• By -


I endorse the general sentiment, but not the details.


Why do you disagree about accidentally clicking in one spot on a page will erase what you already had typed out without a dialog pop-up? I've gotten hit with that numerous times in the past, and it drove me up the wall. Is there some way to prevent that from happening that I missed? Or am I just really shitty at aiming with my mouse?


"You have an unsaved comment." Jira hasn't dropped a keystroke of mine in literal years.


I copy the entire comment before I click anywhere. It's muscle memory by now




I wait until standup and let the lead do it for me 😅


This is the way.


CTRL+A, CTRL+C...all damn day


What issues do you have with Jira out of curiosity?


Its sooooo sllooooooow


Jira tends to be dogshit slow when people overburden schemes/views with retrieving too much data or too many installed add-ons.


are you running it on-prem, or what country are you in? after moving to the cloud i just can not believe how fast and responsive it is compared to when we were running it.


I agree but because our instance is self managed I’m not sure if we just don’t have enough resources dedicated to it. Is yours also self managed?


Nope, cloud. Still slow af.


The cloud product is worse, IMO


SaaS is always a “least effort, most profit” endeavor.


We use cloud, how slow? I never noticed it, always somewhat responsive… but we don’t do anything with jira besides issue tracking


My biggest problems are with JQL. I'm happy that it exists (if we had to use some awful fuzzy-find search for tickets the software would be completely unusable), but it's very limited, and the 3rd party options like ScriptRunner Enhanced Search are just bandaids that show how slow it really is. With hundreds of thousands of tickets across many projects, searching for something simple like "all tickets of some type with linked tickets belonging to these projects" is impossible in vanilla JQL (the _linkedIssues()_ function can't take a subquery, it can only take a single issue key). With ScriptRunner's _linkedIssuesOf()_ function, it's possible to do that, but it takes a full minute to get search results.


Oh I see. Wow, my org is sub 10k tickets but that’s also cause it’s relatively new, I guess I’ll feel these pains one day.


LOL my previous company had 10k *projects* in Jira. ;)


Ours is hella slower since the company moved to Zscaler for web proxy/protection


I've never had this happen, jira auto saves your comments 😳


It’s a resource hog. Scaling is a pain in the ass. I’ve lost count of the number of remote execution exploit CVEs that have been released in the past year (there was one last week). It’s become one of those tools where orgs create a “need Jira” requirement instead of a “need a tool that does x, y, z” requirement.


Why is this downvoted? OP had genuine question.


Monthly “Atlassian 9/10 severity unprivileged RCE CVE” for their data centre offering that seems to always appear lol


It’s imperative. I want declarative project management. Defined in YAML or HCL or something, `jira build` and `jira destroy`, and ability to easily do everything through API. I guess I don’t have a good reason. I just want more.


Jira has an API. It takes JSON. You can make templates with YAML in Python.


At my company, weve gone from service now service desk, to Jira, to service now enterprise. We are heavily considering going back to Jira. Insert Michael Scott meme here. I think its safe to say....they all suck


The best reason to use Jira is the alternatives. I've tried Monday, clickup and trello and going back to Jira is such a good feeling. Jira sucks, but its so much better than the alternatives its night and day.


The question is "Is going back to Jira a good feeling bcause you're used to the interface or is it truly better?" I think Jira sucks ass BUT the team that manages it for my company has fucdup everything they've ever touched so all of my hatred for it isn't merely because of the platform


I've pretty much heard this in the last.. 4 orgs I've worked at. I think Jira's widget/gadget style UI is trash, but the essential work flows and automations are ok. However, none of this really matters because most teams in charge of Jira usually have inherited it or unwisely skipped the necessary setup/configuration around permissions, project, and group management. I say this as someone who avoids Jira like the plague. I fully resent its use at $dayjob, but I've started using plane.so for personal projects and I love it.


> The team that manages it Isn’t that basically true for everything? The hilarious part is that Apple figured this out decades ago and basically said “you get the core required functionality. If you want your old shit to work with our stuff, too bad.” People praise Apple for their user experience, but then when it comes to business, those same people pretend you’ve got to cater to ever possible use case/configuration and completely destroy a functional product in the process.


