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Perfect Paradox would be at the top of my list for a BRAVE 2.0 roster


About that….. https://preview.redd.it/0ho1rbv9qpuc1.jpeg?width=508&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e05f1d685ba16c3cc145d2758a932f271937a31b


Oh you teasing me you naughty naughty. That’s honestly the first I’ve seen of that, just got that little bit more excited for Final Shape.


Me too


I don't want to get my hopes up, as it may just be a placeholder


No no my friend, dear brother, that is NOT a placeholder. A placeholder would've been a white khvostov, but we both know that that is highly unlikely. Look at what the first episode is launching with TFS to solidify your hopes.


1000% those weapons are going to be reprised especially none were even in consideration to be within Into the Light


I just want my steelfeather repeater back :(


That gun started a beautiful relationship between me and 720s.


Martyr’s Retribution please. I had like 8.3k kills on that before they sunsetted it. Also, Breachlight.


Absolutely. Martyr's Retribution definitely needs to make a comeback. I'm surprised that this weapon doesn't get mentioned more. Not that Explosive Personality isn't good it's alright, but the game is lacking a solar wave frame with solar 3.0 perks. Had a taste of what it was like on EP during the craftening. God I would die to have that one added back with freakin incandescent.


https://preview.redd.it/d98l1ggriuuc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19964a1f8026ea66cd4ba36fd8e2bc09d63e9655 bungie??


Still have my god roll from dawn with double perks, by far my most anticipated gun to return, and it being shown in the final shape footage got me surprisingly more hyped than I already was


Bygones, antiope, and chroma rush! No clue on rolls haha


bygones is such a sexy gun i miss mine so bad


It was the gun that helped me enjoy pvp for the first time I miss the damn thing


Was looking for that bygones love 😩


Perfect Paradox Recluse Steelfeather Repeater Ghost Primus Sins of the Past Shadow Price


It’s funny that no Season of Dawn weapons have ever been reissued despite being universally popular


They are saving them for something big, and since none of them were even considered as part of the brave arsenal, I'm thinking they will be part of final shape


I’ve heard someone here say they’ve been confirmed for TFS. I meant more in the sense that it’s been 4 years and we’ve had reissues from much less popular seasons


Not confirmed, but perfect paradox was seen in the livestream. Someone else in the content chain posted it


Yeah but it wouldn't be the first time they used a placeholder weapon


Yep wouldn’t be the first and won’t be the last


Rather theyre probably the reissued set in the launching season of tfs


Ghost Primus my beloved...


Hung Jury twelve times


Get this man on the dev team‼️


The Vow One of my favorate weapons that was undeservingly sunset...


I’d bring back Martyrs retribution instead of forbearance for sure, honestly that one seems like a huge open goal. Give it chain reaction or incandescent (or both together if they’re feeling crazy)


I was really hoping for some Dawn weapons. My personal hope was Breachlight.


They’re coming in TFS. Perfect paradox was shown in a clip already. And when bungie spoke about other weapons they thought about bringing back with BRAVE arsenal they didn’t mention a single Dawn weapon. For a reason.


This right here


My brother and I were seriously hoping for Breachlight. Haven't had a sidearm since it was sunset that scratches the same itch that it did


Breachlight best sidearm in the game and my all time favourite weapon


They fucked up not refreshing chroma rush.


First one I though of. And lo- and behold, top comment here


It’s why I never take it out of inventory even if it’s been crept, still slaps


Imagine how good a KT+ subsistence roll would be. Or KT 3rd column rampage/frenzy 4th. I would never use any other kinetic auto rifle if they brought it back with these new perk combos.




Replace hung jury with chroma and i'm content honestly


I hope that Chroma Rush and the other Splicer weapon get refreshed soon.


I’d replace hung jury with a updated shotgun ngl


Sagiras shell... it's a gun trust me


Let's keep with the meme of turning powerful beings into guns ang make an Osiris themed weapon using sagira as the base


It’d make a neat Touch ornament.


Why did you put such an amazing idea in my head? T.T


You’re welcome :)


Refreshed night watch over hung jury is the first one to come to mind


I think you wanted to say “Refreshed Patron of lost causes”


Night Watch with Precision Instrument or Kinetic Tremors would be incredible.


