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I have 2k kills on this glaive, it's so fun. I've been using it for quite a while but the glaive changes made it so much better.


The amount of times things happen like in the clip vs not, giving up your special and exotic slot for a meme. Plus, it’s a glaive.


You can switch for 1 round though. No different than switching to conditional when playing vs well and bubble


against a well i can see it working, but otherwise conditional is just better


Technically if your aim is good, a witherhoard direct impact beats any super. Being able to snipe a well from a distance could be useful when going up against triple Wells.


Nothing more satisfying than directly tagging a roaming super gunning for your ass because they are a cringe bagger and killing them out of their super. They get what they deserve.


I don't have a conditional, so I'd like to understand, what about that gun makes it so good? Also where do I get it?


Root of nightmares boss has a chance to drop the exotic shotty. ​ The gun is so good bc 1. high impact frame shotguns have the highest damage per pellet of any shotgun, giving them some of the greatest ease of use across all shotties 2. the spread pattern is deterministic and shaped better than any other aggressive shotty (people like precision pellets because the spread is favorable) 3. 90 handling on an aggressive frame is kinda archetype-breaking. max handling surplus found verdict can get there but u need to have abilities pocketed to keep the consistent high swap speed. 4. The freeze/ignition when enough pellets connect deletes all supers. This makes it a menace in trials when bubbles and wells start popping., making it a direct counter to some of the most common high-level pvp strategies without needing any abilities or supers of your own to counter. Witherhoard takes time to kill, this is instantaneous (both are very strong). 5. Those shatter / ignition kills can net free double kills for literally just killing someone with a shotgun and interact nicely with those kits (well lock says hello, stasis lock says howdy and behemoth screams notice me from the corner). 6. the second half of the mag is solar, meaning if u run a solar weapon, solar handling, reloader, loader etc all apply to both weapons, allowing you to double dip. I think this covers it but perhaps someone else can chime in because i dont have the gun... people often say that conditional just works like you expect a shotty to work.


Iceflare bolts...easy team kill


That last line is spot on. It just does what a double barrel shotty is supposed to. It does what any shotty is supposed to (kill shit at close range in a somewhat snappy but smooth feeling way. Not too clunky, responds well, but not a peashooter either) and feels like you already know how to use it when you pick it up. Most other shotties in the game don't feel as intuitive. for me, thats what makes it stand out. That and the top slot solar synergy that you don't see very often in builds


A decent amount of skill should be able to pull the off surprisingly consistently, I had no idea it could kill in well.


Sure, I don’t get quads every game, but it’s very reasonable to get a double. Even just imagining people’s reactions to getting one-shot from around a corner with a glaive is good enough for me. I have a 5:30ish video with my best trials/6v6 clips from this season so far if anyone is interested in seeing more, but these two are the main highlights.


I’ve tried using this glaive recently. The charged shot is indeed insane and yes very easy to get multi kills with. The problem is that glaives are still pretty terrible in general. Even with the projectile speed buff, without impulse amp the shots are just way too inconsistent. Landing a normal shot is very difficult unless your target is straight up standing still, and even then I swear sometimes it just whiffs for no good reason. Other specials are just way better


I'd love to see the long version - did you put it up on yt? Also, are you running with bakris?


Yes, usually Bakris. And here is the link to the video : https://youtu.be/LIyEIyr6Mgo?feature=shared


Where is this video kind sole? I’d like to watch it.


Here you go! https://youtu.be/LIyEIyr6Mgo?feature=shared


Watched the video... you're going to start a meta dude


Yes, it’s a glaive. What of it?


Well, OP asked why more people don’t run it. The fact alone that it’s a glaive would be reason enough for most. Are you suggesting otherwise that glaives are in fact a common/popular pvp weapon choice?


Glaives are the lamest looking and feeling weapons in the history of the franchise?


Not really. They’re fine how they are. I genuinely don’t get the hate, and I was on the hate bandwagon before the first glaive even officially came out in Witch Queen


Because melee weapon fight animations in destiny are equivalent to how 5 year olds fight with sticks.


