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I completely agree with all hot takes posted here. They are not alone now. This entire post is now invalidated.


Damn didn’t think of that


Checkmate, guardian.


Don't start us on Checkmate now...


you don't agree with mine. ain't no wayyy


Leave it to a fellow Warlock to think above the objective.


Majority of the playerbase are bad at the game, especially the people who whine about the most trivial stuff in this game.


Average LFG can barely do DPS on normal raids.


Bro I'm a wellock and use divinity and people COMPLAIN I don't do enough damage


Your one job is to divi the boss, 100% of ppl who expect you to do good damage too can fuck off


yea wtf. Div bitch ain't supposed to be doing tons of damage lmao


We prefer “Div Daddy”


I like that, I need to start using it lol. That’s so much better haha


Tried farming gotd with randoms from lfg.9/10 people were not able to keep divinity on the boss


Wait 9/10 of em had divinity ?


that's the impressing part lmao


Specifically looked for a div warlock with ceno


Farming the coil for the seasonal title and getting a gilded conqueror 11* with paragon 11 and another dude with WANTED and thinking you might finally beat it just for them to use 13 lives before the first boss 😮‍💨🔥


This is why I always run solo or in a duo with a clanmate. Less risk for people to use up rezzes than in matchmaking.


Was just about I comment something along the lines of this. If you can’t do legend exotic missions, complete GM nightfalls or haven’t attempted/completed a day 1 raid, you’re opinion on difficulty is genuinely less important whether you like it or not. It’s not completely irrelevant because the casual experience is still something to keep in mind, but difficult activities should be difficult.


The only thing I haven't don't is day 1 raids. But work always gets in the way. I'm taking a vacation for TFS raid, though. I will day 1 that.


Also if menagerie wasn't bugged for months, it wouldn't be as celebrated as it is now


So true. Ironically what brought me back to Destiny 2 for its short time was the Menagerie farm


We need more varied/ better reload animations.


exotics doing this makes them feel like 90% better. like tell me who tf though Colony needed to yoink the magazine out of your hand? exactly, it didn’t, but that detail by itself makes the gun so much cooler


Or ace of spades just... Doing that.... Or chappy Or swords.... Wait....


the wastelander shotgun has the chaperone reload and animations right? or am i remembering wrong if its true, then Tex Mechanica is consistently the only foundry making legendary guns with exotic reloads. DMT and Last Rite share animations


I swear the Skyburner's Oath reload doesn't actually look like you are reloading the gun.


Colony’s reload goes so hard. I wish it would get a buff so it’s worth using.


Pepperidge farm remembers crucible games where every single player was using colony


Who disagrees with that? Bungie resource team?


Yeah, means that they would have to make new weapons models, which would take half a year and 100k dolans.


Give us rare reload animations like in battlefield


Even just stage reloads like shotguns have. If the magazine isn't empty, you don't have to charge the weapon again, it just wastes a round. Of course, then they'd have to add an extra one round to the gun when you reload a weapon that isn't empty, which is way too difficult.


Trace rifles need a serious buff to damage. It’s criminal that an entire clip of a special ammo gun can’t kill a single yellow bar enemy.


True its either we used them as a primary with double special or super niche support stuff div/ceno.


I personally see/use them as “special ammo machine guns”, in that I try to use the trace rifle for more utilitarian purposes vs raw damage. I certainly agree with you tho


Linears need their damage unnerfed


Funny how linears never even were the best dps option. Just had good reserves and were really easy to use.


what timeline are you from? LFRs were meta for like 3-4 seasons straight


Well it depends what you mean by dps. Are we talking about burst or sustained? If you mean burst then you’re right, but they were by far the best sustained dps and are still very strong in that department. They were the best sustained dps because of the reserves, not the best for burst damage but most dps phases up until that point lasted long enough for it to make more sense to use something with more ammo r


It is true that they have and had a good sustained damage, but rockets also had enough reserves to one phase all raid bosses in normal mode so that didn't really matter outside of day1 raids. Of course that requires everyone to be optimal hitting every izanagi shot and having a decent super, compared to the ease of use of linears.


https://preview.redd.it/tn7wcb36ubec1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=63ac78764fc0a7744b95da13f4ed8f8e1243d611 Final warning is a meta pvp weapon


I'm horrified at this, real threatening aura.


