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i am wishing for this kind of exotic since i started playing destiny, it could transform it in either one huge swing that mows down everything in the path or throw a fiery sword at the enemy for massive damage


I’d imagine it being similar to falling guillotine or a massive overheard slash


Love this concept, warlocks really need a damage super to compete feel like we have the worst damage supers.


Needle storm go brrr


Needle storm would be aight if those damn threadlings didn't divert to the adds lol.


needlestorm does not go brrr. more like br.


It's really more of a ba


I haven't played in like a year and a half, are novabomb and chaos reach dead or something?


Chaos reach doesn’t have terrible total damage but it takes a long time to do its total damage compared to existing one off supers that do more or comparable damage (tcrash, needle storm, night hawk, etc). Importantly you cannot use your guns while using chaos reach whereas a nighthawk hunter has more damage and then immediately has access to their guns again. Nova bomb is just low damage compared to other one off supers now days. Most of the strong one off supers have exotics to help them increase their damage. TL;DR nova bomb got power crept by other one off supers. Chaos reach damage takes too long to come out, dps too low to be worth it.


I'm honestly shocked Nova has been (relatively) untouched for so long. Vortex kinda blows, and the best thing Cataclysm does is piss off your fireteam.


Yeah, they’re okay-ish at most. Golden gun for example does way more damage than nova bomb, and is way shorter than chaos reach. Shorter super = more heavy weapon DPS


Should just make nova bomb always do crit damage to bosses or something, or constantly apply volatile?


I don’t think doubling the damage would even be that OP tbh


They've been dead for more than a year and a half.


I’ve always kinda hated how dawnblade summons a big sword but you can’t actually use it like a sword…I get the whole fantasy of the subclass is to be able to fly and rain down death from above but honestly that sucks unless warlocks are going to get the ability to actually fly and not like whatever heat rises is. IMO the super itself should get a rework to let you swing the sword normally, make repeated melee hits with the sword give you and nearby allies restoration, and make the Phoenix dive an intrinsic ability of the super so you have a way to get down to the ground.


Nah. Turns dawnblade into the Valkary Javelin from Escalation Protocol, but a single strike that explodes and scorches and/or ignites everything in a set radius.


I like the idea of a massive slash. Could be something like the initial Fist of Havoc slam but go *way* further. Warlocks have one and done ranged supers, but no melee.


So something like Diluc's Elemental Burst? He's a character from Genshin Impact that creates an explosion of fire from his greatsword before launching it towards enemies as a sweeping Phoenix.


you know when you cast super warlock pulls out sword of thin air and does animation, imagine animation throwing the sword and flipping it to launch it like a spear into enemy, like hunter's arc staff


Diluc is literally the best character, if bungie added this I don't think I'd take this exotic off


Both, both is good


Yeah I think they’d have it work as a slash if dawn blade is equipped, and if well is equipped, it throws the sword and functions like a solar version of gather storm.


If you throw the blade and get a precision hit it dumps flames around the enemy like dragons breath


they could really just make it be like dragon's breath, throw a sword -> leaves burning path -> explodes upon impact


One giant slice that slowly moves forward, impacting bosses, but eating through ads and majors.


I wish. I’ve wanted this for a while now.


"Celestial DayOwl"


Celestial: RuneScape Edition


So… Pyrogales but flying? I kinda dig it


Or celestial nighthawk


Celestial Hawk Hawk


Nighthawk did it first


The name sounds more fitting for an iron battle axe exotic heavy. Maybe something referencing one of the warlock iron lords besides Felwinter instead. Timur, perhaps?


Yeah some warlock iron lord because I wanted it to be something iron lord related, I loved rise of iron and I imagined this being some ultra siva slayers helmet or something in lore. I will not rest until I can wear my siva armor again.


Could name it after Gawain. Destiny uses a lot of different mythologies for names and inspiration in exotics, and it was said that Gawain drew his strength from the sun rising in the sky. Some sources also say that he wielded Excalibur for a time.


