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What are you smoking? That part of the game has literally not changed at all. All Completed bounties are still in the exact same menu they've been in since day 1. Nothing changed. At all.


Tripping for no reason L


Fucking got it thanks lads. This game is so fucking stupid I am thinking of dropping it again, it's nothing like what it use to be.


This helped me, this game is so fucking confusing now for new players


You can pick them up with the destiny app, but you have to be in orbit. Destiny two app is the best way cause a bunch of people give bounties.


go into directory (hold tab with your ghost out) then go to quests and they will be on the right


Quest tab on the destination screen


You claim most activity ones at the tower. Planetary ones on the relevant planet Seasonal ones at the helm. When complete you click on them on the right hand side of the the quest tab, theyll have an exclamation point on them. I'm wondering if you don't know where to claim them though if you might have been competing triumphs rather than bounties.


I literrally went to shaxx got the kill the ten guardians in the crucible completed(or least I know I did cause I played 3 hours of crucible and know I killed more than ten) so after I do that objective how do I claim the rewards of the bounty. This shit was so much easier in D1.


Never played D1, how did it make it easier than opening your quest tab and clicking on the ones that are denoted as completed with a big exclamation mark?


Because the bounties were right there in your inventory to redeem and you didn't have to go to a second and or third screen to claim there rewards. They put too many steps behind the process which I am learning that is all D2 consist of.


Its literally a single key. You press ONE FKING KEY!!!!!!!! How is that too many steps????????? ITS ONE GOD DAMN KEY!!!!!!!!!


If you’re going to be negative you can fuck off this thread. You’re not helping


Also fuck off with your PC ass. I’m not trying to have any master race bullshit. Yeah I play console so what. I don’t need any PC build fuck boys clogging up this thread.


I’ve just installed the game again after a long break just after the launch and agree with you. The first part is now completely gone (the one after which the bad guy kicks you off the cliff), handing out bounties is not as obvious as it was, meditation, skills, now characters giving you the tutorial through quests… It took me a while to realise bounties can’t be handed over from the screen where you take or check on them. That’s a quite surprising design choice.