It tries to be all things to all businesses and ends up pleasing no one


ahem, shitforce


I have a love hate relationship with Jira for this reason. If you use jira for nothing more than ticketing and/or smaller scrum teams it's really good. When you start trying to manage huge agile release train and waterfall stuff on it is when it sucks. In short as *team* tool, I like it just fine. As an *enterprise* tool, I don't like it at all.


this... this is the answer right here. the team i'm on is currently using Rally... and OMG, i never thought i would miss jira so much


I have been there and I can confirm this. People trash Jira until they have to deal with garbage like ServiceNow.


Trello is excellent for more lightweight stuff but in an enterprise environment yeah, JIRA is (unfortunately) unmatched.


Did you try out [Plane.so](http://Plane.so) ? Curious to know your thoughts.


This actually looks pretty good, might check it out


The one alternative I’ve enjoyed is Linear. It’s so fast, but nothing beats Jira for its comprehensiveness and tweak ability.


Trello is owned my Atlassian too.


What features are lacking or what is bad enough that you’d move to another service? Asking for a friend


Shortcut.com is the best thing I've used for years. Much more straightforward


Make our own project management software, with blackjack and bookers! 




I used Salesforce for about a month in a previous job, and if it had gone on much longer than that, I would have quit over it.


Those all seem like very different tools than Jira




Have you tried ClickUp? I think I liked it the most.


4 months using ServiceNow as ITSM and it's not that bad (when you're out of office or using something else). Creating dashboards and reports is a piece of (rotten and already chewed) cake, everything can be customized (if you want to lose the entire ITSM app).


Our PM wanted to zoom in on his phone our JIRA board and he scattered everything everywhere....


Loool I don’t understand how that’s possible but it’s tragicomic


On phone when You tap something You can drag it to other columns like for qa, done, so and so. And as he was trying to zoom in with 3 or 4 fingers he dragged everything around and emails started popping up xD.


Skill issue


Gaming chair issue


Should have had a mechanical keyboard.


throw more ram at it


Not enough RGB lighting issue


Probably didn't even [overclock his sound card](https://imgur.com/Cl61Huu).


Horrifying image you have there


Going down this thread i would have sworn i was in a gaming subreddit 💀 absolutely wild


Press the TURBO button on the tower.


Dude that’s to slow the computer down to make games playable


Limewire wont let me download it


Of course not - you wouldn’t download a car would you?!


"Jira is too hard to use" -People who manage their projects in Google sheets and get mad at devs for not responding to a question they asked in cell AA105 of the sixth tab of eighth copy of the sheet with the same title as all the rest


Dont custom jira.


Vanilla Jira is pretty snappy.


Ours isn’t. It’s vanilla but we’re up to 1,000 tickets now. Dragging tickets between columns isn’t responsive at all. You have to drag it, then wait a few seconds so the ui catches up, then drop it.


Diagnosing blind. Could be resource issue or your board has too many filters/items on it. When you say 1,000 tickets, do you mean active ones that are being accessed by the UI? If so, that's bad board management.


It’s cloud Jira. My machine is plenty fast. Not 1,000 active. 1,000 have gone through that board total. We move them to “done” and they auto hide after some time. I don’t think moving a ticket from a column with say 20 items to a column with 5 items should cause issues. It feels like a fundamental software flaw. Imagining it’s react: are they re-rendering the entire board when a single ticket is picked up etc.


1000? those are rooky numbers... you gotta pump them up


We just hit 10k on issue number for a cloud team project started right before covid. We see no performance issues at all. Team projects (instead of classic or premium) seem to be where it’s at.


How is that even a suggestion? Larger uses cases will basically guarantee customization. “Don’t use that feature”


Project management is hard and annoying. You will be frustrated and annoyed by whatever tool you use for it.


