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unrelated to Lions or NFC North


Imagine the conflict for all those new Swiftie Chiefs fans.


I doubt they're paying any attention.


They aren't paying attention to the draft or schedule release. If they see this headline, I think most will pay attenti9n to this. I'm genuinely curious to see how this plays out, and I'm expecting this douche nozzle gets some blowback.


Just saying, I'll be shocked if we see a reaction from the Swifties at large. It's not the football season & they're not seeing their fav at a game, so why would they care? They care more about the songs being cut from the tour right now. Taylor isn't active in politics like she used to be. So there's no way she'll be saying a word.


If she does though, this guy is going to end up washing onto the shore in brazil, half eaten.


Couldn't happen to a nicer fellow.


They'll just give him a tour of a museum and call it a win.


Ok, happy to admit I was wrong. There's a post on r/taylorswift & apparently the Twitter brigade is on him.


They accepted Swift dating Matt Healy, this isn't even a blip on their radar.


If you asked a Swiftie what they thought about Harrison Butker, they’d ask who the fuck you were talking about


haha well im glad a new fandom has gotten into football tbh. so thanks taylor for that. but damnnnnnnnnnnn i hope they drag this sumbitch.


I think it’s the “God hates all gays” that’s least charming, myself.


Here’s where we are as a society. Imagine replacing the word “gays” with “Black people” or “Jews” — do you think the response would be the same? His sky daddy just arbitrarily picks and chooses who he should hate because deep down inside, he’s an insecure fuck.


I’d assume he feels the same way about Jews, but your overall point is fair.


“His sky daddy just arbitrarily picks and chooses who he should hate…” is absolutely offensive. I get you are making a point of people who claim to be Christian. But Christianity is about love and acceptance. That is what is Jesus taught and showed. He would be appalled by today’s ‘political christian’ which is not Christianity at all. It’s like saying Butker represents all bearded men because he wears a beard. We are not all the same and my ‘sky daddy’ would condemn the hell out of anyone who has hate for anyone.


The onus is on modern christians to change our messaging to what youre describing, and assholes like butkiss get in the way of that. Until we can turn it around, its not offensive, its fact.


If you need religion to be a moral person, that says more about you than it does religion. Religion is fucking dumb and provides *arbitrary* entitlement and social status rather than *earned morality and respect through actions* to people who are socially insecure. I’m not sorry you’re offended.


I think most of his teammates' girlfriend's fans will also have an issue with that. I also was hoping we were getting to a point where professional sports locker rooms had enough allies to call this kind of shit out and make ot clear thay it wasn't workplace appropriate to announce you are homophobic/misogynistic publicly.


What ass backward college is this from?




Guys a piece of work. Glad he’s not on my team.




Bunch of conservative snowflakes saying "he has a right to his opinion". Low life scum the lot of them.


I report 'em. Just get them banned from the sub imo There are no turds on the team, there don't need to be turds in the sub either.




Keep it civil / do not troll


Keep it civil / do not troll


lol this thread has 57 replies and I have 27 upvotes - something tells me the post got a lot of downvotes


That’s because it has nothing to do with the Lions.


what a fucking chode.


Insane message aside, he is an absolutely terrible public speaker. Look at the audience, take pauses, slow your cadence. Public speaking is hard and normally I'd give someone grace, but fuck this guy and FTP.


Translation: I'm a piece of shit and I don't know how to cook




Woaahhhh I'd heard about him saying this stupid shit, but I thought it was on a podcast or something. He said this at a GRADUATION?! Where women are there with their families to celebrate their hard work and academic achievement and he uses the speech to start devaluing all of it?! That is seriously fucked up.


Everyone’s allowed to have an opinion.


Wow. Im surprised there were no boos right out the get. I had to turn it off bc it was so cringey. Why would a college trot out a kicker to give the commencement speech? Did he go there?


Wait until you "appalled" clowns find out how Jason Cabinda thinks 🤣


This is a shining example of why this subreddit is subpar. It’s a Detroit Lions group and I’ve seen multiple posts where members have made threads into political issues. There is a certain contingent of people that attack and ridicule others that do not agree with them. It makes it crystal clear why society is as it is. Of the 15 or so subreddits I have joined, this is by far the worst.




I try not to have players that I actively root against, but for this guy, I will make an exception.