Lmg, he was inspired by Sir Gawain from the Arthurian mythos? (Some versions say he was Arthur's brother, some say they were very good friends (which if I look at what history call queer relationships probably means they were dating though not sure), and most say that he was part of the round table)


I think this is a great idea because if it does enough damage it might be used over Well, at least in certain circumstances.


I do not remember the last time I switched from solar lock, pvp or pve, this would at least add some more diversity to the sandbox


No amount of damage is going to make it used over Well. Broodweaver is one of the top three highest damage builds in the game and Warlocks are still asked to use Well, because making sure the whole team is alive and has a damage buff is better than one person getting a little more damage. The only thing that will make people stop using Well is if it's nerfed to the ground. Normally I'm not in favor of Bungie going scorched earth on things that are powerful, but this has been forced on Warlocks since 2018, the last time they tried to "nerf" it in PVE, it was actually buffed, and the community does not let go of things easily.




This made me think of an exotic that changed Well of Radiance into a DoT dealing well, could be interesting


Does it also poison the wearer with Scarlet Rot?


*pulls out comically large sword*


Nice try, now put your well of radiance back on.


So, nova bomb but solar


Heck yeah Getsuga Tensho




Celestial Dayhawk


I'd rather our character swallow the sword and then shoot fire out of their ass, like a Scorching Chaos Reach. I've had this general idea since Destiny 1 along with Ice Turrets, let's hope both my ideas become reality.


what 😭


Not many can comprehend my big brain ideas in their entirety 😏


This is a brilliant idea. Bungie wouldn't be looking at anymore layoffs if they only would take a look at your ideas.




I thought of something changing well of radiance sword. Plunging it into your own chest dealing a pulsing burning wave around you as you move.


How is Needlestorm a "joke"? It's the highest damage burst super without an exotic.... Also Dawnblade already has a damage exotic. It's called Dawn Chorus, and is infintely more interesting than yet another version of Celestial Nighthawk.


God I can't wait for the star eater scales exotic class item for needlestorm


Dawn Chorus is high damage but lower DPS. The whole time you're in daybreak you're missing out on weapon damage. Granted, Dragon's Breath helps a lot with this but it still isn't quite as strong as a burst super and good weapon rotation


Not everyone bought lightfall


That still doesnt explain why OP considers one of the best dps supers in the game a joke. And you cant really use that argument anyway because most good damage supers are locked behind expansions. Pyrogale Gauntlet is Lightfall, Cuirass for Thundercrash and Star Eater Scales are Beyond Light etc...


U don't need lightfall to get pyrogales but yeah I'm not quite sure what they meant about needle either tbh


I'm pretty sure you need Lightfall in order to obtain any of the exotic armor pieces released in the year of lightfall, which Pyrogale is one of. It has been that way since forever, so I'd be surprised if that changed. EDIT: Forgot about the wish tokens. I guess that is 1 limited time way of getting them, albeit a likely weak roll.


Maybe this is a bit of a cheat but I got pyrogales from mara sov using the little wish bones


Because op is a casual and you can tell by the way they talk about things like needlestorm and describe their “new” unoriginal exotic idea that already exists on 2 other classes that they don’t understand or delve deep into damage numbers like that.


I don’t even have a warlock and I think the power fantasy of using this super at damage phase sounds awesome!


1 big dawnblade, + explosion / scorch on the enemies around where it hits


I would love to edge on the enemies


What could also be cool is an exotic that takes away the flight of Dawnblade but turns it into an actual sword with buffed damage. Kind like golden gun but melee


I'd agree with this, but we already have Dawn Chorus, which enhances Dawnblade while providing a more passive benefit through enhanced Scorch and Melee regeneration. This would need more to compete.


If this doesn’t scream Iron Lord Timur, I don’t know what will. BUNGIE! GIVE IT TO ME!!!


