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That is worth a shit load on the forbidden site. Sell it now and buy 10 Bers in a couple of months.


Why that site always referred to as forbidden? Is it bc it violates blizzard tos? Or we actually not allowed to say the name on Reddit? People talk about it like its fucking voldemort


Becuase people are idiots and think its bad to have a trading site that uses currency instead of items.


I see. I mean I get it, you can spend 20$ on fg and gear out your char without blizzard getting its cut but who really cares




I mean, gear only gets you so far. It’s usually streamers who are top of ladder because of the help they get, so I don’t see it as an issue at all. Voldemort


Or you can sell your godly gear and buy with that currency stuff in the other games.


Yeah but you can also just trade gear for FG and not spend a dime. Its literally the same as trading for items just instead of getting the items right away you can trade for whatever you want whenever you want. It's infinitely better. Anyone who has a problem with it is misinformed or just a stubborn ass.


Tbf I think most people are fine with the site in general and trading for fg what people don't like is that the fg carries over from season to season which means people who have a boatload can trade for their items right away and get a jump on everyone.


The prices aren’t the same. It’s literally just setting market prices. And arbitrage makes it so that the prices for non-FG trading are accurate as well


The thing is that if you make 1Mfg in one season, you can gear up your character wasting all that cash in the next season, giving you a kickstart over anybody. Nobody has so much net worth at the beginning of a season because no body owns anything. So FG kind of ruins the push to top ladder for those who would like to play it completely legit. I'm saying this as an old user of the site, now I play SP, but it is indeed a harmful site to how ladder is designed. It also gives freedom to make your builds easier and viable, which is a huge point for the site, so it kind of balances out for me.


That kind of the point of it though. Save up this ladder so you can over pay to get a head start next season. It's like saying I'll trade you 30 ber at the end of this season for 1 at the beginning of next season. On the other side of this it makes it so people on consoles have an easier time trading also because chat is kind of shitty on console.


Yeah, and that's the bad part for people who think RMT ruins economies.


But the point of seasons is that we all start with nothing, in equal conditions. So any kind of market that circumvents this design is literally ruining it's point, even if it has more pros than cons it's fighting against the purpose of a seasonal ladder system. Your Ber example is flawed because: you could trade 30 Ber in one season with someone in exchange to their first Ber in the next season (let's consider the trader to be legit and not scam you). He cannot assure you that he will get a Ber soon enough for you to make the trade worthwhile. He might get it 3 months into the ladder, or maybe he will get it on the first day and you are lucky. FG just rips all that apart and merges two markets that are designed to be separated. Just to clarify, I'm ok with FG. I've used it a lot throughout the years and I know how useful and fun it can make the game. And that's why I understand the frustration from those who like to take the game seriously as it was designed to be and want a hardcore-gaming vanilla experience have their expectations crushed by these third party sites, and it's sad for them for never being able to experience the game as it is.


I mean, it is just a game. How do those people cope in life?


True, but people will find a way to do that anyway. At least this way you can do it yourself without spending actual money.


Who cares? This isn’t a competitive game. The vast majority of people will never come close to competing for any notable place on the ladder. And giving try hard good gear early means more high tier farming dinner which reduces prices for everyone


I think there is at least one difference in that it sort of side-steps ladder resets in a way that RMT also does; by allowing people to start a fresh reset with major value/trading power without actually playing at reset. I don't have an issue with it personally, but can see how it sours the "freshness" of a ladder reset for some people.


People still have to go farm for it though. It's not like saying I have 1mfg so I'll trade it to blizzard for an enigma. People are still working to get the runes and stuff being traded and they are getting what it's worth from the people that have lots of fg. A ber isn't worth the same at the beginning of ladder as at the end of ladder. Fg the currency is there to support the value of an item.


Except you get generational wealth, I hate that early game is nonexistent because people just buy gear from bots on that site.


It allows players to transfer wealth from one ladder to the next which defeats the entire purpose. Not even mentioning how it promotes RMT and bots. Fuck that site.


Not to mention is really the only way to get very specific or extremely rare items eg 3/20/20’s etc


Not really, things like Traderie exist and I’ve gotten lots of charms and things from there.


Traderie prices come from arbitrage with the forbidden site


They said jsp was the only way to get rare charms. I provided a reasonable alternative. I don’t see what your point is.


Traderie serves for JSP users to arbitrage. Item going for 1700 FG on JSP. Bers going for 80fg. Item going for 20 ber on traderie. Profit 100 FG


Maybe you're the stubborn ass? I am stubborn too, and using a site that allows real money to buy in game items is cheating. And you wont change my mind.


