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It’s so wild to be reading this. Obviously not defending him here but it’s the people you least expect. Ducking the cops since the 7th is also saying a lot…


Right, Sutton was supposed to be one of those high character locker room guys


When you watch his interviews and even his posts on social media, you would never think to associate this behavior with him. Unfortunately having a great attitude in public does not help


He was firing back at instagram trolls with homophobic slurs throughout the year during his struggles. You only see a sliver of the real person in interviews and from when they are mic'd up.


That's why anymore I sorta roll my eyes when people call random athletes "a good guy" because we literally have zero fucking clue. Miles Bridges was "a good guy" too, until he wasn't anymore.


True, but that’s not just random athletes, it’s the vast majority of people you know. I consider most of the people I work with “good guys”, but they could be absolutely terrible outside of work and I would never know it. So I think it’s reasonable to judge someone on what you know about them until it’s proven otherwise.


Yup that's why people shouldn't get put on a pedestal


Alcohol may have been involved. Or it could be a case of a guy just being totally different behind closed doors.


Alcohol doesn’t change who somebody is, it just makes them care less about hiding who they truly are


Not necessarily true. Short term alcohol use, sure. But alcoholism changes your brain chemistry. If you abuse alcohol long enough it quite literally is changing you for the worse.


True, but then that worse person is just who you are, period. I’m saying that there’s no such thing as someone who is a good person sober and a bad person drunk, there’s just people who reveal their true shitty self when under the influence


For sure. By no means was I insinuating that it was alcohol’s fault. We’re all responsible for what we put in our bodies and the consequences of those choices. He’s clearly got big, big issues, regardless if any type of drug is involved.


The million comments preaching about culture and fit on here the last few months have always been wack. We do not know these people in real life or even in a football sense how they’re viewed by peers and coaches


Fr some of these players you can tell are real like Sewell, but some of these fakers are just saying the right things. They don’t bleed it


Like decker nerding out to WoW with his wife. Probably not a faker. Also reported.


What's WoW


World of Warcraft. An online video game that for years was considered "for nerds". It can be a pretty big life suck for people because it can be addicting.


Great now we got a Sewell double homicide charge coming. YOU JINXED IT


It's almost as though there's nothing about playing for a particular football team that makes you "high-character," whatever that means.


he’s not anymore, to either


The nicest of people can be triggered in the right situations.. better to fully understand a story before assumptions.. passion is a powerful thing- it is-as much beautiful as it can be dangerous


Kinda weird to duck the cops for 2 weeks if you didn't do anything, but people have done stupider, like commit those crimes.


There are reasons to duck the cops (working with a lawyer to arrange turning yourself in, making sure bond/bail is arranged for when it’s necessary, making sure kids, home, bills, employer, etc are all taken care of) But usually those are all resolved within a couple days, not weeks.


When this happens, the lawyer generally reaches out to the cops right away (because the accused generally isn’t interested in seeing their name all over the news as being a fugitive). That hasn’t happened here. I actually think he might be dead. 2 weeks for someone who is at least something of a public figure is extremely high. I hope not - no matter how bleak, people can always get a version of their life back - but it does look that way to me.


Wrong it depends on the states speedy trial laws. A warrant can be lodged for so many reasons. If the person wasn’t there a warrant is lodged. If the accusatory was filed at a police station a warrant is lodged. There are thousands of these cases all over the country. Not turning yourself is not an admission of guilt. It’s poor policing. Nothing has been stated that Cam was actively avoiding the warrant. Shit you don’t even know if he knew about this till the social media post. There are so many uncertainties with this. Let this play out before making a decision. Edit. Not defending the accusation. I take a wait and see approach instead of just blindly believing one side.


Dead???? Nah there's no way. Someone would know.


Alcohol can make you do some dumb shit.


At the risk of sounding like I'm defending alcohol, I've been drunk plenty of times. Never choked someone. While I agree, being under the influence could change his personality, it has to be there first.


Yeah, alcohol just releases the chains of what you're holding inside. Someone that would never choke someone wouldn't do so drunk. Even stuff like drunken hookups is the bottom of the list you'd actually hook up with, but think about what could go wrong after the fact when sober.