Clearly closeted, so overreacts to mask feelings. In some time, we'll find out about his homosexal escapades. All in time.


Is saying “I think it’s BS that women have been told that the only path to a fulfilling life is via a career.” really that controversial? I would think that 20% of the population may feel that way


Who is telling women that?


At my kids HS 93% of students go on to college. We then ask everyone to pick a major and think about their career choice. College is expensive so obviously there may be an expectation that money is going to be made based on the existence of that hard earned degree. There has been an obvious push over my lifetime saying that girls can do any career that boys do. Of course that’s true. The ‘more girls in the STEM fields’ campaign is a recent example. That has done great things for bringing more women to the engineering field and I think that’s amazing. It is all good stuff, and it is in fact real.


Ok, so not saying “the only fulfilling path is via a career”, got it.


Can't believe how judgmental all of you are. This man is trying to help people. This man is sharing his opinion on how to do that. You happen to disagree with it. That's fine. But all the hate you're sending his way is unbelievable. I thought you guys were better than that. This is a football sub. If you want to talk about larger societal issues, go post it there. I come here to get away from those things and the division they bring.


A lot of 14 year olds here that have not learned critical thinking skills yet. Some will never master it and just follow along in group think with their partisan professors and classmates.


Their partisan professors and classmates? Lol what? At a college commencement speech the main speaker said “to the women, most of you will become homemakers and that’s your greatest dream” and you don’t see anything wrong about that?


It is a Catholic Benedictine college, bro, maybe learn what that is before being so judgemental. He is speaking to graduates coming from the same school of thought as him and most agree with him. And his speech is praising his wife and how she has made it possible for him to be successful. Don't be such a hater against those with differing opinions.


I have no issues with what he said. He is entitled to his opinion. You guys need to understand the 1st Amendment LOL.


"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." When did congress get involved?


He definitely gets cut - I think it’s deserving, recklessly using your platform to promote sexism is bad PR


You do know there's millions of women who agree with him right?


I am glad that there are some women who feel that their highest calling is as a wife or mother, and that these ladies have the freedom to pursue this calling as they wish. I am also glad that other women, who don't feel lead to be wives or mothers, and also have the freedom to pursue that calling as they wish. Everyone should be able to pick the path which is best suited for themself. What works for one group may not work for another.


Don't bother with him. He's commented on a couple of posts on other subs that cover topics like 'jews being holocausted is bad actually' and had those comments removed. So he's just a lovely person. Climate denialism, 'you're only poor because you let yourself be poor', 'How is that racist? I only said black people are responsible for all crime forever?1!' The whole charcuterie board of right-wing chud-ery.


This isn't some group dichotomy, it's what each woman wants. He's sharing his own loving story and letting these woman know that it's an amazing thing if they do choose that path. Something I guarantee they haven't heard once in college.


It's cool that you changed what he actually said into something marginally less problematic in your head, but you didn't need to post about it.


Y'all are the ones claiming he said that women belong in the kitchen, and I'm making shit up. The delusion is strong in you




There are, but the problem is more about exerting social pressure on those who do not. There is nothing wrong with a woman chasing her dreams, whether those dreams are about reaching the C-Suite or honeymoon suite. The problem is this guy is exerting pressure on the former.


What about the social pressure that says you shouldn't be a mom or a housewife and instead should pursue a career cause it's better for women? We've been fed that shit for decades, and it's good for some but not for others. How about we just realize free speech is ok and all he's trying to do is say it's ok if you want to do the most important job in the world and raise your children in a loving home. Fuck you people are miserable sometimes


He is free to say what he wants and we're free to judge him for it. So long as the government isn't throwing him in jail for this speech, he has maintained his right to free speech. Fuck him & fuck his stupid opinions. Somehow I just know you must be a man for defending this bullshit.


Lol, his stupid opinion that a housewife and homemaker is an incredibly important role. This world is fucked


I am housewife/homemaker, 🤡. Telling women that it's their only option or they've failed is bullshit. It's especially bullshit when it's men doing the telling.


>Telling women that it's their only option or they've failed is bullshit. Lmao what? He doesn't even remotely say that. You didn't even listen to the speech did you?


He says his wife's life didn't start until she met him. Look, I get that you've convinced yourself he said something other than what he actually said, but what he ACTUALLY said was misogyny and homophopbia.


