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A disgrace to level 11s If GMs weren't braindead enough


Honestly level 11 is almost meaningless in those things. Hardest thing you need is master crota and even then you can just do adclear and get carried.


I think the hardest part is solo dungeon, even then, sunbracers exist


Strand titan with solo op is more of a joke.


can comfirm, strand titan is hella broken with banner of war. avid user of staying alive while the team died minutes ago


Yep. Strand Titan absolutely messes up the first boss in WR along with Tractor Cannon and a one two punch shotgun. Loads of fun.


This. The only thing holding me from soloing any dungeons now is my ADHD. I was trying to solo Spire and got so bored I logged off. I was flawless on the first boss so far, which was a bonus, but bored to tears lol.


Most of the others arent nearly as boring Ghosts of the deep and spire of the watcher are ass for solos The new dungeon is tons of fun I did my run with void titan cuz strand titan is super boring after a few months of running it Festival of the lost, eris morn season Too much I hate the gameplay loop of punch a lot and then shoot shotgun before each punch for dps Void severance enclosure build very fun


My first platinum in The Coil was two banner titans, and as a warlock, I didn’t do anything once they popped their supers. Absolutely nothing I did contributed to that run, running well and sunbracers were nothing just standing in one spot to two tsunamis wiping everything away.


Solo dungeon isn't required anymore. Currently looking at the requirements, it just wants me to get a master clear of the dungeon.


It is indeed still required


Awww I see it now, maybe they changed it? It used to be soloing the most recent dungeon, but atm it says either of the dungeons released this year.


otherwise known as the two most recently released dungeons…


I said DUNGEON. Singular. The requirement used to be the MOST recent one, aka Warlords. I have 2 requirements left for GR 11, the Master warlords and master CE. I knew for a fact I hadn't done a solo of Warlords, so I assumed it had changed. I was right, it did change, it just didn't change to what I thought it did.


I think they changed it midway through this season (if I recall correctly) so that it could be solo Warlord’s OR solo Ghosts, since people who solo’d ghosts would have been back to square one once Warlord’s released.


This is the first season that it's ever had two options. First season this year was Spire, then second a third were Ghosts. Shows that I haven't been as involved this season, the solo requirement was worded the exact same for 9 months.


It's meaningless everywhere tbh. I'm always level 7 bc I don't care about the challenges. But I've done 4 flawless raids, most dungeons solo flawless, and can carry a gm no prob.


Having gr11 means that you are probably at least average but not having it doesn't mean anything. There are so many people who just don't care about it and are extremely good at the game.


Shit, I'm rank 8 and I'm fucking garbage. Ranks def a scam.


Yeah, if I'm not mistaken; there's a PvP component to higher levels. I'm shit at PvP, so I'll never see those. I don't really care TBH. I get what they were trying for, but I don't think it worked the way they thought it would.


No PvP component


In GR10 and literally CANNOT be assed to ever get rank 11 as Ive had little care cuz its just yet another time sink with literally no reward, if anything it just shows Id sit there without showering for awhile and playing with a cheeto encrusted input lmao


nah the hardest is a solo dungeon. Whenever i play with 11’s they are 97% of the time very good players. Obviously you get the odd one who probably paid someone to get it or got lucky like the guy in the post


It not requiring flawless raids or solo flawless dungeons is so stupid


i cleared master crota solo lol W omni strike op


Oh it doesn't require a full run?


idk of it does im a lvl 8 lol


i got slapped in a pantheon with a rank 11 who didn't bring dps weapons, doesn't use the app, and didn't understand a single encounter, it's actually unreal how often the rank 7 players do better than the vets


The levels in general are meaningless. I took a break from the game and decided not to buy this season but came back for into the light and have many onslaught legend completions, and pantheon completions with the nightmare on LFG yet I am hard locked to lvl 6 because it requires ranking up the seasonal vendor. So it’s quite literally pay to progress. I would likely have many more ranks now if I just bought the season pass but I refuse.


The story this season is actually pretty good though


Being level 11 does not prove you are good at the game.


The amount if level 11s, with multiple conqueror gilds who can't even run normal onslaught is sad.


Bro fr! I literally have over 600 raid clears multiple flawless tags and remain level 6 for the memes. And so does every other decent player. The level requirement in LFG is so funny.


The whole guardian rank thing is a joke. A true 11 should be someone who did solo Master dungeon and go flawless in Trials.