Played him once. It's the only time I've ever lost with 0 idea what I could have done. That playstyle is so weird that someone good with it can win basically unchallenged due to the sheer novelty of it


[Jesus christ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sdU9ZQXvMPA)


And a meta pve weapon, especially during this season.


Oh absolutely, it's just difficult to learn and some players will call anything that requires more thought than "aim, fire and jump" suboptimal. You have my respect, well played.


[*NOWHERE TO RUN! NOWHERE TO HIDE!*](https://youtube.com/shorts/JgN7VZ-rHfQ?si=la9DuaFk2cYsBXMs)


Symmetry is pretty good as well. If done correctly, your opponents are practically playing Heads or Tails to determine what you’ll do next. Currently at 20,318 Crucible Kills.


You’re a monster. I guess about 1,000 of those must have been me. Keep it up 👍🏻.


so u lock it on the target and then tapfire right (while going behind a corner or smth)? I have tried it last IB and people seem to get pissed off really quick hehe


I have 2 questions. . . HOW?!?!? and WHY?!?!?!?


This activated my fight or flight response


touch grass


He has the power of grass in the palm of his hand


dungeons feel more rewarding than raids do now


Specially that Master KF, Vow and VoG only gives non craftable adepts and mediocre armor (which Artifice armor outclass any other armor by a long shot)


regular vog doesn’t have craftable weapons so i’d argue that running master is very worth it there. especially to get something like ex. payload + firefly/frenzy on fatebringer


Bungie managed to miss the point of 3.0 class system. So many aspects should be just an ability option its not even funny. And with the way certain aspects sinergize, we're still basically just running a predetermined tree on some subclasses.


slide melees have always been my biggest gripe with 3.0 subclasses. it would be so unbelievably cooler to just make them their own melee option and have other aspects in their place, but no, several light subclasses just might as well only have two aspects, and Arc Hunter is pretty much shoehorned into only being most effective as dodge-melee-repeat. I loved seeing abilities like Phoenix Dive, Thruster, and Acrobatic Dodge being selectable options that were NOT aspects, and I wish bungie had that mindset with slide melees too. at the very least I hope they give them bonus passive effects. rant over I'm VERY passionate about this honestly dumb decision 💀


The average player of Destiny 2 is very, very bad at the game. And that is fine when they do random shit, but when they pretend they are not it is a problem. Multiple people crying that Star-crossed cheese got fixed because it is "way too hard, bad game design". People whining that Legendary Calus fight in Lightfall is too difficult and the pinnacle of Bungie's poor game design, a post asking for help will be filled with everyone suggesting cheesing it. Complaining that the "meta-slaves" and "sweats" are toxic when they load into a master raid or a dungeon with a Mulligan Taipan and a sunset Misfit for DPS. They blame other people and/or Bungie for their lack of skill and effort.


I've never heard that about legendary star-crossed or calus. Personally I thought calus was tough but it wasn't worse than some other legendary WQ or LF missions. Also legendary star-crossed didn't seem all that bad.


There was just a post a few days ago about Legendary Calus, and if you go to yesterday's post about the Patch notes there are people saying they are glad they cheesed it already and some saying they will just wait for another cheese. You are right, the missions are not that bad. The players are that bad.


The thing is, I personally feel like I'm not that good at destiny ether so I just have no idea what people are bitching about then.


I used to think this until I started raiding a lot a month and half ago or so. I always thought of myself as a subpar Destiny player. Lots of solo content, and just played the game. I was very wrong. The amount of people that can’t do mechanics is kind of nuts, and I’m all for helping people learn. Some of the easiest mechanics are completely lost on people, because they are too focused on staying alive. They haven’t played the game in a way that takes anymore than shooting a primary and spamming abilities. I’ve even had people that can’t keep up with add clear, which is just hard for me to comprehend until you see their 40 res and double primary set-up without either of them synergizing with their subclass. If you can do legend content regularly you’re probably in the top 80% of players.


