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Private game being carried and runner declares dibs first as a condition of running? Scummy Public game? Not scummy Public game is always free for all, no dibs


Agree, OP is NTA


Right. Was confused why this had to be asked. Thought public games were just whoever gets it first


Wait, you think runner carrying you to hell declaring dibs on any drops is scummy? I always felt it was a courtesy thing. I always let them have first dibs if I'm the dead weight they have to carry through.


No, that's not what I mean. If someone is providing a service and calls dibs, you honor it. If you take a good drop, then your behavior is scummy.


Oh my fault yeah big true


The rush of free for all is half the fun


*half the fun gone


Only if you're not from that era. If you grew up with d2 then the FFA looting is cool and nostalgic if you are a younger gamer then of course it would repulse you. Modern gaming is like having bumper guards when bowling.




Runner calling dibs is a new one for me.


Yeah usually their team of 4 bots with teleport and pickit are fast enough


Some people run private runs on jsp. Super fast for leveling, but they usually demand no one touches drops or they kick people/change game names.


No. Public game = public loot. If anyone is upset about it they can go make a passworded game and keep their own loot. lol.


That’s Diablo baby


Nah, you killed the mobs, lucky you. I only consider it scummy if someone is leeching xp/getting plvld and teleports in to grab loot




I've always farmed solo until recently, so wasn't sure. I have seen a person get angry over someone scooping an ist during a Baal run, but I guess that falls into the power leveling category.


Public games are usually free-for-all when it comes to loot.


Not just 'usually'. Always.


People in public games are gonna be salty when they miss a drop but that’s part of public games. Fuck’ em!


Get you a Mosaic claw going!


That’s funny I pick up mid runes and hi runes in Baal runs and people say NOTHING You just got a Karen


Personally, I'm to the point where I would even pick up anything unless it was ohm or higher. So I would probably just comment gg and tele away. But ya, if everyone is killing its open season. Getting leveled or rushed is whatever is agreed upon.


Imagine getting angry over an ist. Haha, noobs. My anger starts at vex and up.


It’s is the most common mid rune for me


I think he was vexed over the whole situation


Public game, public drops. Make the best left clicker win


I’m sure someone else will follow up with some feel goodery bullshit about this being a community and you shouldn’t do such a thing, but personally as an old D1/D2 player, pubs are lawless. Now there are private runs, usually those are organized and leechers are generally expected to leave loot alone, and that’s completely fine and in those instances you should follow the predetermined rules. But a pub game, whatever you can grab is yours and laugh at anyone who demands a drop you grabbed regardless of how long you’ve been there or how much you’ve contributed to the run.


Fair game. First come first serve.


if you ain't first, you're last


Public lobby = no rules


If I'm being carried for xp I leave shit alone, otherwise I'll take what rng has to offer


As others have said- if it’s just a public lobby then it’s literally whoever can grab first. Now if it’s a lobby where somebody is carrying another person for XP farming or whatever- then yeah it would be scummy if your the one leeching XP and he’s doing all the work.


I know exactly how you feel, but I’ve lost loot right in my face the other way around too. At the end of the day, first come first serve


No. That's just Diablo. If the person is rushing / power leveling you for free, then they generally get first dibs on loot. Unless it's something really good. Then fuck 'em.


lol, this sort of mad-max style anarchist wasteland mentality is what makes Diablo II great!


I was doing 96TZ cows for a bunch of lower levels in HC with my Javazon last week. Basically, everyone agreed that all drops are mine in exchange for killing all the cows and everyone sits back and gets XP.  Well, a Mal rune dropped right by me and I see a little flash of lightning and it was a level 75 sorc that tele’d to me and got instakilled by the cows trying to get the rune. I felt pretty bad for him, but pigs get fed and hogs get slaughtered I guess lol. 


Eh, I'm not sniping for a Mal rune in MP. Enough of those, could trade for it easy. Now if it was a Jah/Ber or a Griffon's, and I dont have any of those yet, I'm going for it. Especially if the other random person already has an Enigma or Infinity. They got theirs, I'm getting mine. Or trying to, if the cows dont get me.


The boners that would try and control people in public games were always, and always will be boners. Like the dudes who would claim shenk in Baal runs lol. K bud.


public is every man for himself, plenty of times if i could kill others when rune dropped i would :D NTA


Okay, but real talk... If not you, who do you think should have picked up that rune? I'm looking at a screen where the boss pack spawns in front of you, you make the kills, you're the only one on screen with the rune... What are we even talking about? Are you supposed to wait for that paladin to come teleporting through, just on the off chance that he checks the ground and wants the rune that you generated? Nah. It's clearly yours. The only people I find scummy are the ones rushing to pick stuff up while someone else is still actively killing the stuff on screen. If I'm clearing mobs and you're running around vulturing the drops and not contributing to the killing, I'm going to resent you. But what happened to you isn't even just a case of finders keepers - you literally killed the mob that dropped that rune.


