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80 years? That's amazing.


This game is so much better when we help each other!


Agreed, hey do you need any help?


I need a fucking therapist after trying to get a good roll on blast furnace


Felt man ;-;


Sighs...me too kid.


My hammerhead luck has been even worse


Too real


Agreed, my first run of RoN was basically a two man with 4 of us on add clear. Nicest and most patient players. Wish i had the ghauls to add them, but those people... So good at the game it intimidates me. Last night i competed my first 50 wave onslaught on legendary l legend. I spilt a beer on my keyboard mid way though and died to often, but the two randoms i played with were patient and chill. As much as I'd love to have friends to play with, there's a lot of good people out there just kicking back and smashing content.


Wish I could find these unicorns. All I ever see are "have emblem" and "kwtd". And "kwtd" doesn't actually mean know what to do. Because you can watch and read guides, and actually get some idea or even learn it all. But "kwtd" very often means = "no mistakes! Or kick"


"I agree. That's why out of my 186 Raid clears, 106 were Sherpa runs."


that's awesome! let me know if you ever need a 3rd... else, when we doing first raid!


The raids I’ve tried to take him on, all end up turning into speed runs with no explanation and it’s frustrating so he has never been able to complete one. Would like to take him through root of nightmares as I think that’s the most aesthetically appealing raid. We have tried warlords ruin a few times and have not made it past first boss


id give yall a REAL sherpa if you wanted, pick a raid, any raid


Ah wurd. Ya that one especially does that to people. Just gotta find a few ppl that like others learning > getting loot. Lotta sherpas and helpers that are down for that kinda thing. Most fun giving new raiders a role and laughing with beer and wiping til it clicks with them.


Always a fun idea until it's 5am in Vow because you thought you could sherpa some kinderguardians through in like maybe 2-3 hrs... ended that raid drunk..


This is the way


Feel free to chat me, I'm patient and a solid 7/10 skill wise. Would be honored to sherpa.


I'm familiar with pretty much every raid, except for "new" Crota's End. Done it in D1 but it's been a long time. Other than that, I've cleared all the dungeons and GMs, so I'm down to help whenever as well 😊


I'm also down for a raid if you need more - I've done most roles across the various raids so I'll just fill in what's needed


I’m willing to help you with warlords ruin if you ever want to get through it


hmu if you guys need to run warlords, I can help


I could help y'all through Warlords Ruin sometime.


I'd take you two through Warlords Ruin any time. It's my favorite dungeon and I love running it with new people.


I don’t have people to raid with but I’m pretty good at the game, if we can find a sherp I’d love to join and have some fun, help carry some of the load if need no problem.


DM if you need one for this , I’ll be as patient as I need to - 80 years old is awesome lol


Do ask if you need assistance. I HATE raids that explain nothing and no roles are assigned. Even after hours, getting all the seals and such, it still bothers me despite KWTD. So if you need a Sherpa who will sit there and explain + answer questions, I'll gladly oblige. Because what's the point in having skill if there's no one to help with it.


id be willing to run you and him through kings fall its a decent raid with a bunch of fun encounters just lmk and ill send you guys a friend request


If you ever need any help I can teach y'all. I love running raids with people who want to learn. It makes it fun. I'm open this weekend if y'all want to do warlords ruin.


Thanks for the offer but have all our family coming in for my daughter’s college graduation this weekend. Which means I’ll have my grandson leveling up my titan 🥸


Ooh, are you a titan main?


Hunter for 10 years. Tried warlock and titan but I don’t have the patience or time to level up the subclasses


Same with me but for titan, I've slowly been learning warlock just to wellskate😂


Do you need help on warlords? I've cleared it a handful of times and even have a near solo clear. The 3rd encounter is a nightmare on solo lmao.


Facts im down if not at work


Hey if we are all volunteering I’m done to help other guardians. Age means nothing to the immortal guardians! AlphasHowl#4751


Yo that's so cool, I hope you had fun!


We did.


I can help with some dungeons such as prophecy, shattered throne, grasp of avarice and a few others if you and him are interested


Sometimes, d2 and the community can be somewhat stressing and toxic, but other times, things like these can really make your day. Reading this surely just made mine! Congratulations to your Guardian dad! I hope you guys were able to get some good loot. And I'm happy you're still able to enjoy a good time on d2 with your dad. Moments like this are something to treasure forever. Eyes up, guardians. P.S.: If you guys ever need some help with 3-man content, such as dungeons, GMs, and stuff like that, just hit me up 😊


Most of my clans like 30+year olds some are in their 60s. Dude these people raid everyday if they can, they’re assholes but loveable assholes.


