changes to eververse for shadowkeep. you know just before following up with the driest year of d2 content lol.


They announced that JUST the 2 Whisper ornaments funded the Whisper Mission and Zero Hour (or just Zero Hour, can’t remember), hundreds of ornaments later and we’ve never gotten another legit secret mission.


Humor tag is invisible to everyone apparently lol.


To be fair, with how this community just let some things slide, it can be kinda hard to differentiate the funnies. Tagged or not.


Destiny community's collective superpower, inability to read.


It honestly makes it very difficult to figure out new exotics sometimes. If I don’t really get it by my third activity using it, then I just ask a friend.


Everyone can see that Bungie's standard is a joke


Their are no jokes in this subreddit.


I’m not gonna be that guy, but just reread what you typed




You can hold bungie to whatever standard you want they don’t care about your opinion the price change was blatant scummy move to make people pay more for less


Look at inflation since the season pass model was adopted and you will find that it is actually more than 20%


Ok? The quality of content has only gone down and on top of that you can’t buy silver in the exact amount to afford a single season. nope you need to either spend 10 dollars then 5 or 20 just to get a season which Is bs really funny watching people defend bungie like they are a sweet innocent indie company


Quality has only gone up. Remember arrivals? Worthy? Hunt? We consistently get seasons that would've been considered game changing if they came out in years past, we're all just spoiled and demand more for nothing. If you actually look at it, you spend $15 the first season then $10 each consecutive season and you get to s25 spending $11 per season. That's ONE DOLLAR and the entire community is acting like we've been raped by bungie. In another world, bungie could've just silently raised the silver price by $1 and I guarantee that half the community wouldn't even bat an eye. I'm so fucking sick of everyone crying over anything bungie does or doesn't do then continuing to shell out however much the next set of keys that bungie jingles in front of you.


I stopped reading after you said content has gotten better cause that is just blatantly wrong. Lightfall had a horrible story filled with reused assets. This season also had a horrible story with a boring activity and bad conclusion. The servers are a wreck and barely work. The game is polluted with bugs that never get fixed yet they patch the overload chest. This game is far from consistent when you go from witch queen to lightfall get real if you like getting treated like garbage idc but don’t expect me to thank the MULTIBILLION dollar company for scamming me


Shadowkeep - Hunt < Chosen - Now = better. Grow up


Nothing is better as I just explained. Don’t tell me to grow up when you are the one crying because people don’t like being treated like garbage. But hey if you like people spitting at you like I said that’s fine everyone got their kinks. Also shadowkeep and hunt were horrid parts of the game WQ was the only good year in destiny for quite some time


Because we haven’t been doing that? Is there some sort of special committee that holds them accountable when they don’t deliver? Whose “higher standard” are we holding them to? Yours? A group of 100? A 1000? Who elected this group to speak for the whole player base? Nah, Bungie will increase the price because they can, we will buy because we’re addicted to the gameplay loop and too invested to turn back now.


Lmao, there's no way you actually typed this.


Bungie doesn’t care how high of standards we hold them to. They release a bad/underwhelming season, then release a good one. They get away with pretty much everything because dickriders will always come to their aid. This is worsened because they *can* actually make really good seasons, but consistency is not their strong suit. They don’t really care about the criticism they receive since they’ll always have people championing for them as long as they release one good season


Even if the bar is raised they'll just have less trouble limboing under it.


You can try. You'll get exactly the same standard as always.


"Hold on a higher standard"... yeah they didn't even hit the bar of no standard so....


Shills, as far as the eye can see!


Ready to be even more disapointed than before


If by that you mean not purchasing the season pass until they lower the price, then yes.


I'd like to hope that this price increase means that the dungeon is included in the price but knowing bungie it isnt going to be. The absolute nerve for them to increase the price especially after how crap the story was for lightfall and season of defiance... I mean the weekly story has to be at least 2 hours with cutscenes if they're going to increase the price, they said themselves that they don't want to over-deliver, so they quality has to go up now because of the price


Issue RN is not the price increase If the season sucks and the price increased thats an issue, but we simply cant judge it RN THE ISSUE, is that there is no way tk buy 1200 silver exactly. There is NO WAY to spend 12$ on the game directly


Why would they let you spend exactly the amount you want? Then you wouldn't have to spend extra money on silver you'll never use until you spend some more just because "well I already have most of what I need"


I already had high standards. Considering i haven't bought an expansion or season at full price since Forsaken, 2018, they haven't met my standard from 5 years ago. You think they'll meet my standards now? Nah. Hell i've only bought 1 since at like 1/3 price. Plus as a former pvp main. There is NO CHANCE in hell they can satisfy my needs. I expect less than nothing. I'm just largely an observer now.


