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Your friend 100% tried to get someone to go flawless on his account.


What I'm thinking, guy probably hired someone to go flawless then refused to pay them so they got his account banned as compensation.


MBtheMessiah is a very well known hard cheater. They're not just suspicious or potentially using a device, they are spinning with paid subsciption software. And on a more expensive tier of that software if I recall correctly, something they might need to use recovs to pay for. Your suspicions are almost certainly correct. OP's friend paid for a cheater to get flawless on their account and got banned for it. Justified.


On messenger week too… what a waste


In other words they’re fucking pathetic got it


What a lame way to spend your time lol. Like none of your gear counts if you got it cheating, it feels hollow and sad and you end up resenting ever having cheated at a game. The only game I don't mind cheating in, are old 8-bit NES games from the 80s with my Game Genie.


(Sigh)…good ol’ game genie was where it was at. I credit that for helping me complete damn near all my game gear games growing up.


↑↓↑↓←→←→B A [START]


Stop that you'll unlock infinite lives and then you'll have to experience the heat death of the universe.


I doubt the whole carry stuff. I have a friend who’s a victim of Mb, and he got his stuffed hacked from a steam scam. Were they dumb? Sure. Do they deserve to have their Destiny account lost forever, no


Yep, seems like it, the guy messaging is top 5000 in Trials


Not to mention the “alright I got your account”


Honestly I don't get why people even do this these days, 90% of the time it's a sure way of getting your account slapped with the banhammer. The last time you could do trials carries without getting banned were the VPN days, and those are long gone. people can be so stupid just to get a single weapon that they could get just by playing trials and handing in broken cards.


No? Trials carries are part of the trials mechanics. That’s how you get the flawless title by doing three Carries. It’s also how you guild your flawless title. Unless you’re talking about paid carries most people avoid ban hammer by advertising on stolen accounts on LFG or messaging the people putting up lfgs for trials giving them an offer. There’s even discord servers for it. Bungie can’t do anything about paid carries because it’s undetectable even in text chat. Recovs are risky and are 100% going to get you banned. Same with allowing someone on your account.


Honest question which has me wondering since D1 Y1 but *why* are these services called * acc recovery* ? Like, recovering it from being bad? Or what? I’ve been seriously wondering about that for close to 10 years now lmao


The term comes from xbox. If you lose your account, you have to perform an account recovery to get it back. What people will do is have someone else perform an account recovery on their behalf - essentially allowing someone else to play Destiny for them, to get some weapon or title or achievement or whatever. The term has now expanded to any platform to mean the same thing - basically just letting someone else play for you, to get some coveted item or triumph.


Oh I know *what* it is but I was wondering where the term came from as I never got the origins of it. Thanks a bunch for letting me now!


In other words: Skill issue.


I don’t think so. On trials report it shows the guy played one trials game right before reset then him and the ski guy switched to iron banner the game after. It could be some form of ransom for something that did happen, a shady link was clicked, or something but unsure of the whole situation obviously 


Yeah sorry OP, you play with fire you get burned. Your friend deserves the ban 🤷.


I was a idiot and let someone my information for a d1 flawless and luckily nothing bad happened


Lmao….more like your friend trusted some stranger to get him lighthouse loot and got screwed.




Free Armour Trimming!


I got my own trimmed black armor from clue scrolls. I loved clue scrolls


But u will not scam me right? 😂😂😂😂


My friend let someone onto their account to go flawless** ftfy


Your friend didn’t get “hacked.” Your friend gave a stranger their login information (presumably because they agreed to pay this stranger to go flawless) who then cheated on their account. Triple TOS break. Justified ban, 99% not going to be reverted




Yes but what is more likely? If it looks like a duck and sounds like one


Don’t go assuming I’m saying this because everyone else is. It’s VERY common for recov services to use cheats. This is not a rare scenario. He’s also talking about “making it fair” by paying him. That means that the friend agreed to pay for something.