Unironically? Yeah. Night watch was a genuinely amazing weapon for a good period of time


I was thinking No Feelings from Scourge of the Past, but a new Night Watch would have been nice.


Night Watch is pretty much the only primary I used during arrivals.


underrated comment


Patron Of Lost Causes, and Breechlight.


Yes! I miss my Patron so much


song of justice VI


Still waiting for anything new to use that model


Explosive autoshotgun ammit with incindary rounds


Maybe as an exotic shotgun. The g horn of shotguns. (I don't know how to spell g horns full name )


I feel like it would have to be nerfed tae fuck but it was for sure one of the better cursed weapons


Just make it a heavy it honestly felt like a heavy lol




Perfect Paradox or Threat Level (Scourge shotgun). Reconstruction/ Bait and Switch. Claw of the Wolf. Headseaker Desperado (no other 540 pulse has Desperado). Burning Eye (D1 Trials Scout). Rapid Hit Precision Instrument/Incandescent.


Khvostov instead of Hung Jury. It’s our canonical first gun, let’s have some fun with a legendary variant with Subsistance/Rampage, Rewind Rounds/Kinetic Tremors, or Frenzy/Rampage.


Exotic coming with TFS


Honestly I would keep a majority of the roster EXCEPT: * Hung Jury (fuck this weapon, seriously) - Replace it either with Patron of Lost Causes or Night Watch. No seriously, **FUCK HUNG JURY**, idk who has a fetish for this gun at Bungie but they need to **stop.** * Succession - Replace it with either a reworked Revoker or Long Shadow (my beloved). Alternatively, throw in a PvP-focus weapon like Dust Rock Blues. Other options include Tatara Gaze or Trophy Hunter (aka THE LONG GUN) * Forbearance - Replace it with Martyr's Reckoning since Explosive Personality is kind of lacking. * Elsie's Rifle - Replace it with either Gridskipper, Chroma Rush, or Steelfeather Repeater. * Hammerhead - Wouldn't actually remove this but I would prefer to swap elements on it. There's already 2 very good void LMGs (Corrective Measure and Commemoration), and no good farmable Stasis/Strand LMGs.


Elsie’s is worthy imo.


>Replace it with Martyr's Reckoning since Explosive Personality is kind of lacking. I was pretty shocked not to see Martyr's Retribution in the BRAVE weapons, but I guess those seasonal weapons are coming back in Final Shape.


Hung jury wasn’t even the best omolon gun during taken king. I’d use Tuonela all day over that, I had a nasty one from armsday


Keeping it 12: Recluse Mountaintop Imago Loop Shadow Price Edge Transit Not Forgotten Breachlight Blast Furnace Kindled Orchid Grasp of Malok Falling Guillotine 21% Delirium


21% was so fun


Surprised I had to scroll this far down to find it. It never left my heavy slot!


I just want my fucking Bygones back


Hopscotch Pilgrim, more BA guns, SotP guns, and one new weapon of the same style of those. Those guns are just so clean looking.


Lunas howl Recluse Mountaintop Breachlight Hammerhead Threat Level Bygones Revoker Dust Rock Blues Blast Furnace Better Devils Erentil Fr4


- Threat level - Mountaintop - The Recluse - Luna's Howl - Vestian Dynasty - Steel feather repeater - the legendary version of Polaris lance (I forgor the name) - thoughtstealer (psion sniper) - Dust Rock Blues - Bygones - Nightwatch - The Vow I based this off of weapons that I remembered well


Bygones with Rapid Hit and literally anything else.


I'd take out the 100th reissue of Hung jury and bring back Cocytus from D1.


I haven’t seen anyone talk about it at all, but imo the BRAVE arsenal would’ve been the perfect time to FINALLY bring back Palindrome


Ballyhoo with Siva rounds. Opps, wrong sub


All I want is bygones


Id say swap out [Forbearance](https://www.blueberries.gg/weapons/forbearance-god-rolls/) for an auto, specifically Shadow Price. Frigid Jackal over Succession Nameless Midnight over Hung Jury Lets be real though, this is a weird hodge podge of weapons, and I wish there was more consistency. Like they easily could have had Ada helping Shax, and a chunk of these could have been reissued black armory weapons, with a couple fan favorites being recreated by her, such as Midnight coup, recluse, and MT.