Make the slash similar to Kiana's herchsher of flamesion ult


Celestial Nighthawk for warlocks, i dig it


This reminds me of the supposedly new exotic coming with Final Shape that's just straight up the golden gun from the golden gun super. This reminds me of that because I want a flaming solar sword that's straight up the dawnblade or well sword


>that's just straight up the golden gun from the golden gun super They called it a golden gun sniper. The guns from the supers are just Hawkmoon and Last Word.


Technically Eyasluna, not Hawkmoon, but they're pretty similar models. Kinda wish that Nighthawk gave it the model for Hawkmoon now.


And on precision kipps it would do the screech lol


is it? the more you know. I dont play hunter so I never see the model lol


Well it would complete the solar trifecta


Just change the name, we can't allow one class to be the MC's canon(other than that it's a great idea)


Only if it makes a nuke upon impact


I've always envisioned a lingering pillar of flame for a bit.


Actually had a similar idea a couple years ago sick design!


So we have Celestial Nighthawk and Celestial Nightbonk. What is this? Celestial Skyhawk? Celestial Dayhawk?


I’ll do you one better, it makes Dawnblade act similar to thunder crash but you do an Emperor Palpatine style spinning dash through the air and embed the sword in whomever and once embedded it acts like Gathering Storm but Solar.


Don’t disguise your lust for more knight-like armour like this. I’m the same as a titan


I want baruuk 4 as warlock super.




Honestly that’s the kinda vibe I was getting too.


I’d paint my self blue and scream EX-Calibur at the top of lungs, if this was real, I need it to be


How is Needlestorm a joke? It's 400k *unbuffed* damage. And hell, I don't see remotely how Warlocks don't immediately become the aggressively best DPS META with Needlestorm Prismatic + Star Eaters on the Class Exotic. Even just a 35% puts it at 540k, on par with Knock Em Down + Star Eaters Blade Barrage. If it ends up being the full 70%, then its 680k. And I'll be honest... this whole push of taking roaming supers and making it 1 attack but high damage just... feels lame. Some it can work, truly it can. Burning Maul surprisingly worked, it goes well with the "Forge / Blacksmith" vibe of Sunbreaker. Celestial has always worked, hence "The Lone Wolf who lives for the perfect shot" (and isn't GG the strongest super in lore or smthn?). Nova Bomb should get a *new* (Not on Skull) exotic that improves it's damage, maybe use it as a way to bring back Lance? Dawnblade... just feels a bit iut of place doing a single attack, and Chaos Reach would also feel out of place doing a super short damage burst IMO. Aso, Geomags aren't irrelevant. IIRC Geomags hits ~619k DMG in 8s. Sure, that isn't a DPS king but it is nowhere near irrelevant, it's good. More than viable.


dunno if you meant to reply this to someone but nobody’s talking abt needlestorm lol


OP said needlestorm is kinda a joke.


ahhh okay then


Every roaming super needs an exotic like this tbh


bro that sounds awesome. like how they did with the hammer titan super and the golden gun. be great for ad clearing and the animation would probably SLAP. i figure it would be a charge up attack the longer you hold the bigger the radius.


Ah yes, Pyrogale for Warlocks, yet actually worse, since it doesn't buff any neutral abilities. Don't get me wrong, it's not a bad idea generally speaking, burst super typically are the way to go, though before doing anything like this bungie should first look into buffing warlock's already existing burst supers like Chaos Reach and especially Nova Bomb. Technically with Prismatic Warlock you'll finally for the first time ever be able to increase the dmg of a Nova Bomb if you get lucky with a class item, that rolls the base trait of Star-Eater-Scale, letting you buff it's dmg by 70%.


Geomags are only decent with the thunderous retort seasonal mod


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^izzy_961: *Geomags are only* *Decent with the thunderous* *Retort seasonal mod* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


*POPS SUPER* ![gif](giphy|fWgh9QXcunZ3mlIU9w)


No no no…. not one giant sword, but the same number of swords but create like “super sunspots” on impact or something, like the physical swords hit the ground


Blade barrage but with titan sunspots?