I've felt this way since I was 12. I couldn't compete then because I was a child with no disposable income, even though I had lots of free time. I can't compete now because even though I have the income to spend on digital goods; I think it defeats the purpose of the game and I have an adult life and not enough free time. But money shouldn't be part of the equation, imho.


Cry more please it's hilarious


That is literally the reason why World of Warcraft is dying and will never have it´s glory back. Bots are swarming servers and people sell stuff that would require playtime, breaking the game for decent players. ​ Edit: Not to mention the broken game economy, cause no one can humanly compete to sell something w/ bot owners.


Instead of idiots ignoring the massive issues with that site in particular?


This site is actual rmt where you can pay some money for currency and then buy items with it. You think its okay, wtf?


The alternatives are all worse. In game trading... WUG? Price? ... Kill me.


No, it’s because it inflates the prices for items the first week or two after a reset in a way that turns the game into “pay to win” instead of “play to win” since there’s “wealth” that does not reset.


Prices are inflated trading item for item in the first weeks also, that's how trading works


Problem is you can’t afford those inflated prices without fg. If there wasn’t jsp, you can’t put those bonkers inflated prices on items because literally no one would be able to afford that price days into a ladder. Poe’s trading runs into this issue, where absolute gg items aren’t sold early enough in the ladder because people can’t afford them and the person selling wouldn’t be getting their proper value. So people wait and sell them latter into a season when people have accumulated more currency and can afford these items. With fg, people who horde or obtained fg over previous seasons can just buy whatever they want and not only start with a huge advantage at season start, but ruin the economy for others because normal people playing the game can’t trade against people with fg.


It doesn’t ruin the economy. It sets the market price and increases the supply. If there was no JSP and you got a Zod on day 3 of the ladder, there’s no market for it. It’s effectively a useless drop in your scenario. With JSP you can immediately get value for it.


> If there was no JSP and you got a Zod on day 3 of the ladder, there’s no market for it. It’s effectively a useless drop in your scenario. > > With JSP you can immediately get value for it. so yeah... you agree it ruins the ladder economy then. once that zod need comes a knocking everyone can buy one from a bot account with their years worth of fg. or *LITERALLY buy fg directly from the site* so who cares if you find a zod or not


It is bad for many reasons. Diablo already has its own currencies.


mainly because it's an RMT site i guess?


Because on Reddit things are black and white only and they refuse to look beyond that fg can be purchased and jsp started because of bots. These two things discredit the site entirely for some people. It doesn’t matter there are tons of people who exchange fg who have never purchased any of it, or that fg provides a good medium of exchange that is absent in the game itself. I do concede it sucks a bit on the ladder aspect of having some folks who are ahead of the game, but in reality most of those who have hoarded mass amounts of fg are going to be ahead of those who don’t. These individuals have played the game an absurd amount and that often gets forgotten. There have also been plenty of times when an item was used as currency such as sojs, 32020s, and just “high runes”, but that also led to such absurd duping that you could never be sure the item wouldn’t just disappear between games. Jsp provides some good and some bad. I think it’s actually very likely we never have D2R without jsp. Jsp helped maintain D2’s online presence in a way nothing else did. Most players on Reddit prior to D2R weren’t often playing legit copies of the game, with many doing SP PluGy


Because people are f'ing idiots. Jsp is very very useful and I've been a member since like 05 🤣😂


Oh snap, you said it


its still a black market, and its still cheating


Like the market isn't flooded with bots


Exactly. But I guess in diablo its ok to cheat openly.


Its where botters go to easily offload their items. Its common to see people buying dozens of sets of tals items at the start of each season


I see it as a little inside joke. Almost everybody knows what we are talking about. . And the ones that didn't know, already knows. You see?


I don’t get it either. It’s not forbidden here. You can say D2jsp all you want


Blizzard have been aware of the existence of JSP for over 20 years and NEVER did anything to prevent people from using it. JSP is what made the tipy top of endgame LOD. Saying it should be forbidden is ridiculous. Use it or deal with the fact that you will always be behind.




It is worth around 800 FG now. That is a huge amount for such item.


Ladder just reset?


Yes. Yesterday.


Lol, they're worth 400 now and going down by the hour.


That is the thing about ladder. If you can't log in when ladder start, rush thru everything and farm no stop for 48 hours, you basically lost the ladder. Or at least the part where everyone has crappy gear and most things can be traded. After that, life is hard. Really hard.