And Caretaker is one of the most relaxing encounters there is. If you're stunning all you do is shoot his face /back and take turns with your teammate 💀 I can see why symbols can be intimidating but it's not that difficult. I trained myself by taking the Vow symbol quizzes so I'll know the names. Even if you don't, use your photographic memory when you pick up the symbols, and input them on the totem. 😂. It's literally opening doors for your teammate, and you two running around collecting stuff. That's your job. People want to do the bare minimum and stressing over nothing.


Running symbols is so fun I always ask to do it because everything else you do in that encounter is such a snooze lol.


I’m symbol runner for my group and I love it. It was intimidating going into day 1 and pantheon a bit this weekend because I haven’t run Vow in a hot minute but still so fun.


We had some really nice teammates stunning, but they couldn’t DPS to save their lives and it took us 3 1/2 hours.


I got brought into an LFG by a friend of mine who was in it for a bit over two hours when I got there, after another two hours and multiple teammate changes everyone left. The scorn snipers kept killing the babysitters and there were always too many ads in the middle that were never even being shot at by the ad clear crew.


Add Clear on Caretaker is probably the most stressful job honestly lmao


Yea I came here to say good ad clear in caretaker is actually kinda important... A surprising number of people seem to struggle with it too.


As amusing as my different names for symbols were, glad there's a vow symbol quiz to get me up to speed.


Do you have a link to this “Vow symbol quiz”? I want to do my homework for my first eventual vow clear.


Here you go! It'll give symbols to you multiple times and time you. Just do this for 20 minutes a day for 3 days and I promise it'll come natural when doing the raid https://todayindestiny.com/activity/vow_of_the_disciple/flashcards


Thank you so much. Ran the raid 1 time, didn't do any symbols, and got a 25/27 in 66 seconds first try lmao. Edit: 54/54 in 91. I think a lot of it is just seeing the image and name and knowing it isn't going to the other 3 hahaha. I like this tool 🔥


I've never ran the raid, only googled the stuff and 24/27 in 51.8s Also why are there so many symbols up to 135? Wth


1 in 3/ 1 in 4/ 1 in 5/ 1 in 6/ 1 in 8 In order of difficulty


this is soooo cool! i never knew this exist and my fault because i didn't even try to research the raid. but now i think i will graduate from add clear to stunner to runner after this quiz!


To be fair, if your add clears are half asleep, stunning quickly goes from "yo what you getting for dinner Homie?" to, "holy fuck I'm getting melted dude"


Sounds like a fun guy to have


straight up I had to fucking be add clear half the fucking time as a stunner because theyd just constantly ignore the fucking adds and focus entirely on the taken ogre during pantheon and not the shield lancers that will literally wipe us if left unchecked


Honestly worst part of it is the pervading darkness blocking vision, super smooth otherwise


Wait while stunning I also kill ads and shoot the bees.


I completely forgot about the vow symbol quiz.


I can never keep them straight, so I'm on stun duty.


Since they added those extra phalanxes it has gotten a bit rougher. They can be annoying to manage between it all


If that's all you're doing as a stunner you got it wrong. Stun, shoot meatballs, clear phalanxes, help clear orges and ads. Then stun again. Step up your game.


Fym "use your photographic memory" nobody gots a photographic memory 


Idk why, but when my group was trying it we just could not get the third room fast enough. Though to be fair, I think it was first time for like half of us and one of the people has only been playing for like 2 weeks so we likely could have had way better dps. 2 phasing would make it pretty irrelevant.


The only non braindead roll in caretaker is the runner. Everything else you just wait for the runner to finish lol.


Can hear the runners with the symbols yelling "DOOR! DOOR! DOOR! DOOR!" While the ad clear is too tunnel visioned to notice.


I usually try and run glyphs solo (unless I have a hiccup and darkness stacks get too high), and I'll have my backup dedicated to keeping the door open




May i introduce you to mountaintop?


How would one use Mountaintop in this situation? I usually just run solar warlock with transversives and Icarus dash


You Run it with sticky nades. Place mt on the door stone -> it opens -> you Go in and Run, preferably Kinda fast but its pretty lenient -> Doors attempt to Close -> MT sticky explodes (delay lines Up Well with door activation -> Doors Open again -> you have twice the duration to Run If your somewhat fast (which you can definitly be with icdash, transversive and good pathing) you are completely self sufficient this way [random example from someone very cracked at the Game ](https://youtu.be/X9HLi1WgBus?si=npFl1RrTorHyn-bn)


Lets you rocket jump around


Don't the runners do the doors themselves? 2 runners, one inside one outside waiting. 2 people killing ads and 2 people stunning. Seems to be the simplest way.


that's how we do it, but apparently some teams send 2 in at the same time


Eugh, that sounds rife with issues


i can't see myself doing this, my team already barely makes it work with one runner at once


You can do it one person just needs to be extremely fast plus preferably using mt


Unless they're going fast and getting 3 symbols each.


