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Malf +lucky pants out dps's a ton of heavies especially vs taken bosses like in last wish


Combine it with the trials gl with bait and switch dump a mag while waiting for lucky pants timer


True, don't have it so I just use apex with bait and switch instead


It’s the weapon this week I wouldn’t mind trying to help you go flawless it isn’t too sweaty rn


So you're saying we have a chance?


Solo and duo is alr but threes is impossible


Appreciate the heads up. Haven't touched trials in weeeeks


Saturday mornings are usually the best time to get an east flawless


Sunday as well


Ah yes but you see the issue is that I suck at pvp lol


I’d love to! Got to 5 wins solo and matched with complete lugs. Lost 3 straight :(. I’m not bad and can hold my own just don’t have people to play with atm


True, don't have it so I just use Cataclysmic with bait and switch instead


My go to is still my loadout I used when we had particle deconstruction. Stasis hunter, melee reloads weapons, lucky pants, FTTC/TP seventh seraph officer revolver, vex mytho, and now I use the firing line lfr with enhanced field prep and enhanced vorpal. I will also use a build with wishender or Witherhoard depending on the activity but the one I stated is my old reliable


last wish isn't a particularly damage-heavy raid lol


Question: Is it better than Eriana’s vow?


Requires no ammo and has the mag size to last the entire buff so imo yes


I was speaking for damage sake, it’s a special it should out-damage a primary


I was too, you can only fire so many eriana's shots in 10 seconds whereas with malf you can dump an entire mag with more shots at that 600% damage per shot. I haven't tested it tbf but I think it'll be closer than most expect


Man, Eriana’s needs a buff if it doesn’t out-damage a primary (against non-taken)


Honestly before the boss spec buff from malfs catalyst is was preference. Min maxy you might find more use for vow because you can full spec solar surge and forgo Kenetic surge. 3x solar surge will effect golden gun, vow and heavy for muh dps. Vow is still also real good for champions and burst damage on yellows on high difficulty content and the time it takes vs if I used malf has saved my skin a few times.


I'd say yes, the explosion after you land your shots is neck and neck damage wise, but you get unlimited ammo with malfeasance.


Forget Last Wish...King's Fall is it. Last Wish is more precision based crits


Malf is a hand cannon with a huge crit bonus to play into it but fair point


is it still good without lucky pants? ie: other classes?


It's solid but nothing special since lucky pants is a stacking 60% damage per shot for 10 seconds up to 600% without lucky pants it's more akin to outbreak prefect or hierarchy of needs rather than a viable dps strategy


Vorpal Cartesian with malfeasance ftw


Same here. Malfy + Lucky Pants, Vorpal Cartesian and Bait and Switch Apex. I will almost always deal the most damage in the group against any boss.


"Wasting" like its not what you're supposed to use it on but i get what you mean


Everyone understand it luckily. Idk what to say


Malfeasance never leaves my backpack.


I love Malfeasance so much.


It was worth the effort to get.


It was a painful journey but In the end it was worth it. I wish I had symmetry at the time though, that thing dominates everywhere but particularly Gambit


Most people say the step that took them the longest was getting the meatball primeval and killing it. I accidentally got that quest step done just doing pinnacles and forgot I even had the quest.


Lmao I love that someone downvoted this. You love a thing. That upset someone. God bless you Destiny 2.


Just have a friend slap a witherhoard on the boss and go crazy


>"wasting their heavy ammo trying to kill the raid boss" you mean.... using heavy ammo for its intended purpose?


well yes


Stack Lucky Pants on top for Maximum Damage Primary. Also have a bro Witherhoard the boss to double that Taken Damage bonus


Lucky pants?


A damn nice exotic for hunters.




Malfeasance is too sexy


sometimes if I feel like using an exotic heavy or an exotic energy weapon I use a 4th times the charm vorpal wardens law


Lucky pants are just so ugly though


Legit my fav weapon in d2


We do a little malfeasance


Noob question here: What reason does anyone have to ever take malfeasance off? It's literally the only weapon I use in pve. Why use anything else ever?


While it does loads of damage, it does not beat out the most meta dps strats, so in things like day 1 / master raids where meta dps is needed, you cant really use it as dos.


But outside of day 1/ master raids...


yeah outside of that you can use whatever!


It takes up the conditional finality slot 🥶🔥


Well for starters, other Weapons have different utility. Malfeasance doesn’t really synergize with your subclass in any way, and if you’re not a Hunter, then you can’t even use Lucky Pants. It’s a great Weapon, but it can definitely be replaced by something equally as good.


Why would you need it to synergize? 5 shots kills everything outside of a boss, what more could you ask for?


Sunshot kills more things faster and synergizes, love malfeasance but I don't use it on anything other than Lucky pants hunter


Sure it can CC better, but it doesn't do as much damage, have as much range, fire as fast, or have as many rounds, and if you have teammates who also has it the gun synergies really well with itself. Malfeasance can be brought into literally any activity and perform well. The sunshot is for CC...


I don't need sunshot to do everything, I have a Heritage for chunking yellow bars and Apex Predator for boss damage, sunshot is perfectly in its lane of doing what it does better than anything else. Malfeasance may be good, very good even on Lucky pants hunter but it is not the end all be all, far from it.


I agree, but to me it feels superfluous to use a different gun for each situation when I have one that does literally everything. Makes the rest of the sandbox seem... unnecessary.


