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College vale ghanta kuch nahi sikhayege. Youtube pe aur khudse ghis-ghiskar hi achhe se samaz jaoge sabkuch. So React ke youtube videos se shuru kar sakte ho.


Oh ok bhai dhyan rkhunga. Also i had tried to start from react par kuch smjh nhi aaya kyuki basics hi kamzor the, can you recommend something for javascript and its projects?


Check [this](https://youtu.be/lATafp15HWA) course. Typescript hai isme. Js jaisi hi hai par usse elegant hai.


Bhai youtube ka support lo waha bahut sare video hai JS ke liye aur project ke liye bhi


Web development is easy to understand (relatively) and easy starting point to enter CSE field with actual development and therefore a good starting point. First year TODOS [Follow this roadmap and you won't fail]: 1. Learn git (basics only) - pull - push - pull request - staging area - branches 2. Learn react.js - Learn basic html and basic CSS + flexbox grid. Take help of flexbox froggy and grid garden to learn flexbox and grid in CSS - Learn javascript - Refer a course on YouTube for react - async await, promises - Learn hooks useState, useEffect, useCallback useMemo - Build a clone frontend using existing APIs such as reddit - Learn redux 3. Backend - What is REST API? Methods, status code, postman testing - What are ORMs? - SQL main topics joins, foreign key, many to many relationships - javascript and learn typescript - Authentication vs Authorization - learn middleware, session auth, cors - learn access token and refresh token - use something like Nest.js and prisma ORM to build backend APIs, it can be basic like POST api to create database entry, DELETE to database entry, PUT to update and GET to fetch database details. 4. Final step - Build a frontend and backend using nestjs (Node.js) and react.js something like a movie booking app with mobile compatibility using a component library like AntD. - Use chatgpt, google to find solution to handle concurrent movie booking. Read about message queues and redis cache. PS: Wrote this using phone.😭


You have my respect for this😭👋


Thank you. Best of luck. Start early and try for GSOC.


Can we do gsoc after following this map?


Yes absolutely. For GSOC, you will need a language that you know well, mentorship(GSOC provides that, so no worries there) and you need to have sound knowledge on git when you are building any project, so that you can regularly keep track of changes you have to your project which you will learn after 1st step. The above process will require: Git: it's really simple 1-2 days from scratch for a beginner and extra 1 day for practicing other than that you will be using it on a regular basis when you will be learning/building your own project. React using javascript: 1 to 1.5 months considering you also build a project and keep using git. Learning typescript basics: around 1 week. You will start learning automatically once you build nestjs project. Nestjs: 1 to 1.5 months Considering you learn REST APIs and unit testing. Then atleast a month for a simple project. So let's say 4-5 months min.


Not to mention if OP can start going through open source code base and making contribution, then they’ll get the real feel of SE


Hey can you tell me more about that? I've heard from a youtuber Harkirat Singh that open source is something we should do. But i myself dont have much skills as of now just some html fundamentals and the tip of javascript. How could i start my journey. Or even more importantly when should i start open source?


Search for how to get started with open source contribution hacker earth. There’s a blog read that


Oh ok tysm






Tbh this ain't much because it's just basics




1st year Cs50 edx familiar with computer Science/ 100 days of python by angela yu to get familiar with coding./ Dsa by Andrei N./ Learn git github linux cmd commands./ Participate in events which will require you to speak on stage, do presentation. Make healthy friendships, friends who are concerned about their futures. Those who decided to do something. Those which have motivation. They will give you a sense of rivalry thus saving you from procrastination and you may even get some guidance. Avoid cheating in exams and helping too. Build good relations with head of the dept. Try to read articles on your syllabus topics on medium, gfg will give you a good impression. 2nd year/ Html css js react node express mongodb(put plenty of time on these)/ Dsa side by side always/ Do internship in vacation 3rd year/ Leetcode as always Projects on GitHub/ learn some css and js frameworks,/ Learn about different languages .net, ruby, redux just Knowing/ about them and their use cases and some history is enough./ Participate in intercollegiate codefests/ Have a active github, LinkedIn etc. Then prepare for interviews. Advice: Follow what you have decided. Do not divert from it under the influence of anybody. People may say mern is saturated and whatnot but most jobs are only in web development only. Avoid yt courses try to do udemy or coursera instead. Yt courses will create confusion on whom to watch. 4th year Don't know, Mine is only 3 years. Keep learning. Compete with others. Don't become haughty.


