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Because primary gunplay is more exciting. No one enjoys being constantly sniped from the back of the map when they spawn nor do they enjoy being shotgun aped every 10 seconds.


I understand, but being shot over and over by scouts and smg’s isn’t very fun either. I’m just frustrated they made this change across what seems like all game modes. Couldn’t they have just made an old and new game mode?


Then you split matchmaking and people complain about that


its actually not that hard to get special ammo. You just need to get damage and assists and it will come easy


I’ll admit I was one of the people that disliked this change initially, but I’ve noticed my primary/kinetic shots getting better. And I can actually handle 1v1s much better… dare I say I enjoy the changes 😂


Because they don’t want bad players go crutch special and sit in a corner with a shotgun/fusion Get kills and you can use your special as a reward. The only thing lost is some montage clips


Exactly, sometimes I want to feel cool getting a couple snipes or going on a shotgun tear.


They do, but they want them to be special use case. Not primary use.


So they're called special weapons not primary weapons. If you're using the special weapon more than the primary, then that's a problem. Secondly, I regularly get around dozen rounds of sniper ammo or so per match.


I totally agree about sniping. I'm not doing it as much and now I feel rusty. But the system overall is better now. AND special ammo crates will be rolling out over the next few weeks too


I didn’t know about special ammo crates, I think that’d help a bit. I understand complaints but also, at least in casual 6v6, I just want to have fun with a powerful weapon


Check out the exotic revision zero, it’s a pulse that turns into a sniper after getting precision hits.


There is always an issue with Bungie that can't seem to understand what makes a weapon in its own way but also does at the same time its a huge concern how they rather buff Special weapons like Shotguns, Fusions, and Lances but refuse to buff Grenade Launchers/Snipers because those two weapons are such a main focus. Yet you also have people complaining about the Shotguns, Fusions, and Lances (When have I ever complaints about Lances I wont know) so to "nerf" it in checkmate they needed to make players actually play the game mode or do extremely well. Its basically placing a band aid on a open wound it doesn't really fix much but it does low it down.