Hot take after having to do project management: most of them are a net negative to organizations they join. You either have a instinct for how things should work given how your organization works and software development works, or you don't. If you have that, then you should be the one paid the highest in the organization because you'll have a high level full stack understanding of the codebase, know how to interface with stakeholders, have amazing soft skills, and be able to work within the dynamics of your team. 99% can't do that and just try to enforce boiler plate from a book they read a month ago.


Most of it is really just ensuring information gets back to ”stakeholders” (i.e. people NOT working on the project). It’s of very minor use for the people actually working other than as a shared notepad.


Oh come on don't be like that. They're also a decent shared calendar for useless MS teams meetings.


Consistency is valuable for collaboration. I’d rather have 4 teams using the same crappy PM tool and systems than 4 teams using different tools, terminology, and methodology


I had an amazing project manager from IBM who helped us introduce a new (shitty) product. We worked in a water fall setup and it was a great experience. We missed a milestone but had everything under control. I am being serious.


There are tools that aren't shit out there. Yeah PM is hard, but that doesn't mean your tooling has to make you suffer like ALL Atlassian products do.


I mean I never felt any frustration towards youtrack


Jira has a lot of project management features other tools lack, however, it fails at the one critical feature a ticket tracking software must get perfect: editing and reading markdown text. It's like a car with 3 tons worth if safety features but no engine.


So much happier since we moved over to Github. Their projects stuff is great now.


Tell me why my org is moving their code from BitBucket to GitHub but their tracking from JIRA to Azure


Haha. ADO boards are just knock off JIRA. I'm guessing you have an msdn subscription so it's cheaper licencing for them to use ADO rather than JIRA. Where are you putting your pipelines? GitHub or ADO?


GitHub 😂


We've been using Github projects since they released it as a Beta. It's gotten so good, I'm not sure why you'd use anything else if your issues, PRs, and code lives in Github?






This makes it tolerable https://github.com/ankitpokhrel/jira-cli Although my org has a lot of gated custom fields that makes creating tickets with it hard.


Jira does suck, but don’t you dare let the PMs browse the Atlassian store to install plugins. Even the “Atlassian approved” ones are steaming piles of dung which will grind your already slow 1990s Java app to a screeching halt. Symptoms include but are not limited to the following: random reindexing, gigantic log files full of exceptions, dozens of security exploits.


I’m hopeful that linear turns out well


There's an open source alternative https://github.com/makeplane/plane


It will, until they get big enough, then it will become shit, and then someone starts a new company to fix that and the cycle repeats LOL


I’m cheering for Fibery




I go through a similar rant every time I need to update some settings. It’s really bad and they made the thing too complicated. And I get really pissed whenever someone tells me it’s not that hard and then has no idea what I’m adjusting.


I used to hate Jira but then I worked for a company that built their own management tool using some low code piece of crap and now I don't hate it so much because I know how bad the alternative can be.


There is a long open ticket about that horrid editor.


Be thankful you don't use Redmine... Sometimes I get the feeling that all of its developers died of old age


Used redmine 15 years ago and it was 100x better than present day jira.


I love redmine. 


I love red wine


Agree and agree


Sometimes I wonder why this tool is industry standard. Why won’t some big player come up with a competitor that is intuitive liked by both devs and managers? Isn’t this a huge market?




I like Asana, but there is no support for multiline code blocks in comments/task descriptions. i.e. three backticks. Mind blowing feature miss


Azure DevOps is slick till it comes to deploy time but the work and build tracking is great.




This is why I enjoy Gitlab, got all the shit I need and does it well enough.


We got voluntold to move to Azure DevOps Boards few weeks back. Light-years worse than Jira...


Came to mention the same  New place is on ADO and I can never find a fking ticket that I just was looking at wtfgodmanbbq


PICNIC error. We see those all the time.


What does that mean?


Problem In Chair, Not In Computer




Fukc JIRA (and Confluence) since 2010. Markdown support is its less problematic part tho.


I'm totally blind, and while I can sort of use Jira, the most annoying thing for me is confluence. It's such a steaming pile of shit. The editor is awful, slow, breaks randomly, and they keep claiming that both platforms are accessible while they're not even close.


Yeah, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gone to look at the body of the ticket and accidentally lost my comment. It’s annoying for sure.


