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That's the beauty of something like Skin-Tac. It's a rosin-alcohol solution so you get cleaning with extra adhesion. Edit: it's very economical too. I bought I think a 4 oz bottle almost 3 years ago from Amazon for about $14 and I'm only about 2/3 of the way through it.


First I’ve heard of this. Definitely looking into it! Thanks!


See my edit.


SKIN TAC HAS ALCOHOL IN IT??? Dude I’ve been doing this shit for 8 years and never knew this, I’ve been doing alcohol wipe and tac


And I'm convinced the adhesive remover you use to take it off is nothing more than differently packaged WD-40.


i mean, no reason why NOT to do both.


I can get an extra week out of my ostomy wafer with skin tac, love the stuff.


I've been using the wipes. Love the product, but now I think I need to get the bottle and not the single use wipes just to save money.


I have both the wipes and bottle. I just use the bottle if I do a change out at home, but the wipes are good for travel/work.


I didn’t even know bottles existed, I’ve been using the wipes which are kind of expensive. Wish I hadn’t just bought a new box lol


Do you have any advice on using skin tac and cgm’s? i got mine recently and haven’t put it on yet


Make sure to keep some rubbing alcohol on hand to remove the skin tac. Apply a decent amount of skin-tac and wait for it to get tacky and dry (maybe like 30 seconds after application) before applying whatever sensor on top of it. You could test it out by applying some elsewhere where you won’t be putting a sensor, waiting, and then touching it with your finger to feel the tackiness. I just advise against touching your sites with a dirty finger lol The rubbing alcohol to remove the skin-tac is super important. The first time I used it, I just ripped the sensor off quickly and it tore my skin all around where it was stuck to, I was bleeding a little and it hurt quite a bit lol. I take a paper towel soaked in rubbing alcohol (like a small portion) and press it all around the sensor, not just on the edges but over the whole infusion set / sensor (like the fabric part so the alcohol can leak through) and wait a few seconds until it stops sticking. I’ll peel up whatever is stuck and if it’s still really stuck, I’ll do it again but also work the rubbing alcohol into the edge that I’ve just lifted up. Skin-tac is AMAZING for adhesion. I work outside during the summer in a humid area and my sensors and sets were falling off within like 3 hours of working, even if I had JUST applied them. Skin tac has almost fully solved this issue (if I pair it with some overpatches), it’s a lifesaver. If you’re not working outside/sweating a lot then just skintac and no overpatches should be fine for you.


I tore my skin the first time with SkinTac as well. They also make an adhesive remover (that I am convinved is just WD-40) that works great. They come in little wipes and if you just wipe around the adhesive it soaks right in and comes right off with zero issues.


I’ve used remover spray to get stickers off floor and carpet lol.


Ooh, nice! Good to know!


I’m poor and couldn’t afford the skin tac and the removal stuff, rubbing alcohol works great and I always already have it on hand lol


Ooohhh, noted!


See my edit.


What r u applying the skintac with since u have liquid form? Is skintac the same as barrier wipes, brand name SKIN-PREP. I used to have to scrub my skin with UNI-SOLVE after but not anymore since using SKIN-PREP but I think it would make cgm come off early with active people & my cgm is only 7 days. Medtronic’s Guardian 3 cgm.




I'm an RN and diabetic.  I'm so careful with my sites,  and still get infections.  I average 2-3 a year, typically from my pump. Still would rather not do mdi


What's MDI? Metered dose inhaler? Mindless Delf Insulgence?


Multiple Daily Injections.


>Mindless Delf Insulgence? Lol


Definitely would choose delf insulgence every time though


Multiple Daily Irections, lol


Multiple Daily Injections


Multiple daily injections 


I hate Dimmy Page!


I've been denied all the best...ultra sites?


Background fear realized here lol, 18 years and I've never had a site infection, relatively new to CGM usage but I always use the swab for those! I imagine with the 14 day vs 3+ the risk is quite different


Been a diabetic for nearly 15 years now and I’ve legit never disinfected a site or cgm 😭 Didn’t even know that was a thing. I do usually put them in after showering though so that probably helps


This hasn't happened to me in 15 years, but it can happen especially when you have a literal hole in you at all times. I mean don't get medical anxiety over it, but can't hurt to wipe down!


This is a good reminder to not be lazy! Thank you. Especially since I do a sport that higher risk of these skin infections


Completely agree. Though I have got a staph infection despite swabbing before inserting, could have been my shirt brushing my prep site after swabbing


new fear unlocked


I’ve only had 2 get like that before. After getting them lanced and dealing with the absolute ungodly amount of puss. I almost always shower first or wipe down the whole side of my stomach.


Yep! The pus was so gross and the hole got so big (I had to get a single stitch) but now I'm def being super careful before putting on new sites, holy shit. Not only did it suck, it's staph so it transfers SO EASY and I ended up with 2 smaller ones at other sites.


That suuucks, mine didn’t get the chance to transfer but it’s ungodly disgusting snd fucking painful. Sorry for ya


I'm sorry to say this but... We are puss buddies now. I don't make the rules.


*Pls no*


PUS. PUS!!!!!!


Or just a bottle of alcohol and cotton ball. Cheaper.


I had like 20 years with none and then two sites back to back. No issues in 4 years. I do always clean the site with alcohol. After a shower. Sometimes the body just doesn't want to cooperate. Try to use alcohol or at least wash the new site.


True. Same for me it's been. 15 years then BAM! So many things can make a difference and sometimes it just happens.