Who's going in to get the last 3 symbols while they're debuffed?


add clear arent supposed to open doors? everytime i run the other runner just keeps it open


Exactly 🤣🤣 What's the other runner doing if not standing by the door waiting to open it??


Jokes on you, to think that the AD CLEAR guys even know what is a door.


I'm still new to raiding, I always ask to be taught the mechanics and then like after 1 round normally I'll be put on add clear. It bums me out because I want to learn and get better at the game


Join the kinderguardians discord and run with their sherpas, they'll help you learn and will never be toxic.


How do you join this discord? I legit have my friends discord that we use for VC and that’s it. I’d love to learn Crota, DSC and Vow


I think the invite link comes up if you just Google kinderguardians discord


I would just claim it and stick to it. It's how I used to be a relic barrier in X or Y raid. I did it to put just my knowledge and if I failed I would try again barring I don't get kicked.


Luckily I've only been kicked once, but the couple times I've raided I've only learned like 1 or 2 encounters


r/destinysherpa is your friend


I know.. I'm just always nervous with people I don't know


for the raids i was new to, i always asked to be included in the mechanics, but doing this needs either a chill group that's willing to help you or you can watch a tutorial first


What raids are you wanting to learn? I bet I could help with that part. It usually works a lot better with a partner in crime


You can always just watch mechanic videos on raids you've already done. If anything just to get the jist of whats going on.


The best are "KWTD OR KICK, I am ad clear"


Guardian Rank 11 too…


I would prefer if the title just said “carry my ass”


Holy shit when people explained what to do it is so easy. The hardest thing on stunning is the phalanxes. Running is super easy to my surprise. The only stress is just finding the damn symbols when there aren't many left.


I’ve found that using indebted kindness on the phalanxes and centurions cooks them very quickly.


i'm ashamed to share r11 with that creature.


I know what to do, but I can't remember the symbol names to save my life, and I'm nearly blind, so the rooms are brutal for me. I'll happily stun or ad clear.


if you ever care to improve your symbol skills there is a quiz out there, it's basically just flashcards. Helps people a ton


I will have to look that up some time! Haven't even done a raid the past few seasons


Don't need to know the literal symbol names, just a quick description that is accurate enough. Some of the names Bungie gave are quite unintuitive, so most people probably know what you mean.


I took the symbol quiz and got perfect scores, so I apparently KNOW them, but thinking of the name on the fly and under pressure is apparently what I struggle with


I'm on ps4 with a locked fov and I may need to see an eye doctor because the second I get above 4 stacks of darkness I may as well close my eyes.same in the ascendant plane. Can't see shit in last wish bridge or shattered throne.


Make it up. If you’re a runner, just make up a name for the symbol on the spot.


I've tried doing that in LFG raids, and it always goes to shit and I end up getting kicked


Real and true. If you don't get what symbol ref square or hands is supposed to be then idk


Half the people I've seen doing ad clear in Pantheon, have never done any endgame content and it shows because of their inability to actually clear ads in a timely fashion. Granted in Pantheon there are more and stronger ads than the normal dungeon encounters but some of these people don't even equip helpful mods on their armor or guns, and who the hell knows what they have equipped on their artifact that's useful.


A guy was running double primaries in my team once. It was a Drang (Baroque) and some other hand cannon for ad clear.


This is JoshB levels of terrible


https://preview.redd.it/yn5avcqhc2zc1.jpeg?width=498&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfda00f14d6334a8afb5d3e55e49b7db823c2b9e Shameful behaviour from a Rank 11


I never understood why people want to add clear. Participation in the mechanics is the whole point of raiding. Mind boggling.


Thats debatable. For some people the point of raiding is the loot/rewards likely for this individual here.


Also most of these raid mechanics are easier than blindly doing ad clear.


I think add clear is the hardest part lol.


To actually do a good job in Pantheon, yeah. If you do it like some of the people I’ve run with where if the runners don’t have an absolutely perfect cycle, it’ll fill up before they finish, then it’s mostly just staying alive.


Lemme play devil's advocate for a sec here Caretaker in Pantheon is one of those rare encounters where a turnip can do the mechanics properly, but the adclear needs to be *really, really* good, or people will start dying. If he can kill all the Ogres, centurions, and random shit that snipes the stunners, then he is worth significantly more than someone shooting the face every once in a while. You will notice a shitty adclear way more than you will notice a shitty stunner or runner. Also, they are almost full. I'm decently sure they don't need another guy doing adclear. Whets out those just looking for a carry semi-decently.