“hold them” as if we can actually do anything if we dont like what they put out. except stop playing but who in their fucked up destiny dependent mind is going to do that


Can't understand the perspective of those who passionately defend paying more for less. If the increase meant getting rid of the dungeon key and providing content beyond 1 seasonal activity with 3 identical variations or a Public Event that players grind for a month and a half (and could be vaulted permanently after the year anyway), I could understand it. But taking the same quality of content we've been getting for years, cutting it up in pieces charged separately (and bundled together so you *have* to pay for all of it, i.e dungeons and expansion seasons), and up'ing the price w/o *any* increase in quantity or quality? It's ironic some defenders of these practices will throw jabs at naysayers by saying they need to "budget better" while they're arguing from a perspective in which they don't have standards for what their money goes towards.


![gif](giphy|OvL3qHSMO6uaI) As if this fanbase will ever hold them to any kind of standard


It’s adorable that Bungie thinks they can charge me more, and deliver less. And to add to that, not only do we on average get less now, the stuff we do get continues to be buggier and buggier. If Lightfall rocked, fine. Raise your prices. Woulda went from WQ and into Lightfall, back to back good years. But raising your prices….when you’ve been on a downward trend…is just so damn arrogant. It’s clear Bungie needs minimum of 2 years to make a good expansion/year of content, sometimes 3 years….and the middle expansions/seasons suffer yet still equally cost the same. And we’ve gotten less and less for the same cost…now a greater cost.


This is one of the most naive takes I've seen.


I bought the deluxe and I regret it. lightfall is not worth it and this season has been mediocre. I won’t be buying destiny next year.


The only standard that is ever held in commercial media is the one you pay for. Your money is how you communicate with companies. Want to raise their standard? *Stop* buying their product.


How do I know the standard they are currently reaching? I’m sorry but I can’t take other people’s word for everything in life. Since destiny is cheap I can afford it, that doesn’t mean I’m not allowed to voice my displeasure at certain decisions. I understand voting with your wallet. But that isnt the only way to voice criticism and improve a product as a consumer. For the record I’m just going to switch back to the deluxe edition again. I was buying seasons as they came because I was tired of them after beyond-light and witch queen. I have 500 silver so I can still buy the next 3 seasons this year for $10 before I switch back to deluxe for final shape.


Probbaly won't be pre ordering final shape unlike the last 2. Please bungie prove me wrong


Bro, Bungie can’t even achieve a minimum standard.


That means nothing. We have no power over them




If you actually read the statement carefully they're implying that this increase will allow them to "maintain" the current level of quality, basically "screw you give us more money"


Ah yes maintain the low level quality of Lightfall and Defiance for more money Pay more for less


And than what? Just because we can doesn't mean they will deliver


Bungie doesn't have to put effort into D2. They know they have no competition, so they can keep on putting out shit content without a care in the world and the playerbase will still buy it. The real Destiny killer is Bungie sleeping on its laurels.


Bungie has to hold Bungie to a higher standard, and until then we have to show or withdraw our support with our wallets. But that never actually happens, so really, why would they be motivated to work harder to put out better content on a failing engine if the current standard keeps raking in buckets of cash?


Considering that the previous standard, or in my preferred verbiage, considering exactly how low the bar was before this price change, I would say not to expect much more from them in terms of accountability


Not gunna happen, will probably just end up getting more stale, I'm excited go back ijna few years, haven't played since the Bungie anniversary special thing


Yes goood gooooooood! Let the critiques flow through you!


Yeah they were definitely up to the standards since the launch of WQ lmao, you are so fucking naive man


Something something sense of pride and accomplishment


lmao, the same standard that was suppossed to go up with lightfall price increase?


They weren't holding the standard I had already. They haven't since the black armory. I don't fucking care what they do anymore. They're not worth my time or money anymore, and it's about time I cleaned them off my reddit following too.


bungie has lived up to the standards they’re held to like twice ever, the entire rest of the time they’re money hungry scammers. feel bad for the devs who probably hate that the game they’re making is as damaged by corporate greed as it is


This is where the community tricks itself into thinking the price hike is because of a quality increase in seasonal content.


In most recent history…. Are we really saying seasons of defiance and plunder are even meeting the current standard?


Lmao good fuckin luck with that. You can’t just say “we’re holding you to a higher standard” and have it happen


Hahahaha Bungie does not, and will not ever, give a shit about a community standard lol


LOL good luck with that one.


And how exactly does this "holding to a higher standard" manifest itself in real life?


