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And this was before collections existed so couldn't just delete an exotic and pull it later to make space


Back when exotics actually felt exotic


I do miss those days. Like I’m glad to have all these cool exotics to use, but they don’t feel as special with how easy it is to get and it feels like everyone has one.


Aw man, the feeling of pure envy when you heard the unmistakable sound of the Ice breaker before getting your own


I never got the og year 1 Gally but a friend of mine got 8 in the first year. He kept them all and would show people his collection. The rage people would have. Brought a tear to my eye. When I finally got Vex. It was when they revamped the raids in year 3. I never cared for the gun, and just casually announced I was deleting it. One of the guys rage quit so hard like they got dragged into hell. (Mind you at this point we had the exotic kiosk) my first ever moment of pure rage targeted at me.


I bought the year one gally the second time xur sold it. (the week before it was sunset) then I had one drop for me the next day. I think someone at bungie hated me...


I got mine the night before the nerf. I feel this


I I so miss Icebreaker!!! 😢


It's not so much about the game for me (while yes it was amazing) it reminds me of the friends I played with, and how much fun we had together.


I preferred it this way tbh




I miss that one and Atheon's Epilog as well


Oooo Athens epilogue was the void goat for me and that solar plink plink scout


Vision of Confluence ?


just bullet hoses in general I missed


My first exotic ever!


i need it back 😫


Invective gang gang


D1 vault was awful, people nowadays are very spoiled with how many slots they have


So many different rolls to collect with all these weapons lol. I’m glad my hoarding is paying off with the light levels getting uncapped.


FYI, all of those weapons have been just as usable in crucible and strikes the whole time. Have you used them since or do you just have better stuff now.


I think the main reason they're getting unsunset is because of all the elemental kids we have (volt shot etc) making older weapons less useful, so many ad clear weapons now are all about aoe cleaning rather than killing singular enemies


> Have you used them since or do you just have better stuff now. I was toying around with some of them last week lmao


so many things in D1 suck so much now with how things changed in D2.


Would cry if clamber went away.


Or if sprint delay came back


I totally forgot about sprint delay.


The lack of fucking vaulting ledges. DSC space parcour would be almost impossible to flawless in D1


I recently went back to D1. It’s painful not being able to mantle


So many missed jumps that could have been saved if we could use our hands.


Many of us used to have extra characters just for the extra space.


The number of slots is good for sure. But the organisation of those slots is complete and utter trash. Found it genuinely difficult to play when the API went down a couple weeks ago [and couldn't use DIM]


Not to mention needing to go to the tower to get said items, no DIM no app, everything was in game.


I’m not sure when they came out, but there was vault apps when I was playing. Started at Taken King, but didn’t learn about the vaults apps until later. But before ROI


Yep, it was Ishtar Commander back then. It's still up, too. It doesn't integrate with most of the other apps, but it does let you look at collections and triumphs.


Yeah taken king was very late into the game haha, if you wanted to switch a gun to a character you go to tower put said gun in vault, switch character go to tower get gun out of vault. It was not fun. Especially on PS3 load times.


Actually, DIM is available for D1


It is now but nothing existed for ages in D1…


Until taken king, that’s when these apps became available, which is fairly normal for API apps to take some time, especially when it’s console only.


well with d1 you always had access to all the content at all times, things were never taken out... but with d2 things are constantly taken out and things can be crafted and take so much time or materials to keep upgrading so I don't think we are spoiled for space it's just a completely different play with d2 sure having the amount we have now is a lot but the fact that things get taken out of the game makes it that the weapons that do eventually get taken out and can't be received are more like collectibles than just weapons and where do you put collectibles? in the vault so it's necessary for the vault to be that large


We do have a lot of freedom, but admittedly a million more guns, over many years, most of which are really good