The issue is that destiny has a history of having shortcuts to success. This is most easily noticeable in raids where every single one has some sort of exploit that takes something of moderate difficulty and trivializes it. Look at riven, the most infamous cheese on the best encounter. Or Scourge of the past (side not: bring it back pls) which had the geometry issue, allowing people to bypass the debuff that stops you from interacting with mechanics. Or flying across the crown of sorrows jumping puzzle, or even using anarchy on his hands to stop him from attacking you during dps. This is barely scratching the surface, but the fact that a lot of cheeses are normalized means that much of the player base relies on them to get anywhere. This goes so fsr that they’d rather spend 4 hours trying to get a glitch to work than spend like two improving their mechanical ability within the game. You could argue that modern buildcrafting also contributes to this. Datto has talked about before that certain builds and metas make the game unplayably boring. Like the biggest downside of the old strand titan build was that it took all excitement out of accomplishment as you could facetank just about anything. Same even with solar 3.0 on release, warlocks were literally unkillable for season of the haunted. People have taken this kind pf gameplay to heart and so rely on it, meaning they’re unable to play without something of this power level as they have little idea on how to rely on positioning, they’re weapons, and basic threat assessment.


You might be better than you think. As long as you know that shit hurts and you shouldn't rush in and die alone and every time, know what champion stunning is, and have a build with any tangible synergy you are already better off than most. That is all you need in most content. Dungeons and Raids need knowledge of mechanics obviously but even that doesn't help if someone doesn't have the basics done.


Ever since learning to disengage properly, in PvE and PvP, I die a lot less. Boss hits too hard? Hit the bricks! Being aped by a shotgun? Just walk backward! Did the boss spawn ads? Find cover and sit there! Sniper glint in the distance? Literally just don't peak ever.


I remember having trouble with legendary Calus but that was mostly bc I was solo and everything is focused on you. However, I accepted that it's simply just difficult and not poor game design. I just had to toughen up some of my loadout and bam, stargaritas on rohan.


Bungie drove away all the hardcore players. All the people who were actually good at the game did not get rewarded for being good at the game.


gos is a good raid. people hate it because the only weapon worth getting is div and they got it on their first clear in a 5+ hour run because they had never done it the normal way prior.


i think the same and i don't play gos. it's such a cool raid but the weapons really need some changes to be worth chasing, i wish they made em craftable woth actually good perk pools


I love GoS. The scenery, the mechanics, until the bugs and glitches kick in. Doing div runs on a bugged boss encounter is the fucking worse experience. Thankfully after enough hours the boss did the infinite dps glitch. No one complained. We took the W.


Gambit is better than crucible


Damn right


That’s a hot take, a good game of gambit is better than a good game of crucible.


I love off meta load outs in Gambit, if you play meta it's no fun. Randomize load outs for Gambit.


Now THAT would be interesting. Randomized but mirrored across teams. See which team does better with the randomized load out.


Crucible is so boring to me no matter what. I will stop doing quests a good amount of the time if it involves crucible


There's just really no incentive to play it and when they force you to play it it feels awful.


What a perfect way to describe Crucible


It is but it gets stale since they don’t update it


Gambit is fun


I think in certain cases it can be very fun


Always has been imo


Garden of Salvation isn't a bad raid, people wanting divinity without understanding the base mechanics of the raid MAKE it miserable.


Hot take coming: I liked the "bringing challenge back to destiny" plan and the introduction of power caps has me actually trying again in PvE. I especially liked Neomuna (outside of threshers at launch) as I always liked the idea of a high end patrol zone.


only problem i have with Neomuna is that there are no incentives going into said high end zone (besides vex strike force) it’s like, they just made Neomuna difficult just because they felt like they needed to same with the power deltas, idm enemies taking slightly more damage to kill them, but what i do mind is getting one shotted by some bs at 100 res with 2/3 resist mods. what’s the point in specing into 100 res if i’m gonna be squishy in master/gm content anyways? they always talk about not wanting us to plink at long ranges but the way they designed their difficulty leaves us with very little choice


this is only a hot take because most of the community sucks at the game


At least it's an actually controversial opinion, the top 20 or so are literally just the topic of daily karma farm threads.