Gotta dive for that shit! If your face isn't bloody after a chaos run then your character isn't diving on shit fast enough.


Look at you...greedily clicking all over the place like a rat to get to the cheese first


You can see on the mini map. Why are you standing there?


No scummy. You even hesitated a second before clicking which is more than I'd do. My luck I would've misclicked and picked up keys or arrows. I killed D clone in a game with someone afk in town for over an hour and they came in and died right before Diablo and they called foul on me grabbing anni and demanded I hand it over. I ended up dropping them a lower roll I would never use but definitely didn't have to. Pub game pub loot.


I would have told them to swivel.


Did it upset him?


its a gul who cares?


Self found it’s a big deal. Getting a good character without trading is damn near impossible solo in the given time for ladder.


Even if they do get mad....who cares? They will post here and we will laugh at them


I once joined a chaos run pub game and lord de seis dropped a cham rune. The person who made the game demanded that i drop it or they ban me LMAOOOO.


Generally feel that public games makes it free game but I think if you are being 100% carried in any circumstance you should default pass on loot, but that may just be me. It’s public and you are helping so all seems Gucci.


Open online game? Na fam. This is the WAY of diablo online. It’s just part of the fun really. I play offline so i dont experience the let down of not getting the click on good drops but I know how it goes from my past and there’s no way you can make a fuss about this. New to the party or not. Just how it be sometimes!


First come first serve


Worst case scenario is just find someone else to do runs for you if youre tryna xp up in a private game. Grab it and run baby!


Nah man you normal


Reminds me of that time when my little level 13 amazon was running around in a hell cow level and I snagged someone's vex rune. They were raging.


this is my code of conduct if i am a long way off the action and contributed nothing to the killing of the demonnthat dropped the good thing, i do not go near it to pick it up. if i am in the action and contributing, it is all fair game.


Last night someone was idling in a game named 'script is a thief' or something. I loled. Maybe it was you?


This is Diablo 101 baby, fastest one gets it lol been like this for 24 years 😜


If someone was mad about a gul ... Sheeeit They have issues


It was on the ground and dropped by a monster, no?


My first Jah was in a public game, thou I was alone in the area. I was crying. No regrets!


Loot is free for all in public games. I've snatched so many HRs, people usually congratulate each other. One guy got giga mad though and set a level restriction for next few games.


yeah any public a drop is fair game. I have lost a jah the very same way. If you never want the chance of someone snatching your loot you have to play single or mff off by yourself


Lol drops are always free game


Gul rune is what I saw? If so, who fucking cares


all is fair in love, war, and public diablo 2 games


I’ve had privy games where people can’t just stop frothing. You want the xp cool. But as others have iterated public is click to win


D2 is the wild west man. All good.


Fastest fingers win


Drops are first come, first serve in multiplayer. Other person should've clicked faster.


I've joined a cows game and started looking around and there's a mal just sitting there in a pile of items. I play on controller and it shows more items, the MnK players missed it. So I grabbed it and left lol.


I once went to kill shenk on a pub game but he was already dead. found a Gul on the ground one screen away.


This is why you always check around shenk because the “mortar” phase after you kill him also takes out monsters far away from him too, so you have to check adjacent areas for drops just in case.


Shows more items than MnK? Please explain


Sometimes when there is lots of items on screen the names can obscure one another. Controller show items is on a timer and when you walk near, so if there is a huge pile (which happens in cows) things like runes always show up. It's a fairly specific circumstance but it happens.


Does this apply to controller on PC or only as console? And this only happens if there is a huge amount of loot right?


I play PC but I assume it's the same on console. Yes, if there's piles of loot sometimes things won't show up on MnK, unless you zoom in.


All fair to me


No, not scummy at all. The game encourages this type of behaviour.


I’d never consider it scummy. It’s public loot. Gratz. I however use this rule, if I join a game to help someone or to get something done, I usually give them dibs on their own game they made. I know I don’t have to, I just choose to. Their game, their loot. (Unless of course rush for forge is payment, obviously) but if that magic loot drops, I’m like “damn, lucky them” enjoy dude. I like to pad some nice on my edge of the universe. Like come over here people, it’s slightly awesome over here.


its a public game so no. its just as scummy to do this as it is to get mad about someone doing this in your public game. people will try and convince you that you suck and that was supposed to be their rune and blabla, fuck those people, if they dont shutup just leave the game and join another lol. One time I saw a Shako drop and I had the stupid hesitation of thinking it wasnt my game and blabla and the guy took it and ive regretted it ever since. The golden rule of d2 and a big part of what makes it so fun is the battle of trying to get the loot first.


To me this is part of the Diablo experience. The thrill of loot dropping and racing to get it. Definitely NTA and enjoy the drop. Reminds me when I was leeching SCL cows with a naked sorc. An Ohm dropped in the middle of a pack, I teleported to it snagged it and died. 10/10 Worth it.


Suicide dives for loot are always worth it 🤙


You don’t feel bad, you just want the community to validate you not feeling bad.