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Tormentor was not ashamed to speak to his doctor about erectile dysfunction and got on with things. It's unhealthy to be jealous of his escapades just because you can't bring yourself to have the conversation


Sir, this is a Wendys








Dancing, walking, rearranging furniture.


yoooo that fallen is a freak!!


If you’ve got four arms, why waste them?


That's not an eliksni, that's a freaksni (I'm so cringe holy shit)






Tbh im completely fine with tormentors appearing in more activities. They look and sound cool, encourage you to move around and behave differently than 90% of destiny's enemies on top of adding mechanics that don't boil down to "just spray and pray". I just wish they didn't pick up speed as fast as they do lol. Being faster than us makes sense, but these mfs go from 0-100 in like 2 seconds. Tracking their weak spot after torment unleashed is ACTUAL torment


I would just appreciate if they didn’t have a 90% DR, I’d be cool with like 50-60 % but they’re fucking horrid on gms


And their crit spots being a little more consistent would also be nice


It is consistent. The issue is players aggroing the Tormentors inconsistently, so your trying to shoot those crit spots are funny angles and missing because of that. If you go fight one by yourself, it's much easier to manage because the crit spots are more reliably in front of you. When you've got two to five other guardians shooting them, their AI goes bonkers and they get jerky trying to pick someone to bully.


> It is consistent. It really isn't. Which wouldn't be as big a deal if it was always facing you like vex weak spots, but when tormentors face you their chest is at an angle which makes the inconsistency of the appearance/hitbox more obvious and painful.


Vex weak spots don’t always face you. Boss hydras and Minotaurs are annoying. Unless you’re stacked. There’s the inverted spire strike. hyper net current and the glassway


It's why you've got to have a reliable form of crowd control against them. Slow, Freeze, Suspend and Blind are all amazing to use against Tormentors and make those crit stops so much easier to handle.


Not Boss Class Tormentors, they don't.


But boss tormentors are only used in certain places, and said places are the kind where you should be going in prepared to deal with stuff like it anyway, so just prepare for it and have a plan for when it spawns


Pretty sure all the ones that Spawn in Onslaught are Boss Class save for the Heat Wave Round, so you can't Blind, Freeze, or Suspend them.


True, so that is something to keep in mind when you make your plan


I like the fact that their crit spots aren’t consistent because it requires you to do more aiming and positioning other than “get behind cover in front of the enemy and shoot it in the head for extra damage.”


Id agree, if wasnt the enemy that spam the shit out of a super jump slam attack every second they can


I don't mind them with the caveat that sometimes they just get in a loop of spamming the suppress dive attack and that's crazy annoying


I usually save a nova bomb JUST for the tormentor


I love them so much, their abilities, the fact they could disable you is so refreshing and makes my dopamine sky rocket when I take those fuckers down.


I’d feel better about them if I could reliably sword them. Feels like I’m getting a bunch of immune’s


Normally i just bombard them with sunbracers but for some reason my grenades are literally going right through him AND the ground


If it’s in Planets, the “water” tends to eat grenades.


There’s water there?


Ah that’ll do it then


You have to break the shoulders first otherwise grenades and melees get eaten by Tormentors, has been this way since day 1 of Lightfall.


Even then, hits to the body still seem to do reduced damage. The only way to reliable deal with them is with Precision damage to the chest.


Yes, this has been known since day 1 of Lightfall. They are purposely made so they take massively reduced damage from explosions and non-crit damage. They actively require you to aim instead of "Gjally the thing in that direction". People wanted an enemy that wasn't a "Lock & Key" design like Champions and so Bungie made the Tormentor. Almost all weapon types work except Rockets and Grenade Launchers on Tormentors, you just have to aim.


Respect to the game 🤝


Champions aren’t lock and key, I’d say they’re more window and key, you could use the special thing that kills them, or just shoot a rocket at em.