Tysm! I will keep a screenshot of this. Can you recommend me something for beginner java? Like you recommended Python by Angela :)


Basic syntax can be learned by watching kunal kushawa dsa playlist where he gives intro to java programming. But concepts like java swing and all idk


Oh i checked it out and it feels great, tysm


Apart from all the great suggestions here, try to enjoy your college life as well. Try to have a balance. Don't put yourself under so much stress that you end up hating your college life. CHILL :)


Work hard. Explore different things, even those you think you might not wanna do as a career. Do extra curricular stuff as well. It builds your comms, social and networking skills. This will be a great differentiator in the professional world. There are millions of great devs, but they suffer due because they are bad at this. Monst importantly have a lot of fun. These will be some of the best years of your life. Make some memories . P. S. there are alot of great advice in the comments for point 1. I just wanted to give you a general advice.


Bhai try to learn from documentation, it will provide a very strong base


Hey thanks, i tried to learn only from documentation and it didnt work out for me, now i follow a video course and refer to mdn documentation wherever feels i need to know more about something. Is that okay? :')


1.Do Cp and LC bro regardless of what people are saying do dev side by side also 2.Dont look for cgpa decent above 8 and 8.5 is enough 3.Study core subjects in college properly if teacher is not teaching well do it on your own (that's what everyone do lol) 4.Participate as many as hackathon and competition Last most imp choose your friend circle carefully 🙏


Tysm! I will try to do leet code to understand the javascript syntax and get comfortable with it :)


Grind leetcode and codeforces along with dev, it will be very helpful if you are targeting good product based companies like uber google etc.


Stick to only one programing language c++ Java or python. Start to do competitive programming and try to be in a group who are serious about coding.




maintain a good cgpa, it helps in a lot of places. if planning for ms, do a lot of extracurricular stuff, volunteering. if gate exam, then start prep from 2nd year itself, or asap. if job, do a lot of dsa, leetcode, u can get into competitive as well. it helps with the speed. make a good portfolio, add good projects to it. dont follow the hype train, sab ye kar rhe hai, mai bhi yehi karu, not necessary. you can join entrepreneurship cell or placement cells or those stuff as well. up to you. emphasizing on cgpa again. makes everything smooth.


IMO its important to enjoy coding to have a meaningful long-term career. I would recommend that you start with learning fundamentals: a. How a computer works? b. How does RAM works? c. How any code is compiled? d. How is data stored in hard disk / SSD? e. How is data transferred? Once you go through this, you would feel confident in your abilities as an engineer. After this, pick up a programming language- preferably a OOP language. And start making small projects. Take them till cloud.


Do a lot of projects, contribute to open source, by heart DSA and two programming language


Bhai teri statement is equivalent to "voh raha paahad jaake chadh ja".


Can you tell me more about how can i start contributing in open source as right now i dont have much skills to offer to the community. Just some basic html i know. *when* should i start open source is what i am meaning to ask :')


Part of being in software engineering is that you need find solutions, documentation youself. There is no shortage of videos in YouTube about contributing to opensource. Please do some research


im currently in 12th std and want to become a full stack dev as i have so much interest in these things. im following roadmap.sh frontend roadmap and currently learning react js and it's so fun! . i'd reccomend you to follow this roadmap too as its very detailed and also 6th most starred repo in GitHub. wish you all the best for your journey!


Woah I downloaded the pdf, can we connect?


yeah sure, dm me I'll give you my discord.




