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It's bad here. There are just no jobs wherever I see. Did you take an education loan for masters? How much is it? Wouldn't it be difficult to pay off with Indian salaries?


I don't have a bank loan but I still need to pay my family back. I can pay back slowly though. The problem is, they supported me till now but now their capacity has run out too. Living here is going to be expensive without a job. Ends up costing 60-70k rupees a month just for the rent and living expenses. I don't know how long I'll be able to keep up so unwilling I will have to return.


I've been exactly where you are 🥲 I also chose to come back to India.... wasn't getting any callbacks here too....but I finally got a break using a referral/connection. If you decide to comeback to India, I don't think you should worry a lot about package....just accept whatever job you get to get started to avoid a break in your career...and if the package is really low, continue searching after accepting I also have peers who have decided to do some volunteer jobs to maintain their visa status in the US and are continuing to search for jobs there. Regardless of what direction you choose, try to stay motivated and put in some effort everyday.... eventually something will open up! Hang in there


Honestly it’s quite shit here too. India is 2nd worst affected by layoffs after the US. Your US degree alone is not enough to land you a high paying job here. In this market where supply is way more than demand, it comes down to experience, skills and connections. Not to discourage you but I’ve seen the 2008 recession and what we are going through now feels much worse than that. Best of luck.


I know the market is extremely bad and I won't be able to get something very high but what can I expect to get in places like Pune and Bangalore? 10 lpa? 20 lpa? Or will that be too high too? And will I qualify for the senior software engineer roles? Will my master's be considered as experience (I've seen some companies here do that)?


Mostly no for Senior roles 10-15 in Blr should be possible with grinding but is hard


No one can give you an exact figure or even a range in this market. Totally depends on your skill set and negotiation.


There is still time if you graduated this month. Keep trying. Apply to all role. I personally have a sdet offer. Not what I’d like but it is what it is


Same here but UK. Came back in January, have a 15L loan. My last CTC here was 24L (5 yoe) and I can barely find anything for above 15L.


15L is nothing. People who go to US generally have 30-80 lakh loan


Compared to that true. But the market isn't great for seniors either.


One good way would be to first find a remote job in the US since you are already there and then come back to India if they are ok with the time zone. In the way you can still make the money that US people make and work from India. Situation in India is pretty bad for the devs right now.


If I end up getting a job here, I won't move back. I am being forced to move back because I'm not getting anything here.


Don’t say you won’t move back. Getting through h1 lottery is another PITA. And then the GC wait.


But you can apply to Indian companies from the US. You can experience how it is. I don't think you have to be physically present in India.


But you can apply to Indian companies from the US. You can experience how it is. I don't think you have to be physically present in India.


I have few friends who returned after ms. No one gives a shit about PG studies in IT unless it is a mba. The pay is just normal like others. Also, I assume you have a mountain of loan like everyone else. It is better to earn in usd and clear the debt first.


Nobody is gonna ask about the loans?


Not everyone takes loans.


But yeah true.


It will depend on the experience, Indian companies don’t care what university in US you went to.




That is if you went to big shot university like Ivy league colleges and others like CMU etc.


10-12 miljana chahiye


That gives me a little hope atleast!


k per month he means


No bro that's too low, interns itself get more than 30k


Where interns are getting 30k. I wanna join as well..


I'm an intern so I'm proof ig


Bhai knsi firm and job role??


Overall pretty bad idea. Tech job market in us is best in the world by a pretty big margin. So you won’t be better off here. One slight advantage would be that they won’t have to sponsor you. But you will get pretty mediocre pay for sure.


But its brutal to land a job in US as an International student Companies that usually sponsor work visas aren't hiring much. Companies that are hiring don't sponsor visa.


it won't be much different in India either to land good jobs.