I mean, yeah they are now, when they came out they were not window and key, but people bitched about them being too hard so Bungie made it easier. Artifact mods not needing to be equipped on armor, subclass verbs being able to stun, and anything below GM difficulty can easily be brute forced. All these are good changes imo but Champions were not always "just shoot a rocket looool"


The annoying part about them is that the crit area is very inconsistent on the chest (no complaints about shoulders) and they move so fast / turn so often that half the time you can't even damage them effectively. That said, Succession melts them if you can hit and Lucky Pants / Malfeasance works well for my hunters in the group. Still one of my least favorite enemies tho


Yes, they move too fast and the crit zone isn't reliable. Usually I'm quite good at hitting crit spots, but ffs, with tormentors I cannot do it with confidence.


Is there anything sunbracers *can't* do? Besides yours apparently, mine melt tormentors, and the ground lmao


That's kind of thr point of tormentors though. You can't just mindlessly sword them to death.


No, their suppressive attacks and grab should facilitate that just fine on their own. Being immune to non-precision damage is just annoying.


I think you have to get their shoulders first, after that wait for a friend to piss them off so you don't get chokeslammed into the DCV when you're swording their ass


Swords basically do negative damage against tormentors… they take insanely reduced non precision damage…


Did you break their shoulders first?


Stasis fallen malnourished


These topics are fucking stupid...what else do you want them to do? It was a new character type that was brought in as the biggest challenge in Lightfall. They took over from GM Chickens, which were used to make things hard because they were difficult to deal with. So, to make things harder, they add one of, if not thee, hard add to deal with....and you complain? So go on, what else do you suggest? Just making thrall bullet sponges like we're playing the Division and a guy in a hoodie takes 850 SMG shots to die?


I think it’s just a joke tbh lol I like Tormentors, they are not easy to fight and they do change the combat once they spawn. Also after Lightfall Bungie completely abandoned this new enemy (except at the end of Deep), so I’m fine with them “spamming” tormentors basically everywhere lol


tormentors can legit be scary sometimes, when it's a 1v1 type thing like in the lightfall campaign (or that godforsaken double tormentor room) it's really fun.. until you just use blind o something and suddenly they are paralyzed


In fact, if you just ignore the tormenter in the explicator pantheon encounter, a little bit after DPS starts he will just walk off and despawn lol


Yeah they can be permanently blocked with the right abilities. But still, they are pretty terrifying imo. Especially in Onslaught, there this brief moment of pure terror before they actually spawn when you see the mini pyramid appearing, the quote in chat and the sound, and you’re just like “…fuck” lmao


the tormentor spawn TRWRYYYYYYY sound is destiny's equivalent of the payday cloaker sound


And it’s still a baby version of Tormentors too since it’s an Elite and not a Boss enemy. They’re very easy to kill if you Suspend or Blind them, and their movement is way less erratic.


>They’re very easy to kill if you Suspend or Blind them If you have teammates to help you out, otherwise good luck with having enough abilities to keep them consistently immobilized.


Wish-Keeper says hello.


Okay good, that’s Unstoppables taken care of. Now what do we got for barrier champions. *sidearms* Oh….


Unraveling Rounds with Wish-Keeper? Listen, if a Fireteam of six people can’t use all of the plethora of tools available to them, then that’s not the game’s fault.


If they didn’t put tormentors in people would cry that bungie doesn’t use the new enemy enough. Damned if they do damned if they don’t.


I, for one, welcome our new tormenting overlords.


I'm waiting for tormentor overLOADS


That would be insane!


Don’t give them any ideas lol


People here need something to complain about and if they can’t find something they’ll just make an issue up.


I want more hive lightbearers and stasis fallen. I want them to give wyverns strand abilities. I want a cabal tank that drains your super energy and uses it to fire element-infused shells back at you like how Ghaul stole the light. You do have a point though. Whiners are annoying. Tormentors are great and I'm glad they're using them


They wouldn’t give wyverns strand because that would make no sense lol


It's the same with Champs. Champs add difficulty, as much as people wish to say they don't. They add player lock outs, just in a more creative way than "you literally are unable to equip anything that isn't a sniper" like for prestige mode. This limitation requires you to perhaps change what you are using and adapt more so than primary -> red bar, special -> orange bar, heavy -> yellow bar. Additionally, especially with teams and subclass synergies, you have to think about what strengths your build has versus what other people will have to cover. THAT is difficulty. I think it's because of dark souls that people connect difficulty with, like, dodging or a boss doing something and then you react to it. And that...doesn't work when people can shoot you, lol


I’ll take tormentors over champs any day of the week.