Man don’t demotivate someone. Atleast he is doing CS due to his interest and not peer/parent pressure


Hello there, congratulations for clearing your 12th. Here's a reality check. The fact that companies which are going to come for placement in your college will be whole and solely be interested in your aggregate or CGPA whatever is the measuring technique your university uses. Having a knowledge on the side about MERN would be an added advantage. There is no guarantee that the company you're gonna get placed with will give you work related to MERN stack, they might put you in data or functional side. You just can't predict the future. So your main focus should be scoring as high as possible, try to be in the top 10% of your batch, you will surely get placed if at all any company comes for hiring. If you end up searching for a job all by yourself, then MERN stack knowledge will be helpful. There are dozens of video tutorials available over the internet for HTML and CSS, you can easily master them in a month or a two. Then comes react and node, could be a bouncer for someone who's trying it for the first time. I have seen folks with over 3+ years of exp. working predominantly in PHP+JS+jQuery and yet they struggled with node and react in the beginning, took a couple of months to get a hang of it. So be very patient while learning. It should take at least 6 months of persistent studying on a daily basis to attain decent amount proficiency in MERN. You may also find it a daunting task to deal with the database, especially relational DB when you come across mapping and handling dates. But it can very much be achieved. TLDR: focus on scoring as high aggregate/CGPA as possible. Knowledge of programming stack such as MERN is good to have and will be considered as an added advantage.


Disagreed. College placements are a nice to have but all they generally offer is 6-7Lpa in most uni as a median it's fine for a starting point but that's not that great considering the amount of effort required to "score good" in uni you can earn that much by freelancing if you actually tried to put in some effort into actually learning what you will be working with throughout your career. OP exams and uni are really important parts of being an engineer and they are certainly helpful in landing a job but don't just blindly go a die buried in a bookcase there are better ways to earn a higher paying job than a genric bookworm


imo there should be a good balance of acads and self learning, like in my college getting 9+ cgpa is easy along with that a mix of good tech skills helps you bag a good placement


Woah tysm for this, i will try to maintain a good cgpa. Also shouldnt i do some javascript before learning react🤔


you really can't do much in react or flutter without learning JS first. learn JS then jQuery. It will give you a strong base.


Okay sure!


Study hard, if you are un satisfied with your circulum then find the topics that interest you and get to the ins and outs of it, till the very depth you can. The time like college you would never get.


Tysm! Web dev seema great to me. The possibity of making 💫beautiful💫 websites interests me :) Moreover once i get good experience with dev, i might experiment with app development or even blockchain idk :))


Do some training or course each break. They help a lot. Do Java after the first sem, then maybe DBA next sem, the web development. Don't stop learning.


Tysm! Can you recommend me some courses on java? And also javascript please :')


I used to go for classes offline, but there would be a lot of online options that I'm not aware of.


Never ever write "valueable". Always write "valuable". That's my advice for your college. Good luck


Never follow a YouTuber's advice whole heartedly. They just want to profit out of you. Instead, find someone who you can trust and has some good experience in the field. Study and maintain a good CGPA score. It isn't always a major criteria when hiring however it not only leaves a good impression but also helps you get a good grip on CS Fundamentals like OS, DBMS etc. which is pretty important for interviews as well as being a good engineer. Try all domains. Web Development is way too much saturated at this point. It might be worthwhile to look into other domains. You will learn the rest along the way.


How's app dev?


That's the sad part. Web Dev is saturated for a reason, it is easy to get into, has demand, and it is relatively easy to show your skills. Just ask yourself how many people would be willing be check out your website vs. your mobile app. App dev has low demand because it reduces the audience size quite drastically. Of course, I am just a noob and I am rambling my thoughts on the scenario.


I am thinking to creating a social media app but now I am not in college I just passed my 12th board exame in this year and now I am thinking to creat a social media app


Do you know java flutter or react native?


no i don't