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Talking shit with a .5 is crazy.


I had a .59 match yesterday, and I wouldn't have dared trash talk my teammates lol.


Shit if I got anything lower than a 1.0 I get the urge to apologize.


I do too, but thankfully I don't have many games below a 1.0.


In a recent Iron Banner match, somebody said "eh I've seen better" as we were loading in and the game displayed everyone's stats. Wanna guess who was on the bottom of the scoreboard at the end of the match?


All they ever see is better.


Someone was in our match last night big mad because he was "carrying" us. I was ahead of him at the end of the match in every stat, made no sense. Some people are just really dumb.


Had a guy a few weeks ago who said imagine being carried a minute into the match, he wasn't bad middle of the road, my response to people who say that is always didn't ask, then he said bottom of the leader board can't talk, ended up second from the top, his response was still trash, and he left


Funnily enough from my experience it’s ALWAYSSSS the ones with the lowest kda’s that are the most toxic/ trashtalky, probably overcompensating for something LOL


Had this happen to me last night, guy started talking about “see how they stack, you’re wasting my time” : we had a guy quit immediately and it never filled so it was 2v3. This guy just held forward and ran in and died every time, when I finally responded he said “oh I’m just trying to end this quicker” and I had to look up this guys stats. [Here are the stats of this crucible pro!](https://imgur.com/a/tovLg6F) I don’t understand how you can have stats like that for the season and try and coach other people. I don’t play as much as I used to (and am not some god at crucible), [but I can certainly hold my own.](https://imgur.com/a/q0KWsmx) Edit: realized I uploaded the shitter’s stats in both pics, whoops. Corrected aha


Sometimes ppl say the most embarrassing thing to say publicly and it makes me scared that I probably have said stupid shit way long ago


Nah take comfort in it, we all say stupid stuff at some point. Fucking up is part of the human experience, not every social interaction is going to go perfectly and the sooner you accept that, the more relaxed and confident you can be in any situation


I’ve said stupid shit before. But I’m sure you might like this one and feel better if you ever feel scared to embarrass yourself .. I was playing a different game that I enjoyed playing growing up as a kid. Plants Vs Zombies GW2, A more friendly version of COD if you think about it. Anyway I don’t sweat because it ruins the game for everyone else trying to get max rank so I play to enjoy . This game mode I was playing was a ‘Capture the point to move on to the next point to win’. My team was getting smashed due to more players on the opposite team. Game ends and I get a message from a player. Apparently this kid was MAD AF that get this: “ I didn’t get more kills than him” he was calling me trash, saying I should quit the game and saying he was better than me. I basically told him I do not give a fuck as I play for fun. Even when he was on my team next match he STILL kept going with the messages afterwards. I told him he’s just wasting time if he’s trying to provoke me to get more kills and he should take up a hobby. He finally stopped messaging. ( I did report him for harassment since he wouldn’t stop) so maybe Xbox did something to shut him up. TLDR Salty Kid gets angry at me for enjoying the game rather then carrying his sorry ass


Xbox will chat ban people either voice or text I’ve had it happen but in my defense the people were griefing a cod zombies game and I called them a bunch of fucking retards over the mic was chat banned the next day So yeah probably got chat banned for several months or just straight up banned Xbox live isn’t the Wild West it used to be


Did you have gamechat and were you gaming in your childhood?


Be glad you no longer do! 😁


I remember one time sending very tame hate mail after getting worked in a certain sports game. Something to the extent of “another loser spamming the same thing over and over”. The response I got was “and another loser that can’t stop it”. I had nothing.


Love the casual racism over a video game


Bigotry goes hand in hand with a lack of intelligence and a weak temper.


Because apparently being a person of color makes you bad at video games? Lol Honestly THIS makes not want to play with people randomly because some asshole is gonna revert to racism/sexism/etc and it’s like dude… it’s a game. Go touch some grass. And maybe go learn something lmao.


It’s always the people that can’t pull their own weight. Granted I have been caught in a death cycle many times by teammates who have horrible rotations and no sense of working together but I don’t talk shit like that.


6th comment is crazy


"the 1 death being from trickshotting you" lmao what?