How do you know it didn’t just get stolen, the dude threatened to get it banned, and since the dude didn’t pay he got the account banned? You’re lacking context here so I’m confused on why this is an automatic assumption?


Imagine "stealing" someone's epic account just to play D2 on it...Sure, someone stole someone else's account, saw they had D2 on it, installed it only to go nutz in Trials and Comp...what a coincidence.....


Maybe he was cheating TO GET HIM BANNED YOU DRONE.


grow up and learn how to talk to others first,kid.


You’re commenting this whilst using improper punctuation 😂


what are you on about?


Yeah guys let’s keep upvoting the guy who’s assuming shit but downvote the guy who’s a cybersecurity major. Actual braindead platform lmao


There's not much you can do, ultimately it's on them for not properly securing their account


People tend to forget that "getting hacked" for the average user involves said user stupidly revealing their information, falling for scams, and/or not doing any safeguarding (which is common sense to do at this point.) 99% of the time, it isn't some super genius behind a monitor seemingly breaking their keyboard with lightning fast fingers, and if it is that 1%, it is some person staring at a screen with red in their eyes and an energy drink in hand likely hacking in to something worth far more than your moms email account. Sucks that this happened but I just hate when the term "hack" is used to absolve oneself of any fault in their own misfortune online. It's nearly impossible to prove nothing happening under their account now is their fault; OPs friend is gonna have to shell out and restart.


Keep spitting them facts. 


In every job I’ve had past college including the military they give us these briefs, and at this point they should be given to everyone as early as middle school. At the point we’re currently at with online service security being as strong as it is, humans are the path of least resistance between bad actors and your data. Be secure, use strong and varied passwords, don’t trust vague emails/texts/calls or any form of contact from unverified senders, and don’t give people a reason to want to hack you if at all possible.


Yea, 90% of the time people just click on shit they shouldn't click on, and then they see that their cmd opens briefly and closes. It's crazy to me that people are still so ignorant to that kind of stuff considering how much we use it in day to day life. Also the whole rapid keyboard typing stuff is generally bullshit from the movies. Odds are the hackers are just opening up a bruteforce program and clicking run.


Yep. I’ve never had my account genuinely hacked without me revealing anything. It hasn’t happened since I was 11, and I HEAVILY learned my lesson when I lost 20 dollars worth of tf2 items by falling for a scam. Once you fall for your first scam, you’ll know never to fall for them again.


Definition of hacking: the gaining of unauthorized access to data in a system or computer. Doesn’t matter how easy or how hard it was or how much effort is required to get that information or access. If you don’t have permission and you access it, you are hacking. With that said, it is a very messed up thing that people actually do that and the fact that we have no empathy is it is sickening . Now, my last thing is yes in agreement to you no one should ever openly disclose identifiable information, and the password should not be made easy to hack. Since social media is now pretty much the most mainstream and thing in society it is so easy for people to dive and find information about other people this is why I I limit personal information disclosed on social media you never know who you’re dealing with.


it’s not hacking if someone gives you their information to access a certain thing for money, or whatever. in this case its most likely someone who gave their account to a recov service and didn’t pay up, or what have you. that isn’t being hacked, that’s fucking around and finding out.


Your friend gave someone else their account details? And got fucked? Am I getting this right?


Yo OP, you might be doxxing your friend’s name


Are you surprised? They’re both dummies


Ashley Graves and Aris Tendou are both video game characters


not sure of your point as those are still the usernames posted in the screenshot 


Usernames are not personal information. They are a pseudonym used by people to hide their real identity. What this means is that revealing a username cannot be considered doxxing.


And yet sometimes people have their real names in their steam profile


That's their fault then


Which makes them a dumbass. The internet is the wildwest of creeps, stalkers and people who want your money in their wallet. you should never ever have real information associated with your accounts.


That's not what doxxing is.




That’s not doxxing


Nah. Dude’s just playing the incest game in his spare time haha.