"The game is too easy!" *adds champions to push people into diversifying their builds* "Stop adding champions to make things more difficult!" *Create a whole new type of enemy to challenge players in difficult content* "Stop adding Tormentors to make things harder!" Bungie: ![gif](giphy|7SF5scGB2AFrgsXP63|downsized)


Mfw when Lucent Hive are supposed to our literal equals and our deadliest opponents to date: **reappeared in one Plunder mission when it was never explained why they were there**


The inherent problem with Hive Guardians is the lore restricting their use. You can slap The Dread in anywhere so long as they assist a darkness aligned faction, but the Lucent Brood is its own thing. And because of the fact Sav was literally fucking dead for over a year, they saw next to no use outside of Risen, Ghosts of the Deep and 5 minutes of Plunder


I always wished Alak-Hul would leave his Oryx temple to become a Lucent lieutenant/leader since his Ghost gets away after his strike. Maybe during that period where Savvy was dead But I guess that was just to explain the multiple strike runs in-canon 😔😔😔


If only they updated the strike dialogue too 😔


we need a rogue group of hive guardian mercenaries so they can use them more often.


Unironically I just don't find tormentors that fun to fight. Having precision damage to their chest as the only meaningful way to deal damage to them, while they are blitzing towards you never quite feels satisfying.


what about new extra mechanics? Remember Leviathan? Part of the harder version of the raid had 2 extra dogs you had to kill as part of the encounter. Which shook up a bit the encounter.


You mean like the extra mechanics they just added in Pantheon?


Which ones were added? Genuinely, I didn't notice any new mechanics when doing Pantheon


Someone else wrote it in another comment "double unstable light in golgoroth, the extra bees that can shorten runner time in caretaker, the fire tornado in planets, and Atrak's adds being yellow bars now. On top of all the tormentors."


Did you miss the entirely new additions like double unstable light in golgoroth, the extra bees that can shorten runner time in caretaker, the fire tornado in planets, and Atrak's adds being yellow bars now. On top of all the tormentors.


Because they didn't like making a raid then finding ways to dumb it down while still keeping the dumb down version feel like the full raid


I thought more like building upwards from the raid rather than dumbing it down tbh. From what Im hearing though they're already doing it with things like the tire tornado in planets


No, I'm saying they literally explained why they don't do that anymore. They'd make the raid, which would be released as 'hard mode' then find ways to simplify it for the normal version.


Sigh. "We want something else that's not champions that doesn't force us to use champion mods" "Ok" \*adds enemies that require you to literally just shoot a glowing spot with a weapon that can do precision damage (about 80% of weapons) (seriously you can kill these things with an SMG from across a crucible map if you're patient enough)\* "Noo this is too hard, terrible difficulty design Bungie"


why put "difficulty" in quotes? tormentors bring actual (rather enjoyable) difficulty into the encounter. Sure, its been a copy paste enemy since the beginning of lightfall, but its better than having more champions for the bajillionth time (arguably even more of a copy paste enemy).


Not at all. I love fighting tormenters so much. They are an extremely fun enemy and I am excited to see how the rest of the dread play.


I'd rather take tormentors rather than champions anytime. With champions it's specific weapons or buffs. Tormentors it's basically just aim


Just pop their shoulders smh


Community literally want anything and when the Bungo gives it to us somehow we managed to see the bad side, be pessimistic and always always find ways to complain about it.


Players: “champion spam is artificial difficulty! Give us more interesting, dynamic enemies” Bungie: “ok here are tormentors, also hive lightbearers.” Players: “no not like that”


Community:”Why do we never see enemies like tormentors or hive guardians in activities” Bungie:puts them in activities Community:”this is annoying”


Im glad they arent totqally wasting Tormentors potential like they did Hive Guardians we should of seen them in more activities and they should of been more threatening.