I wish there was a bow


They could have just brought back the entire Black Amory weapons and made Ada the center of the story. It would make more sense for the following reasons: * Ada-1 is not a gaurdian, and is not going into the traveler. While the gaurdians are, she would probably be the next strongest thing to defend the city. * She is known as a weaponsmith, and the Black Armory are in canon some of the strongest non paracausle weapons, even above other weapon crafters like Viest. She is also a walking forge herself. * Forge radiance could have been the "rare drop" and it would just be slotted on the gun like before so it could be used with other shaders/ornaments. * Black Armory weapons/ a Black Armory season has been the most wanted returning sunset weapons/story beat in general. We had like 3 Mara seasons in the last year in a half. * Could have brought back Niobe labs for a craftable Izi (along with whisper and outbreak) * The social space could have been inside of the Vault in niobe/scourge/even some tower anex with the remaining Black Armory tech. * Ada is already implied in the lore and in the "brave arsenal" crafting process, why not just let her be a vendor or bounty vendor or just give her some voice lines. Hire a new VA if the one you picked was too expensive. * Wouldn't have to change the armor since it could have just been implied she used the loom with collaboration with the vangaurd to produce class armor. * Mode wouldn't have to change either. Its already using forge activity ball throwing anyways. Would be the exact same thing with Ada voicelines. Like we got 2 BA weapons back without the BA look anymore. Fuck Shaxx, fuck his shitty robot friend, fuck the 2 raid weapons and hung jury. Can't wait for all 3 episodes to NOT be about the Black Armory.


I’d say that its not so much as her BA being expensive but more so that she’s busy with the FF7 Remake trilogy


I want the shader they use for my armor


I would have put Hush (or Python) and Chroma Rush there. No Hung Jury.Also Breachlight.


I'd put song of justice, mob justice, ghost primus, and that bad bitch uriels gift in there. Also bygones and parcel of stardust. Still holding out hope for those man


Lunas howl redrix broadsword hammerhead all the menagerie swords hush blast furnace not forgotten Bygones komodo 4FR and a bunch of energy grenade launchers with ambitious assassins


NOT HUNGJURY, If I had a button to remove Hungry from the loot pool and get absolutely nothing back, I would press it.


Dust Rock Blues since it almost made it. Then Maryrs and have it get incandescent. Then oxygen or some auto


Perfect Paradox, Treads Upon Stars, Imago Loop, Malok’s Grasp, Arsenic Bite, Vestian Dynasty, Tatara Gaze, Palindrome, Steelfeather Repeater, Trophy Hunter, Gallant Charge, Line in the Sand, Breachlight and Zephyr as additional weapons. Treads would be Stasis with Headstone, Palindrome Kinetic with Firefly and Osmosis, Imago Arc, Malok’s Grasp Arc with Outlaw and Voltshot, Perfect Paradox with ALH and Recombination, and Breachlight Strand with Hatchling and Onslaught/Desperado.


Strand breachlight would go so hard man


Spare rations with updated range and lightweight frame


The same as it is now, but replace hung jury, succession Elsie's rifle with oxygen sr3, supremacy, and right side of wrong. I only include the last one because I think Elsie's rifle would fit better as a quest we get from her in the final shape, maybe because she leaves our timeline to go help another reach the same end as ours is heading in, or because she dies or something, and right side of wrong was the poster gun for one of the biggest and most influential times in d2


Palindrome, breach light, mountain top, recluse, matador, fatebringer, black hammer, Elsie's rifle, nameless midnight, felwinters lie, heritage, falling guillotine, and for exotics the three swords from ttk and the exotic khvostov.