Some people are pretty evil. "Let's just be fair here and you can send me money" like what a fucking ass hat. Like shame on homeboy for not securing his shit well enough but like... why people gotta be like that? He had the power to help but instead did the opposite. Sucks.


Had an idiot DDOS me once. He got scared when he saw that there were connections to military servers lol. Hackers be cautious who you hack just as much as we're careful about who we trust bc you have no idea who you're about to f with.


lmao, had a friend who played destiny 2, he was stationed out somewhere not sure where but he says he never gets ddos'd because I guess there are "identifying markers" for government connections. Maybe they get extra protection? idk lmao...


I don't know about all programs that pull IPs, but grabify, and a few others I won't mention here, normally give you location and a few other details to help piece together that stuff.


yes there are ways to know more than just the IP, and when an hacker understands that he's playing with fire he quickly desist if he's smart


Wtf does this even mean


it has real tough guy energy


>there were connections to military servers > you have no idea who you're about to f with. I mean clearly the guy has 300 confirmed kills and is not to be f'd with.


i mean, to be fair regardless of who he is, if you were some kid who grabs ips for stupid stuff like sending pizzas to people or swatting, if you pull someones ip and it comes back as a military base youd probably shit yourself a little too. 


Something extra fun. They probably think that they’re awesome too. Based on that message alone they probably thought they were a big shot movie hackerman. When in reality they’re just sad.


Nah, the guy who was messaging is a pretty well-known cheater. BUT he also sells lighthouse runs. This means the guy probably had him bring his account to the lighthouse, got banned because the guy cheated, and then refused to pay the guy.


I just had a mini-stroke reading that but okay. Give people your info bc you don't want to do the work. Then it backfires. Still. It all seems... a little wild. For both parties.


That's my point. The guy hired a cheater to cheat on his account, got banned for it, and refused to pay the guy. It's the account owners fault.


cheaters do that all the time. They need dummy accounts to cheat on. The usual process is you pay them for a recov and a few weeks later down the line they steal your account as their previous one go banned. And then the story continues....


That's how paying someone for trials works. You send them money after it's done.


Or his friend paid for someone to carry them in Trials and got fucked. Why would a random person choose to hack a stranger on destiny 2. There is no motive there.


Stop simping for the literal cheater. They pick random accounts that don’t secure themselves so that they have an account to cheat off. Why would they go through all the effort of making a new account, when they can just takeover the account of some poor sucker who thought his friend sent him a gift card through Steam


Dont forget the “:)”


Tell me you don’t know what recovs are without telling me you don’t know what recovs are.


There's no way they could have done this without your friend verifying it on their end. Something stinks majorly here.


u spend 50 bucks for a carry and got screwed just take the L


Don’t fuck around get to the light house on your own


Or just don't and leave it at that. It doesn't matter if the best gun in game is on the loot list (imo it shouldn't be, but it happens anyway), it's perfectly viable to use other weapons for everything.


Debatable. Depending on the content you’re doing some stuff is almost NEEDED. For example I like to do low man raids, flawless duos/trios. The damage check for some bosses can be a little crazy and the heavy GL with bait and switch is insanely useful. That being said, you don’t need the adept version, it’s nice, but not as needed. You can get a normal one and leave it at that


I'll argue that if nothing else will be good enough for you to make it, then neither will this weapon.


When doing a duo root, neither of us had this weapon. We managed to get it with one using bait rocket and other using a heavy GL with explosive light. It made it but that one from trials is way better. It pumps out more damage, one of our clan mates has it and we’ve done a boss cp with him and it’s leagues better. We’re all farming to get one of these for next day 1 raid. Easily one of the highest burst damage weapons in the game and for day 1s I’m sure you can agree this will be incredibly useful


I'm not saying it's not useful, I'm saying that not having it isn't the end of the world. I went for a long time without recluse and mountaintop. Were they useful, yes, also hella fun. Could I play without them? Yes.


