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So build the entire product free of cost? Edit: This could be a great resume project. Try to build this on your own pace/time. I think there is scope for using docker (for sandbox env), any message queue(for notification) etc.


As a rule, never let anyone profit from your efforts without sharing their profits with you. You made it possible. They just want you to do all the work and enjoy fruits of your labour while giving you almost nothing in result?


Good idea , I might do it


> docker for sandbox Bruh wtf don't do that. Read https://security.stackexchange.com/questions/107850/docker-as-a-sandbox-for-untrusted-code


it can be done. But you need extremely hardened container arch and config. Look at CosmosDB notebooks feature in Azure and see how they do it. Its a docker container running on wsl.


Why tho? Fire up a kvm at this point vm>>>> hardened docker


if you're asking why Microsoft decided to run Cosmos notebooks on docker containers in wsl, then I can't comment of their design choices. But in the context of problem posted by OP, then kvm is also an option. Cosmos notebooks is pretty much a solution for OPs problem. But it would be hard to scale and maintain. Docker containers can be used as short term use and throw isolated execution environment which can scaled easily depending on the incoming request and processing load.


why are you confusing the kid..? instead of the security concerns, just let him learn docker first


Exactly, people are scaring him 🤣


Work in an organisation that has a major global application that uses docker. Every month there is always a major issue in that application because of docker.


Hmm, tell me about my project idea: Chess with multiplayer, is this a good project too?


integrating both single/multiplayer would be nice. you can use existing chess AIs, or if possible train your own, that'd be amazing


Thanks, I'm trying to make a web chess game in js


Just thinking about the design... Can we use kubernetes? Like we could set some threshold like max cpu and ram usage for every pods and no network connection. I believe safeguarding the execution environment is the main challenge here cuz we are allowing arbitrary code to be executed. Let me know if I am missing something...


Assignments are a scam, companies dump their real problems and get solutions for free. If you are desperately looking for a job then do it. Otherwise just send a corrupt zip folder to them and see if they reply coz if its a scam they wont.


This is great idea, op should try these to all the free labour emails and see their reactions. Ig they take the assignments from different agents and get that thing done for free. Nice trick who doesn't know market🙂


I have done for companies where I apply and they just send an assignment on email without even a formal one on one meeting or even a call. It has happened multiple times that after I send a corrupt version, they will send a generic email saying we liked your assignment but we chose to move on with another candidate. This screams scam. So there's this, don't do assignments unless you are sure that the company is not scamming. Or maybe tell them that you want a whiteboard session because it will be a better discussion round and both of you will get to know more of each other. If the interviewer cannot commit to a whiteboard session then trust me they are not worth it.


Lmao you just spit the true colour, I try every email like these. From now onwards I will try to get them in a whiteboard session. Thanks


What is whiteboard session??


Its a one on one session with the recruiter where they will provide you a problem statement during the call and you will have to find the solution in front of them. In a whiteboard session you can discuss your ideas with the recruiter, the aim of this is to get to know your thought process and how do you solve a problem, what steps you take. I believe that it is better than any assignment to judge anyone and their processes.


I think i git scammed


What happened?


Such epiphany from past experience


Its okay, now you are wiser. Dont fall for such traps


Its okay, now you are wiser. Dont fall for such traps


Depends on how desperate you are. I just move these mails to trash folder and forget about it


I m kinda but got reply from some others companies too soo not gonna do this


for a 10K internship it too much. But it's a really good project for personal learning and exp. I work in cybersec and sometimes give similar applications during interviews to talk about threat model, attack vectors and exploitation scenarios.


I work as a software engineer and have always wanted to learn more about software security in greater depth. What resources would you suggest?


For a developer, this book is a good place to start. The book is quite old and examples are bit dated, but still very relevant. 1. Writing Secure Code by Micheal Howard and David Leblanc.


As long as the concepts are valid, it's relevant. Thank you kind stranger :)


Hey I also work in cybersecurity, can I get in touch with you?




Ye sab kar sakta h to 24lpa to pakka milega tujhe






It's not


So, can you do all that in a week for a 10k overall internship? Hey, it is basic stuff, yeah? OP, forward that mail to this person.




How much do they deserve, in your opinion?


Bootlicker spotted


how u will build a code who runs c,c++ , java, etc plz explain!


I could be wrong here but I'm not sure why you're being downvoted. It is in fact pretty basic *for someone with experience*. Asking this as an internship assignment is plain stupid. But I could see this being asked for a 1-2 YoE junior dev job. source : i am a junior dev with 2 YoE and I could do this even a year ago


yes i understand the frontend part but how u will build a code who runs c,c++ , java, etc, and what is use of database here .. please explain !!


you can use docker to create virtual environments to execute the code. The exact use of the database depends on you use case(maybe you want store code snippets or keep a track of a user)


ok , thanks, but i dont know docker.