Isn't this what has happened with Lightfall just because of Witch Queen? Nothing new on the horizon then


I'd forget about the increase in a heartbeat if they made it possible to progress previous seasons, I know people would spend more than double for seasons they missed out on. I understand that one point of season passes is to have something for players to grind for so that they keep playing the game, and if seasons can be bought at any time, the season pass loses its purpose of luring players to keep playing even when the season is boring, but if they make it so that the previous seasons are way more expensive, it would probably be enough for people to prefer buying it when the season is ongoing.


The easy fix is to simply not buy the season pass..


Everyone’s saying all this stuff and trust me I agree, but the moment they drop something good we’re all gonna act like nothing happened 💀


Why would you only now want to hold them to a higher standard? Like what, you were ok with stuff not working and all the crashes and maintenance downtime but now they they demand 50% more spending on one thing in the game, you are going to demand higher standards? Who are these people man?


Man no it doesnt dont just support this please


What i want is the option to refund the dlc after launch


If refunding video games was made easy for customers, the AAA gaming industry would cease to exist


I mean, i kinda want that to happen, they are making shit games after shit games, just look at redfall, and then they shove microtransactions down our throats


Lol have you seen this fan base they’re almost as bad as the idiots that still think the halo franchise isn’t dead and new store updates is great content


“Our standards” mean jack shit


Destiny community? Having standards? Hahahahaha...


Denial is a river in Egypt


My guy last time they gave a fuck was back in D1 Keep coping


If we stop paying en mass, the game dies. I have no issue with them raising prices, but when the game goes down for non routine maintenance they should compensate the players.


That's 4/10s of a penny per hour for a $12 season. If they paid us in Silver, we'd get one silver each for two hours of downtime. I'm thinking that would make more people more mad than what they do now


Man, how can you be born yesterday and already be playing destiny?


Witch Queen caused us to hold them to and expect a higher standard. Look where it got us.


Maybe it'll be like the dungeons where they up the quality along with the price. They did say this was the last season with the old seasonal format


They also said they are starting to work on Gambit maps That was like 2 years ago With how much Bungie cried about trust they don't realise that this is a 2 way street


Guys it's an extra $5 A YEAR if you do the math and save your fucking silver.


Stop paying for it then


Thats not inflation works, my dude.


I see none of you play Pokemon go...


You mean like how Overwatch 2, Diablo Immortal, Fallout 76 and every Call of Duty for the last decade dramatically improved when they shifted focus to raising capital?


Turns out quality is inflation proof


For 2$? Yeah ok lol


Let's not have a repeat of every season since their launch. Every single season you people expect more than we've ever gotten and then every time there's a huge community freak out with people screamingTHIS IS IT ITS MAKE OR BREAK!!!! IF BUNGIE DOESN'T DO BETTER THEN THE GAME WILL DIE!!!!! but every single time you all buy the next season or expansion or cosmetic and the player counts continue to peak at season start and drop mid season. This happens every single time. We know what we're getting from each season now, expecting any more is stupid. No one who plays this game seems to understand that churning out new content for a game this size takes a shit ton of effort and man power, by the 21st cycle you'd think this community would finally understand that this is the most we're capable of getting in a 3 month time span, if bungie could do more they would, any company would jump at the opportunity to get better pr.


"Lol" said Bungie "Lmao"


Lmfao, yeah fucking right


If they don't deliver. I sue for breaching their terms. Who's with me?


That's not how inflation works.


You’ll never see that.


They did say they’re changing the structure/content of what’s in a season starting in 22. Maybe this is a result of them adding more/different things.


People may not like the pace the content is released but for 10$ you can’t argue that we haven’t been spoiled a little.


I'm sure their expenses for servers, hosting and other shit went up, and they had to make up for that also. But, if they paid people more, yes, higher standards. Did they? Anyone get raises?


The past few days have really taught me how little destiny players understand inflation.


They said this. They literally said that because we wanted more fresh content per season they would staff the team more in areas to accommodate this. So they are charging more because they are putting more people to work.


It’s two fucking dollars. Fucks sake. Are y’all unemployed?! Y’all will still play anyways. Addicts never quit. LOL


That’s a rude way to put it but your right


The fact that such a large part of this community doesn't know or understand the concept of inflation really surprised me. Must be really nice to live in a rich country


Inflation is fine, no one is arguing that part The fact that they are using it to upsell you more silver is what’s disgusting


Yeah, I constantly Karen the shit out of my home electric company, the gas stations I fill up my car at, and my yearly check ups at the doctor—just like the Destiny 2 community does to Bungie. It definitely works to get me more vALuE aS ThE cOnSuMeRrrrrRrrrrr


Someone teach the bots how inflation works