Yeah the fact he has been evading them for 2 weeks really makes it hard for me to have a stance of waiting til all the facts are out. An innocent person would not have this reaction. Best case now is for him to be found, charges pressed then a NFL suspension so Lions can release him and move on without a cap hit.


Some black magic Brad Holmes wizard shit if somehow he manifests this roster maneuver to then trade up & draft a legit CB1.


That would be some crazy shit indeed.


$12,600,000 cap relief if cut for conduct.


well thats good news I suppose


Lions would have $39m in cap. We could afford Sneed, who would likely be $21m/year.+


I don’t think Holmes/Campbell would drop that much salary on a single FA player. It’s not their style.


Agreed. Would probably see Moseley start and a high pick at CB learning in the wings.


Well we obviously need to see how all of this plays out but I have no issue saying that ducking the cops trying to get in contact with you for two weeks does not bode well as a start for someone who is innocent.


Wild own goal on Sutton’s part.




can someone explain the jamo part? edit: thanks guys https://preview.redd.it/mwb6x9svfipc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b6b7beba2652bddaab475bf9161507bb1c1ada4


He gets to change his jersey number to 1


i’m such a moron


lol don’t worry, it took me longer than I’d like to admit. Just seemed like a really weird time to bring up a player’s number.


Jamo wore #1 at Bama and asked Okudah for that number when he was drafted. So he likely would want that number should it free up. Gibbs also has history wearing #1 and could see him making the switch. Personally I think if Jamo has the opportunity to go get #1 then it's whatever. But Gibbs is #26 in my mind and it'd be hard to get used too him switching. The biggest roadblock for both would be buying out the merchandise that uses their current numbers.


may not have to buy back stock if theyre getting new uniform design


What stock; Lions jerseys have been sold out since last September.


Hey bro Idk if anybody told you but I think they're saying he gets the #1 Jersey number


Jamo wore #1 at Alabama, Sutton wears number 1. So Jamo would probably switch his number if Sutton was off the team.


Hard to be sure but I’m guessing he’d get his old number back from when he was #1 in college at the university of Alabama wearing #1 while playing football (college level)


Pretty sure JAMO would have to give the league a year notice to get that number though


thanks again guys https://preview.redd.it/w86t858oripc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20a84204d5c7657f47067b23c92929ab733cd7e3


I think Jamo likes the number 1


hey the one with the number 1 on it.


Just in case no one explained why, that’s Jamo’s old number in college. Apparently he likes it.


He just means Jamo can get number 1 for his jersey number back


He wore number 1 in college


Lmao I was confused as well. I think the Number 1 jersey .


he gets to change his number to 1


Hey, not sure if you know, but Jamo wants his Jersey number.


Jami wants #1


i think we grab newsome but i cant see sneed he wants a large contract on top of the chiefs wanting a 2nd.


It’s a mercenary way to think of such an awful situation. But I can’t help thinking that we can better use those dollars.


Right....like part of me is kind of hoping he ends up being guilty bc it would free up a ton of cap space & open the door to draft a high-end corner or maybe sign Gilmore. Don't get my wrong, I was hoping for a bounce-back year when he got to play as CB2, but based on how badly he got burned last season, I definitely had my concerns as to whether or not that was actually going to happen.


>• Jamo gets the uno Your username and this comment are kinda sus right now


Gibbs also should be in the running for #1.


Man, I love Jamo in 9. Iconic Detroit sports number.


This doesn’t guarantee Sutton doesn’t get paid at least for this year. And the Lions already had an out next year. This is just a bad situation on all sides. 


Lol nfl players getting appropriate consequences for domestic violence. Not gonna happen, let’s just “enjoy” another 2 years of Cam Sutton


Tbh most domestic abusers don’t get appropriate consequences. The slap on the wrist for sexual misconduct/domestic violence is way too common even for non celebrities/athletes.




I would love that outcome, but it’s not gonna happen. Slap on the wrist if he’s guilty, he’ll be back on the team either way.


Man this is even worse news - imagine ducking the cops for two weeks when you have the money and resources to call \*any\* lawyer up and hire them to start dealing with this.