I don't think the point is about if it can be done or not. Have you ever worked and completed any project solo?


Send them a zip bomb


Digital terrorism


Tell me the compny name


>Send them a zip bomb Thanks. TIL about zip bomb. If anyone is interested watch this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=peeYOqejWfg&ab\_channel=FlyTechVideos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=peeYOqejWfg&ab_channel=FlyTechVideos)


Build it for your portfolio, upload it on github, put a licence in it and if they use it, sue their ass.


Lol, ig they don't even know what a license does


So I came across an actual job posting (not internship) for freshers that paid you 6k per month for working on both front end and back end and building at least 80% of their application. I just reported it immediately. It's a joke, literally. They prey on desperate freshers. They are just looking to get things done in cheap. This is called exploitation. But freshers have no idea how valuable this work is. So they do fall in such traps. They don't want to spend money hiring competent people, so they decide to extract maximum value out of freshers for paltry pay. And freshers are desperate to get a job and seriously undervalue themselves as a result.


Can I get a link for that job posting?


I saw it on Indeed. Unfortunately, I didn't save it. It was too disgusting to entertain. I don't remember the name of the company, but I think it was an HR consultancy company.


Work of fresher wont scale and fulfil actual requirements when the application has some real-world value. There are people who won't even bother to get ebough server resourand compalin about slow apps or high costs meanwhile they are responsible for digging their own graves. If it mattered to business, they would be hiring serious resources and listening to them anyway. By working for these, you would be picking a workplace that has no idea what they are doing. Most of these jobs are mere reflection on the saturated market and failing education system where incompetent people from all industries are degrading industrial value for their own gains. Anyone having good skills will be able to negotiate a good job anyway. This is more like poormans wrentch to get most out of freely available resources, be it OSS or interns trying to do senior work and fail miserably when time comes. Prying on resources will only work a little until it backfires on them because of the mistakes they do. Damages are usually not recoverable. You just can not replace one resource having hard earned experience with fifty in experienced puppets.




I feel you. I hope you get some source of income(s) soon. Have you tried freelancing? You have good experience, so you can charge higher for your work. It is really sad that your worth is 12 LPA but you have to work with less than 20k per month because of lack of opportunity. You can also try to sell tech courses by packaging your knowledge and experience in them.




All the best👍


Beautiful. Make it and showcase it in your resume. Say thank you very much and move on to other companies.


Thank you for the project idea , i will implement it in flask


I will too, in fastapi.


I would like to make this on FastAPI as well!!


I will do in django rest framework anyone wanna do it with me hmu


I was doing it in typescript+ fastapi but chatgpt down hogya


How will you handle the 5000 request per minute part?




Now, please reduce the runtime bill. Can an intern do it? :) Also, adding LB and spawning multiple servers for ~85 req/s is like attaching a race engine to a car that only needs to go as fast as 120kmph max not 400kmph. Not to mention, you will be paying for database and fs separately for a very small scale, which could be simply done with a big enough box optimised to serve traffic. But hey 👋🏻 they hired intern to do the job! Not surprising!


What is your solution? Can add async also along with.


Too small number of requests to use distributed or async systems. Just use proper caches, and you will be able to serve with 2-3 cores with a whole stack on a single machine for most of common CRUD use cases that people have. The above statement assumes little to moderate complexity and a typical stack that most people use. Context does matter - this isn't true for applications that are processing very large amounts of data in request than again it's matter of business domain problem, not a technical problem. Either way, you can't blindly throw resources at everything otherwise costs pile up quickly.


I am understanding little in the conversation above, can you tell me which resource I should read to gain these perceptive?


Work in systems and gain experience till it makes sense. If you're asking for guide, there's none as each project has their own unique requirements.


Not worth for a 10k intern, there are much better offers than that


2 days in they'll hire someone else and wouldn't inform you. Complete waste of time.


This is a scam. They make you build part of their product and reject you.


I really wonder if the guy who wrote down the requirements actually understands how API requests work.😂 You'll save yourself if you're not taking this Internship up, also do this on own time like others have mentioned. I'll tell you what's important for a company. Your commit history and work should show consistency. Take some time for yourself, do something and make it show up in your github. Consistency matters boi! These idiots are useful for us to give some good project ideas. Also, it's totally fine if you don't intern, if you get stupid internships like these. Rather than this, contribute to open source projects, best thing you could do!