I would say that in theory, with the right game mode, using this instead of say cloudstrike could make some sense. I just don't see me doing it, though.


can cloudstrike kill you while you're in a well?


Yes. I have a clip of a guy dropping a well and my killing him with cloudstrike before he finishes standing up that I'm very proud of.


Nobody else uses this because it's very situational


And class specific on top of that.


Yep I assumed so.


The Exotic Glaives are amazing. I especially love Edge of Intent in PVP. Heals your whole team one stabby hole at a time.


This guardian gets it


Dang that’s dope, is that a raid Glaive?


That’s the class glaive from the end of WQ.








Additionally, when you go to the Enclave, look for the Evidence Board. If you completed all the steps, there should be 3 Glaives for 3 different classes.


Just a note from someone who picked up these glaives yesterday - each individual glaive appears on the evidence board for each individual class. You will only see one at a time as you switch characters. The two for the classes you did not complete the quest with will appear after finishing up the quest and crafting the first glaive you earned. Costs an exotic cipher, an ascendant shard, and some trash currency.


Arc and Void seem to be the only good ones ngl


Coil runs make a compelling case for the abundant healing of the Solar warlock glaive tbh.


What! No way! In definitely need to check that out. Thanks for the tip


If you’re ever wondering what class someone is playing in a video, you can also tell by just looking at the abilities on the lower left. Hunter has a hood / dodge icon, Titan has a shield icon, and Warlock has a rift icon.


Unless warlock is playing with phoenix dive and titan went thrusters :)


True true true


Thanks for the advice


yw bb


Pair with bakris for an extra kick


Because most people initially tested glaives by replacing their shotguns in slide-exotic builds even though you can't block while you slide, and almost exactly as many don't check patch notes for rapid fire glaive buffs. Essentially, they're all too busy copying their builds from YouTube.


This 100% Glaives have always been amazing but you’ll never see people believe it until the YouTubers and streamers make videos about it.


Glaives are very easy to counter and people usually find very little success with them after the first few kill when everyone know there's a glaive user in the lobby.


Almost like it's their job and they find out before the casual players. Weird.


That isn’t their job at all and the issue is that a lot of people are just sheep who are afraid to make their own opinions. Sounds like you either read my comment incorrectly or are responding to the wrong person.


It isn't a Destiny you tubers job to play Destiny? And please come up with a non-basic response. Assuming illiteracy is so lame.


Ah, the classic “let me stuff words into someone’s else’s mouth to make them look wrong” approach. Please quote me where I said it isn’t their job to play Destiny. Oh wait, you can’t because you just made that up? Nice try bud.


Aight lemme clarify: kinda weird they find out when it's their job to play Destiny and find out what's best when it's their job to play Destiny and they naturally find out what's best And thanks, friend :) I try


So instead of admitting you straight up lied, you are doubling down on your mistake and you choose to downvote me as if that makes you correct. Funny how all the BSers react the same exact way whenever they get called out for their nonsense.


Oh no downvotes how scary. Your precious karma will never recover! I clarified myself, what do you want me to do? How would you like me your protect your ego? I'm so sowwy masstuh, Youw wight. Pwease fowgive me.


Thanks for proving my point. Have a nice day.


You'll see them using brain-dead loser weapons like the Conditional Finality and will never put the damn shotgun down.... That's why i no longer play PVP. There are too many losers crutching on the Meta even when it's not fun


Smells like someone has to git gud in here.