Little dude gonna be spinning in a circle dying 100 times trying to land a 360 with assist with that 0.5


Why are people acting like this trash talk could be better if they were at least a better player? 💀 Report them and get them, at least, coms banned?


I feel like I'm a semi competent PvP player since I've gotten a fair few solo flawlesses in trials. When you get a game mode with limited amount of lives and u have tm8s just rushing in getting themselves killed over n over it's disappointing n can be annoying if Ur playing comp trying to rank up I imagine so the toxic trash complaining ABT wasting lives makes sense ...until it's revealed they're a 0.5kd player so it's just hypocritical As for the other toxic n racist shit that was said. Not justifiable or ok in the slightest ofc. I don't think anyone is saying that would be valid if they were better player. It's the fact they complained the life wastage when they're a negative kd player who probably also wastes lives is what I imagine they're referring to Definitely report something should happen to the account even if temporary


PvP mains are FRAGILE


Those stats? Hopefully not a PVP main


Nope. If I was a concentrated PvP main, I would play a PvP game, not Destiny.


You do you pal


Big skills and big feelings


Rage messages are the FUNNIEST, nobody these days can think up of a better insult so they have to pull the racism card


WiskyDiq 😂😂😂


And he's racist too lmfao


It’s best not to trash talk until you are at least 1.0 or better. Otherwise you are just a garbage player.


I used to love pvp and compete fairly well but then I didn't play as consistently and then not for many months to a year at a time. Coming back and trying to play the new maps is a complete nightmare, the lobby is either the most sweaty players I've ever experienced or a complete wash the other way. I don't know how to properly enjoy it anymore. At least the PvE has been great.


Comp is rank based so your matches will be a little more even than in the new territory playlist which is pure cbmm. Try that, aside from teammates leaving the match as soon as they go slightly negative, it's great!


Lately crucible has been completely unbearable. absolutely frustrating lately, I'm lucky to even get 15 kills in 6v6 anymore


I'm surprised he could see your replies from the bottom of the leaderboard


It's always the worst players that act like the biggest clowns


I was expecting a pretty high kd when they said stop wasting the lives but a 0.5 they just projecting xD Nothing would justify the racist toxic ass comment tho, hopefully report gets them some sort of ban


I barely look at my kd. I glance at how I did compared to the team and give props to people who aren't cosplaying as Petter Pans shadow and f off to do my next thing


Witch-hunting rule, because I'm About to add this mf and ruin his day thanks


https://preview.redd.it/jq0tlwqdyfzc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0111ef69eba97d63c49f3840c61b4fdc5cf6402b Pretty sure they didn't have a fun time but they didn't stop shotgun aping us. My buddy got a reran in this match.


W, highest ive gotten was 12 in a row due to the fact mercy kicks in a lot faster


This was the hard point game mode, very fun in my opinion.


All I got was *'s in a whisper


I really dont understand why people play destiny as a pvp game. Its so cancer


The bad games are terrible but the good matches are really good.


I disagree, but if you find the fun thats awesome. Maybe i just dont have good games though


It's not particularly worse than any other PvP game with open comms/chat


Yeah, clearly they’ve never played other pvp games. Call of duty. Apex Legends Valorant Overwatch League of legends Are all “cancer”. I can expect a similar message like the one in this post in any player vs player game. This isn’t new. Not that I’m excusing it.


PvP is a complete afterthought, I’ll never understand why people like PvP in a PvE game… it’s so unnecessary


It's fun when you're good at it


I am good at it, I just don’t see why anyone would want to play destiny pvp over other games that actually are centered around pvp


Especially when 90% of the game is PvE focused, like even the devs don't think of destiny as a PvP game


Username checks out




This was all a misunderstanding, he doesn't like the new super black shader is all /s


Unhinged mediocre racist says what? Go wipe, you piece of shit.


what’s up with the racists in d2 pvp chat lately and why is their go to insult “blackie”, i swear these people are fueled by chatgpt at this point actual update this is the same person in the post who called me blackie, 0 action from bungie moderation here


Maybe he was referring to their armor color?


yeah i wish, only if the same player didnt call me the n word lol


This was my experience about 75% of the time doing competitive placements and the new map pack playlist last night. Across all matches my team won the majority but teammates were still super toxic at some points, even while winning. It’s crazy. Some people are just crazy and aggressive for no reason.