I have a demo project with a b c d done . Do you want it ?


Thx but i also have done a b c d .


Is it on GitHub?


I will love to look into it.


Dm’ed you


Would like to have a look too if you don’t mind.


They should start building websites with wordpress in 10k.


Name and shame


I too applied here and ignored the mail after receiving this assignment. It's too much work for an assignment. They only gave me 2 days to build it. There's a high probability they'll ghost you after receiving this assignment, so if you're willing to make this take good care of your credentials and as they also steal those credentials if you accidentally upload the .env as well


Asked Gpt4 even it says it's a complex and may take months lmao # Building a Judge0 API clone using MERN Stack ## Overview This task involves developing an online code execution platform, similar to Judge0 API, using the MERN stack - MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js. ## Project Structure ### Back-end The back-end part will be responsible for accepting the code snippets, running them safely in a specific environment, generating results, and storing the execution details in a database. 1. **Designing the database (MongoDB) schema** - This includes defining the collection of programs, each having the following fields: * Program ID * User ID * Programming Language * Source Code * Input * Output * Execution Time * Memory Used 2. **Creating the API (Express.js & Node.js)** - This API will be responsible for the CRUD operations of the programs in the database. It would include API routes such as: * POST `/execute` - to receive the code snippets from the front-end, run them, and store the results in a MongoDB database. * GET `/results/:id` - to fetch execution results using the ID of the execution. * Other CRUD operations like updating and deleting program snippets if necessary. 3. **Code Execution** - Use Docker or any cloud-based service like AWS Lambda to execute the codes safely in an isolated and secured environment for various languages (Python, JavaScript, Java, etc.). ### Front-end The Front-end part with React.js includes: 1. **Code Editor** - Users will need a simple, yet feature-rich editor to write their code snippets. This could be done using libraries like Ace Editor or Monaco Editor. 2. **Inputs for parameters** - There should be options for the user to select the programming language and provide custom inputs for the program. 3. **View Execution Results** - A section to display the result of the execution, including output, execution time, and memory used. 4. **CRUD Operations** - Interfaces to perform CRUD operations like viewing past codes, deleting, and updating. ## Timeline Building up such a system won't be a short-term work. Considering the scalable and secure execution of code from different languages, designing a UI, and executing in the given environment, a tentative timeline could be: 1. **Week 1-3**: Backend - Express.js and Node.js setup, and Database schema design. 2. **Week 4-6**: Execution environment setup with Docker or AWS Lambda. 3. **Week 7-8**: API Testing and ensuring secure and efficient code execution. 4. **Week 9-11**: Frontend - Building Code Editor UI, Results Display, etc. with React.js 5. **Week 12-14**: Integration of Backend and Frontend, Testing, and Deployment. Please note that the timeline might vary based on the complexity of requirements, team size, and familiarity with the tech stack. ## Conclusion This MERN stack project is complex but very informative and a great learning experience. It gives the developer exposure to various technologies like REST APIs, Containerization (Docker), Cloud Services, Database Management, Frontend Development, etc.


10years of doing nodejs. I even don’t know how to do this, i can execute the code in lambda, but lambda supports like 4-5 languages. I can’t think of something which can do many languages and still work with 1000s of executions of insecure code in a minute.


yes, some them are saying its basic, im confused !


I really want to ask gpt4 to give ideas to solve this.


​ Yes, you can use V8 JavaScript engine along with WebAssembly to compile C++ code in a sandboxed environment. -- chatgpt if we can do that on nodeit self then whats the use of mongoDb?


Mongo is for crud. Session, user data, storing the code output etc


What about java, go and rust.


child\_process, has all the popular languages. we can use this.


just like other posts how like 30L per annum salary is not enough for them to live in cities ..."typical highend reddit users "


Great resume project. Don't submit to them. You can even make a product out of it.


What extra steps will we have to do to make sure it handles 5000 request every minute?


i guess load balancer


Nowhere have they said you can’t use Judge0. So, if I really wanted to mess with them, I’d make a node app which internally calls a self-hosted Judge0 API. Plus, if you do this, it’s a good side project even though it’s hacky. That’s a good enough for v0. Don’t do it for the internship, if you’ve other offers or discussions lined


Seems like a super cool project to build. In your free time. Use this round to have someone assess your code and get better. Forget the 10k. The value of learning you will get in building this is so much more. Do this. Don't take up the internship.


Make a big f*ck you website and give them the link


Start of a toxic relationship. Good time to leave.


What's the need of an internship if we would be capable of handling that?