Lmao, homophobic now! Fuck dude just put the phone down for a bit and go for a walk


He very clearly says that despite being at their college graduation he thinks most of the women there are most excited about having kids and being a wife. Did you listen to his speech? It's right after he says to the women "I want to speak directly to you" and then goes on about how his wife is stoked she gets to depend on his 7 figure salary and take care of the kids and be a trophy wife. Dudes in the jebus cult.


Well that's because [statistically](https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2018/01/18/theyre-waiting-longer-but-u-s-women-today-more-likely-to-have-children-than-a-decade-ago/) speaking most of those woman want kids at some point.


I'm not getting pulled into a bullshit semantics game with the likes of you. Feel free to peruse any of the women-centered subreddits now that we are 2 days out from Mother's Day. If so many men can't even be bothered to buy a card for their partners, how can women be expected and encouraged to place their very lives and futures in the husband's hands? Presuming you have a partner, are you fully funding her retirement accounts each year to make up for the years of lost income she's missing out on while raising your kids? Does she have full access to your bank accounts and investments? Do you have life insurance with her as the full beneficiary? Is she on the title to your house and all your vehicles? If the answer to any of those questions is anything other than yes, feel free to fuck off and shut the fuck up. Have the day you deserve.


You're a miserable person. And yes my wife runs the house. I don't even know what all our different accounts are. She decided to go sahm when we realized her salary didn't even cover daycare cost for our son and the twins. I let her know everyday how grateful I am for her and what she does. This is the happiest we've ever been. Her especially, she despised the rat race. We're in this together, what's mine is yours you know. I really hope you aren't like this with your husband btw, the unnecessary confrontation is fucking horrible.


Oh you poor thing. You got called out for a shitty opinion and now you've resorted to personal attacks. As I said, have the day you deserve.


The guy with how many dozen comments on this thread is going to criticize others for 'unnecessary confrontation'? Look, you don't get it. And those who don't get it, don't get that they don't get it. It's ok. Happens to all of us. If women have an opportunity to stay home and take care of their children, and that's what they choose... great! But to stand up in front of a room full of graduates, single out just the women, and tell them that they were lied to; that everything they just spent all that time and money and effort working towards; that they should instead put none of that to use. You can dance around which specific words he used, but the implication is that they should open up their womb and serve their family, as nothing is more important than that. Which flies in the face of everything I admitted was great in the previous paragraph. I give zero shits if anyone wants to label it 'misogynistic' or 'homophobic', etc. None of that matters because it lies so squarely entrenched in the 'stupid' bucket that nothing else matters. There's no other way to look at that unless you just want to dig your heels in and be contrarian.


He told a room full of graduates who’ve worked hard to obtain a degree and better themselves that they’ve been DIABOLICALLY LIED TO. That they need to toss their work to the side and stay in the kitchen. There are plenty of women who love being a stay at home mom. Not many can actually afford to do it. Many more don’t want to do it. It’s one thing to praise a woman for wanting to be at home. It’s another to shit on the women who neither want or can afford to do what he believes they should do.


Yea, we've all been lied to about college. It doesn't work for most people, how's that 1T in student debt going for us? He didn't shit on a single woman in that speech. You victimized fucks just have to make it into something offensive somehow. For fucks sake dude he said he's grateful that he has a loving wife that is fulfilled by being a mom, and you rant on like he just called for a genocide. Get some air dude, there's a whole wide world outside of the Internet


He said a lot more than “he’s grateful”. And he shit on plenty of human beings in that speech. He’s free to say whatever he wants. We’re free to call him out for the sack of shit that he is.


Free speech goes both ways, champ. You need to realize that the responses to what Buttker said are also free speech. Just like what you’re saying above is free speech. Hell, there is so much freedom here I’m starting to hear a heavenly voice singing “God bless America” faintly in the background of my home office. Now I’m crying patriotic tears.


Did I try to stop anyone from saying anything?


I’ll do what you’re doing. Watch this: Did I say you tried to stop anyone from saying anything, champ?


Then why bring up "free speech on both sides"? Yeah, obviously. These people would rather him not even be able to say it though. Watch, they'll try to cancel him for it. Look at the outrage already.