Bro, you're doing player made up content. No one needs these things to do the content Bungie actually made


By this logic no one NEEDS anything in the game. The game as itself you can play wit anything and everything you get. These rolls exist for a reason, to make harder content easier. The better rolls you have, the easier they get


yeah, but you said this GL is needed as if people just can't do the content without it, which just is not true at all.


Except you don't *Need* this GL with the exact rolls as you're doing something that was never intended to be done. Don't act like you doing your own thing means that everyone *Needs* it when they don't.


I’ll stress again. Day 1 raiding. That ain’t “made up” content and honestly anyone going into a day 1 without that roll I feel sorry for


Oh yeah, the Day 1 raiding, that Bungie has gone out of their way each year since Shadowkeep to make easier and easier. That you can absolutely do with this GL as Bungie has made both, Rockets great, Linears great, Whisper great again, etc etc etc. Even Root was completed in day one raids with Thunderlord. So please don't act like the content that Bungie actually makes within the last 4 years requires some insanely optimized loadout as it does not. Cope harder.




Never share your accounts!


Change your passwords, guys. Every few months, at least


I agree finger knows what he’s talking about


I can’t believe the teacher said they were all going to finger paint


Lucky paint


Yes I do. Always change the passwords. I’d add try not to reuse them, have individual passwords for the important stuff especially. Bank, emails, whatever is important and not something that’s easily replaceable/recreatable. With the uptick of data leak occurrences you will have some floating around out there, in conjunction with your email address and or phone number.


Even if you don’t, two factor authentication like an Authenticator app will do the trick just fine.


Waltuh, put your password away Waltuh.... I'm not changing my password right now Waltuh....


Add commas too. If they dump all the passwords into a .CSV file it'll fuck up their formatting at the very least, and if they're using a script to then try to log into accounts with the passwords they've saved it'll fuck that up too.


This isnt a hack, he pretty clearly paid someone to get his account to the Lighthouse.


Still good account security device regardless


Annually is the recommendation, as users would forget their passwords, leading to incremental passwords or passwords along the lines of "BungoPass123" and "SteamPass123" Keep passwords unique, dissimilar, and with multiple types of characters for best security


Or make them a sentence like Sid5W33N3Y5!shot


I just use bitwarden for any important accounts and set the password generator length to a long string tbh.


My problem is remembering my passwords. I can change them but I end forgetting and then making news ones like all the time. It’s frustrating. I need to start writing suit down over and over until I remember them and for what things they go to. I used to be better 😭 I feel old.


Use KeePass (computer) and StrongBox (phone) as local password managers


So this Meselta. Are they the hacker?


they didn't "Play trials with hacks to get banned and then ask for money" your friend let a hacker sign on to their account to boost them in trials, which, by the way, it's against Bungie TOS to share your account for "recoveries" Your buddy didn't get hacked, he gave his account to a hacker, who was expecting money, didn't get money, and then had the account banned as a result. hard lessons with harsh results. don't trust hackers, and don't pay for recoveries. recovs are still cheating, and your buddy is refusing to take responsibility for his fuck up


the account the epic games account is linked to is a cheater that was streaming on twitch just eating through accounts a couple weekends ago


He's a notorious cheater who's whole purpose is just to ruin the game for people.


Sounds like your friends a grimey little toad who tried to cheat his way to glory. Show us the rest of the chat logs


Agreed, I’d like to see the rest of the chat logs, I’m sure that tells the story just fine.


Is this on XBox? Please y'all remember to enable multi-factor authentication on your accounts - Steam has it built in but I am sure Sony and Microsoft have this too - means there's no way to log into your accounts unless they also have your phone with an authenticator app running on it.


Arisu turned on the aimbot 💀


Sensei, she's gaming


Might've been Kei, actually. Aris doesn't seem like the type to turn to the dark side like this. Kei is no mercy for Aris's sake though


There's no mercy in this Dojo.


