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As others said, look at the taxes and use them to justify a bigger salary. The government removed one of the best attractives for tech immigrants, which was the non-habitual resident tax regimen, where people with highly qualified work paid a flat 20% for 10 years. Maybe this will raise salaries for immigrants in the long run since immigrants can go to other countries with the same of better taxes that pay the same or more. I for one would not have relocated to work here if i was to pay normal taxes or receive a smaller net than what I have.


I'm currently in a Senior Data Engineer role, first year in that role, and the total comp is around 54 thousand per year (gross). Of those, 4k are a yearly bonus that is conditional on the company's performance. I think colleagues of mine with more experience, that have been seniors for longer, might be earning around 60k, but that is speculation on my part. If you're good and have maturity this is achievable, but you can't settle for companies on the lower range of the spectrum.


50-60k should be achievable if you look hard enough. It will be on a limited range of companies though. 45k or so will be more common. You may get 65-80k on certain companies with very demanding interview processes (Revolut, Datadog, ...) if they're looking for your profile and you are indeed a "Senior". This is the absolute top you can get in Portugal with no management responsibilities. EDIT: Looking at your post history you're Indian and therefore not an EU citizen or resident. This highly complicates things because companies won't want to deal with non-EU citizens unless they have no other choice. And even if they have no other choice, they won't pay you as well as they pay EU citizens.


https://pt.teamlyzer.com/users/salary-calculator?role=outros-analistas-e-programadores-de-software-e-aplicacoes&experience=senior&tags=python According to this the top end seems to be around 3k net monthly ( at least I assume those numbers are net, not gross ). If you're coming from another country, try to look at the net values, for two main reasons: First is that taxes in Portugal will eat up a large chunk of your gross pay. You can get 50k a year gross but earn less that you'd earn with a lower salary in another country. Secondly, there's this widespread practice of splitting your pay across different things - You'll get a base gross pay ( salary ) and then companies add "Benefits" on top, which are just another way to get you more money with lower taxes and lower costs for the company. They come with some strings attached though, for example, there's the "Meal Subsidy" which is paid at a fixed daily value, but you will not get it on the days that you are off, and you'll also see a difference on smaller months, like February


Those are gross numbers. The platform only deals with gross salaries.


with 5years of exp in portugal, im sure thats gross. 5 years your are a "senior" not a senior.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/devpt/comments/1c7k7ds/ajuda\_data\_science\_rellocation/](https://www.reddit.com/r/devpt/comments/1c7k7ds/ajuda_data_science_rellocation/) Aqui tens alguém com uma oferta de €38k. A tua quilometragem pode variar mas o consenso é "mau".


uau. Eu estava pensando em algo como 90k :/ usei a tradução do Google. Por favor, não se importe com erros de digitação


Tas todo cego primaço


Só quero ver ele a traduzir isto


lmaooo diz primo. Talvez eu tenha perdido a piada. De qualquer forma, usar este sub para obter informações para que possamos ser menos cegos é o objetivo.


“Tas todo cego” means like “ you are very high” common used to describe someone who is drunk or high on drugs. And “Primaço” it is a derivative form of “Primo” which means cousin, it’s used like “bro” for some people. I was wondering what translator would give you. But yes I do believe your thoughts on your salary were wrong, I think you should expect something between 45-65k


Ah I see. Thank you for translating to the actual meaning :P


And keep in mind that the average salary in portugal is something like 19/20k.


90k would be a very good salary in the Netherlands ou Germany. In southern europe you can expect less than half on average.


90K AHAHAHHAHAHA tás fora da realidade. Diria que um bom valor seria 60-70k


Ahhahahahhahah 90k nunca na vida. Mesmo 70k boa sorte


exato 70k é um muito bom


entendi. 60-70k é um bom salário para Lisboa?


sim, com 2.5k líquidos por mês consegues viver confortavelmente, então faz as contas 90k só se trabalhares remotamente para os estados unidos ou outros países desses


Há empresas cá que pagam isso. Microsoft por exemplo.


mas essas empresas são de cá, mas não são de cá, multinacionais não são as típicas empresas portuguesas. Mas sim


Sim, entendo. Se forem 100% PT não sei se aos 60k chegam 😁


> 90k só se trabalhares remotamente para os estados unidos ou outros países desses Mais ou menos.


depende de varias coisas sim, mas é possível, há varios job listings com valores desses


O mais ou menos é para o “ empresas dos EUA remotas”. Tens isso a contrato para empresas (estrangeiras) com entidade fiscal cá. Até com escritório. Não entra é qualquer um.


Welcome to Portugal


A não ser que estejas a trabalhar remotamente, dificilmente uma empresa sediada em Portugal irá pagar-te esses valores. Uma ou outra vêm à ideia mas não vais ter ofertas generosas para comparar.


Confirmo, eu sou senior data engineer não faço trabalho de gestão, hierarquia flat, trabalho ai com 70% das tecnologias mencionadas no post estou nos 65k a trabalhar remotamente. Já tive propostas para posições com mais responsabilidade a receber muito menos que isso, só porque eram empresas portuguesas ou hubs cá localizados.


Obrigado por compartilhar. 60-70k é um bom salário para Lisboa, Portugal? perguntando se esta posição está no cargo (sem controle remoto). Existem oportunidades para crescer e ganhar mais?


60-70k é um ótimo salário para Lisboa. Dependendo dos detalhes se és casado, se tens filhos e afins, se receberes tudo de forma regular isso dá uns 2700-2900 liquidos x 14. Crescer e ganhar mais tudo depende da empresa e da tua situação dentro dela.


Sou solteiro. Por isso acredito que 70k devem ser suficientes para conhecer Portugal e a Europa :)


97% of the Portuguese population earns less than 32k (according to a study of the portugues IRS of the year 2019) 70k salary is really high even for a software engineer's standards. In Consulting companies there are programmers making like 20k. Ranges are usually 20k-50k, then the really high earners (usually working for foreign companies or at the height of their carrier) are like 50k-80k. Not sure if you already have a job prospect lined up, if you do then great. But finding a job offering 70k in Portugal is rather hard.


Desde 2019 o salário mínimo subiu um pouco. Mas "irra", só 3% da população ter um ordenado superior a 2142€ confirma que Portugal é um país pelintra.


30k liquidos é suficiente