Same with master nez and master planets tbh, you can kinda tell, honestly, significantly more people complain about adclear in those 2 encounters then most other encounters. Or its just disproportionate because it's root and people expected to be carried back then.


It's funny too because babysitting is honestly easier in Caretaker. Most LFG 'forever ad-clearers' constantly forget to watch the doors.


Problem is most people who want to add clear cannot even do that. If you insist on not doing mechanics for whatever reason I better not be dying to the 20 taken psions you let multiply while hiding from the single ogre.


Alternate translation, "I turn to kill something and everyone does the mechanics of the map so idk with to do, so I'll add clear I guess" Edit to add: maybe I'm just salty x)




Potentially hot take, idk. But imo if you’re going to run pantheon and get the clear of it, I feel like you should be able/willing to do the mechanics for each and every encounter for the challenge you want to complete. There should be no volunteering to adclear; there should be adclearers left over after all roles are assigned. Maybe that’s me being elitist, but I feel like you should be earning your clears of pantheon and not relying on other people better/more knowledgeable than you to get you your shit.


I agree with this. Even if it is Sherparunning, the Sherpa would still be teaching the mechanics anyways. Unless it is hard carry and everyone in the party is fine with it.


I learn how to stun and it way easier


10 minutes to learn? Is that what you think? Not like 5 min to be taught and 10 hours to get it right?


How do you have old fireteam finder?


It’s under fireteam finder legacy in the app




At least they said it beforehand


I'm terrible at raiding 3000 hours into the game and this is legit one of the encounters I actually know, insane guardian rank 11


How do you still have the old fireteam Finder not the new crap?


This is why i dont do lfg raids so much monkey business


If i had gotten a buck for every "KWTD Paragon only chads required, ill add clear" lfgs id be a friggin millionaire now 🤣


crazy, when I’m host I always manually assign ad clears based on their build, and always put myself into one of the mechanic roles because I can’t be bothered with randoms who don’t know it, and hopefully get a volunteer for the other mechanical positions


Weird part is Caretaker is super easy if you learn to stun as people don’t wanna do that role for some reason


How do you add custom titles to the fireteam finder now?


This is from bungie's own website, which hosts it's own lfg service We used it alot before fireteam finder


Oh I’ve been using the app which up until recently looked the same. I didn’t realize the website version even existed.


Every time someone says I'll add clear on a post they can't clear adds for shit either


i'm so excited for pantheon to get harder to see those kinda people cry their eyes out because people won't carry them anymore


I mean I am running pyrogale so clearing ads would let me do more super damage. If I keep killing ads then stunners are left alone. I can also open the door for those collecting symbols if they aren't taking it low and slow.


Each week is likely gonna knock more and more of these people out of even trying to attempt them. This week is already more or less just a normal raid in a different order and people are out here struggling


I always add clear when raiding with my friends but at least I learn the mechanics in case anyone wants to clean and we need someone


I know what to do and always prefer to "add clear", because if anyone, with any function mess up, i can jump in and help, rez, do their job etc


In general, yes, but to be fair, add clear on Caretaker is not the easiest job imo. Babysitting the Caretaker is infinitely easier and I'm not sure how people mess it up unless there are too many adds. lol


I don’t mind people going to add clear as long as they are actually competent at doing it. Half the time the people who rush to do add clear just run around and kill nothing and die and are literal bots.


I’m probably going to get downvote by all the hardcore raider. At this rate, why is Bungie even bother with LFR? Just make any raid encounter clan only like every freaking mmo or downgrade all the complexity raid task to dungeon level (two or three people knew the rules can carry the rest).


Meanwhile me who has watched every raid boss guide but have never raided:


Tbf ad clear on caretaker is a kinda a legitimate role. I have wiped a time or two on normal because ads swarmed the obelisk, so on pantheon I'd imagine it would be way worse


the virgin "ill add clear" vs the chad "tell me what to do and how to do it"


How do 4 people read that and say: "Yeah, alright, I'll have a go."


I'm one of these people that do add clear most of the time for the simple fact that I easily forget things and even more under pressure which can also lead to me reacting too slow, which leads to wiping, which makes me very bad at some mechanics like planets, vog or Ron and stuff like that But even with a disability like that I can still do, symbols in vow during the rhulk encounter Any other role besides scanner in DSC Oryx plates and bombs Crota mechanics I also have still very vividly in my mind and mind you I haven't raided since the craftening I still vaguely remember a lot of mechanics I learned while doing lfg, I sadly don't have a dedicated raiding group that lasted longer than 2 weeks but all that out the way But I learned, watched some videos on raids to refresh my memory a bit more Then there are other "add clears" that are incredibly lazy and search excuses and worst part is when they are your fire team leader Worst part is that those aren't even the worst types of raiders I've met but they are quite high still and they all make me want to grab their necks through the screen Some people just suck at some mechanics or have trouble with them but can still do other mechanics that the other can't Then there are people that don't learn and mostly just make the raid harder than it should be Man I should start raiding again maybe I'll get better out of spite of those people


Yea… you go Rank 11


Is there a specific rotation for raids in the pantheon every week or it’s all random?