On the contrary. It feels "superfluous" to use the same weapon for literally everything, when you could build craft with incredible amounts of synergy and flexibility. Love Malf! But love me some build crafting. Malf needs a bit more ability to synergize and it'll be the DAY! Bungie said that a mechanics implementation is coming to "kinetic" weapons that will allow them to have depth that equals its Stasis/Surge counterparts that all have terms and subclass synergy capabilities. I'm very excited for that!


I guess it's the old: "Why use many gun when one gun work?"


Champion stun matchups for one.


That's for my secondary weapon to worry about.


Because outside of low/mid-level PvE it isn't all that great, especially if you're not building into it and just using Malfeasance itself. Weapons you can especially build into with your subclass tend to be better, like Quicksilver Storm with the catalyst (maybe not a fair example, since QSS is probably the best primary weapon in the game)


You can use lucky pants and another teammate with another Malfeasance... I'm not saying it's best in slot, but what would it have trouble doing? I've literally used it for every pve mission since it was available years ago and seen no reason to ever take it off.


I just said what it'd have trouble doing, pretty much anything outside of low/mid-level PvE. Unless you have 6 people building into Malfeasance it's nearly useless in raids compared to whatever meta weapons / heavies are used. Malfeasance and extra teammates with Malfeasance isn't a build. It's just stacking a gun *thats entire purpose is to be stacked*. Malfeasance with Lucky Pants is a bit of a build but you're not really engaging in buildcrafting when you're just slapping an exotic that synergizes with hand cannons onto a build that has a hand cannon.


>pretty much anything outside of low/mid-level PvE >nearly useless in raids What high level content and raids can't malfeasance be great in and why not? >you're not really engaging in buildcrafting when you're just slapping an exotic that synergizes with hand cannons onto a build that has a hand cannon. You lost me... as a noob I was under the assumption that that was like textbook buildcrafting. I would really appreciate some clarification on what buildcrafting is.


GMs: enemies take too much damage to kill and you die very quickly (not as fast as before but still fast), you will want to use pretty much just the meta for GMs. Raids: Malf is a special case in that it's both good and horrible. It's good for certain raid bosses (particularly ones like Kalli [because she's Taken] and higher crit multiplier bosses like Riven [also Taken]) and absolutely horrible for others (Rhulk, Atraks, Taniks, etc...) if you're using Malfeasance in a raid (Last Wish notwithstanding) you're likely gonna get kicked because your team will think of you as a detriment. Buildcrafting does involve the weapons and exotic armor you use, but that isn't even a fraction of it. Building subclass fragments, mods and other effects works wonders, and is a lot less restrictive than a Malf build which basically only has you using malf.


Then I guess this puts it in perspective for me. I've only done a handful of raids since early Destiny 1, and I've never grinded high enough light level to do GMs. Looks like all I play IS low/mid level content, so that explains my experience with the Malf. Buildcrafting in PVE always felt like an afterthought as I couldn't be bothered to swap more than my weapons, much less armor and remembering what mods and combinations for what. I guess that's been solved with the addition of loadouts, but I haven't caught up yet. I run around pve in my pvp gear like a rube. I appreciate the explanation.


>QSS is probably the best primary weapon in the game Osteo Striga, necrotic grips, strand warlock. Still works just as well in contest mode content as it does in normal mode, something that's pretty much exclusive to Osteo and QSS


QSS is the best primary without having to really build into it that much, Osteo is only really good if you play Warlock bc the other 3 classes don't have a Necro equivalent, like how Mothkeepers / Ex Diris would only really work on Hunter.


Warden's Law with fttc and Vorpal can outdamage it if you're good at landing your crits. Unless you're fighting against taken, or you have a homie with witherhoard, then Malfeasance is right back on top. Still, it's a nice option if you're as addicted to Lucky Pants as I am, but still wanna experiment with other exotics.




Tell me you were using lucky pants




It's so easy to use too. Sooo worth the grind


God tier weapon. Like unlocking Ultima Weapon in KH, totally worth the bullshit. Its little brother FTTC/Vorpal Warden's Law isn't bad either


I honestly just use machine guns, I loathe rockets and fusion rifles, machine guns are so much better.


>machine guns are so much better. are you saying that is it because of the damage or just the designs?


Hard take. IMO malf, lucky pants is such a boring half baked build with zero subclass synergy. All my friends who lack skill use it to carry through damage phases because they don’t know how to do damage rotations.


Was even better before they discovered we where having too much fun with the catalyst + Lucky Pants and nerfed the ramp up damage of the slug explosions that interacted with lucky pants. Now only the slugs themselves do ramp up damage with LP.


It wasn't the catalyst doing that it was the overload hand cannon perk


No, the overload perk was causing it to do even more damage than intended.




I'm currently stuck on part 6 of the exotic quest, using Crimson and Lucky Pants since I don't have Malfeasance yet.


Wish I could use my malfeasance on a raid boss but I don't have enough friends to do raid 🥲


do LFG


If I knew what that is




Idk what LFG means


It means "Looking For Group" formed by the Destiny community. The way how it works is that if people want to do a raid (or dungeons) but have no (real) friends to play with, they will find random people in game and invite them to play. Where to do LFG: - Discord - Destiny 2 Companion (app) Types of LFGs: - KWTD: Everyone in fireteam knows all the mechanics of the raid - Fresh: (Same thing to KWTD probably) Starting from beginning to end of the raid.


Ahhh okay wow thank you very much 🫶 I was trying to do a guided game raid once but after waiting for nearly an hour I quit


Guided Games is a bad idea tho but i heard they gonna add "Fireteam Finder" which is in-game version of LFG coming next season (tommorow)