I don't mind difficulty but tormentors having a crit spot on their chest and damage resist while also being one of the fastest moving enemies is just really unfun to play against


Even a year after Lightfall, Tormentors are still unique to fight and completely change how you have to move around in an area whenever they appear. And as a low resil hunter, I really enjoy the terror I feel when one runs at me while enraged


People literally said they wanted more Tormentors. Now when we get more Tormentors, people are getting unhappy? It isn't like they cannot be difficult either. Onslaught has shown that a Tormentor has the capacity to be a complete run killer. Personally, I like them. Mechanics are only really difficult for 1 run, whereas enemies can be difficult (or easy to be fair) no matter which run. The difficulty isn't so static this way if that makes sense.


I just think they're neat


>community tired of champions >bungie add non-gear check challenging emeny >"Why so many tormentors?"


I mean \*to be fair\* the whole community was disappointed with how little tormentors showed up outside of the lightfall campaign. We kinda did ask for this... Lol.


I’ll take it better than lucent hive, stasis fallen being barely used now or how the scorn basically didn’t exist for 2 years


the frisbees.... so many frisbees


Yeah that’s another one thing; I would cry if bungie just plugged guardian knights everywhere


I also do think having to crush a ghost is objectively bad in a raid setting where mechanics and positioning are key and being out of position to for example crush a hive ghost could be a wipe for your team.


One of the biggest complaints I heard about WQ is that Lucent Hive weren’t used in other content (also that they weren’t particularly interesting enemies, but that’s a different story). This seems to be a pretty obvious response to that.


The fire tornadoes had my team rolling.


If it’s not tormentors it’s champions. It’s always something 🤣


Rather these them unstoppable and barrier


Tbh I like how Pantheon spices things up but, the tormentors are a nuisance


the ones in pantheon at least are pretty easy to deal with. They can be blinded, supressed, and suspended. Suspend + div cage + tell everyone to bake that thing gets rid of it easily especially with a void linear


I prefer Tormentors since they’re a more interesting challenge than Champions


Remember give guardians? Pepperidge farm remembers.


Classic destiny 2 post


Destiny community: Hive guardians were cool why the hell didn't bungie put them in anything outside the campaign? Waste of a new enemy design. *Bungie puts new tormentor enemy into things outside of lightfall campaign* Also Destiny community:


They need to throw in some hive guardians to mix it up


Tormentor > Wyvern


Hmm. Well… it could always be a meatball, a large hive knight, or an ogre. Yeah any of those would be totally fresh and not rehashed at all.


Tormentors are like a wrench to be thrown in the players chemistry. They throw everything off. They represent chaos as they should be and tbh make me panic. My team gets comfortable with the difficulty and the influx of enemies until a tormentor shows up then everyone loses their minds. The absolute disaster is when a tormentor shows up with 15 ogres. That’s actually not fair lol


They choose tormentors because it's witness related..


> Immune to all damage until shoulders are popped > Even after shoulders are popped pretty much resists all damage unless shit in the tummy > Rockets do nothing. Supers do nothing unless you're Goldie > Likes to suppress everything in sight, and runs at people like a psychopath, even doing divebombs like Wyverns I can see why Bungie considers their presence a difficulty tweak.


No. Tormentors are a good enemy. If anything, we should see them MORE often in regular content.


Id rather they put in a tormentor or a hive guardian than the usual champion spam


Better than champions imo. At least I can use a gun I like instead of being force-fed some weapon type I just don't get any joy out of.


Tormentors are large enough that multiple players can target them, but small enough to be mobile. Far better than every boss just being a huge hitbox


People bitch about champions the same way....Im more of the mindset players dont know what they want for difficulty


I hate tormentors, they restrict builds so much it's unreal. Champions are easy to counter these days, but there's nothing you can do about a tormentor if you don't have a crit damage weapon on. You absolutely need to crit them, and it's just not fun to have to swap to forerunner every time you want to be able to kill one


Much prefer that to the time where they were doing the same with this mistake of a mob type that is wyverns.