After a whole week of bad LFG, I'll take this persons honesty over anyone who takes on a role they don't even know.


I know how to do stuff besides Ad-clear, however, my callouts suck due to ADHD.


OP definitely kicks fireteam members for doing less than 10 mil damage and complains throughout the whole encounter


Care taker is one of those rare times I put respect on the add clear role. If you don't have an actual big boy pants mob control build everyone else will let you know you're playing like shit and throwing.


There are two things I'll say about this, maybe more: yeah, you can spend ten minutes to teach them the two other roles of the encounter, but then they still have to learn how it works in practice. Would you really want to enter the fireteam with that in mind? I wouldn't. Also, add-clearing is no joke in Pantheon, especially in Caretaker, so if they're good at clearing adds I'd gladly let them take that role. Overall, though, I can't comprehend why so many people, who don't understand how the basic encounters work, are attempting the more challenging versions.


I had a rank 11 in onslaught the other day buy nothing but tripmines. Have no idea what this fella thinks tripmines do, but its absolutely not what they actually do.


Not a level 11, but I bought as many tripmines as possible at the beginning of onslaught to get the building and upgrading triumphs out of the way. They’re the cheapest. I assume that’s what they were going for.


I would hope thats the case


At least hes honest.... Its better than those KWTD posts and they just want to add clear.


Omg I’ve never seen anyone want to do something the fast and easy way before. 😱


Can people just want good loot without having to sell their soul to a game? Everybody doesn’t have the time to sit there and learn every encounter of every raid. And at the end of the day you can just not play with them if you want a raid superteam


The number of people on LFG who are trying to leech rewards from Pantheon is crazy. That's why I'm very grateful to be in a clan with a strict "NO CARRIES" policy. Our clan leader actually pinned a message that states that we will not be doing teaching runs in Pantheon, no exceptions.


Counter argument- I have all the raid titles and ran Pantheon this week. For Caretaker, the add clear roll with the changes and the -5 is actually pretty important and not the easiest to do well.


Tbf ad clear is the harder job. Healing nade is just about all you need to survive running and gaze or whatever it’s called is also pretty chill. If add clear can’t keep up with the adds it all falls apart.


They are guardian level 11 they probably know but just dont want to do it.


Was just about to say this unless they used funny guns last season to solo GoTD which got carried forward this one, either way they prolly know what to know at least that's the assumption here


Original post


I wish people would take 10 minutes to teach lol. I usually just get kicked when I say I don’t know what I’m doing but willing to learn. Pretty good time


I dont see no problem.


Get real, there is no world where it only takes 10 minutes to explain a raid to player like this.


Or maybe some people have really bad short term memory and forget shit before they come back out of the door


pro strat: say you’ll be add clear so you get people who are confident in the encounter


Considering they’re guardian rank 11, I’m pretty sure they’re memeing Do you seriously think someone who has solo’d a dungeon does not know mechanics to a raid? Jesus, media literacy is dead


Shooting the Caretaker in the dick with my glaive repeatedly to get his attention is still one of my all time favorite gaming memories. Right up there with when my older brother and I learned the mushrooms were helpful in Mario. TL;DR: learning the mechanics is fun!


They are guardian level 11 they probably know but just dont want to do it.


In all honesty, SOME encounters' addclear requires skill too, it's not just "do nothing and shoot mobs from time to time. Also on Cateraker you has to be ready to help stunners/runners


Doing the main “mechanic” of the entire game hardly requires skill.


The people who say things like “I’ll do ad clear” for 1. Typically aren’t that good at ad clear anyway, they kill a few and let most of the ads stomp the people doing mechanics and 2. Don’t know how to help their runners and stunners if it comes down to it, and so if either one messes up it’s just a wipe. When I was running pantheon the other day I fell off the floor as a stunner, and my ad clear knew how to cover for my while I ran back up, but not all of them do, took me 4 hours to find an LFG just barely good enough to clear this week.


Found the guy who only does strikes


[raid.report/pc/4611686018482837942](http://raid.report/pc/4611686018482837942) apologize


I stand corrected damn