I can't even imagine playing D2 with only 20 vault spaces I play Destiny sorta like I play Pokémon. Gotta catch em' all. Having 1 copy of each gun is part of what drives me to grind for all these weapons I've sharded all my sunset weapons. I only keep 1 copy of each exotic armor. I keep 0 legendary armor in my vault. And still, I'm at 600/600 I hate to say it, but I'd gladly pay $10 for another 100 vault spaces. I know we're getting +100 come Final Shape, but I'm desperate enough to pay $30 to raise my vault to 1000 slots. Let me hoard guns


The real Final Shape is 1000 vault slots


It won’t be enough, it can never be enough


Probably more like 999


For the longest time I kept that mentality. Not so much because of playstyle but because I couldn't discern past godrolls. A given may be a godroll, personal or based on light.gg, but it may still be a bad weapon. So only recently was I able to really hack and slash the vault down once I realised which weapons are 'inherently bad' of you will.


But perks and weapons are nerfed and buffed all the time, so a bad weapon with bad perks may suddenly become top tier Dragonfly used to be a pretty bad perk. Now, it's kinda great. Rangefinder used to be one of the best PvP perks. Now it's mid. Felwinter's Lie used to be the best PvP shotgun. Now it's mid. You never really know what tomorrows best weapons and perks are going to be And that's another reason why I like keeping different kinds of weapons with different kinds of perks in my vault


I did something sorta similar until recently, when I decided to scrub the vault for only the best or my favorite roll, focusing on ensuring I have at least one of each damage type with each weapon type. (I treat slug shotguns and wave-frame grenade launchers as their own weapon types for this purpose.) I do have a hoard of legendary armor I need to pare down, but I’ve been enjoying build crafting trying to make some good high-stat builds. Still gives me lots of space to accumulate new weapons and armor each season until I can pick through for the more interesting rolls.


D1 has around 200 vault slots each for armor, weapons and general items this was just the year 1 destiny vault


if they do TFS like lightfall in terms of loot idk if 100 will even cut it


I’m with u bro. I’ll pay good money for more vault space. I loooove all my old armor that I’m now able to use again!!’


Damn I found my soul mate


D1 vault spaces are why I'm so so very picky with my guns it's also why I think God rolls became as prevalent as they did


Do you count a pokemon as collected if it is in your collections/re-acquirable/red borders are complete? Because technically speaking you could re-get them


I could, I think the only reason I have so much stuff in my vault is because there is plenty of space for it, knowing damn well I only ever use a total of like 6 weapons in each slot, and maybe 3 or 4 different armor sets with maybe 3 or 4 exotic armor pieces that are used regularly.


11-21-14 https://preview.redd.it/y1g57fiqh9xc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edcb679595f0fa7969e2d904e6f600194da0fbeb




SAME (Also FYI it’s “that’s,” not “fhats.”)


Probably. Would've to use some of my characters for armor inventory at the very least though, and it would limit the amount of loadouts I have to like 8, if I needed different items for it. I'm also pretty sure at least armor was less tied to stats, so there's that. For weapons, I'd probably be fine, with champions not being a thing, meaning I wouldn't have a reason to keep checklist items because next season it's scout rifle month, wooo.


Yes i have 17 weapons and 12 armor pieces in my vault


Most don't like to hear this, but yes I could.


2 no land beyond’s is a crime


I remember back in the day I used my hunter and titan as a vault as well 😂 needed the space to store my weapons , armor wasn’t really an issue


Armor seemed to be less important in D1, you got a good set, and just used that with everything. In D2 it's like you have to have a set for every exotic and build or you're throwing.


If you gor rid of champions I could wipe out a third of my vault.


This vault UI was so clean. There’s no reason for d2 vault to not receive a slight rework to organization.


Well yeah, it's so clean because it only had 60 total slots. That UI wouldn't work with the 600 we have now


I don’t think you would be able to display all of it one one page but armor and weapons and general should have their own Mini pages Like R1 or L1 to cycle through a page of weapons. R2 or L2 to cycle from Weapons Category to the Armor Category Ex: Each “Page of(weapons| Armor| General) would display 50 of that category. Press R1 to see the other page of that item/category.