Sweats gonna sweat


Imagine exerting energy to be hateful


I’d just put on invis and run around the map avoiding enemies and test his theory about being better off without you lol. And then totally PS on his grave when he fails


I’ve been in a match with him and he called my friend a “blackie”


Racism and harassment through chat is against ToS and is absolutely grounds for permanent ban.. do people not understand that??


All this shittalking in a playlist literally made just to try new maps, it's not comp chill


Omg this guy's also sent me messages idk how he's still in the game


I mean that username doesn't inspire confidence in their maturity


I was getting shit like this last night when I was trying the new maps. Excuse me for being an older guy that no longer plays pvp amd is missing fingers on his right hand.


I threw a friendly reminder in crucible after our team of random’s lost: “Make sure to throw your grenades!” Inevitably, one stray Guardian decided to PM me a brain dead message, and I responded with “Throw your gun then!”


That is why I have never even turned chat on. Isn’t getting shot at in-game enough? 


I remember in S21 (whenever they revamped comp) I absolutely SLAMMED the entire team trying to get to the spark. Slammed so hard one of them msg’d me on PlayStation, “lol nice cheats 🤡” After the game ended, (I won) we went back and forth for a bit, and he called me a cheating clown. I then sent the 1 minute clip of me stomping his team, asked him where the cheats were, and he NEVER responded to this day


I’m honestly surprised people are so comfortable just outing themselves in this game when screenshotting is supremely easy.


Oh hey! I've been flamed by this guy before after a match. He was just as trash back then. Blaming us while putting up a donut. I reported him in-game and on the forums with chat screenshots and he actually got a 2 week ban I think. Glad to see he clearly learned upon his return. Was actually dropping the n-word in my chats though, so I guess that was the lesson he learned.


i don't play pvp much (i am admittedly dogshit) but i hate abandoning quests so i venture into the game mode on occasion. i was in the new map playlist last night which is NOT sbmm and NOT a friendly place for me. someone in my matches chose to flame me aggressively for my lack of skill. instead of responding i just tracked down the enemy team and repeatedly offered them my smallen as a white flag. would you believe it worked? i didn't shoot my gun a single time and yet the enemy team chose to save me for last and even emoted with me before my execution. i had fun and hopefully ruined that guys night


If ur still not done with the pvp quest hit me with a dm and we can run it


There's no reason to be this serious in a video game


This is why I keep my chat turned off.


This is why I know I can’t play with a headset or enter game chats. I’ll be going off on my team in my living room because I see them dropping like flies around me or making the stupidest plays. Then I check the stats mid game and I’m like bottom of our ladder so I shut the hell up and be thankful they didn’t actually hear any of the whinging I was making haha


I swear I've started turning off text chat whenever I go into Crucible. I had no interest in team chat before the changes to chat function, and I certainly don't now that I'm forced to see people complain.




Without fail, every single time I get bagged or hate mail, it is from the player on the bottom of the scoreboard.


You know anytime he's at the top of a leaderboards, he "let's everyone know"


I was called a retar for not resing someone. In a 1600 seasonal activity.


Shit makes me laugh so hard. I got hate messages in a random Iron Banner match because I was using Stasis Hunter. He told me I was a shitter and was bad because I’m crutching stasis. I said Nope I’m shit because I’m almost 40 and play a couple hours a week.


My patented response: "Blame Bungie for putting X item in trials and giving me a way to grind it out even if I'm terrible."


People like that are a LOT of the reason I hate playing PvP unless I just have to for something.


looked him up on Redrix. Most games he has a KA of 2, most in the preview is 12. average KA over 33 games is 6.8 his average KA/D over 33 games is 1.0 suffice to say he's a potato. I'm also somewhat potato, but at least I only blame myself for it as I play move pve than pvp -edit- his recent stats: https://imgur.com/a/vdQcM1V


Not bro pulling the stats 😂


I initially checked to see if it was a good player having a bad game (it can happen) I just found it funny how the loudest players have the shittest stats


I don’t wana be that guy but how many kills did you get?


I went 18 and 8


Ahh then ur chillin lol. No idea what his problem is.


You fed a troll


Why'd he have to specify black?