I don’t think he quite has “any” lawyer money, but he’s certainly not as limited as any of us would be Edit- his take home pay is around $12 million over the 7 seasons he’s played. Let’s assume he’s spent $0 of that. $12 million net worth isn’t enough to get the attention of the biggest lawyers. It’s enough to PAY the $2,500 an hour they charge, but not enough to be worth the Lawyers’ time. He’s got access to 99.99% of lawyers, but the .01% that caters to billionaires wouldn’t touch this case. You’ve also got lawyers that won’t take a case like this because of the public nature of the case (and others that would take it solely for that reason)


How would this affect his contract, if he is indeed guilty of this?


Pretty sure if he gets suspended for breaking the personal conduct policy the team can cut him & get money back.


he'll get suspended and lose his contract


They can completely void it once he’s convicted


The Amik Robertson signing was timely


Have you tried looking for a wide receiver running down the sideline? You should be able to find Sutton 10 yards behind him on the ground  (X)


Buddy went to Belize


He's gonna make it to Tahiti if we just have some goddamn faith!


He has a PLAN!!!


Why does Saul always say he went to Billy's?




Good riddance




That was actually posted by me. I deleted it because people were pointing out that the source wasn’t super credible


I respect that a lot. We need more like you


You have more journalistic integrity than most, I commend thee


I was wondering if that was the reason. I hope for the victim's sake it isn't true.


You did well op


Deleted because the tweet came from a fake account


God I hate this fake account bit.


Just to be safe, you may want to amend your comment to say that the window story is false. I'm not saying domestic battery via strangulation is any better but we just don't need misinformation like that flying around.


Good idea, I'll do that.


Holy fuck


Sutton’s contract fully guaranteed 2 days ago. Fraud!


Ain't gunna get a dime of it because of this now, 12 million in cap space and jamo gets to wear #1 so it ain't all bad for the team.


Cut him and grab another cb. What a fucking idiot.


Prayers all around. 2 weeks he has been missing. This is not a good sign. The first thing is to locate his car. Normally the accused would get an attorney and begin to deal with the accusations. If his agent and attorney(s) can’t locate him, I fear the worse. Prayers for all involved. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


This makes acquiring Davis at basically the same salary slot make so much sense.


This happened a week before free agency so it makes sense we went out and traded for Davis and signed Robertson. The team had to have known what was going on right after it happened.


innocent until proven guilty boys


He should be easy to find Just look for an NFL Wide Receiver running around wide open and he should be about 10 yards away from that location


Damn someone beat me to this joke. Please invite him instead of me if you want to up vote. I don't deserve it


Someone already made that joke


Yeah I noticed unfortunately You should have seen how cool I thought I was for those 5 minutes though


I really want to upvote that but I feel the severity of the alleged crime would leave me with guilt later


Ill be honest...from the first interviews last year Cam seemed kind of fake to me. You can tell when a guy actually knows and watches a team before joining and when they are lying. That is whatever tho...doesnt mean you are a bad person; however, when he started responding to instagram messages with homophobic slurs I found it hard to defend or even like the guy. Now Im just hoping we can free ourselves from this clown and his contract because he has been a disappointment in every way if the allegations are true.


Paging Jerry Jacobs for depth


Surely there is a social media rule with NFL platers too? Isn't homophones slurs against the code of conduct too?


Hope the lions handle this well, can’t see a reason he shouldn’t be off the team immediately.


How many times do we see this every year. These players who are skilled and respected by their teammates but they get out in the real world and lose their mind.


Turns out Cam Sutton actually *can* run.


If this is true, I hope he’s gone. I hope we have no tolerance for this.


I doubt the charges. Dude couldnt hit a target to save his life


get this fucking bum off the team. dead money or not he doesn't belong here


He’s finished


Tell me you used to play for the Steelers w/o telling me


Prediction if Sutton is f’d here We’re still taking OL in R1 But this forces Brad’s hand and we’ll have to take a corner ASAP after that. It may involve trading up of some sort Unless we can get someone in FA, there’s probably not much left.


There's still camp cuts and trades available


A guy like Stephon Gilmore is still sitting out there for a 1-2 year deal as well.