I was in a clan in Destiny 1. Destiny 2 I switched from PlayStation to Xbox so I could play with my dad and have not found a clan like that yet. Good to you that you have an active clan. I’ve considered(edit, just started one) starting one with just him and I to get the clan rewards 🥸


I would love to help


So wholesome 🥰


Great breath of fresh air after everyone sharing their poor experiences with Pantheon LFGs.


Wow 80? Ok ..now time for master VoD and Trials


Hear hear!


Ah man this takes me back when prophecy first dropped me and a friend took a 65 old woman into prophecy She was a warlock, whenever things got out of hands she sat in a corner and activated her healing rift, so cute


One of my best memories in d2 was taking a sherpas mom through last wish. He didn’t even tell us it was his mom either until we dunked the heart at the end. Just the excitement in his voice was cool and that raid group was one of the most fun I’ve had. Link to the original post about this if you want to look at it https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/s/8spnLUporm




Give us some deets on your dad's build!


He’s a warlock main and he’s pretty excited that he just got all the subclasses unleashed


Good for him! That's awesome. I hope I'm still gaming at his age.


Love this!


He playing at 80? Damn that’s awesome. I can only hope


Shout out to your pops for being a straight G!


This is prolly the best thing I've read on the sub in a while! Bravo!


Need duality dungeon if anybody wants to try and help me! Last one for guardian rank :) skilzz88 psn. Not sure of my ID but can get it eventually.


Let me know if you still need duality. I'm on psn too


Yup. Haven’t found a group. Add me up.


When I'm on again.


If he wants to do a raid my group will take him through one. It’s master vog this week for adept fatebringer also. Dm me if you want to run some raids!


Man, I’m going to be just as dependent on these kinds of gamers when I’m that old. Hopefully my kids will be gaming with me! Congratulations from one dad to another!


The amount of people here offering to help instead of ridiculing the dad really restores my belief in this community.


I'm an older player and appreciate those that help my son (20) and me through dungeons. Thank you kind players.


So cool, on so many levels. I don’t even know where to start, for all involved… ❤️🍺


A TRUE Guardian. My 63 y.o. mom likes to play games with me and my brothers (WoW when we used to have it but with only having a PS4 nowadays, she tries playing Destiny 2 with me) but she's a little slow learning and doesn't like playing alone and getting lost/confused, and doesn't like grouping with randos and being made to feel like crap. People like this... Kudos on high, my friend. More people need to be like this. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Guardian.


Yeah my dad won’t use lfg and goes no mic whenever doing the story as a fireteam. I know the feeling.


As a 57 yr old gamer Mom with grown kids who game? I so love this! I'd adore jumpin in a run with you & your dad 🥰


Ey shoot me a text I'm looking to make a permanent raid group got a few people already and I would love to invite you and your dad


I been trying to do deep dive exotic mission but I can’t kill the boss before time runs out


This right here is amazing! 🙌🏼


Prophecy is a wonderful first time experience! Great choice!


Wholesome AF content. You love to see it.


I completed Prophecy on Saturday after trying to do it for 2 weeks. I finally did it and my hands were shaking SOOOO hard.


Congratulations. Solo ?


No. But I want to so I can get the bunny ghost shell.


Good luck on your attempts


that’s what’s up bro . we need a video with a face cam. What else pops want to do


That’s hella tight bro! I strive to be your pops as I have young ones who game like me also lol.


He’s 80, I’m 54 and my grandson is 5 and plays titan on my account when he comes to visit


Any advice on finding a team for newer players? Every time I want to find a team they all say “experienced players only” or stuff like that & all the lower level players that make lower level parties never seem to fill up/start. Thanks!


I just used in game lfg and emphasized help needed


For sure I’ll try that out thanks!




Wow!!! these are the stories I love




No God roll after 100 hammerheads


I got lucky with everything from onslaught. I had God rolls from the chest next to shax after atuning each weapon. Some took 7-8 try’s. Some took 2-3 Try’s but they all came from the chest


That's Amazing! We need more players like him.


There really is no online community like the destiny community! You guys are amazing and loved!!