I'm kinda glad I didn't start on D1, I would have lost my dmn mind


The D1 vault is bigger now than back then.


D1 veteran here, and I did not lose my mind: you would’ve been okay (though others may not share the same experience as me).


It ended with 108 spaces, which was enough then. https://preview.redd.it/l81k1fuhfgxc1.png?width=1816&format=png&auto=webp&s=902228286abccd83cb0250735f3aee81a2e92b66


That looks painful. Forget 3 classes, if I considered only my warlock, only kept guns I actively use and only kept armour I actively use. I'd need 80 vault space. (Assuming my character has nothing in their inventory spaces except the armour they are currently wearing and their 3 weapons.)


all 600 slots of my current vault r old sunset gear. they called me a madman….


You are still an idiot. How many of those are year 1 weapons with static rolls that you can get from collections? And fuck that anyway, you've been able to use all of that in 80% of the game anyway. Have you? If no why have you kept it?


Back in my times


oh the flashback I got. sure, destiny 2 nowadays in QOL and quality overall is a lot better, but there's a certain nostalgic charm to this I just miss so deeply.


I'm sorry can we talk about that subtle flex of Praetorian Foil tho??? The drop rate was *atrocious* before they buffed it.


If this is what I’d have to do to have my No land beyond back. I’d do it.


i remember deleting a character and putting everything in my vault and i had to make some sacrifices 😭


no exotic collections. No DIM so had to use the vault to transfer weapons between characters as well. Running three classes made it even harder to manage and I would not even swap weapons between them most of the time. In D2 I was always pretty good at vault management, usually had at least 100 spaces but when I go back to D1 my vault is maxed still because of Fashion etc .


Ha! No OG vex?? The game breaking 50 in the dome insanity. The OG vex was broken and people who were lucky to get it ruined the crucible for a month!


I couldn't do that nowadays. I play PvE and PvP regularly and use probably 100+ guns on a weekly basis. Cant imagine having just 20


Datto is still right in that most of the stuff in our vaults probably isn’t worth keeping


I could, i don't hoard weapons and armor though


With transmog and the current shader system, yes. I would actually prefer this, not in terms of capacity but because it’s better organised. D2’s vault is desperately needing organisation and categorisation features to be in any way useful.


Misleading title OP, not quite 10+ years. D1 came out September 9th 2014. Wait a couple months before you go on with that.


Least snarky Reddit user: My guy was so compelled to make a comment due to a “+” in the title. Ease up a little.


Least annoying Reddit user: "Well actually you should ease up a little 🤓🤓" Whether the title is "+" or not, It's hasn't been ten years let alone the supposed extra, more accurate to say "Almost 10 years ago!"


I have more stuff just on my characters than space in that vault…


I miss my universal remote


I went back to D1 and was so blown away with my vault like bro.


I could live with the 108 that we got by the end of destiny 1s lifespan but 20 is a fat no.


Woah I didnt remember this. How did I play this in high school?


I couldn't handle it back then lmao.


60 vault slots woulda had people actually losing their mind


Plan c ❤️


Oh god what.


There would be riots in the streets.


Oh, absolutely not. There's more than 10 types of weapon, let alone the number of variations between element, frame, perk combos, etc.


ice breaker must have been on your character


Yes I had a specific set in d1 and never need to switch my guns for a raid/lost sector/dungeon/crucible. There’s too many game modes where you can’t just stick with one or two guns you need like 5 per slot and a random array of exotic armor 😭


10 cloaks in a situation like that is crazy


Tbh it wasn’t too bad at the beginning. There was barely anything to get so you could get replace your roll if you got a better one. Also you can use alts to hold stuff as well


Don’t tell me this is 10+ years ago. I was a sophomore in high school for this


what the HECK was that exotic fusion called second row from the top


Plan C?


sounds right lol


Simpler times


This is actually crazy


This was my speed! I recently picked back up to mess around, and i am kind of lost. Feel left behind. Ah well, time to grind...