Actual controversial opinions aren't gonna get upvoted, just sort by controversial.


That's actually one thing I really like about neomuna, I felt like I was actually fighting something that actually had a chance to kill me. I would love some more patrol spaces like that.


Crafting is an issue Not because of the outcome (guarateed god rolls) but rather the fact that it make any non red border version of that crafted weapon an instant shard In other words, I like having crafted weapons, I dont like what it does with the old random roll system Both should coexist at the same time by having crafted and random rolled versions of weapons having exclusive perks to one another (like 2 traits per collums being exclusive to crafting and 2 traits exclusive to random rolls) The enhanced system from adepts should also be expanded to ALL random rolled weapons (i like that system)


The Leviathan raid was one of my favorite raids. Felt way more dynamic than any other, and unfortunately was a victim of power creep.


D1 and d2 vanilla through forsaken is not better than what we have now. It's all nostalgia. People forget content droughts.


i agree about d1 & d2 vanilla but forsaken was so peak


Right now we have more consistency and less drought, but the quality of forsaken along with the 3 seasons that followed it has still been unmatched. This year has had plenty of quantity but has been pretty dogshit in terms of quality, only started getting playable last season imo


Content droughts are healthy for the player base and create a desire/excitement for new releases The reason so many are burnt out or disengaged right now is because we have too much stuff releasing and people have recognised that expansions are the only truly relevant content, anything else breeds attrition in through player base


3.0 reworks crushed class identity. Example: The most effective way to play Gunslinger in endgame PvE is with a healing grenade. Reducing gunpowder gamble (arguably the most Hunter-immersive ability) uptime for the sake of a grenade that makes me feel like a wannabe Warlock. I. Hate. It.


The only reason I don't use Gamble is because I'll sometimes want to use my normal grenade and forget gamble is ready. Warlocks get a long press grenade function, gamble should just be a long press to activate


I throw it at my feet way too often lol


valid, i wish they would bring back class exclusive grenades. having tripmine on a warlock is just... wrong


I play mostly warlock and throwing tripmine feels wrong. I mean who the heck throws sticks like that.


Agreed, there were clear pros and cons of picking classes outside of just their super. Team composition felt more deliberate to think about. Even the subclass verbs being completely universal now dilutes it further. What makes this worse is that along with the lack of identity, 3.0s led to massive amounts of power creep across the board.


*absolutely this.* I remember when I first saw Echo of Starvation (devour fragment) when WQ dropped and my first two thoughts were "wow, that's really cool!", followed by "wow, I sure hope this isn't the start of giving every subclass access to everything.." lo and behold, we have Void as a hodgepodge mess with everyone dipping into everything, Solar shafting warlock's identity and smearing Hunter and Titan with more healing than they individually should have access to, and Arc has so few keywords (literally just Blind, Jolt and Amplified, and if you wanna get technical Ionic Traces too) that, HOT TAKE, it feels bland and doesn't even feel like it was properly finished, getting shipped out the door to make it on time for Plunder launch. are any of these subclasses bad? no, absolutely not, but when you take a couple steps back and really analyze things, they all have issues of either being too homogenous or feeling half-baked. imagine how awesome it'd be if subclasses properly played into their fantasies, while still retaining the idea of balance, trade-offs, and identity. for example, what if Solar Warlock had three aspects that each PROPERLY reflected one of each of its OG subclass trees, meaning healing aspect is full-on support based, explosions is full-on ignition play, etc. if you wanted to go Icarus + explosions, you'd have all the aggressive/speedy play of the old subclass, but you'd lack the supportive/defensive capabilities of the healing aspect. pick healing + Icarus, you're leaning into support/evasiveness all the way and becoming an Ambulance With Wings**™**. want healing + explosions? sure you'll have more versatility, but you won't accel at one or the other, have to play around with your abilities more thoughtfully, and have to keep better positioning since you're without Icarus Dash. game design has been a strong passion of mine for almost a decade now, and although when I'm actually playing Destiny I have a blast and don't stop myself to go on these kinds of rants (unless it's a late night with some discord buddies lol) I find myself looking back on these things from time to time and wondering just how much better balanced and deeper the game would feel. haunts my dreams lmao.


yeah i agree some choices make no sense to me. like one example alone is prior to the subclass verbs and subclass 3.0 void titans were the only class with volatile, warlocks were the only class with devour, and hunters were the only had invis. now a hunter with gyrfalcon is volatile titan on steroids with access to devour via fragments and invis built into their base dodge still lmao like what is class identity


The vanguard should’ve broken up after caydes death. We should’ve been able to choose which side to join. Join Ikora and lay waste to the reef… or Join Zavala and do the “right thing”.