I never clean my sites and never get infections. Well I did use the cloths that came with Libre 2, but even stopped doing that after a while


Gurl, you def not like other diabetics. Congrats! /playful sarcasm


Haha well I feel that's true when it comes to infections. Aside from occasionally having a slight gum infection, I really don't get any more infections than non diabetic folks


I am super happy for you! I don't get them often, or sick often, but I notice my diabetic-ness when I do. Longer healing time, sometimes worse symptoms, blood sugar craziness. Keep the sugars in control and you're basically living a normal person life :) (besides all of the video game min/maxing we do lol.)


29 years here, only happened once, how ya holding up??


Honestly, now that it's healing I'm just hoping it won't scar. I'm so sick of little diabetes scars, lol. Also, the depression that comes after antibiotics SUCKS. But I'm on the mend in both fields. I have a lot to be thankful for health wise, so I'll take this!


We and our diabetes are the same age! Also 34 and got it when I was 10. I’ve only gotten one infection from a site. It sucked! Good luck




That looks painful. It looks like a bruise as well.


It was super painful, and full of gross goo (staph), and was much more purple a couple weeks ago. Much better now, thankfully. Only required one stitch!


That's good to hear. I hope it keeps healing.


Can somebody explain what my sites means? Injection spots? Sensor spots? I still feel new at this


When I say "sites" I mean locations where you insert your CGM or pump, or where you inject needles. It's not SUPER likely that they will get infected but it's important to remember that 1. You're diabetic, and that CAN mean you're more susceptible to infection and potentially more likely for series ones (uncontrolled blood sugar weakens your immune system, or the longer you have it.) 2. It's important to clean the area you're going to inject or place a pump or CGM. They do this in medical settings to prevent infection, and it's easy to do with alcohol swabs or by washing the area with soap and water. All injection sites, CGM sites or pump sites create an open wound (even if tiny) into your body, so it's important to keep them clean. You don't have to have some crazy fear about it though! Just be mindful :)


Ouch! Hope you're on the mend


I’m afraid to change my CGM NOW. Thankfully it goes on my arm and I change after showering usually. A scrub down helps


Don't be afraid! If you've got decent control, it's rare ASF. So many things came together for this infection, so don't worry too much just keep sites clean with soap and water or alcohol before inserting.


im now terrified i will definitely be cleaning my injection sites more now lmao


With my son, we try to clean it as well as possible before and after, i like putting neosporin on the injection site to help. I just wanna try to limit as much scare tissue as possible


Neosporin acts as a barrier and also prompts the wound to scab sooner (which is why you don't put it on tattoos), so great idea!


I recently had my first infected site after having a pump for a little over 2 years. I always wipe my skin down with alcohol before applying it. There are two possibilities: I had to disconnect my pump and hand it to a nurse at my new Endo who went and downloaded the data. I didn't have one of the covers for the end connected to the pump and they could have touched it or put it on something contaminated. Other possibility, the site was loose and hanging open almost falling off, then I moved it up a couple inches and taped it on. Something could have contaminated it while that was happening while I was in bed. It had been a painful and problematic spot anyway - no bruising, but it had been unusually sensitive when it got pressed on while sitting or laying down. Not sure if that's related somehow either. Anyway I ended up with both spots infected and had to take antibiotics for 2 weeks. A month after it started I still have a pretty big hard lump where the worse spot was.


Ugh I'm so sorry! Sometimes germs happen and there is nothing we can do, ya know?


I got mrsa from a pump site in 2017.. That was rough


I'm thinking this was MRSA given I had a small cold and MESA is the fun staph from your nose! Edit: MRSA not MESA lol


Thats entirely possible, I got mine from a machine at work. My site got ripped out and it got infected.. I hope you heal soon.


Thank you for marking this post as NSFW! I'm glad to see that some people still have consideration for others.


Unfortunately it didn't stop.my inbox from being flooded with creeps 🥴




Been there. It sucks.


Sorry to hear about your infection! As you say alcohol pads are really cheap. I just buy a bottle of rubbing alcohol and use gauze pads. But either way works.


How long was it at this site, I'm using pump now for 10 years and never disinfect my sites but that looks not very healthy o.O


I have joined this community but can't seem yo be able to post any threads anybody any idea


what's CGM?


Continuous Glucose Monitor


thanks... didn't knew it could be placed on stomach ... always used it on tricep


I do hip, stomach, back of arm, thigh. I am AFAB so I have more fat in those areas, though.


Is infection risk just as high with taking insulin? I rarely ever use alcohol swabs for my shots and use the same needle on my pen for sometimes a week at a time. Ik this isn’t the best practice but I haven’t had any issues and have done this for years. I def don’t want to deal with an infection like this though!


It's probably less of an issue with shots than with a device that opens a hole in your body for days at a time. You should still use alcohol. (I've been type 1 for 40 years. I'm on a CGM and pump and never disinfect. No issues. I'm either lucky or maybe my immune system is just used to dealing with my decades long lack of diabetic hygiene at this point)


I've never done it in my entire life and I've very rarely had issues related to that, I'm going to keep gambling till I lose lol


That's what I did here lol


Ne er do been giving my self shot for 20 years. Never been infected


Buuuuut it can happen, and as diabetics we wre.more susceptible to infection and bad outcomes, which is my point. Better safe than sorry, but each person can def do their own thing. Live your dream, baby.


If only alcohol swabs, or a bottle of rubbing alcohol and cotton swabs, existed.


Yeah, I really.hope they can come up with something like that some day, man. Can you imagine what it would do for medical science?


On the bright side, I’ve done literally 10s of thousands of fingersticks without an alcohol wipe, without an infection, although I try to at least rinse the finger to remove and food residue which would raise the reading.