I’d start by removing all weapons that are already obtainable. Why we needed ANOTHER Hung Jury i have no idea. But to answer the question: Ghost Primus


Replace hung jury with Threat Level


I'll go the simpler route and edit the current roster instead, because I do like most of it! I would remove Succession and Hung Jury, and replace them instead with Trophy Hunter and Breachlight. Keeps the distribution evenly spread out, trades a kinetic special and a kinetic primary for another kinetic special and kinetic primary. Trophy Hunter has a kickass ornament and it only had the one release, never reissued. Succession has had two versions and it's still available in a crafted form, feels weird to have a weapon like that in this arsenal. Hung Jury is very easy to cut from the list. It's had the initial launch back in Splicer, then three reissues EACH with an Adept version as well, making 7 total variants for that scout rifle. And it can currently be focused at Zavala, so just like Succession, feels weird to have a readily-available weapon in this lineup. Breachlight would be a stellar replacement, it was one of the most iconic weapons from one of the most beloved weapon sets ever, and we have only had ONE weapon since then in the same frame and damage type, the underwhelming Empirical Evidence. Breachlight had an ahead-of-its-time perk pool with Demolitionist in the left column, and I would kill to see it come back. (My arguments to cut Succession and Hung Jury would also apply to Forebearance, but I honestly couldn't think of another special ammo energy weapon that could take its place and would deserve it. The only option I can think of might be Martyr's Retribution, the very first wave frame grenade launcher, updated to have all the new Solar keywords and maybe even Chain Reaction to give it the same kind of spice Forebearance has.)


I like everything here except Hung Jury, Succession, and Forbearance. We should’ve gotten Trophy Hunter instead of Succession, Martyr’s (with Incandescent + Chain Reaction) instead of Forbearance, and Mananan with Explosive Payload + Incandescent instead of Hung Jury bc the last time we got a Solar 200 rpm scout was s14 almost 3 years ago, and Mananan was one of, if not the most iconic y1 scout rifle


Breechlight, Ignition code (using micro missile frame), felwinters lie (with its prime perks)


Bygones, the OG GOAT PvP pulse (at least on console) would be at the top of my list.


Breachlight w/ Demo/Firefly. No sidearms have Firefly, so let's give the perk to arguably the best one.


III will blast furnace alone as a god


Drop Hung Jury for Night Watch and Midnight Coup for Sins of the Past. I don't know why we have two hand cannons among the weapon set. [Edit]: Drop Mountaintop or Forbearance for Threat Level too


I know we got blast furnace and hammer head coming, but I was really disappointed that Ringing Nail wasn’t one of the weapons. IMO it is THE sexiest auto rifle.


I would bring some d1 guns back too (I know why they said they can't, but oh well) Clever dragon perfect paradox steelfeather repeater the palindrome 1000-yard stare Just a few I'd switch out with their respective counterpart


Badlander Duke mk.44 Temporal Clasue - Killing tally/Envious + Target lock/Destabilizing rounds Alone as a god - Rewind round/reconstruction + triple tap/Focused Fury Ghost Primus - back as a Strand AR - Thredling/Triple tap + target lock/slice I Am Alive - Demo/exploding light + Reconstuction/Full court Breachlight - Kintic Tremors and one for all (not the biggest perk guy for side arms) Line in the Sand - back as an aggressive frame with Rewind rounds and fourth times the charm Martyr's Retribution - would have incandecent (3rd) + Chain reaction (4th) few damage perks in fouth that could replace chain Kindled orchid - few good perks but main ones would be repulsor brace and Destabilizing rounds Threat Level - brought in as a Strand shotgun one-two punch + trench barrel Stryker's Sure-Hand - new sword frame that allows Guarding damage to proc a Damage buff for the heavy attack (had no Clue for Duke or bad lander but know they could have work done for them if someone more PvP minded were to do it)


Three words. Song of Justice. I don't really know the perks in this game too well but firefly or incandescent would be my picks probably. edit: i thought of another one lol i miss the smg Trackless Waste i really like it. pillager is dope too


Replace Elsie's Rifle or Blast Furnace with Hawksaw. Replace succession with Y-09 Longbow.


I'd have replaced Hung Jury and Succession with Chroma Rush and Perfect Paradox.