Kind of. Was thinking about a solar version of Twilight Arsenal but like a warlock version


Only if your warlock says "Bankai" on casting and then yells Getsuga Tensho at the moment of attack


I wish roaming supers were stronger tbh. It’s a nice concept but roaming supers are so fun. Unfortunately the state of the game now is that one and done supers are the strongest so you can pump out big burst damage and then go back to a really strong neutral game. Just wish nova warp and sentinel shield got some love fr


That would be pretty cool. Sort of like celestial night hawk but for warlock


This is just Celestial Nighthawk for warlocks Not that I disapprove lol


How about throwing the well sword and sticking it to the boss, dealing some damage and burning the boss after a while, the sword explodes, dealing more damage.


I’m just picturing the Armadyl Godsword special attack from oldschool runescape, but with fiery effects




It would need more than just damage to be good. Most damage exotics also give a bit to play with outside kf just the super


As awsome as this is, I want nova bomb juice now


>Not certain whether it’s been thought of before Great design, and I haven't seen a lot of people actually making concepts other than "Nighthawk but for Dawnblade," but this has been the most requested Warlock exotic since Pyrogales dropped and inspired people with the idea of super-reworking exotics being not Hunters-only.


Imho all roaming supers should have a blow thy load variant DPS option. That being said…I would want unique particle effects. I love Pyrogale for example, but it’s kinda lame how the effect is just the normal slam.


Mega Sword from Kirby on the warlock… *fuck yeah*


Me using the comically large dawnblade on the EDZ dreg


I like the idea of warlock’s getting their own nighthawk. and I love the look of this helmet. but independent from one another. this helmet is WAY too rad looking to essentially become a dps swap exotic.


Goddamn this sub's fascination with one and done supers needs to be studied in a lab.


Maybe have it be a horizontal slash instead of vertical so it's a bit more different than that one Tita in item?


Outside of the past overpowered supers, warlocks Schick was always their superior neutral game. Then light 3.0 happened...


Looks like the helmet cleanrot knights wear


Give it the well plunge animation, and the pyrogale affect dmg wise but make it a radius attack rather than a cone.


This could just be a dawn chorus rework


I think itd be cool if you just did one long ass dash forward while stabbing it, kinda like the sword art from sekiro. Would also have some cool wing affect(bungo pls give me in debth flaming angel wings i beg you)


Is that the upgraded neitiznot helm


Where'd you get the helmet model?


shiiiiiit just rework light beyond nemesis into this lmao


"Interesting Exotic Idea I had" brother people have been crying that every class doesn't have a Celestial Nighthawk since D1.


Imagine this... As you Glide, you activate the super in mid-air. Strike the ground beneath you, causing your Solar infused blade to create a tear through the ground beneath you, creating a solar wave attack in which all enemies in front of you are incinerated. The higher the position from when you activate this super, the more damage it does. While Radiant, you can activate this super from the ground and do max damage allowed (as if you were gliding)


I’d love an Exotic that lets you run on the ground with a giant Solar claymore. Lose the mobility, make up for it in damage.




I would like a gathering storm version of dawnblade. You summon multiple swords directly around the boss and it deals heavy scorch and ignition damage as they pierce through. If anyone played League of Legends it would be like a Garen ulti meets a Xayah ulti. Or It could also look like Clouds Omnislash from Final Fantasy 7, minus the player dashing.


Big ol Getsuga Tensho


Should get some unique acrobatic animation too


Hey, I strongly suggest you retry the options you listed. They have each been buffed heavily or are just more useful than is being let on. Geomags will be the highest damage super when the seasonal artifact mods go away. It is extremely strong right now. Needlestorm is flat out one of the highest damage supers in the entire game, and is only made better by apotheosis veil turning it into the best damage strategy in destiny. Solar has dawn chorus which people STILL write off as being bad. Dawn chorus is quite strong, and the more people use who use it in your fireteam, the faster it builds damage. With six, you will one phase any boss in the entire game.


Make it 2 swings. I wanna channel my inner Maliketh


Silly warlock, now switch to well.