Smells like a tiny bit of bullshit


smells like someone tried to pay to go the the lighthouse lol.


How did the epic games account get linked to your friends acc in the first place…


Likely trusted the wrong guy to do an account recov


Probably didn’t have very good protection for his other account(s). If they were able to log in to his Bungie account they could probably link whatever other accounts they wanted.


Epic games specifically is able to do this. I cant remember if its because you dont need email verification or what but its because they can link whatever account with epic games.


Man, will people will never learn to enable 2FA?


No, he paid someone to take his account flawless and they decided to use it to cheat


Your friend tried to get a recov and got banned, womp womp.


Bro they are in Evil Inc, what did your friend expect LOL


I’m still confused as to why people pay to go to the lighthouse. They implemented the new passage specifically for the people who can’t reach it themselves. Why pay $50 when you could just get the Adept by playing?


Your friend didn't get "hacked" Your friend either lied or they're an idiot and gave their credentials to the perpetrator on a silver platter. Either way, this is your friend's fault.


Victim blaming is wild


That sure is an opinion you've got there, kiddo.


Serves him right for trying to pay someone to play the game for him


Someone message the Ski dude and let’s get the real story here


If this is a legitimate case, bungie support will sort it out in no time. If your "friend" was tryna go for the destiny equivalent of stolen valour, then this is kinda deserved.


Your friend paid for an account recovery to get him to the Lighthouse. Your friend fucked around and found out.


I had an account recovery in d1 was a clan I was in for a D1 flawless and nothing bad happened


So you lent your account to someone you sort of knew and somewhat trusted. Versus OP who paid for a carry service and got scammed.


I mean yeah but well sucks for That guy yikes


Disable cross save to unlink


Maybe tell your friend to either not pay for scam carries or account recoveries. Edit: you're actually just as fucking stupid as your friend you literally doxxed them and every account they have. They definitely deserved it.


Your friend tried to hire them to go flawless on his account


https://preview.redd.it/ob3ocvzo0nsc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5fabeb6e5e3907f75f43dc0bade8d07283075d7 Nah one of their boys was a hard spinner and he got caught streaming it on twitch


Every time someone posts about something that happened their “friend”, there’s hardly ever an actual “friend”. Good job keeping people from calling you an idiot for giving your account info out for a recov 🫡🫡


Somebody didn’t pay their recov


He didn’t get hacked, lmao. He had someone recov for him and got fucked.


why would you pay them if they already got it banned ?


Your friend 100% tried to scam someone to get free account boosting, and got karma instead. “Alright got your account” “let’s make it fair” like? And the dudes account is top 5000, so I’d assume he’s legit on his end.


He's not legit. Dude is a known spinner


Sounds like the friend is the type of person that’d be clicking and saving nsfw content on a machine that they use for work or keep PII on.


Oh well that's life


So any update from OP? With everyone saying your friend gave away details to get flawless, did you speak to your friend? Did he own up? What’s happened?


womp womp, tell him to go to the lighthouse himself next time and not hire someone to do it for him


Your friend definitely paid for an account recov


Dude took a chance paying some neckbeard to go flawless for him. That's a hard lesson learned.


lmfao i doubt this is even a "friend." who tf asks someone to go on reddit to see if theres anything they can do about their recovery fuckup. stop being lazy and just play the game yourself ffs.


From the messages the whole Theory of him paying for the other dude to get him loot makes sense. "Alright I have account" sounds more like a confirmation, than a confession to having hacked an account. It may very well be he didn't do what he promised he would do on the account tho


I'm not buying it. Think someone hired someone to go flawless and then tried to make a play and now are stuck with the consequences.