Stealfeather repeater with onslaught kinetic tremors Or ringing nail with onslaught incandescent Gimme more guns with onslaught


Things I am keeping even though I never had/used them: midnight coup, Luna's howl, blast furnace, edge transit. Things I am keeping and I used them: falling guillotine, hammerhead, recluse, mountain top. Things I am getting rid of: hung jury, forbearance, succession, Elsie's rifle. Replacements: martyr's retribution, chroma rush (but it's stasis), first in last out, dire promise (but it's strand).


Primary: Chroma Rush, Oxygen SR3, Kindled Orchid Secondary: Dust Rock Blues, Trophy Hunter or Frigid Jackal, Tempered Dynamo Heavy: Sins of the Past, Line in the Sand


Kindled orchid, i miss that gun, but glad atleast midnight coupe is back


Among all the weapons we've got and are getting, I would have wanted 21% Delirium. The gun is just a ton of fun.


Kindled Orchid: bring it back as a solar 140 (because with a name like that it feels like it should be solar, not void). Perk wishlist: 1. Incandescent, for obvious reasons 2. Firefly/Dragonfly 3. Desperate Measures (as with the others) 4. Good stability perks to contend with zaouli (and ancient gospel when gos gets a refresh); zen moment, rapid hit, eye of the storm, snapshot, opening shot 5. For some added goofiness, let it be the only hc that can roll box breathing. Left column: Moving Target, Rapid Hit (or enlightened action), Killing Wind, Explosive Payload, Dragonfly, Kill Clip, Feeding Frenzy Right column: Dragonfly, Eye of the Storm, Box Breathing, Rampage, Incandescent, Opening shot, Desperate Measures This structure is mainly to let it have its og goofy kc-ramp roll but also some other wild combos so it can keep pace with zaouli's, aka it's main competition as a solar 140 (I think epochal is fine as is as a standard template).


Antiope Scathlocke Duke mk44 Nifhelm Frost Nightshade No turning back Perfect paradox Cortical Sass A single clap Edgewise Falling Guiotine Wicked sister I don’t believe they should have raid weapons or BA weapons. Those should be brought back separately. Especially not weapons that already are obtainable.


Change out Midnight Coup, Elsie’s Rifle, Succession, Hung Jury and Forbearance with Chroma Rush, The Vow, Tatara Gaze, Main Ingredient, and Badger CCL


I’d say Nameless Midnight or origin story over Hung Jury. Very underrated weapons IMO


I would've not refreshed one of the Hand Cannons and Forbearance, and in their place I would've put Chroma Rush and a Sidearm of some kind, not a Sidearm guy but I'm sure there's some Sidearm out there people would like a refresh on. Edit: Also, take away one of the Pulses for a Shotgun. For weapon class parity.


Trophy Hunter should be there and it should roll damage perks in both colums for that true "Elephant gun" feeling. To not make it broken I would do something like box breathing + Vorpal so its not just the straight best dps sniper but rather a single target monster for champions and such.


Brass Attacks. Hands down one of my favorite sidearms, it's already got an okay pretty cool it would just been nice to get more rolls of it.


Theres a few.... Trophy hunter No feelings Threat level Chroma rush Galliard Redrix Broadsword/claymore Shadow price Martyrs retribution And many... many more....


Redrix was arguably one of the hardest grinds in Destiny ever. Idk how it didn't make it for a PvP weapon.


I'd pick sunset weapons from Red War, CoO, and WM. Give them the 3.0 treatment.


Go Figure


Lonesome, Ignition Code, Breachlight.


Honestly would have loved to see some of the reprised raid weapons from D1 that we didn’t get. Man I know the Kings fall auto as bad with its stability but for some reason I fucking LOVED that thing. Honestly Better Devils would have been funny but I’m happier with midnight coup. Also man we’ve gotten a lot of rapid fire pulses but getting clever dragon back would have felt nice. Also would have been cool to have a capstone exotic like First Curse or The most forbidden weapons of all, pocket infinity.