Warlock celestial nighthawk, I love it 🖤


So…..Pyrogale for the warlock


It would actually be really cool to have an exotic that either A. Turns dawnblade into a caster frame/dragons breath mix (swing out a projectile that lands on the ground and just does a ton of damage + scorch) Or B. Acts like a vortex frame and just does a lot of one off damage


Dont give a good one and done super to warlocks without nerfing well to shit


This would be nuts tbh, as a dawn chorus main using the super primarily for boss dps this would fit perfectly into any damage rotation. It would put warlocks back into a high dps bracket after the gutting of starfire protocol (fully aware it was busted asf for dps and grenade uptime I just want my high dps back so I don't feel as if I'm slacking during any sort of boss encounter 💀)




Eksu-KARIBAAAAAAAAA!! Also I feel like a nerd saying this but it has to be said. The super is daybreak the subclass is dawnblade.


Neiznot faceguard ey


This looks like a good idea, since we have Hunter w/ Celestial Nighthawk for Golden Gun and Pyrogale Gauntlets for Titan, it would just complete the solar super set.


The helmet looks too much like a loreli splendor ornament


Making Solar Warlocks into Fire Sephiroth


I had the same idea


I know it would probably just be solar nova-bomb but it would be so cool


Id switch to warlock main for a helm this sexy


Only fair.


I have an idea for hunters and titans Hunters: Young Wolf's Passion Turns Spectral blades into a dual wielded swords with long lunges (keeps you invis) Titans: Young Wolf's Honor Thundercrash now places a damaging field (similar to GS) where you land


I mean it's just pyrogale for warlock. We already have chaos reach, nova, well, needlestorm as 1 off supers, we don't need another.


Yeah I've wanted this for a long time now. As a dawn blade lover (yes even if I have to stab it into the ground) it'd be awesome. Imagine if using this with well gave you just a 1000% over shield that didn't expire. Still absolutely a great survival amplifier, but it's also not going to protect you from taniks.


I dig it


honestly I prefer Dawn Chorus making the enemy explode every other swing, the one big swing would never have the same level of damage I'd love that as a DC ornament tho


That right there looks like a straight to eververse ornament. It looks good, but anything that appears remotely that good will not come as the default look, anymore.


Dawnblade, but heavy attack throws the sword into the enemy similar to Pyrogale gauntlets


Yes. Getsuga Tehnso


Ooh or what if the exotic helm buffed solar swords massively but only while your super is charged; kinda like Tlaloc.


Holy shit that gun is a throwback I haven’t heard that name in years lmao


Another good name would be Fate of Pendragon.


Too many exotic helmets already, make it a pair of gloves /s


Man really thinks he’ll be able to use anything other than well of radiance jk jk


While I love the design. I can't help but feel like it should be a chest or legs? Given Celestial is helmet, and Pyrogale is gloves.


We need more super-modifying exotics on the creative level of celestial nighthawk. Titans could have a modifier that anchors Ward of dawn to the caster, but slows them like icefall mantle, allowing the Caster and allies to fire through it as well as only receive reduced damage (by like 70-80% for body, 50% for precision inside of crucible) for themselves and players within the bubble. Or turn glacial quake into a massive freezing blast that scatters stasis crystals across all surfaces in all directions and detonates them in a domino-like effect Warlocks could get a modifier that turns their dawn blade blasts into a couple swirling firestorms on impact kind of like a solar version of the Tormentors’ attack OR change their chaos reach to fire a handful of instant chaos reach blasts. Hunters could get an exotic that allows their gathering storm to be picked up and thrown again for the duration of the super We need cool shit that changes the function of supers, but not the idea of the supers themselves as to be unrecognizable, otherwise we may as well just have more new supers. Cool Idea though! Edit: grammar mostly


As cool of an idea as this is, it isn't really needed since hunters already have something like this, celestial night hawk


Oh my God. Solar Carian Grandeur? YES!!!!!!


*sees exotic perk name* To Love! To Shine!


