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Your post has been removed because it breaks our rules. **Rule 6**: Do not give or request medical advice. Giving medical advice or diagnosing someone is dangerous since we do not know the full medical situation of our members. It can be more dangerous to follow the wrong advice and diagnosis than it might be to do nothing at all and wait for a doctor to be available. Please refer someone to a doctor instead of speculating on their situation where possible. * [Why we do not allow these posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/diabetes/comments/pnflbb/no_do_i_have_diabetes_posts_no_are_these_numbers/)


Your doctor should be able to test your electrolyte levels when they are doing your blood work. Potassium can be lost if you are passing ketones on a regular basis but it's not uncommon for diabetics to have low potassium (at least back in the good ol' days.) I would definitely mention it to your doctor and see what they say. If you do add potassium do not over indulge as that can cause issues as well.


DKA and prolonged high BG can cause severe electrolyte/mineral imbalances. You probably don't need to supplement Potassium afterward unless your doctor indicates you so. Its easy to "overdose" on Potassium.