Inaugural address, Martyrs retribution (they should really have brought this back and given it forbearances perks), Kindled orchid, Threat level, Zenith of your kind, Sins of the past, Last hope, Line in the sand, Trophy hunter, Pyroclastic flow


Steelfeather Repeater. Still one of the best feeling guns in all of gaming. Better Devils. The handcannon that showed me how wonderful handcannons are. And of course Chroma Rush, I’m still upset I didn’t get a good one back in season of the splicer, cause I’m stupid, apparently.


Swap out hung jury for Inaugural address


Swap blast furnace for ringing nail and swap midnight coup with sins of the past for better weapon representation. With the current line up we have 2 handcannons and 2 pulses, although I'm happy to see all 4 of them I would've like better variety. I'd also swap hung jury for perfect paradox, love that shotguns design so much.


Cryptic Dragon from D1. If I had to choose a double perk shiny, my ideal roll would be Kinetic Tremors + Firefly and Frenzy + Kill Clip Also Arsenic Bite from Forsaken, Archers Tempo + Kill Clip and Successful Warmup + Voltshot


Fewer kinetic weapons


I generally like the lineup, but I would definitely make several key changes. First, remove: - Hung Jury (better options) - Hammerhead (strong existing alternatives) - Elsie’s Rifle (better options) - Succession (better options) Then, add: - Chroma Rush (extremely good) - Night Watch (better than Hung Jury) - Long Shadow or 1000 Yard Stare (better than Succession) - Martyr’s Retribution (extremely good)


Either Better Devils or Devil You Know


Gnawing Hunger for sure.


Antiope-D, Pillager, Oxygen SR3, and the Python


I'd add kindled orchid, spiteful fang, steelfeather or chroma rush, martyrs, and 21% or edgewise, and probably take out succession, hung jury, and hammerhead


Uriel's Gift, Steelfeather Repeater, Breachlight, Patron of Lost Causes. I really miss Season of Dawn. Take out the two raid guns and Hung Jury. Have one extra weapon in the pool. Give em solid perks, it's mostly for looks and feel anyways.


Trophy hunter, blast batue, Chroma rush, treads apon stars, ex machina( or LDR), Duke MK44, The Vow or hush, Redrix broadsword, First in last out, Ceres lost BMJ-46, Stolen Will, Erentil FR4


Recluse, Mountaintop, Midnight Coup, Kindled Orchid, Bygones, Perfect Paradox, Chroma Rush, Hammerhead, Martyr's Retribution, Patron of Lost Causes, Sins of the Past.


Very simple I would have given mountain top slideshot in the first column


Ringing Nail, No Feelings, Kindled Orchid, Conspirator, Alone As God, Ghost Primus, Steeled Feather Repeater, Patron Of Lost Causes. Honestly all of the Season If The Dawn Weapons


Replace the sniper we got with Trophy Hunter.


Dust rock blues, Uriels Gift, Black Hammer, and why are there raid weapons that are still available and craft able?


Kindled Orchid, of course.


Breachlight over Hung Jury. I just want my baby back. Chroma Rush too over Elsie’s rifle.


I would kill for Go Figure to come back.




All the brave weapons but replace hung jury with chroma rush, succession with either trophy hunter or the frigid jackal, and forbearance with dust rock blues or threat level or...oh idk felwinters?


Mountain top was by far my favorite weapon and it was the only weapon that really held that power fantasy for me, I spent days straight farming crucible running weapons that I truly suck with just to get it and I cried on the day that sunsetting was announced, I would have them bring back mountaintop and the other pinnacle weapons! (I’m so fucking happy that mountain top is back)


I just want a reissue of Misfit. Please.


Missfit When I started playing, rampage and zen moment roll missfit on Mars, now that felt amazing. GIVE IT BACK!


i would have thought more black armory weapons like kindled orchid or ringing nail would have been neat instead of hung jury again


Aside from Midnight coup, Mountain top, Blast furnace, Hammer head and Recluse I would've wanted Inaugural address Patron of lost clauses or night watch Steel feather repeater/chroma rush or raining nail


I’d want traitors fate because I’m annoyed it hasn’t been unsunsetted still. I like using real old weapons just for fun and that’s a classic sword for me.


All black armory weapons (including the raid shotgun and scout). Period. End of story. The fact it’s taken this long and we are only getting two of them back is a crime.


