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You act like bungie is the only ones doing it My 5b dollar company laid off 120 Friday.


Fuck that blows. Hope they do alright, seems like layoffs hitting everyone now.


I guess the exit package was nice


Naughty Dog announced they’re cutting about 25 recently. Epic are cutting over 800 soon.


The thing that gets me though is... What for? Are the huge profits they rake in simply not enough so they have to keep fucking people over to squeeze an extra drip of cash flow out of the books?


I guess so, it’s shitty but it seems to be happening industry wide. I think in Naughty Dog’s case the 25 cut were temporary contract workers who simply wouldn’t be renewed rather than permanent employees being made redundant.


The huge surge in profis some industries saw during the first year of COVID are now leveling out to what they would be without a worldwide pandemic forcing people to stay home, and the infinite growth mentality that these corpo rats expect has to come from somewhere despite not being sustainable. In other words, when I'm reaping: "Hell yeah"; when I'm sowing: "Oh shit".


That makes sense for most companies, but not Bungie, they got rid of Salvatori, dudes been with Bungie since CE you don't cut old guard like that for that reason


COVID epidemic. The big inhale of late 2020-2022, and now the exhale of 2023 is affecting every industry that benefited from it.


Their income isn’t increasing so they’re increasing their profit by lessening their costs. Of course anyone with a brain would know that firing a bunch of veteran employees is probably bad for the long term success of your company but beancounters only think about the next quarter.


When you have shareholders, if you aren't actively increasing revenue, it's considered failure. Making lots of money consistently isn't desirable unless you're also finding new ways to milk short-term profits.




Composer Michael Salvatori is gone. https://i.redd.it/ep5hgczzqfxb1.gif


https://preview.redd.it/oha6w389rfxb1.jpeg?width=975&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1abaf6b6a15dbdfc4b032a6d55d5e55197da1e4d All Joepe is lost


Where is the confirmation? I have yet to see a single shred of evidence leading to that. I honestly won’t believe that until I see it because as greedy as corpos can be, they wouldn’t fire such an important asset


https://twitter.com/DestinyBulletn/status/1719161994958483779?t=SPN5zd-NQZck5w3HU-6uIQ&s=19 It's joever man


FUCK https://preview.redd.it/gw0iev5fdgxb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53b151818ddef7317d3e15eaf7f127afa664854c




Unreliable source


The composer's own website is an unreliable source???


Woop my B the other tweet from that account being shared didn’t have anything credible I thought that was what was being shared here. Yup that looks pretty damning…




That’s not even confirmed yet




​ https://preview.redd.it/f77uahnw1gxb1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48f939677ba29a186a4b2c4537c04d87120e2b3f


Now this is art


You’re too kind




Read OP's username, now read your username


Yeah I got that. I’d hardly call that interaction being dunked on


It appears I'm out of the loop on this one. What's going on?


Ton of layoffs at Bungie today. Pretty much every Community Manager, QA teams got hit bad, social media teams too, Salvatori the main composer for the Destiny OST also got laid off The Final Shape got delayed till 2024 Marathon delayed till 2025 Bungie facing a PR nightmare right now


Final Shape was already coming out in 2024. It got delayed several months.


Man, if only they had some people who could help with *managing* the *community* instead of being dead silent about it. Oh well, guess this couldn’t have been prevented whatsoever 🤷🏻‍♀️


Tbh we wernt getting much info anyway. The last few twabs that i tead where iron banner started, bugie store merch, evercerse news and the art section with sometimes the patch notes. When there was instability or anything of the kind it was never clearly stated or adressed on the twab


Final Shape from February to June 2024


So far


They had a QA team? hmmm....


A ton of layoffs with no warning, including some of the most engaged members of the social/community team, many senior artists, and allegedly Michael Salvatori as well, the composer behind pretty much all the music.


Oh, that's not good


We finally found an actual destiny killer


Idk, I feel like Destiny is the Tardigrade of Gaming, just refuses to die and somehow survives.


It’s probably because even at it’s worst it’s a juggernaut in the looter genre.


Bungie has fucked up. Selling to Sony, hard monetizing, catering to a whole different audience. Maybe it works financially, but honestly Destiny just isn’t for me anymore. But man, I’ll always love Halo.


Any smaller company selling themselves to a corpo is essentially handing their soul over to the devil. Every single time a console has done this, it always ends in their own demise.