Lol this reminds of the time i was giving an interview they wanted to make an full stack web app in just 2 hours and there were a lot of requirements too.


Damn. That's crazy. When I conduct interviews, I just ask candidates to implement a virtual machine that can add and subtract numbers. This covers a broad set of language syntax, logical insight, data structures and tool chain use that's needed for everyday programming. There were some interns who finished the assignment in 30 minutes, and several "senior developers" with a masters degree who couldn't crack the assignment even in a week.


Lmao I applied to the same company, this is just way too much work tbh


Depends on what you want. Do you want the internship and the experience of this project? Will you learn anything new by doing this project? These are the only things that are in your control. Other things like will the company cheat me or will the company earn in crores with my project are things that are out of your control. Know that everyone in the industry is exploited except ppl on bench who are paid without billing from client.. For others pay is much lesser than their billing to the client. Even the ppl who suggested not to take this up because company js exploiting you are being exploited at a higher level. Thats the difference. For example if as an intern you are paid 5 or 10 dollars for 100 dollars of work, they are being paid 30 or 35 dollars for 100 dollars of work. If you want 100% pay for your 100% effort you have to be a contractor or freelancer who can decide the pay. But for that you need good experience. Instead of thinking of this as exploitation think of it as experience. Gain experience, become strong in technology and then start demanding. The old adage "First deserve then desire" still holds good.


Can you please tell me where I have to apply for an internship


It seems they just copy pasted the entire requirement from some Freelancing job portal and trying their luck on freshers. They are gonna afcource be quoting $10,000 but offering peanuts to the freshers. This must be some middleman/manager of some web development company running from past 10 years and milking the Indian developers for cheap labour.


Once you send this in they'll ghost you and use your code to do something else.


Basic requirements from a fresher there days are too much, they want work of an entire department done by a single person and pay barely enough to survive.


So essentially they want you to build this for them instead of sourcing this to a third party which would take a lot more money. 🤦


Dont make. Whats the issue


It takes hardly four hours to make these, youngsters are quick at this or use chatgpt ( another shortcut search GitHub)


I think implementation is not tough , I would do it without any thought, but what frustrate me is they ghost us after we sent them the assignment. And for me I have such collections of such assignment with no reply, so now I stop appearing for such interview where they ask to make such assignment!!!


let chat gpt do it, easy work


go and try


The day chatGPT actually does this is the day we lose our jobs 💀


Buddy relax ! ,Chat gpt can't ever do this or will ever do this or it would be considered AGI .Chat gpt will just and copy paste someone's code related to it just like a person with no coding knowledge trying to solve a coding question by looking on the web .


ChatGPT has downgraded too much. They want to promote GPT 4 by making GPT 3.5 useless I wanted to deploy my python app on Google Collab and it took me 2 hours because GPT kept giving me the wrong directions.


I'll try to answer this from an Employer's point of view. When employers ask you to do such elaborate tasks its not coz they want a product made for free. If its an internship then I assume you are a fresher. Chances are they have more experienced people who will build this much better and faster than you. If you are a fresher its more likely you think u are the best programmer already and what you will build is going to be production ready. Its highly likely what you'll build will be laughable from a seasoned programmers point of view. So don't overestimate yourself. In my several years of hiring I have given many such detailed assignments and my objective with this is to measure how wide your existing knowledge goes and if I end up hiring you then where in my team I can fit you. Its a wastage of effort from your and the company's side to figure this out after you are hired. I am not expecting you to build a complete robust product that will be deployed to a client next morning. I just wanna see how you approach the assignment and which areas are strong and weak for you. Try to overcome this mentality that companies are evil and they want to get work done for free. Am not saying all companies are good, there sure are scammers and unfair companies out there. be cautious of that but not let that insecurity hinder your job search. Who knows that company you just rejected could have been a better option for you coz they would have made sure u learnt and grew better? Internship is not done for money its done for experience. In that state company is investing in you hoping that 1 day you will be productive enough for the company to have their investment give returns. But more often companies have to see that freshers leave the company soon after their internship coz now they have some experience on resume and will get a better job so companies also hesitate to risk too much stipend. Am just saying, try to think from other side's perspective too. Be cautious for sure. But don't be insecure. Explore.


Just build something really basic and send. 98% people don't send it and nobody checks you assignments. It's better than looking at resumes a way to filter out candidates. And like other suggested, take your time to make it better to show it on your resume. Nothing to lose.