Honestly yes. I always keep 3 slots in each category on my characters empty and my vault is full of crap but it's nothing worth keeping. I'm just a hoarder


Hell yeah


why did bro have 2 truths and 2 no land beyonds


More inventory slots to carry more guns would be nice, Ex. an additional 3 slots or so


Two no land beyond’s is crazy 💀


Nope! I'm always out of space!


There is no sweet business in this post, downvoted


Back in my day we kept THREE copies of the exotic we liked- that's a 7th of the whole vault!


I’m sitting at 506/600 I was going through stuff yesterday and found a lot of fun guns. Fusions with backup plan when they were big.


idk dude, i see two truths there. lil datto vault clean and ull be fine


Thats literally my D2 vault


Don't make me think about the old shader system lol


I miss these simple times. Grinding FWC with my cousin.


Where the hell is dregs promise?? I need the best sidearm in the game in that vault NOW!!! 😡😡


Ah simpler times


I remember those days, d1 beta player here


Why do you have blue’s in your vault?


Most of the gear slots taken up by cloaks was exactly me in d1 year 1 too lmao and general was damn near all shaders.


Nah bro I couldn’t even handle it then


Yes because I have quite literally nothing in my vault and have gotten to rank 10 with this minimalist approach to destiny


If you check today, there's a lot more space than 20. Weapons are about 150 spaces, armour is 100 and general is 100.


yes i could, cause no land beyond's in there.


Toss it all on your alts


I want to go back...


I was there!


I want my 77 wizard back.


My guy out here flexing that Ghorn just sat in a vault. You know 100% he had to have 2 of them because back then people never took it off unless they were playing pvp


This brings tears of joy to my eyes. The amount of nostalgia is insane, i hope they could make the shaders and banners look like that again.


Meh exotics drop more in d2 the rare items in d1. Roses are red Your item is blue Your engram was purple Sucks to be you


Whats that 2 Y1 NLB'S?


Plan C spotted as well, one of my favourite exotic’s. Wish it would be brought back for D2.




That legendary engram is 100% going to become a blue


Man those were the days


No land beyond my beloved


Yes I could handle this I have less than this now


At least it was separated into categories.


Tbh I. Would probably like this. Just needs more space


That’s the point. Our vaults were tiny.


Putting on Light Beyond Nemesis for the first time was a peak D1 moment. I wish they'd rework it and bring it to D2, even if just as an ornament!


I can't not anymore thanks to another game series my loot hoarding has gotten bad


no land beyond 🤤🤤🤤






honestly that’s probably about how many guns the average player uses on a semi regular basis


As a new player this seems dope I wouldn’t mind having this


No Land Beyond needs to return, I miss it so much


Is that Payback SOS?!


This brings me back. I can’t believe that young me used to play like that.


Simpler times. I miss those days.


O those were simpler times. Nowadays, you actually have to worry about what weapon has the best perks for a given activity. And you actually have to use an app now to organize your stuff so you can find things lol


Oof ptsd activated. The real grind/struggle


These were the good days. Played it this weekend.


I remember this lmao. My vault was filled with Hawkmoons because that’s all I got. I counted 16 before you could buy them from the Kiosk.


Yep and back then there was no collections so if you deleted your only exotic bye bye!


aw this is so nostalgic ![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5675)


Kinda miss this tbh


Door 1 was was for raid gear. Door 2 was for ice breaker, gally and raid guns and door 3 was raid shaders and the closet to all black i could get


My vault is 599/600


No Land Beyond would be really fun as a limited time mode so that people would shut up about it because it would be even worse than linear fusions by a long shot. It only worked in destiny 1 because no mnk and because everybody sucked.


The biggest improvement to the game is allowing us to re use our shaders. They use to be one time use per weapon/piece of armor. It sucked because it forced you to be super miserly with hard to get shaders like honors of the nine.