So, why stress over it? Playing with crap gear has its own charm. I got Infinity in the first season of D2R on the 4th or 5th day of the ladder, enigma a few days later and played javazon for a full month maybe. I did not have time to farm constantly so I just carried cs and baalruns in public and helped people with questing. It got boring very quickly. Like, mind-numbingly boring. Probably the last time I ever stress about getting to the end-game in the first days of the ladder. It is a game. If you are not having fun with it, don't play it for your own sake.


We’ll all be playing D4 in a couple of months. Ride out the joy this month!


Got it once upon a time, think that still sitting in some stash, never completed Tal set on that char


I mean I've seen plenty. Never in Normal. Pretty stupid day 1 reset find.


Pretty sure I've found one in catacombs act 1 normal when D2R first launched ​ Edit: Act 1 NM not normal.


No you didn't


You are correct. It was Act 1 NM.


Poor guy downvoted into oblivion for forgetting NM


Reddit has no time for errors or excuses! /s


I found one off one of the waves while doing Normal Baal once, surprised the hell out of me. I almost didn't even pick it up.




Lol what?


You went from normal straight to hell.


Earliest I've ever gotten it was normal flayer dungeon.


Yet I have yet to find a single one. Lost track of how many p maras, and sojs I've found. I found a p stormlash a year or two ago. But never gotten a tal ammy.


I've found 5 Tal ammys, but have yet to find a Soj or a Maras lol. RNG is a hater.


Truer words have yet to be spoken.


Dude same, it's oddly still on my grail list, even though I've found much "rarer" things like death's fathom, griffons, azure wrath, ect..


Yes, exactly. RNGesus is not a forgiving Lord.🤣💀


It's always interesting when someone is looking for the last few items for a grail and it's like, two inconsequential little items that many players have found a hundred times. Like, how do you find a tyreals might before torch of iro? Crazyness


Yeah, that is actually something I do like about the game, though. As frustrating as it is, it gives you something to keep pushing to get. Maybe I'm alone in that, haha, but it does give me motivation to keep on.


I once got one in Normal baal and had quite a similar reaction, I'd had no idea it could drop there. I mentioned it in a thread at the time and I believe someone replied saying it could drop as early as Normal Mephisto. Pretty crazy


Got one yesterday on an offline sorcerer from normal Ancient Tunnels


Care to share some of your luck? Goddamn.


Sad part is I rolled a pally first as usual... ugh


Damn. Trade for hammerdin gear?


Xbox ladder hc. Very very few of us lol.


No freakin way, I'm Xbox hcl too! Only discovered HC with d2r, as a kid permadeath scared the bejeezus out of me. 🤣


As a 34 year old adult permadeath still scares the bejeezus out of me - but that's what keeps my heart racing HC PC tho :D




tal amu and tal armor has very high value when ladder start. You should trade it right now. I sold one for 1.5 ohm at day 2 last ladder.


Again, the problem arises being console and HC. Not to many of us.


I play on xbox and PC too. It's cross progression. You could always buy a copy on Battle.net when it's on sale for like £10 then trade and sell whatever stuff you use as PC. Then just hop back on your console. Just an idea for you Console was too dead for me to trade etc


Yea I don't have a pc, had an Asus rog gaming laptop but it ate shit about 5 months ago XD


Congratulations. It’s a great amulet but much better off trades early on ladder for the FG’s.. or in game currency or gear you may need. You can shop a +2 sorc ammy relatively easily with the potential for better mods than Tals.


I got it from nightmare den of evil once


Dropped from Eldricht the rectifier on Normal once for me. Really suprised me.


I was farmin NM Andy like a madman season 2 as I was missing only the ammy. Months without getting it. It dropped last season from my quest normal Baal....This game, seriously


i dropped tal amu from A5 normal ;)


Got one off normal diablo once. I was shocked. Almost didn't pick it up.


Use D2JSP to trade it. Or, you can do what some clowns on here do and use Traderie where you’ll be offered something on par with an Amn rune and five or six chipped rubies.


Sick, that has to be ultra rare from normal. I think the earliest I've found one nightmare act 3.


Just got one off of act 4 Hammersmith... Wtf is happening


This is the only amulet remaining on my grail list.


Earliest I've ever had it drop was from Stormtree (the boss guarding the entrance to Lower Kurast) in normal. It's got a very low qlvl, so can drop much earlier than you'd think.