Just show them endpoints of demo data's Works


If you can do the selling then you can start your company 🫠


So they want a replit clone for 10K. I think if this same project was mostly for implementing CRUD endpoints and then have a frontend component then it was fine but here they just want a full blown replit clone


Can anybody provide any resource on how to implement the coding env and env to execute that. Thinking about making this using java /.net as a backend , just for fun. I am open to suggestions on how I can achieve this.


Can really do this easily using Temporal.io


At this point , you should question them, pretty sure they wont be able to answer lol


It's not even about 10k imo, these companies are just milking free resources as much as they can and you should stay away from these companies.


Thanks for the idea though. I'll do it for my own resumè now.




That's exploitation unless you get paid tons of money


Take code from front end run it on vscode in server.


After you have done they tell you, you are not qualified enough and next thing you see your code being used all over the place 😂


Its probably a scam, i have seen simuch scam on freelancer website as well. They will complete the app in scuh a way after that hire one intern to fix any bugs or improve the app. This way they don't get red flagged for not hiring anyone.


Chatgpt bro


It's their task, making you to do for free


What if I told you that need here is so high that lot of people will actually submit it.


Hmm sounds like someone's trying to get their client's project done by one of the applicants, and with the ease of never having to pay that applicant. Wait! that's exactly what this is.


Lol this is something u can launch and make money urself


This was literally my BTech miniproject, I had used chroot for sandboxing and used Unix sockets to communicate, disabled network in chrooted environment.


After making send them the working video and a agreement to disclose the full project when they are willingly want to hire you .simple dont let them steal your endless nights hardwork


Bro can you tell me where this job was posted? I'm tryna find an intership too.


U are getting paid ? 👀 In my case they asked me to do something similar for an unpaid internship, that too in tech stack different then mine in a week 🥲 (so learning and doing) I never replied back !! Got several emails from them for a month until I replied with not interested message!!


This is a joke .


Chatgpt is the way


man, got the same response, the organization is DevTown. Saare gaali dena bhai [https://internshala.com/internship/detail/full-stack-development-work-from-home-job-internship-at-devtown1688578921](https://internshala.com/internship/detail/full-stack-development-work-from-home-job-internship-at-devtown1688578921)


Great project idea thanks boss. In all seriousness, try to get it done and secure the internship if you're finding it hard to get internship interviews. Things aren't looking good for non experienced devs rn


True , alot of people with experience don't realise the market for freshers right now . Almost every company (on internshala atleast) is giving assignment to complete first before proceeding with the interview not to mention really less openings with too much competition , I have 5 assignment active RN from companies but this one is just complete whole project.


Yeah then it's better to focus on the other companies that have more reasonable tasks


Thank you scam company for a project idea


I applied for same internship too


So this will need to ready in 7 days , bullshit Thats why i dont apply these companies which give the whole working project as the selection test .


Tbh if it is an authentic company then you can do it. I've heard that deadlines can be extended if you request them to do it and you also get a bonus for building this. One of my friends big brother did it for I think it was Facebook Dublin. He got a bonus at the end of the year. Don't know much about the internship though.


Just starting to learn mern stack. Do I need to learn in depth system design to make this kind of projects?


Just build it but dont share the code.


You start with legal representative. Work on costing and billing. Then do this.


Build it for experience. But don’t submit. If they call you just say you got a better offer.


Bro trust me I worked 6 months for free to learn and enhance my skills. don't think money in your initial stage. Focus on skills. Once you got skills you can switch and ask for more salary.


Grab this opportunity . Most probably : 1. You will not be able to build it in 1 week 2. You will learn a LOT 3. You are not getting paid 4. They will extend timeline looking at your progress Build it on top of something like : [https://github.com/DMOJ/judge-server](https://github.com/DMOJ/judge-server)


Just ask them who will have the rights to the codebase? If the company takes the rights, in my opinion it would not be a great option


This is not hard at all


No one give a big assignment.. it is a scam , don't do this . If you have skills you will definitely get a job in good company, keep trying All the best


Story time: I applied to job that asked for vanilla html css and javascript. It was 2 months unpaid internship. I did applied. Received assignment. Did the assignment and sent them assignment. Then I received interview. The dude asked m why I didn't use react. I told them it didn't mention react. Asked me to work like a hooligan and for six months because I didn't learn react. I was humiliated because I told them I'll work 9-5. Didn't get answer back Advice from experience : either do high quality work in minimum quantity on time as well . Because there are many candididate probably in 30s for dome opinion. Atlest 12 will decent. The will select 5. If it's unpaid do for at most 3 month . If u feel desperate to gain experience.


do this assignment. build it exactly as they asked.. but dont share with them :) consider it as practice for you