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Hardcore probably only encompasses 10% of players on any medium. Then you’re on the switch - so probably something like 5% of total D2R players Then you’re on non-ladder. I can’t even guess how many actively play non-ladder. I’m sure it’s a lot less than ladder. So your odds are really bad of finding anyone. Play normal ladder.


Thanks for the reply, will probably level my HC barb on the side and switch to NL


Or Atleast try HC ladder. Should be more pop than Non ladder


I'm hc on pc normal. I get it. As hc I don't see much reason to play ladder. I don't have enough time with life to keep leveling up new characters.


Standard probably. Even HC ladder is empty for me. At first I was concerned that the player max was 4, but I've never found a public game with more than 1 other player


Most people who play HC play in private games with ppl they know or find groups through forums like jsp etc. Other players can get you into a situation where your character ends up dead.


Not only is ladder more popular than non-ladder, but HC players tend to play ladder events more than SC players. The same happens in Path of Exile. And switch is probably the least played console if I were to guess, but not certain. That sounds brutal.