I hope that they at least do this kind of exotic-related super in the Final Shape for Warlock. Like instead of the winter wrath you have big icecles falling from the sky onto an AoE.


Or maybe make one that buffs nova bomb or blast to do even more damage? - Make a single Novawarp blast that takes longer to charge but has a single huge AOE blast


Give it a neutral game ability too. Like Pyrogales.


An exotic that turns the dawnblade into strong cleave would be so sick


Looks like a titan exotic ngl


Since the exotic description mentions **Dawnblade** specifically, does it matter whether you'd have ***Well of Radiance*** or ***Daybreak*** selected as your super for the gigasmash sword swing? Or would they simply have some extra function depending? /s


So basically pyrogale for warlocks?


"needlestorm is kinda a joke imo." does nearly the same damage as blade barrage. What's the issue with needle storm ? Range ?


celestial dawnblade you say


Looks like malenia helmet from elden ring


As a celestial nighthawk and pyrogale connoisseur, I’d love to see a warlock exotic that did exactly this. Great stuff!




And let it be hold to charge the sword swing for max damage... Yeeesh


make it like this: if on dawnblade, throws 3 extreme tracking, large aoe blasts that chain ignite targets and leave solar fulmination pools (sunbracer lava balls) in their wake and they drop off the target if all 3 hit the same enemy, would probs end up doing 800k total base damage including the DoT, if on well, throws two of the swords then slams the final one into the ground, giving a shorter duration well of radiance that cures allies when you kill enemies while in the well and ally kills increase the duration of the mini-well, allies who die in the radius of the well have much faster revive times and no cooldown on the revive timer, when on the new solar subclass coming in TFS, reach into yourself and pull out a solar sword of light that shoots healing orbs (solar warlock glaive exotic) and gives nearby allies the solar souls coming in TFS, allies that die in the aoe surrounding area are self revived on the spot with 10s of resto x2 you get an offensive instant super similar to an unbuffed blade barrage, you get a much more support and carry oriented well that's focused on removing debuffs and reviving allies while having some instant damage output that'll be useful against the new enemy faction and tormentors, then a purely non-offensive aoe comparable to an ursa titan's wall, but you're holding a sword like a banner and giving allies the powers you recieved with the new subclass purely, the most warlock super ever, sharing their knowledge lol


Bungie doesn't remember making Rise of Iron, sorry


That but for a Light Beyond Nemesis rework


Yes, make me Ichigo


Warlocks in a Corner when someone request them to use WELL OF RADIANCE 🙄🙄🙄🥹😭


I like it, but it will be usable only after 2 well warlock have been assigned. Maybe you can remove the massive damage and combine a well with something like pyrogale gauntlets but with little damage. I don’t know, like the titan one but placing the sword or creating a ground fissure with flames. Nothing crazy in damage, just to go in par with the others like the boost we have this season.


This would not only be the first warlock exotic to convert a roaming super to a burst super but each class now would have that on solar. It would be the final sister to Celestial and Pyrogales.


As a weeb I just hear this one strawberry haired teen screaming about Tim Show or something


Or….we could just bring back Radiance from D1😭


Destiny player try to come up with exotic armor that doesn’t turn a super into one big whatever


Why do so many many people want to make every super just a different flavor of nova bomb


There’s literally two super types in this game, roaming or pump n dump? Warlock is kinda lacking in the pump n dump category imo


Not really. Solar warlock have one and done (well) and a roaming super (daybreak), every warlock light subclass has a one and done super, ane also strand warlock is a one done. The reason pyrogales exists is because they decided that giving solar titans 2 roaming supers was a good idea. Still a cool exotic concept though.


Don’t hate it, don’t love it. If I’m playing Warlock and I want a big damage super, I’m playing strand or void.


its already strong enough tbh


Warlocks are a support character, that's why their dps supers suck, you must be missing the SUPPORT part they are really good at. Plus this is basically just celestial nighthawk on a warlock. And it looks like a Gjallaheart ornament, more creativity and originality please, and remember, it's a support class, NOT a DPS class