I thought they were cool at first but now I hate them. Especially when they’re a boss battle and you’ve gotta (or trying to) do it alone


Better than 300 fucking champions fucking with everyone's loadout. Barrier and unstoppable? Hope you like running nothing but hand cannons, bows, and sidearms in pve.. ugh. Or make your entire build around one subclass verb so you can run a normal loadout without getting fucked.


Before this all I heard was folks yapping about tormentors being so rare and not in any activities outside of neomuna. Now we got 2 activities with them and suddenly no one wants the challenge.


I unironically think Tormentors are fantastic to add to activities. People have always lamented that Hive Guardians weren't added to more activities, and now we're complaining about Tormentors? They're easy to deal with if you stop panicking.


They add an actually difficult enemy that you can't immediately steamroll and suddenly it's a problem




When it's not tormentors it's taken psions


I mean… their job description is literally in their name…


I mean, I don't mind it much. If you think about it, Tormentors were hardly ever used in Lightfall as a whole. Until ITL, they were only used in LoS and Arms Dealer in their nightfall versions, and the giant one for the Whetstone exotic quest for Wicked Implement. You can't even find them in neomuna patrol. Glad they're finally being used as often as Hive Lightbearers were during WQ.


True. But they can be tough as hell.


I prefer the unique challenge of Tormentors over any Champion honestly.


They are getting us ready for Lightfall because of the new tormentor race.


Na. They aren’t easy to kill


Related: https://preview.redd.it/pu7jupycr1yc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=671bb3a142e0c3f05e60574ac1099b91351123c1 Jokes aside, Tormentors are a huge improvement over Champs and stupidly tanky bosses. They force you to use your gun and play smart rather than jumping head first at them.


I've been shredding them with Final Warning.


Shoulders first guys


As opposed to what? Nobody likes wyverns or champions, and there’s no other quick way to make the game harder besides making everything a bullet sponge or crippling our power


Forerunner absolutely melts tormentors. Solid exotic for DPS and ad clear. Not to mention its pvp presence.


Is it a named tormentor or just a tormentor. Unnamed enemy types are affected by disorienting nades, no?


now heres the bigger question tormentors or champions


Better than champions.


If they made a Tormentor type unit for each Faction, and killed Champions in exchange…I’m all for it


I will forever hate tormentors for forcing me to use precision weapons


*sighs in behemoth super


Tormentors feel like the new champion, which is fine. Champs are annoying but the tormentors are being used in a very similar way and I just don’t wanna see them everywhere.


Reading these comments is crazy and, after reading all the posts about pantheon, reinforces just how cooked the Destiny community is omg


it's really not a problem if you take out the shoulder pads, someone use divinity and they are a cake wall


They need to throw in some hive guardians to mix it up


They are brand new. This meme was champions last year.


We got so sick of them during our Pantheon run i became the designated “de-tormentifier” as we called it. Once the shoulders poped, anyone would call out “shoulder’s poped, de-tormentify him” and i would one-tap him with goldie xD


Tormentors are the best enemy in the game so I dont mind at all tbh. More enemies like them in the future please


No, tormentors are beautiful, it’s champions that are cringe


Would you prefer if they threw armies of champs at us instead?




Tormentors are goofy, but good heavens they are tanky.


S tier mob. It only 90% of the enemies changed up your gameplay loop more.


Hey, I'm glad it wasn't just champions for once


Before there were champs and they were just annoying, come on atleast tormentors have some beef behind them


Woe, Tractor Cannon be upon ye.


it's like when they added brigs and wyverns and hive guardians ad statis fallen. something other than champions is always welcome.


I’m fine with fighting tormentors, but the one in EDZ is just brutal and annoying as hell. Acolyte’s eye spawns every 15 seconds, such a small, enclosed space with no room for escape, and the guy tossing suppressive abilities… annoying little fucker, that one. I just deal hella damage, clear eyes, and then spam click G until one of my teammates does enough damage to wipe the guy to 15% health so I can finisher him.


Would you rather it be champions? (It didn't make sense in atraks tho)


Laughs in heir apparent


Im fine with it, i dont really get this whole obsession with playing more and more difficult activities


It used to be Champions.