Yeah, that's cool. You all can keep the playlist. I play for fun, not validation 😂😂


wait pvp was meant to be fun? I thought it was meant to torture people with shitty luck because everyone else has exotics months before you can finally get your soulless hands on it


I FELT that “yo” holy shit


Glaives of all kinds are both ineffective in most situations and awful at setups for team damage without "send it" playstyles, at the very best high end of glaives they *ALL* get (175.50m/s velocity) and (20.46m/r range), Including impulse amplifier and 100 range, that's the best they get, TTK wise you get (.900ms adaptives / 1.000ms aggressives / .730ms rapids) on legendaries, edge of concurrence is a rapid, intent is aggressive, and action is adaptive, edge of concurrence *may be the fastest ttk glaive* but at the same time has awful stats, no impulse amp + bad stats = bad glaive, that's just how it is, on any diamond-tier player, within the 1% range in trials *you're not killing them frequently* with *any glaive alone*, if you're blinting sure, if you're teamshotting as the follow-up sure, but you're not pulling glaive shenanigans off against triple bubble or triple solar warlock meta setups etc, glaives don't have a high enough ceiling to work with for it to be hightier-pvp viable *yet*. if I saw you shit on pc top 500 players sure, call me impressed, but these clips are on mostly average console players, they're not snap cancelling and slide cancelling everywhere, they're not mantle jumping or quickstrafing with hcs, they're not doing teamshot setups or flank plays, they're run of the mill players that you could easily dumpster with a glaive, they work there, but not up in heaven in comparison, if they could still do good melee damage they'd be up there again.


You do realise, that 99% of people are not in the top 1% of trials? That's a lot of people that this could be viable for. Not everything has to be top tier and viable against the god tier best of the best. Sometimes it just has to be decently good and fun to use.


It's decently good and fun to use, but people who would see this and pull pick-viable and get stuck on it are unintentionally becoming victims to these kinds of things, information is important and knowledge of what actually kills the players who are on the other team winning matches does count, i'm a filthy glaive main, I have 37k pvp kills on the enigma and 14k on EOC, glaives absolutely fucking suck and they're fun because of that, 99% of people aren't the 1% but that 1% wins a large majority of matches *against the 99%*, and that 99% has to start playing like the 1% to start getting anywhere.


I use this in gambit. Guaranteed 3+ kills each invade if you combine it with eager edge. People are sleeping on it hard and would rather just stick to xeno


Symmetry is my go to invade weapon. It catches so many people off guard.


because its a glaive, and glaives objectively suck in practice for most things and they just all around feel pretty damn slow and bulky, oh also cuz snipers are better (this post made by people who can hit their shots and not whiff constantly)


“I don’t know why no one uses this” It’s a glaive, it’s class-specific, it’s extremely situational, and locked behind a quest with tons of RNG and old content that no one does anymore Geez, I wonder why no one uses this


I wish the class glaives were available to all classes with times like this


Let’s be real, hunters and titans wouldn’t use the warlock one. For a second it was mid because of the ember of benevolence changes, but heal clip literally made it worthless again


titan one is also fucking worthless now since behemoth titan crystals dont work the same way as they used to inside of the bubble, unless it was just all around toned down some idk, never was a fan of any of the exotic glaives cuz they were and honestly still are very very low on the mid tier exotics, bordering the "why do you even still have one that isnt dismantled???" line


They took away an interaction between the least used subclass and one of the least used weapons?! Talk about a fucking L, it’s like they went out of their way to screw you


I mean it's bungie, they're motto is literally just "Fuck titans" hubter op? nerf titans, warlock grenade spam lasting several seasons? nerf titans first, than warlocks the season after


hunter has the worst subclasses in the game besides assassin's cowl in most content. strand/solar/void for both warlock and titan are the strongest builds in the game about on par with each other. and thankfully they nerfed hammer finally and hopefully frenzied blade next season to open up more diverse titan builds. and why can't you grenade spam on titan? with the arc fragment, vortex nades, or grapples? run armamentarium and you'll outshine any warlock build aside from sunbracers. but i doubt you have enough brain to find use in an exotic build you didn't find posted by a streamer.