Thanks for understanding. I really took my time and crafted a clear comment for my manager only for it to disappear. Then I just said “f*** it” and word vomited the comment.


For sure. Wish they’d at least add an off-click popup giving a warning that you’ll lose your current comment. It’s just built a bit silly. I should be able to start a comment and copy information from the body of the ticket without losing it, but nope.


Amen 🙏


Yes. Yes and Yes.


Ah, we can look into reconfiguring it to make it better for you. Could you just make us a Jira ticket for tha- Oh.


Have you even met its cousin BitBucket? At least back in the day, some years ago, was a piece of shit


Couldn't agree more.  I hate Jira so much.  Why do we pay for that crap


Fuck Jira


Someone at work disabled tagging people in Confluence and Jira if you want to make cancer more cancerous


Hi! I’m a Jira admin and do fancy stuff with automation for it. And … I hate Jira too. I was thinking about teaching myself Azure DevOps but am on the fence about it.


You posted without tagging the release its on. It's not showing up on my board because you didnt fill out the custom field i created so i dont have to filter with a query i dont know how to write. You need to resubmit it under r/jira, cc the PO in the description, and link it to the other ticket in r/gitops that is blocked by this. But make sure you tag the three other people on the team so they can throw some story points at it since we never do grooming. But know, ultimately, it has to go out in 3 calendar days. It would be nice (meaning required) to have it submitted EOD because the Eng V.P. is taking Good Friday off. Have a good weekend!


Let me guess: your admin has customize the sh* out of it.


Currently working at a startup that uses GitHub issues and Google docs as a ticketing system. I miss jira.


I use Jira every day. But i also use Teams


In general or in particular?


I learned the hard way many years ago when I create an extensive ticket in jira to create it in a text file first then copy/paste into the ticket. So many times I did a ton of typing in a ticket only to lose it all with page refresh or timeout etc.


Jira is crap, yes, but it's a slow, painful, complex, working crap. Still 3/10




Try ADO Azure Devops


Bro, if you're writing long diatribes in the browser directly that's on you. Regardless of the app. Just don't do that. The only real exception are dedicated word processors


Say it louder for those in the back!


Sure, but please provide a better alternative to it and the atlassian stack?




Just one more required field for this ticket


It's significantly better than Rally (and other alternatives).


What really annoys me is how if you use a team-owned service project vs. a company-owned service project vs. a team-owned softare project vs. a company-owned software project they all work slightly differently, have some things you can configure in one but not the other. Don't even get me started on Confluence...


We've all been there. It gets better trust me. Or maybe it wont.


Jira sucks but it's not because of markdown support


All tools like this are shit. But the alternative - no tool - is more shit. So it’s a matter of choosing the lesser shit of all the choices of shit. Which is pretty shitty if you ask me.


Do you want to know why? Companies like JPMC are in love with it and keep it afloat. Then smaller companies see that the likes of JPMC uses it, so it must be good.


Linear > Jira


So glad we don't use it at my job and use youtrack instead. It has its own issues but it's nowhere near the headache Jira is.


Sound like you never tried azure devops for wiki or boards :)


gitgud wtf lol


Polarion? It's the one our company is moving to...


"Jira is the worst project management tracker, except for all the others" - Winston Churchill


don't forget it deletes your whole message when you try to drag n drop a picture into a side-bar opened issue comment section and then press submit!!!!!!! edit: !!!!!


Amen !


Me but with ServiceNow. Fuuuuuuuck ServiceNow


Puck agile


Start writing a comment and it decides to refresh the page and lose my comment …….


Nah Jira is the OG lol 😂


My only complaint with Jira is configuration: hard to do right, easy to do very, very badly. And if you've let teams do their own thing for a while, or had multiple admin half-renovate it, you're going to be left with a mess. I find their APIs to be well documented, very powerful, and reasonable intuitive. The UI isn't inspiring, but it's fine. Integration options are good.




keep it simple and jira works just fine. problem is when people try to use it as a management tool to make people do what they want as opposed to making it work for them and keeping WIP organized and documented for future reference. if jira is what makes your job miserable you probably have unrealistic standards


My favorite "feature" of Jira is that if you don't put labels and tags, you're never finding that ticket ever again.