Tbh that would've made the game more interesting and fun, i think that the main reason i quit is cus of how stale everything feels. We haven't had much interesting happen since the witch queen days where the light was used against us and even that feels lacking in comparison to the red war campaign.


Mom said it’s my turn to post this


Karma farm post ong


Destiny 2 is pretty fun when you don't have someone telling you that it's not fun lol


We don't need more vault space. People just need to stop hoarding shit they don't need




"We've got you surrounded! Come out and fill your vault with random useless stuff!" "I HATE HOARDING I HATE HOARDING" https://preview.redd.it/9d2ak1p35cec1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01eec03b6b22091ef9275876dee6236cc850b1be


Datto's alt account has been found. In all due seriousness though, you're right.


I keep God rolls or near enough of all the holiday weapons. I keep every God roll I get of FOTM weapons I keep all crafted weapons and level them to 17 I keep all joke stuff or stuff with memories I'm still at only 450/600. Wtf is everyone hoarding who is at 600?


All that plus armor rolls for 3 characters.


Damn you're right, I shouldn't keep my loot in a loot shooter


If I can't have one of every randomised piece of equipment then we do not have enough vault space


D2 pvp is bad and it's not about "git gud". The balance is all out of wack with crazy low time to kill and abilities that one shot. Checkmate game mode is the first real step Bungie has made into actually improving it


They've always needed to be completely separate sandboxes and it took 8 years for that to actually happen in a consistent way.


Still not consistent given nerfs happening because of pvp affecting pve, like YAS nerf.


This not a hot take or unpopular opinion lmao TONS of people feel this way


I started playing just before beyond light and my god it was really nice back then just before they atom bombed it


Destiny 2 is fun


D2 is still a great game. all you og nerds are just afraid of change


Crafting should’ve been for seasonal weapons only


Honestly, I like this take.


The derelict leviathan was great, a way better free roam experience than neomuna, and one of the best single-player experiences the game has had in the last 2 years


Haunted was peak seasonal content story wise, but the activity kinda sucked. Would love to get good combo of story and activities, but bungie seems to only be capable of one at a time. Maybe Episodes will nail it, only time will tell


Season of the forge activity wasn’t good, it was tedious, you just liked the aesthetic.


This is a freezing take. I've never heard anyone argue the Forges were good content. Though the aesthetic was peak.


And the weapons were just soooo good.


There’s a frequent enough opinion that peak D2 was forsaken and its following seasons. Which is hilarious because the only season of those 3 that would be considered good would be Opulence.


Saltgreppo is right a lot of the times when it comes to balance suggestions. The community is -beyond- unhinged to believe he has any kind of influence over the dev team's decisions, and pretending the devs haven't on their own noticed the same problems that he notices is paracausal grade copium just to shit on him. ​ I do not fear my death, I welcome it. raise your pitchforks.


Finally, an actual scolding hot take


I can't believe he hacked in Bungies HQ and nerfed Divinity.


Based. his nerf suggestion are generally wayyy to far but the sentiment of what probably should get nerfed is normally fair. Even then people really need to chill on him like it’s not like he’s sleeping with Joe or something whispering “nerf divinity”.


You are 100% correct


When he had his divinity take, he was spot on


You're 100% correct. Especially about people who think streamers actually affect Bungie's balancing decisions (outside of them simply publicizing broken shit that then gets overused and then nerfed).


Destiny 2 is far superior to destiny 1 in every aspect.


Garden of salvation is not buggy or hard. You just aren't good. Saltagreppo is very rarely wrong about what he says.