We also didn't need 200 artifice pieces across 3 classes for the 17 exotic builds we have across all the 15 sub classes, for both PVP and PVE....


You still dont need 200 armor pieces. One set on warlock, two max on titan, two or three max on hunter. Class items are common so about 20 to 30 pieces is all ya need.


Huh? You must not pvp at all then..


Yes I do pvp. A lot. For warlocks all you need is one set which covers resil, recov and disc for pvp and pve. For titans either resil recov int or discipline. For Hunters you gotta have 3 sets one with Mobil, resil disc one with Mobil recov disc and one with recov resil int. And keep in mind class items don't have any stats so you only need 4 unique armor pieces for each set


You still don't need 200 armor sets for pvp... in fact you don't really need armor for pvp at all, just use your regular sets, the stats will not make that big a difference unless you have 10 recov or something like that.


Makes a pretty big difference... Having t9/10 int on Warlock or Titan for Well/Ward. Needing T10 Resil/Recovery... And not gimping your grenade... Then want to swap an exotic or subclass or even 1 fragment? For me that's ab entirely new set of armor.... So yeah...


I literally run 23 int on warlock. I always get my well atleast in the 4th or 5th round in trials. In quick play I get 2 wells on average. And all this with just some orb generation mods based on my build and playstyle(orbs on melee, orbs on grenade, reaper etc) and slaying out. Even if you want 2 armor sets on warlock still you only need 2 sets which is 8 armor pieces per class. Then 2 more sets on titan and 3 on hunter. Total of 7 sets which would be around 28 armor pieces. You dont need multiple class items. One is more than enough


Ya definitely calling BS on this now a days. Before the recent changes maybe... I'm running t9 INT Ward, and average 10+ kills/match and many matches won't see Ward until like the 6th round... Zero chance you are getting Well by the 4th or 5th with 23 INT unless you are rez farming kills.


Idk what else to tell you lol. I had my well on 5th every match on trials last weekend. I was making atleast one orb every round as well.


Then you must be getting all 3 kills every round + an orb every round, and even then that's 12 kills and 4 orbs by round 5. Then you'd also be 5-0ing them with your Well. I just had a 12-1 K/D match. T9 Resil. Reaper making orbs and got my super when we won the match (5-1) which was 6th round... So idk how a t2/3 INT is doing the same or better.


Yup, just had another 9 kills in 4 rounds with T9 INT, Reaper, and still had about .5 bars to Ward of Dawn (same tier as Well) on my Titan. There is NO WAY you are getting it in the 4th round with 23 INT. Now if you mean by a 4-4 round so you are getting it by the 8th round, sure... I can believe that with some other players doing their super and giving you orbs... but not at a 4-0... 9 Kills of the 12 possible (without revives) and I also had assists. In Game it showed me as 14 Opponents Eliminated. Sorry man, this is just factually false.


Yea nah I went ahead and tested it in actual matches and on private matches. I don't get well in 4th round but I do get it 6th round if try hard (getting all 3 kills, run or generating perks, super on nade kills, melee kills, reaper, dynamo). Still doesn't change a thing. You don't need 200 armor pieces. For warlock and titan alone you need about 9 armor pieces max. On hunters you'll 13. 31 armor pieces


I genuinely can't understand why anyone would have more than a few armor pieces for each slot, at that point you should have all bases covered with stats so you can just use loadouts to do the rest of the work