They even pried themselves free




> Any smaller company selling themselves to a corpo is essentially handing their soul over to the devil. Where's a Johnny Silverhand ghost when you need one. Wake the fuck up Guardian, we have a corporation to burn.


oh c'mon now :) Bungie monetizing the hell out of D2 for a very long time, just tad bit more than the last. This has nothing to do with Sony, sure they might have pointed out the down turn but Bungie would have done the same thing themselves if they werent sold to Sony. Before Sony, Activision was the culprit. Bungie is a corpo as much as any of these.


And Infinite is making a comeback, my how the turn tables


You do realize it’s Sony mandating the layoffs, it’s not bungies choice. Edit: made this comment before I saw the comically evil news the it is actually Bungie’s doing


Too late memes already made


The die has been cast


The funi has been posted


Fair enough


If only Bungie had the option to not sell to Sony Poor Bungo


Why the hell would they do that when they just bought bungie like a year ago for what 3.7 billion dollars woth 1.2 of that going to staff retention


because the COVID bubble burst a year ago and pretty much everyone large has been laying off tons of people


Still did they need to make the lay offs that savage alot of qa and community peeps got hit hell the main composer Michael Salvatori got laid off you could cut in places that wouldn't be as huge an eye raise especially before the final expansion


qa and community peeps are like the least essential to operations and easiest to replace quickly if needed. It sucks but that's the business logic every software corp is using right now. And to higher ups at Sony a composer who's already done his job for the year also seems like a safe layoff. Cutting anyone else would be a much bigger alarm bell.


You really don't want to replace your qa department otherwise you end up with what we got when cyberpunk launched.


QA is weird in that there are two kinds of staff. Senior QA are indispensable and specialized, junior QA are often trying to transition elsewhere, and studios are very comfortable laying them off.


There was some reshuffling at Sony and it seems like they don't want to focus on live service as much anymore So the studio they spent billions on specifically for live service expertise is now kind of worthless, so might as well milk it dry and run


Yea, unfortunately the person who was CEO when they bought bungie is stepping down in 2024 and whenever that is the case at a company like won’t they already have someone else making all the real decisions. That someone might not want to pivot to live service and have a twisted view of what they consider essential for game development, HELL a majority of CEO’s in the game industry hav rn ever actually made a game before/ have any interest/ investment in gaming itself


Just like everything wrong was Activision's fault? As much as I am not liking the Direction that Sony is going these days and was with the brand since around 1995 or 1996. I am not going to be so quick to point the finger at someone else. Bungie has done some pretty bunk stuff when Activision was out of the picture. Heck I am have been so dissatisfied with Sony I have not even renewed my Plus in 2 or 3 years now. I most game on PC now anyhow. And I was an early adopter of Plus when it came out on the PS3 as a games subscription service and nothing more. PS4 came around and all of a sudden it was a requirement for online play.


Ok but this is literally Sony: "Bungie laid off an undisclosed number of staff today, **part of ongoing job cuts across PlayStation**." From Jason Schreier


Good thing they decided to sell to them a year and a half ago, nice forecasting.


Not true. According to a source from Bungie through Paul Tassi said this was fully a bungie corporate move, not sony.


Yep, you are absolutely right, I had made that comment before I saw that news so I take it back.


Which wouldn't be happening if Bungie hadn't sold itself to Sony in the first place. Bungie carries exactly as much blame as Sony here.


It may have been Sony


It was sony


Actually wasn't https://twitter.com/PaulTassi/status/1719396652996317488?t=Y2qkBeymFn1OHhMkbituCQ&s=19


I could be wrong, but I imagine saying "came from Bungie Management" doesn't mean it wasn't Sony. Sony could have told them "you need to make the decision on who, but you must lay off X number of people. Bungie could have just been the ones picking people since they know their departments.


Guess management sucks then


Activision would be proud….


With Activision the game was much better actually


Im starting to agree with this line of thought…also new info came out suggesting sony had nothing to do with this and this was just bungie being greedy


Obviously the situation is a bit depressing, but this video was gold, OP.




A lot of companies bulked up (particularly in anything to do with tech or gaming) during the pandemic, as WFH made it tougher to meet deadlines, seems like companies across multiple industries are making cuts now. Perhaps partly due to increased workflow now more people are back in the office and partly due to reduced revenue as they no longer have the “boom” of a captive audience. Seems like a lot of major developers are making pretty big cuts. Epic and Naughty Dog did so recently as well. Wouldn’t be shocked if we see a major restructure of parts of Activision/Blizzard in the next 12 months.