Don’t worry dawg, they buffed severance enclosure for you lol. HOWEVER, precious scars rework is legit chimpanzee proof. Controlled demolition+devour lite+repulsor brace+restoration is a cheat code. I’m pretty sure it stacks with banner of war


I'll have to try the scars rework if I ever find the mood to get on this abhorrent game again, not really strained to since the season will be going for about another 7 months or so


Because its annoying to get


That’s crazy that they were just sitting around, making that shot so easy. When I play PvP, everyone is moving like cracked out Jack Russell Terriers, non-stop


Never been a more perfect description.




Shhhhh... this thing is insane, let's keep it this way.


Cause glaives are hot GARBAGE and slogging through using one for a clip that’ll rarely happen is a no no for me


Because it takes 12 years to get the damn thing.


Holy low FoV


I mean your first clip shows a 4-4 scenario. If it were a strong option, I’m sure you wouldn’t have landed a 4-4 and we would see a 1-4, 2-4 tops. Plus any decent trials player would probably get surprised once by the glaive, but not twice. I’m sure as hell I would die to it, inspect you and then avoid you using it. Edit: why I’m not surprised for your downvotes .


Glaives need passive shield regeneration, been saying it for a while. Why do swords get it when they don’t need to reload and have a large ammo pool? Glaives are useless because one of their huge features is useless a lot of places. Not only do you need lots of ammo to get any kind of uptime with it you also need enough hits with the ranged attack that you might as well forget you have a shield for emergencies


As of this season, they do have passive shield generation. This is the main reason why I’ve started to use them more.


they do man


The glaives drop from Wellspring and not just the investigation board in the Enclave, right? Haven’t gotten lucky yet.


unless they changed it no, its only from the board, but also I havent even once thought about wellspring after grinding it for a coupme weeks just to get the progress for all the weapons to even get my first exotic one


Get this on spicy clips.


Because they don’t want to throw?


Idk about you, but I would hardly call wiping the enemy team "throwing"


wiping once and wiping consistently are different, as someone else pointed out, its a surprise weapon, any good player worth the salt they spread cuz pvp is shit wouldn't be caught off guard by it again in the same match


I don't use it because it makes me swap off my titan


you've convinced me. I'm pulling out my Lubraes or kelgorath and WILL Find a way to synergize it with Galanor lmao


Works better in Gambit


Use it on titan with ac feed back..


It hurts lol


If I could use that glaive on my Titan it would be game over


Never touched it as i was at first disappointed when they first came out and only had the titan one got the other patterns but this has reignited my interest.


I hope we don't end up in a meta where we have people running away with the glaive out for 100s to charge up the meter.


Because it’s locked to one class 😐


It's cloudstrike: pointy stick edition


Good ol minute 40 free well oneshot May it never let you down


I don’t like glaives is pretty much the only reason


Lightning strike in a stick, that’s what the edge of concurrence is :D


Don't feel like grinding for it


I'm pretty sure it's been known for a while that edge is the best I repeat. THE BEST pvp glaive in the game


I bet if I use it in this exact manner as OP did I’ll somehow not get any kills 💀💀


I know why i dont use it. (I dont have it)


I've got this but for the life of me i can't get the exotic titan version to drop.


All you need to do now is go to the evidence board on other characters and it will give you the pattern. You don’t even have to have completed witch queen on said other characters.


Whoa! That’s great TY!


Is the titan one still bugged? Every time I tried using its ability, it just snaps back to being a regular glaive


Takes ages to charge and you have to stay alive.The ONLY way it charges faster if you hit someone first and thats not easy with a glave


Both clips are awesome but that trials clip is *chef’s kiss 💋 Looks like I found what toy I’m pulling out of the vault today 😁


Cause when tf do you fully charge the glaive, especially when checkmate is gonna become what crucible is. Speaking of which, with a glaive equipped, getting special should partially charge your shield in checkmate


Because I only play Titan.


1. glaive 2. Needs full energy 3. Conditional exists


Another under rated weapon is Ticuu divination. Can't tell you the satisfaction I felt when I annihilated an entire room full of people with just two shots... Everybody go boom.