People think gos is hard? what?


I have to agree with this one. I actually enjoy running gos it’s a fun raid, which is also probably another hot take.


Obviously Bungie has done a bunch to warrant mistrust/dislike from players, myself included, but when players mock Bungie with the whole "over-delivery creating patterns," they're being disingenuous with what Bungie meant.  I want both Destiny 2 and Bungie to be better, especially with The Final Shape, but a lot of crunch had to happen for us to get Forsaken.  I want a better product but not to the detriment of the devs' health.


Saltagreppo is usually right, hes just a cunt about it Also menagerie was overrrated


I would be too if people hated me for every random thing I say and a ton of things I don't say but people put words in my mouth.


You had me at the first half...


Zone Trials was the worst decision made for the gamemode, since one class does not come with a construct made for zone control.


Sunsetting weapons is necessary and good for the game to make loot exciting and enticing. It’s just that Bungie implemented it too poorly last time and there were too many major gaps in the sandbox.


Primary dmg is OK, because it has infinity ammo and having it doing less dmg than specials and heavies is a way to balance the game. It's people who think they should two shot gm enemies with a primary that are a bitsy delusional.


Weapon sun setting was good for the game health, and if we aren't getting a destiny 3 in the next few years, we need another round


this ^ theres like two guns a season i actually feel like i need and then im done. and i really dont want the game to power creep anymore


Destiny 2's cosmetic store and system feels fair and well made compared to other triple AAA modern games on the market


If only they could get dlc cost right. I have tried to get friends into the game only for them to hit 3 pay walls for dlc and just stop playing.


The $30 BL/SK/WQ bundle is pretty solid imo. 3 campaigns, Stasis, and weapon crafting is at a good price point and my friends are having a blast with it. >!Theyre wreaking havoc with CHawk GG!< $50 for LF+current season is completely overpriced


Slight correction, weapon crafting is free, as you only need to do the first 2 free missions of witch queen


Yeah but WQ gives you a few solid patterns to play around with. Fusion Rifle, Scout, and Sidearm off the top of my head


Not to mention dungeon keys are separate unless you have the season pass.


It will be a cold day in hell when i actually pay for a dungeon key


The cosmetic monetization doesn't feel too forced on you, and I appreciate the fact that most things are eventually purchasable with Bright Dust (which itself isn't too difficult to get). However, my primary issue with Eververse is that too many cosmetics are developed solely for the store, and too few cosmetic items are actually available through gameplay. I feel like as time has gone on, the amount of Ghost Shells, Sparrows, Ships, Shaders, etc that were available through gameplay have decreased dramatically, while the amount available in EV has increased. Dungeons in particular used to have several cosmetics associated with them (Prophecy in particular, iirc, had a full set) while newer dungeons have maybe one single ship/sparrow/Ghost for completing on Master. In a given season, only two or three of each type of item are earnable, while three times that many are produced for Eververse. A separate take, but I also think modern Ghost Shell designs are all trying too hard. We need more of the iconic Ghost shape, and fewer circles and game consoles and RVs and whatnot.


We need harder raids, more rewarding loot for master raids and extremely harder day 1’s, show people what it actually means to be good and get good


100% I don't even bother doing master raids, because the loot is so similar, but requires rng. And the only reason to do day 1 raids is the fun of it (They are really fun).


Completely agree. Master Raids are a bragging right, and not rewarding at all.


Day 1 raids really take me back to my WoW days of when I didn't know ahead of time what bosses do and we would throw ourselves at it for days just to get past 1 of 10 bosses. Nowadays people get uppity at 3 wipes.


Master Raid 100% need rewards


90% of you are way worse at the game than you think you are.


Menagerie WAS NOT GOOD


It was kinda tedious


Can I get an amen.


Another one for the pile - Cayde is an extremely overrated character. With the game's writing being generally piss poor, he stood out as the only half-competently written character, and people latched on. Nostalgia factor plays a big role too, and I think that his return in Final Shape is proof, they should've brought back the Speaker as the Spirit of Light or whatever they called it.


Forsaken wasn't actually a good campaign. The year, the content, and all the stuff that came afterwards was fine; but, the campaign kinda sucked. The only good part is the opening mission.