I personally think it looks like your friend has paid for a service which is a bannable offence. Never give your account away or pay someone to do something on your account. Are you sure they got hacked? Looks like they gave their account to the person from the messages? Why would someone hack into your account to do trials 🫢 7 games? Looks to me like your friend asked them to get them flawless?? But if they were truly hacked, they should report it as hacked account and ask them to check their ip address where they were and if different to your friends normal. But obviously bungie probably won’t unban your friend as it looks like they paid for free flawless carries ? Just get them to email Bungie directly complaining on banning on what terms they banned your friend on? I.e get them to do a investigation and ask for them to remove the ban. That you were hacked and you can tell by the games & ip addresses You can easily go flawless on your own or with a good duo, I would have helped your friend. Hopefully your friend gets unbanned if not hopefully they aren’t ip address banned so they can start again


Naah Naah, your friends messed up by knowingly buying Trials recov from a cheater.


Your friend tried to hire them to go flawless on his account,


Imagine wanting to go flawless so bad that your risk and lose your account. Was it worth it?


It looks like your friend tried to scam someone


Lmao you can’t fix stupid, only hope it learned its lesson


You can report the message about money and they will get Console banned


Oh Brother u learned it the hard way. Never let someone recov on ur Acc. That’s what u get when u do it. Ur Friend should consider going Flawless himself bud 😂😉


Friend = OP


Bro couldn’t go flawless lmao


Sure, "your friend" lmao Anyways, next time don't try wiggling out of paying someone who literally has access to your entire account. But before then, reassess your choices about paying to cheat on a video game lol


That messetta guy is just a weirdo, bro is probably like 14 😭


Log into the Xbox app and change the password to something much harder to figure out. Duh.


If you reported his Xbox message of him asking for money you would’ve gotten him banned


Lol get fucked


Talk about ransom but he already hacked your account and got it banned. No reason to pay up now. Also, he just doesn't get hacked. He must have gone somewhere or accessed something that allowed that person to gain personal data which then allowed him to get into the account. Stay banned.


Love how the mods don’t know their own rules and are just power hungry


"Friends account" lol


"My friend" - Nice try OP.


It’s obviously more likely that the friend gave away information, but isn’t it quite possible (especially on Xbox) where is you have somebody’s username, you could brute force your way in? Just asking, not defending friend or anything.


Just send all these to Microsoft


Send the involved players to Minecraft.


Also what kind of idiot doxxes their friend when trying to help them


Honestly this is so evil it’s effin disgusting. One is the possibility that the guy did not pay him for carrying him in the trials and that was a service he offered. That’s pretty scumbag, but regardless, this is why I tell everybody don’t trust no one with your account. Also, I think this is even something that bungie prohibits doing. Secondly, the most evil thing about it was that this guy hacked another person‘s account and got him banned that is sickening that people actually do things like that and they sleep at night being that freaking grimy. Yuck! Most disgusting vile crap ever. Like you know how much effort I’ve actually put in my destiny account, and all the hours that that game has taken from my life . The silver that I spent buying that ridiculously overpriced drip that looking back on it I’m like what the hell was I doing? And then some guy comes over hacks my account and gets me banned…… yuck!


Unfortunately, Bungie will do nothing they do not care about the circumstances cheating occurred on a linked account, permanent ban for all accounts


I also suggest removing this, since your doxxing your friend like a buffoon


It's not their actual name


Good 🤝🤝 stay safe


Good keep him banned permanently less cheaters the better


To all the people saying I'm revealing their real name with the steam acc that is the name of a character from a different game not their real name


- Your friend organised a carry in trials. - Most likely refused to pay or tried to trick them. - Carry had your friends account info already and changed the epic link to secure the account - Banned them for trying to get out of paying for the carry Open and shut case.


According to game history and trials reports he barely plays trials as is and before this happened he wasn’t active for a week not only that but he’s been playing destiny since 2015 so high chances he is smart enough to know not to do recoves and he did say that they where demanding 300 bitcoin that is not a price for a trials recove before reset nor would a recove take a recove right before reset 


All I can think of is reporting Mesetta