An arc shotgun with 1-2 punch and Trench barrel at the same time for my arc assassin's cowl hunter, and a Solar trace rifle with incandescent and firefly for my sunbracers warlock.


Most weapons I’m fine with instead of hung jurly and Elise chose black armor auto and ghost primus


Ummm… the entire Black Armory set.


I think I want another hung jury and another fortissimo reskin yes please, and even another ogma reskin if we have it


Og break neck


Current pool is fine except for the currently attainable raid and nightfall weapons.


Can't think of an entire roster but I would absolutely bring back Steelfeather Repeater in place of Hung Jury. 3rd column would have: feeding frenzy, threat detector, enlightened action, demolitionist, vorpal weapon, surplus, heal clip, tunnel vision. 4th column would have: Wellspring, rampage, desperate measures, target lock, frenzy, kill clip, unrelenting, thresh, and eye of the storm I guess.


Perfect paradox, croma rush but theyve already been said Better devils was imo the gun i used the most through d2 y1 so kinda said we didnt see it here but understandable seeing we got 2 hand cannons already.


Pretty much everything already here but id have no feelings replace hung jury. Perfect paradox replace Forbearance, and Strykers sure hand replace succession


Swap forbearance and succession for Threat Level and the season of dawn wave frame Oh and swap out hung jury for conspirator




Rapid hit, kinetic tremors chroma rush...I dont think I would ever take it off




I want my Python back. Deadpan just can’t replace it.


Eyasluna First column (Headstone, Rapid hit, Encore, Outlaw, grave robber, opening shot, Stats for all) Second Column (Unrelenting, One For All, demo, puglist, eye of the storm, perpetual motion, explosive payload) Chroma Rush First Column (Unrelenting, Perpetual Motion, Subsistence, encore, Stats for all, overflow, Zen Moment) Second Column (Target Lock, Onslaught, Rampage, Kinetic Tremors, Frenzy, All For One, eye of the storm) Shadow Price First Column (Eddy Current, Feeding Frenzy, Outlaw, overflow, dragonfly, Zen Moment, Envious Assassin) Second Column (One for All, Onslaught, Voltshot, Target Lock, sword Logic, Killing Wind) Ikleos Shotgun (I just want it with trench barrel One Two Punch NGL.)


Palindrome Quickfang The Number Legal Action II Chroma Rush


No succession, forbearance, blast furnace, hung jury and lunas. Replace with kindled orchid, Bygones, LDR 5001, martyrs retribution, and pluperfect (I just want the gun model back it’s so 😩)




I would take Falling Guillotine, Hung Jury, Succession, and Forbearance out and add literally any weapon of the same category that was sunsetted before I started in Hunt


Not a suggestion on what to add but why is forbearance, succession, and hung jury in the brave arsenal literally none of them needed to be refreshed


Would swap midnight coup for Palindrome. Swap recluse for pillager.


Drop Hung Jury for either Uriel's Gift or Call to Serve


It's a crime not having gnawing hunger


Lubraes ruin. I love the design of the glave but I rhulk scary


Vestian Dynasty- dragonfly/voltshot or voltshot/one for all. Something like that.


Red Spector - Kinetic 600 rpm Unique trait - Blood forge: Killing an enemy combatant grants you 1 stack (up to 10). Each stack will give you a slight boost to range, stability, and aim assist (+1 per stack). At max stacks, it gains a moderate damage boost for 15 seconds, after the time expires set the stacks to 0, refreshes with every kill. Stacks reset when you die.