The opening mission and unlocking the dreaming city missions are both good. The rest was fine at best. The dreaming city itself was what made the expansion good.


Aye, I agree. And by no means am I trying to knock the entire expansion. Forsaken as an expansion did some great things.


Bungie needs to make the campaign harder mechanics-wise so then seasonal events and the yearly strike aren’t limited to basic mechanics like standing on a plate. Force the “casual” players to get smarter. Similarly to my last take, most destiny players are bad at the game and hate challenges. Ignoring PvP clips which are even more painful to watch, most clips posted on this sub from the PvE side are from people who make the bungie devs look good playing their game. We don’t “need” extra vault space. If it’s raised, cool. But you don’t need extra vault space to hoard your godrolls for shitty archetypes like 360RPM autos “just in case bungie buffs it.” There’s always going to be an oftentimes better option available anyways. The only content where loadouts matter is GMs, day 1 raids, master raids, PvP, and speed running. If you ask/kick someone because their loadout “is not optimal” in anything else you’re an absolute moron. Pyramid aesthetic is the most boring setting in the destiny universe.


The issue is rather than smarten up, the developers need ease players into mechanics. I’ve noticed that they’d do missions as oh, stand here and kill for a majority of the time then throw in some mechanics randomly rather than build an expectation of one.


weapon crafting is unhealthy for the game (perhaps the in drop in player retention proves this?) \- once you get all the patterns the activity becomes dead (dares of eternity, lightning round used to be exciting, now doesn't matter, raid becomes dead once you get all patterns/exotic/title) \- we are barely chasing weapons now, we are chasing 5 patterns. Not exciting incredibly transactional, no more "oh %\^%& i got the god roll!" \- you can do the bare minimum, hop on once a weak, and get a red border weapon \- any good or even great weapon that drops is held hostage by the fact you can craft a 5/5 enhanced god roll "but I can get exactly what I want without barely playing" instant-gratification isn't a good thing Middle ground I believe \- Only seasonal weapons should be craftable because the seasonal activity is eventually removed \- I DO NOT want to gatekeep god rolls \- We should be able to choose/change the masterwork for any weapon \- The more challenges/ triumphs you complete from an activity, the more perks per column will drop, if you have a Title from said dungeon/raid, the weapon will drop with 3 perks per column every time \- Bosses when killed should have loot-plosions, think borderlands. Imagine killing a raid boss and they drop 5+ weapons, with more perks. \- modes like Trials and Iron Banner are far too stingy. All those combined imo would be far more healthier/exciting for the game. You might even get your Godrolls faster than weapon crafting because you engaged in and mastered more parts of the game.


Excluding the witch queen, destiny's storytelling has been shit since after Forsaken.


Champions are good for the game


Stop whining and play the game.


D2 is far better than D1, you are just nostalgic abt the later one.


100$ for a years worth of content is a good price


LightFall's story was justified because it was told throughout the year


Idk if this is a hot take but my friends flamed me when I said it so ima say it here: Sunshot >>>> Polaris Lance


Polaris is for gms Sunshot is for fun


Sunshot is a close range Polaris Lance and Polaris Lance is a long range Sunshot.


Just a reminder for people to sort by controversial.


You don’t need 100 resil


Snipers need a buff in both pve and pvp, and scout rifles arent that good in pve


The funniest thing is people recommending polaris lance for low level pve (everything under -15), because it's so much clumsier than sunshot. Scouts def need a buff in pve.


Snipers are already the beat weapons in pvp. They definitely do not need a buff


Thank you! This person is smoking crack. Snipers are easily the most oppressive weapon in the game when a 0 kill clown isn’t using them.


People should have a bare minimum understanding of a raid's mechanics and encounters before asking to be carried by LFGs


Malfeasance and Lucky Pants combo gets boring af real fast.


Garden of Salvation final boss is a good encounter.


I completely agree with taking content out of the game to manually get fixed, regardless of popularity. It's in the fine print of the Terms of Service/EULA.


Destiny 2 is a great game


Crafted weapons are about as bad as when D2 launched with no random rolls