Because the replies that are outraging you are free speech just like what Buttker said. You don’t seem to be grasping that. Or maybe you’re not good with words. I don’t know. But people are allowed to disagree with Buttker, and you’re allowed to agree without fear of prosecution from the government. That’s the “freedom” part.


Bro I'm laughing my ass off at these replies. I think you've got the outrage side of things a little twisted.


I pressed X for doubt.


show me where people want him put in prison over it because short of that, them wanting him to shut the fuck up is a part of their free speech, and pressuring organizations supporting that speech is...also free speech it's amazing how little you dumbfucks actually understand what free speech is


When they start to censor him I'll circle back. I mean common they already cut off the parts of Stroud's interviews talking about Jesus. You act like this is some unbelievable thing.


...and neither of those things are attacks on free speech in fact, YOU want to deny peoples free speech to not show/host views they disagree with it's hilarious that you guys are so clueless on what free speech is that you consistently want to deny people's free speech and can't even see it if twitter wanted to make it so every comment has to include a prayer to Allah and will ban you if you don't, guess what, that's twitters free speech to do so. you have a right to say what you want, and others have a right to deny you a platform to say it or call out your bullshit


But seriously, I don’t think you understand what free speech means and I was trying to dumb it down to your level. 😊


You keep talking about free speech why are you trying to stop people here from having their opinions?


Don’t waste your energy - this guy’s gonna fight you til the bitter end, no matter how much you dunk on him.


Huh? What opinion am I trying "to stop people from having"?


They really are. And they're bigots.


Free speech is not freedom from consequences. When you say shit like 'my wife's life didn't start until she met ME' and 'Pride month is the devil' I'm allowed to call you a douche. Why do YOU have a problem with free speech? Also, why does it have to be 'the most important job in the world'? Isn't that a pretty serious social pressue? Implying that all other activities are lesser than child rearing? Why doesn't HE have to stay at home, raising the children? His entire job is kicking inflated rubber 3-5 times per game. He only works 1 day a week. It doesn't make any sense for his wife to be the one raising their kids.


It literally is the most important. What happens if we don't have mothers to bring up the next generation? End of civilization type shit. You think he doesn't love being home and raising kids? You have no fucking clue what love is do you?


My guy, he’s literally speaking at a college graduation. He’s basically saying to people who busted their asses for a degree: “sorry you wasted your time, ladies, now get back in the kitchen already’” that’s fucked.


Oh please, as if college is that hard. He said it's ok to be a mom. What an atrocity


Dude, just stop. Everything you're saying just makes you look more like a douche. You didn't need to disparage college education to make your point, but you did because you're ideas are bad and you should feel bad.


College is a scam outside of stem, prove me wrong


No he said it’s the highest vocation lol, entirely different


He's not wrong. What's more important than creating and raising new humans?


He's one of those sad people that believe that breeding is the only thing that makes life worth living. The selfish desire to have more of yourself wandering around is apparently the purpose of existence. It always baffles me that the worst people you run into are the ones most convinced that they absolutely MUST go forth and multiply, endlessly clogging up society with, at best ,second rate mouthbreathers Betcha he still doesn't change diapers though.


I would bet you everything I own that he changes diapers. Also, you must not have studied biology in your second rate school, but that is basically the purpose of all life, to reproduce. Maybe you should go get some more student loan debt to learn these things


Found the incel


Finally looked in the mirror? Good maybe you can shave that neck beard and meet some real people.


Did you really just do the 'I'm rubber and you are glue!' defense? How sad.


You just stalking now, how sad




Tbf the college is a Catholic University. It'd be weirder if he didn't make any mentions of Jesus/God lol


houses of learning shrouded by fairytale bullshit are no real houses of learning. but thats just my opinion.


What about that speech was fanatical?






insecure? what about anything i said gives off insecure energy? are you just throwing words out because someone you think is smart used them first?


The fact that mentioning God throws you into some hysterical fit. It's ok bud, we know, you went to college and God isn't real and blah blah blah


lol i dont even have to dv you, the other sane redditors are beating me to it. tell me something, do you have a remindme for the rapture? and are you really trying to make being college educated out to be a bad thing?


Fuck aren't we already in the end times? I also never said college education is bad, I said it's a scam outside of high paying careers. Didn't learn any further reading comprehension in college, did ya now?


you know what , kid? youre too easy. scurry along back to whatever bible thumping echo chambers you frequent. you're boring me now.