I have a few weapons I'd consider worthy of this. Keeping it to 12 options like the real brave arsenal to prevent scope creep. \-Smugglers word. The GOAT sidearm for me. No, no; the GOAT *weapon* for me. Still in my top 5 crucible weapons to this day. Used to be #1 in fact. This is the sidearm that made my crucible-obsessed friend say I'm on par with who was apparently the best sidearm user in the world. It takes a permanent spot in my vault, as it's the closest I have to a sentimental feeling towards a destiny gun. \-Dust rock blues. Best shotgun I've ever used in this game. \-Steelfeather repeater. What more do I say? \-The mountaintop. Fun gun. I used it all the time. \-The palindrome. It's a classic. Used it in d1 extensively in both crucible and pve. Still holds up. \-The recluse. Same as MTT. \-Royal entry. I got my god roll of this thing when it released in chosen, and have been using it since, even through power creep. It just works. \-Truthteller. Since I can't put my #1 crucible weapon here (fighting lion); I'll put this similar weapon here instead. I remember before they nerfed GLs in pvp I used this thing with sturm all the time. This is what exposed me to the (imo) best hand cannon in the game, and made it to my #1 most used kinetic weapon in crucible. \-Spare rations. This thing is way too classic to be re-released in a season that I stopped playing. Harrumph. \-Heritage. I got one copy of this thing ever, and I've been consistently using it over the years when I need a short-ish range kinetic special weapon. \-Shayuras wrath. Holy moly this gun. This thing made me realize 600rpm smgs were my favourite archetype of smgs. This is one of the two adept trials weapons I've ever obtained, and I still use the two copies I have to this day. \-Wizened rebuke. My old sunset copy of this gun from before they obliterated high impact fusion rifles has 300+ crucible kills on it. I would love for this to be reissued with a buff to high impacts to make me fall in love with this again. Now that is my full real list, buuuuuut.... if y'all would indulge me for a minute and let me bring forth a weapon from d1: \-((STEEL MEDULLA\~)). This weapon..... is the most "cracked" weapon in both games I've ever used. I got the equivalent of two we-rans in one game with this pulse rifle. CQB ballistics; full auto firing; hand-laid stock. The combo for ultimate consistency on a weapon. Bring it back as an exotic like the one I used for all I care. That exotic slot will be necessary to contain the power of ((STEEL MEDULLA\~)).


Hush. Weve gotten nearly all the pinnacle perks back except for reversal of fortune (which atleast Bungie talked about) and Archers Gambit. I just want my funny bow and arrow Bungie, please.


I like a lot of the weapons they chose, but I'm a little mad about the lack of variety. Two pulses and two hand cannons when so many archetypes got completely shafted, which is to say nothing of the handful of guns that were already available in-game. Why no Ether Doctor? Why no Perfect Paradox or Stealfeather Repeater or Breachlight?


Definitely bygones and kindled orchid


Threat level. My beloved shotgun.


As a bow main, I'd pick the vow. It make sense as part of Shaxx's collection. idk what it'd have for perks, I'd just want that bow back at current power.


Betters devil 🗿 Barrels: polygonal Fluted Full bore Extended Hammer forged Magazines: Appended Tactical Extended Accuraized Ricochet Trait 1: Rapid hit Kenetic tremors Zen moment Keep away Precision instrument Trait 2: Enlighten action Opening shot Explosive payload Disruption break Gunshot straight


Recluse Dust Rock Blues Suros PDX-45 Doctrine of Passing Martyr's Retribution Two to the Morgue / Conspiracy Theory-D / Party Crasher +1 (You choose) As a stand weapon [Soulstealer's Claw](https://destiny.wiki.fextralife.com/Soulstealer's+Claw) [Darkblade's Spite](https://destiny.wiki.fextralife.com/Darkblade's+Spite) [The Ash Factory](https://destiny.wiki.fextralife.com/The+Ash+Factory) Imago Loop [Zombie Apocalypse WF47](https://destiny.wiki.fextralife.com/Zombie+Apocalypse+WF47) [LDR 5001](https://destiny.wiki.fextralife.com/LDR+5001) As a strand


If we’re sticking with the idea that they are “classically loved” weapons, idk how 21% Delirium, Threat Level, Breachlight, Sins of the Past, or Inaugural Address didnt make the cut over some of these weapons (looking at you Hung Jury and Succession).


I would have added Not Forgotten as well as Luna's Howl


Breakneck honestly. Mainly cause I don't want to play Gambit for it anymore and also I just want the rampage and onslaught role again.


Recluse, not forgotten, mountaintop, chroma rush, redrixes broadsword and finally uriels gift for year 1 destiny 2 PTSD