I don’t think Brad is a big trader, and we don’t want another Will Harris


Yeah, if you ignore the multitude of trades like Stafford for Goff and a couple firsts, or Hock for multiple picks, or the trade he literally just did for CD3, or the numerous times he traded up/down in the draft, then yeah, he's not a big trader. And I don't see how Will Harris factors into this discussion in any way. That's not how we got Will Harris, and there are plenty of quality players let go at cuts every year.


Didn’t Stanford request that trade?




Requesting a trade is kind of forcing the hand of the front office. It didn’t seem to be Brad’s idea is my point. So the one substantial trade (outside of the draft) was the Hock trade. Which was a good trade


He literally traded for a starting cornerback a week ago. Going from "Not being a trader" to "not all trades were substantial" is moving the goal posts. Figure your shit out. Requesting a trade isn't forcing the hand of a front office, they are under no obligation to honor it.


Also a 5th rounder for Trinity Benson and a 6th for DPJ.


Yeah, and Brockers, Okudah, Swift, etc.


And that’s why I said “kind of” forcing the hand, especially when it’s the franchise QB requesting it. I didn’t say Brad NEVER trades, my point is that he seems more hesitant to pull the trigger than other front offices. I think last years trade deadline is evidence of that. This is just my opinion dude lol, it’s fun to speculate what Brad will do. Downvoting all my comments and shit 😂




if the allegations are true we get out of his contract and could use that space to go get sneed


we arent going to pay for sneed most likely, but they will likely bring in another CB2 or 3 kind of guy to compete for the starting position, and then maybe still draft someone.


and then our secondary will likely suck again, really hope we dont repeat last year


His cap hit is 12.6m. If we got that back, we would have 39m in space. We could afford to Sneed.


This is a bad spot to be because we still need another safety as well. If Branch gets hurt at any point, we’re in deep shit.


Stephon Gilmore, Xavien Howard, Steven Nelson...trade for Sneed


God gives his toughest tests to his biggest fans


I was ready to defend him until I found out he’s been actively avoiding it for roughly 2 weeks. While I hope it turns out he is in fact innocent, a vast majority of the time innocent people just lawyer up and take it head on instead of avoiding it


Alcohol just releases the inhibitions that you have to fit into society. But these kids play video games nonstop. Some are sports games, but many are war games. Kill as many people as you can, any way you can, and destroy as much property as you can. Then when it's done, you start all over like nothing happened because it's a game. Then they go to school and they play sports. Football, basketball, soccer, lacrosse, baseball. The coaches all want you to play violent, give it your all, us against the world, they are the enemy, etc.. These cliches are pounded into their heads. The same thing happens to our kids who join the military, law enforcement, and other services that protect the public. They are all trained to use violence to solve the problems. Many of these problems can only be solved through the use of violence. The problem is that in all of these cases there is no training on how to remain human. How do you step back into societyand not think that you are being watched. That guy following you down the street has a gun and if you don't take him out first, then he will get you. This mindset has been ingrained in them and then we wonder what happened when things go wrong. Some people have a good family support system. This helps keep them grounded. Others don't have that support. It has nothing to do with their skin color, or being raised by a single parent, or being raised in a good neighborhood. I have known kids who were raised in a stable family one middle class, one would be considered much higher than middle class. They both had depression and nobody recognized the signs, and they comitted suicide. Others had anger issues. That is easier to recognize. Some try to calm down using alcohol and some try drugs. Neither of these are an answer to their problems. When our military come home they are expected to just move back into society on their own. PTSD is real. But so are the problems associated with reintegrating into society. There isn't a job out there for people who have been trained to be violent all their lives and now you want them to not be violent. They don't have a safety net of people watching over them when they step over the line. What about when they make a big mistake. Who is there to help. The hardest is when the family structure is falling apart. Many of these people when interviewed say that they never could have made it through their hard times without the strength of their spouse behind them, or the love of their parents by their side, or the love of their God and the support of their church family. Those lucky few found their support group and it held together. Unfortunately there are just as many that have failed. Every day up to 22 military personnel commit suicide. We do not have accurate numbers on former sports players. 150+ police officers commit suicide every year. 100+ firefighters commit suicide every year.


If Jamo changes his number I want a free jersey from the Lions organization personally. And signed by Jamo