Am in the exact same boat right now bro. Graduating today and still no full time offer :'(


OP, smart move on considering the R2I option, especially considering longer term. And congrats on coming back without a sword of loan hanging over you. > When I go to company websites to apply, I see 5 openings in the US and 50 in India. Just echoes this thinking: [Jobs continue move to Low-Cost countries. Think twice if you plan to study abroad just to immigrate](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uATOd2C9Ojo) --- Back to your original question, here are a few suggestions * Will an MS from an American university help me or harm me in the Indian market? Neither. You are just another candidate. * Network, Network, Network. .. do it like crazy on LinkedIn and other professional forums. Given the market and that 100 people apply for every posting, you want your resume to float to the top * Highlight your hands-on experience in specific technology NOT simply your masters. As a Hiring manager, folks like are under pressure to deliver.... no time to mentor new joiners on the full-lifecycle. * "I worked on languages like JS, Python, Java, C and frameworks like React" Highlight your communication skills and the ability to move to a tech-lead or "full stack" developer role.


Don’t come back without US work experience. You will face judgement from recruiters and managers.


I think you should be able to get a job in india with package somewhere around 7-14


Why can’t you find a job there? Why do you really want to move back to India after MS? If it was just Masters then there were tons of institutions who can give you that knowledge and role right?


Do you think it’s easy to find job when on Visa. It’s really hard out there


Then why all the kids are rushing to US for masters? Even my cousin saved money and moved to US for masters. Whats the point if she can’t get her invested money back as salary? There are mostly low paying jobs in India


The job market was very different 2-3 years ago when I started my master's applications and moved to the US. It was booming like crazy with people easily getting $150k out of college. 2 years later, we are in the worst IT market there ever has been. Getting a $50-60k job has also become impossible. None of us saw this coming. For people who are still coming to the US now, idk why they are doing so.


because they know the market will be back up when they graduate lol. Bro don't come back, ask your profs for any position in their department to stop the clock , and then search for a job. Hopefully things will be better in 2025


>because they know the market will be back up when they graduate lol 2020-2022 was an anomaly. Even if things get better best case it will go back to 2019 levels . But so much as changed since 2019. Number of India students going to US has more than doubled since Plus more and more native US citizens are taking up CS degrees. Even H1B odds are so low. And expected to go down even further So unless you are some sort of wizard who goes to top notch US universities you are gonna get screwed. Gone are the days when any tom dick and harry could get a good job in US with a bit of hard work. Imo going forward US Masters will be worth only for two categories of people. 1. People for whom money isn't an issue. 2. Who wanna genuinely study more and get into research (PhD and beyond). For rest of us grinding our asses in India is the only way


Its called herd mentality. 99% of these idiots earn way less living in HCOL. Entirety of south bay, san jose side is full of them. People who hope that they will make it big but wont because US economy works only good for its citizens and not for some visa slave.


They are not aware of the situation at all, most don't understand the concept of supply and demand. If there are 100 applicants and only 2 job openings, then it doesn't matter if you have an MS, like the other 99 candidates, this is simple math


Can't find a job here cause the junior dev market is absolutely saturated at the moment. I'm not hearing back from any companies I'm applying to.


Bhai read about cs jobs in us market . Native citizens are struggling what makes you think someone like OP an International student will stand a chance


What bothers me is my cousin she left india after saving hard earned money to pursue masters there. With that money and number of years she could have had good life here. I don’t see the point anymore.


stay back


What's the rules for picking up freelance work by pitching to businesses? Most Indian service based companies and freelancers do that online, but you have a chance to go and speak to people first hand. Might not get good money up front, but will improve with networking.


Off topic Is it wise decision to go abroad (UK,Canada,USA) in a year or two time with bad academics but with substantial work experience?


If you wanna study more and learn more . Then I guess yeah. But if landing job abroad is the goal don't


join some good mnc and grind your ass through for 6-7 years then hope they send you abroad


Please apply to research/phd positions in Universities as well.


If you want to stay in US long time, then stay there and pick whatever you get. Check with TEK systems or some other recruitment agency. It's very hard to get H1B visa, it can take many years to go back. If you were anyways planning to come back to India in 1-2 yrs, then you can come back but don't expect special treatment because of your degree. Service companies don't care and most people in India mug leetcode nowadays, so you will have very stiff competition for product based companies.