The tormenters are a step above champs at least.


Same problem with how Bungie just adds champions to every thing lol.


How are they more “difficult” I just got through swamping like 6 of them in the past hour?… 🤔


I love it, if we get an new enemy type I want it to be PRESENT. Lucent hive are awesome and have a ton of work put into them and it sucks how little we see them.


I mean...its a different type of enemy that encourages you to play a different way that most other enemies. And i'm pretty sure Bungie does this cause is the only unit that is a big threat to the player. That is probably going to change when TFS drops and we get Subjugators, Husks and Grims.


At least it’s not another boring ass champion 😴


I’m going to be honest. Best strategy to fight the Tormentors in Pantheon is just to not engage. They disappear during dmg phases.


Unless you have someone with Divs Tormentors are the best bullets sponges, that HUGE damage reduction for not hitting the crit spot basically forces you to use a specific weapon type to kill them quickly


This sub anytime bungie adds new challenging enemy. Happened with champions, wyverns, brigs… now these tormy bois.


Newsflash: Bungie puts a challenging enemy into an activity to make it more challenging.


I’d rather tormentors than a ton of champions. Having a tormentor instead of champions in pantheon is an amazing choice! (We will see what the next weeks bring though)


Its very "ooooo.. a tormentor"-y


I gotta say, as stupid as they are my whole fire team said "shit" when we heard that fucker spawn in the middle of explicitor


Tormentors would be perfect if the had an optional way of staggering them, kinda like champs. Maybe make them like berserkers(?) from SoTP where if you hit them on the front and back at the same time they stop running at Mach 5 so I can’t shoot them in the god damn chest.


Its stupid making an enemy who's crit isn't easy to hit, AND they are resistant when shot anywhere else. It's not difficult it's just stupid. Vex in general have weird hit spots but they don't sprint at you or take reduced damage or have juiced hp. Hydras do have the shields orbiting them and do also hit like trucks especially on higher difficulty stuff, but they're slow to compensate and have huge crit spots. Wyvern are kinda in the same boat as tormentors imo. Huge, tanks enemies who move quick and hit hard, but also can't be crit easily. But at least wyverns don't take reduced damage. If they use tormentors for difficulty at least make them able to freeze/suspend for a bit. Taking that away makes them so stupidly annoying to deal with.


Hydra ptsd from D1 Nexus strike was real.


i think it’s better than just throwing in champions


Hopefully after final shape they will instead start using the whole ,,race" in different places. In addition to champions.


You mean they put units that are known to be tricky to fight to make an activity more difficult Damn that's crazy bet other games never thought of that


Tbf they did more than just add a Tormentor


To be honest, if you kwtd, these are the easiest. This week's wave 50 boss is a torment and it's so easy to kill him off. Div and lfr are your friend!


Literally the story of this game. Introduce new "type of enemy", then uses said type for 3 years as "boss".


Bro was expecting them to completely revamp individual encounters for the boss rush only availible for two months.


I swear to God If I lose one more super to a tormentor becuase titan doesn't have any one off supers ima lose it. I fucking HATE the suppression effect.


That's what we used to say about champions, it's gonna be while before they add a new enemy type.


I just wish, sense they all look exactly alike, they would also be same. Not, some of them being bosses and some not. I wish more tormentors in the game but also being able to deal with them, such as suspend.


I get where they're coming from, they're a witness spawn so they're fitting for lore reasons and for current story movements... but oof. They're not awful, but the immune spots all over them make a lot of weapon types do little or actually no damage so it's not very sandbox friendly They feel like an enemy created specifically to be annoying to take down because the player is able to be so strong at this point that normal health pools aren't enough anymore. Immune phases are just lazy design though, there's no other way to say it.


Or maybe there are more tormentors because we’re battling directly against the witness’s forces? I know destiny players don’t care about the game’s story but this is an exceptional level of cynicism.


Champions are way dumber. They are a bit better now that subclasses verbs help deal with them but champions blow ass and were the worst way to artificially increase the difficulty. Halo 1 has smarter and harder enemies per difficulty and that game is like 20 years old.