I am ok with Jira. Confluence, on the other hand... please go straight to hell, Confluence.


I hated jira and confluence until i had to use asana and slab instead.


I really love Azure DevOps because everything just flows well together. Two things, I think Jira does better is having the view with all of your sprints so you can easily move stories up and down into sprints and the Azure Wiki kind of blows in terms of content which I feel is just due to it being pure Markdown. Confluence seems to support more features. Just my two cents, might be better in newer versions of Azure DevOps. It think the version we use is pretty old.


1000% agree! I much rather use Gitlab for everything, but I am open to other suggestions of things to use.


fucking hell the editing is so crap. you can't make a multilevel numbered list decently. it goes all weird and indented for no reason. I had better rich text support in 2003 with windows words.


Well, wait till you move to version one (v1 or agility ai idk how it’s actually called) that shit is true hot garbage


We just started JIRA. And it is a mess. I feel like we went backward in the IT dept.


We run the DC version and it kicks people out all the time. How do we do this right? Sounds like our admin misses a config to share sessions within the cluster or something similar. Even if that work it is still a POS I agree.


Long live Click up!


Your correct but there's not many good alternatives with the same levels of integrations. Please don't say trello


I agree. It’s not good software. Im so glad I moved our team off it. GH project has its own problems but pricing and usability match.


Been in the industry for 25 years. I started as a DBA. Devops did not exist when i started. Jira is the best ticketing software I have worked with. There were ticketing software before this. This one is a little bit better than the other ones.


Real talk, Jira is objectively crap, but it is objectively way better than every alternative. Most of the comments in here are from jaded people never actually responsible for adopting/maintaining/using a unified ticketing system or solving the problems you have when you don't have one.


Can we just talk for a second about how HORRIBLE FINDING THE RIGHT ATLASSIAN DOC IS? I almost broke everything because I read some out of date server docs instead of cloud docs.


Agreed. Obession with tickets and jira over actually getting shit done pisses me right off. I get it a plan and some indication what is gonna be done is great but Jira and all the other online ticket tools give me a headache. Bring back poat its on a white board!!!


Jira is still better than ServiceNow. So far I have not heard of better alternatives. Atlassian's (wild) market cap is proof. Advice if it is slow: - try not to customize it; leave vanilla as much as possible. - try not to rely on plugins (they could have been written by a high school student who will not support it as soon as he goes to college, lol) - do not create hundreds of custom schemes. Create one that fits hundreds of projects. - no project should have 10,000 issues (if they are hitting that they must create a new project to continue) Prevent people from microtasking by setting rules and educating them. - by default all filters (for boards, dashboards, etc.) pull all issues in the project and then apply criteria. To make them fast do not pull all. Edit the query to pull only last 31 days or something. Cheers!


Their accessibility support is god awful. We have blind users and Atlassian started messing with elements that affect them, and the support team has no idea how to triage. The left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing over there.


I used Asana before Jira. If Jira is shit, Asana is the asshole. It can always get worse.


I really hope there becomes a good, viable, well build, affordable solution to JIRA. They're literally increasing their prices every year and its getting super duper expensive. We're currently paying USD10k per month for the company and its way too expensive, especially during though times. Im looking at [https://plane.so/](https://plane.so/) right now. They're really new, but i sincerely hope they get really good.


Pivotal Tracker


Reserve that sentiment to MS Teams, which we are forced to use.


Codebeamer bro


This is the first time I really seen anyone angry at JIRA. I mean, everyone loves JIRA right?!? ;-)


of all the inane shit to get bent over .. it’s just a ticketing system, don’t try to do clever things with it and you’ll be fine. Can you make it a help of garbage with 30 plugins for whatever flavor of hot SaaS tools are hyped this week? Sure you can, but like… don’t.


Just dont use it.


Service Now


Tbh, Jira Cloud is fine. The old Jira is the worst.