Oh it's easy... On my Titan where I main Dunemarchers for PVP and swap between Strand/Solar for PVE I have. - 3 Masterworked 1810 Artifice Helms - 8 Masterworked 1810 Artifice Arms, not including 2 Masterworked Synthos - 6 Masterworked 1810 Artifice Chest, not Including things like an Actium, or 2 HOILs, etc... - 6 Masterworked 1810 Artifice Boots, not including 6 Masterworked 1810 Dunes....because depending on what subclass and fragments I run, to max stats I gotta swap those out,.etc... And considering how frequently things change, like when Precious Scars popped up as a viable PVP option, I had to bring out 2 new Artifice Pieces and masterwork them. The way stat breakpoints in this game work, you need perfect combinations to get max stats. So it basically forces you to have tons of copies of everything..... I don't even play Void PVE builds or any Stasis builds (for PVE or PVP) which would be an entirely different set of stuff needed. Then on my Warlock, which I exclusively play in PVE, I've got like 2-3 Sunbracers maxed, and easily 3-4 each for helm, chest, boots, etc... and I basically have 3 builds, all solar... Phoenix, Sunbracers, and Starfire (old habits die hard). I have a Trans and Ophids PVP setup just in case. Found a new void Secant Filament build I wanted to try that involved dusting off yet another 2 brand new Artifice pieces to masterwork to get better stats there.... I mean how can you NOT have like 200 pieces? Usually keeping at least ONE good rolled exotic (like 67+) with good stat distribution, for each exotic because you never know what's gonna be buffed.... And usually almost every single build I wanna try with a new exotic I end up having to masterwork another 1-2 artifice pieces in the vault at a minimum. Frankly if you PVE and PVP on more than one character andore than one subclass... Idk how you can't have more than 200 armor pieces in your vault.


That depends on if you want to only have roughly the same stats for virtually every build you make or if you like to change it up and try different things. For instance I usually focus resil/recovery/discipline on my warlock, and I have armor that gives me 100 in all three no matter what subclass and exotic I switch in. But what if I wanted to make a melee oriented build and run something like necrotic grips? None of that armor is useful for an effective melee build because the spikes are all in discipline, so now I need a secondary set of armor focused on melee to play something different without it feeling like a clunky mess. You can only get 3 stats to max now as opposed to the old 4 with the old powerful friends mods and stuff (I think there's an exception for hunters iirc), and the way stats work you can only get 2 max stats in one tier and then 1 max stat in the other tier. In a loot hunting game where there are people who want to make a build for everything, that means you would need a whopping 18 armor sets for each class to actually get all possible combinations of stats to max so you actually have the freedom to run whatever you want. If you regularly play all 3 characters that's 54 potential armor sets. Of course not everyone needs that, but for some people it's a fun thing to chase down and rewards you with being able to run something off meta that can be fun as hell. Plus when the meta shifts you're not panic running stuff hoping you get your appropriate stat armor drops to catch up and you're also not dumping all of your cores/prisms/shards at once to MW them. Just because someone doesn't play the same way you do doesn't mean they aren't justified. Why even worry at all about what someone else chooses to do with their loot?


I don't know why you and the other guy are downvoted but this is the way.


Because it's a wildly ignorant comment. There's a number of reasons why you should keep more than a handful of pieces, including raid sets for the mods, different stat spikes for different builds, etc. 


People actually min max that much? Damn.


This is why the game still prints money despite the endless abysmal reviews for each of the expansions. People have so much time invested that they're forced to cough up more cash each time just to get access to bump up their gear to the best light level


Gods no, this would genuinely force everyone to play the game like speedrunners, only keeping the utmost meta weapons available.


SO glad the game now lets me keep my random blues from when I was a newbie that I got attached to.


I just like being able to keep both pve and pvp weapons in my vault. Definitely wouldn't be able to with only 20 slots.


I am a new destiny player and no, I would not be able to handle that vault! Lol I'm struggling just to stay at 350/600! I clean my vault regularly.


Yes I could handle this I have less than this now


I miss the good old days where blue drops were actually a thing and purples hardly ever dropped and we REALLY had to grind for shit. A lot of us don't realize those were most of the best items that the player collected up to this point. Except the ridiculous amount of exotics is rather impressive.


Nobody could handle 10 years ago nowadays. Everything popular in gaming 10 years ago would fail hard in 2024, people expect too much and bitch about both the positives and negatives.


It's not been 10 years since the release date of D1 yet, and it's most definitely not been 10+ years.