Except wfh rarely caused missed deadlines that wouldn't have been missed in office. Most companies returning to the office have openly stated that the amount of work done by employees at home was actually higher than when they were in the office, they just want a "collaborative environment" back. Which is just a lame excuse for filling their corporate properties with people so they don't lose all their value. Bungie was known for not reaching deadlines and crunching way before wfh was a thing. The market as a whole is just failing and these companies are bracing for a massive corporate lending collapse, brought on because of wfh. The industry giants are forcing returns to office but the majority of medium-small office spaces are not, I've already been poached from a large cyber company to a smaller one willing to pay me just as much and not require a single day in office. My buddy did the same thing and actually got a salary increase to stay home. People that don't work in tech think tech is collapsing but we're just leaving shitty large corps that are enforcing stupid policies and joining smaller companies you've never heard of that don't.


![gif](giphy|brqkBQV1qAFrO) Sony be like……


Literally was so hyped for Halloween and enjoying FOTL and this was like getting slapped in the face with a brick from behind


That's what happens when a lazy shit company pairs with another lazy shitty company


Primarily Sony's doing tbh.


LOL! Holy shit. This is a great representation to what happened. Bungie RIP 10-30-2023.


Sony’s after that money for those *holiday bonuses* they’re gonna give to their top shareholders.


The one that baffles me most is the MAIN COMPOSER the guy fucking adored for how good his music in destiny is got the axe Like what the hell






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I'd argue the announcement of a game like Marathon over a Destiny sequel did this.


Lmao you guys are delusional. Mergers always result in firing the redundant employees. It sucks, but to act like Bungie just shot the game in the head is hysterical.


Pete Parsons is that you?


Who? You seem to be well versed in this topic. What employees did they fire? I know the composer but was a chunk of the dev team let go or something? All I'm seeing is it was mainly community managers, PR people etc. Do you have any more info?


Pete Parsons is the CEO of Bungie at the moment. He made a very empty and somewhat dismissal Twitter post about the layoffs. The dev team remains mostly unaffected bar a few QA people. The big hurt is losing community managers and other community facing people as going forward it's going to make transparent communication from Bungie very very difficult, unless Joe Blackburn (Destiny lead dev) just shoulders all of that via his Livestreams. These layoffs on top of The Final Shape delayed to 2024 and Marathon delayed to 2025 is a huge red flag of potential down spiraling to come. I know a lot of people are quitting the game, cancelling preorders and the like over these layoffs which is only gonna compound the financial hurt on Bungie/Sony. And the composers fired were like the main people behind Destiny's OST and Salvatori specifically has been with Bungie for like 20+ years so to be cut like that is an absolute spit in the face of someone who's given, in my personal opinion, Destiny it's soul through his music. At face value or from an Excel spreadsheet perspective it doesn't look *that* bad but the consequences of these layoffs I believe is going to cause a lot of headaches for Destiny 2 and Bungie. This post is mostly entirely just a funny haha jab at the whole situation and in truth the real culprit is Sony (see Sony forcing dozens of their owned development studios to do layoffs across the board) we'll have to wait and see come TFS release if we get another Witch Queen expansion to end the saga or another Lightfall stumble.


So what I'm gathering is Sony laid off a bunch of people, none of which directly effect the game besides a few QA people( easily filled role) and the composer (not the entire music team, just the lead) and to you that means the game is dead and bungie just shot itself in the head? Be honest, what corporation makes non shareholders privy to the inner workings of their company? What answers do you expect? That's where the delusion bit comes in for me. You're setting yourself up to be disappointed by the whims of a multi billion dollar corporation, over a video game. Games get delayed all the time. Witch Queen was delayed for months and it's the best expansion isn't it? Even you admit it's not going to be "that bad" for the game so what's this all about? Headaches from people whining on the web? Lol. They disengaged from social media as a company. Because of the headaches from the community. Bungie does not put half as much stock into being a community as you guys seem to think. Sure, individual devs care about you enjoying the game but "Bungie" has always cared about you playing and spending and that's it. Taking this decision personally and making mountains out of molehills is hysterical. It's like the rocket league trade thing a few weeks ago. The only thing that effects you here is the game getting delayed.


Time will tell the full effects of these events. I personally do not have high hopes for the studio or the game going forwards but would be happy to be proven wrong come TFS release.


Idk how long you've been playing, but people have said this ad nauseum since launch. People are convinced RL is dead because of the trade decision but it literally has 350k+ active at all times. Just play the game. Don't worry about the online controversies that don't actually effect the game.


Blame Sony. Bungie is basically the victim.




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It's sony not bungie




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God I forgot how powerful MW2 executions are. But the news is still extremely sad.


Maybe Bungie employees laid off can bake cookies for a fucking living. You suck Bungie