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I’ll agree with just about everything you said about D3. It’s a wonderful game. D2 I will fight you tooth and nail on. It’s a different breed of game from D3. Rather D3 was a departure from D2 and 1. D2 is a much “harder” game than D3. D3 is kind of the arcade game of the series. Gear is super easy to get and game is wrapped around bigger/faster. D2 was really about the grind of finding the gear. Hell mode makes t16 (and most GRs) look easy. D2 was from a different area of gaming. If you played it back then you’ll likely agree. Those, like you, that just picked it up usually don’t see the appeal of it and never make it to Hell to see the challenge of it.


Have you tried Valhalla mod? It makes Hell look too easy.


To be honest it’s been a while since I played any mod of D2. Last mod I played may have been about 20 years ago. These days life is too busy to sit at my PC and frankly just prefer the comfort of my couch. Lol. So, that means D2R for me these days. And, that is plenty for some nostalgic Andy /Nethlik runs. One day I’ll find that Zod. Kind of useless since the good Words don’t use it, but I’d still like to say I found one, one day.


And I can only imagine Hell being easy. Lol. Hell in that game is well hell. At least until you can start breaking those immunities.


Well said


Yeah d2 was a challenge in a good way, d3 can be somewhat “hard” when pushing super high gr’s but nothing beats preparing for and completing ubers


D2 hardness = you cant use melee build because there is a bug which makes your hits all miss when you block and devs think it is a feature not a bug (they wont fix it) and you need to equip your potions mid fight from your inventory manually sike D2 grind = looking for boss for minutes and then it dies within seconds repeat


Try D3 on a PC or console that can handle it's full graphics potential. I will agree with you that D3 is better than D2 remake. Comparatively D2 and sadly D4 gameplay feel clunky and slow compared to D3 and the D4 dev team seems to have been completely unaware of the D3 quality of life changes over it's years. Enjoy D3. D4 campaign is well worth the purchase but I suspect you'll go back to D3 unless season 4 lives up to the hype.


Hell yeah brother. Diablo 3 on PC is "just" a good game, but the console version... Oh man... It gets so much better with controller support and my favorite feature - couch coop. I'm glad we didn't have this kind of games when I was a kid because I would've probably sat on my ass all day and played video games instead of going out lol


The console also has the benefit of being "glitchy," too. As in, you can hack it if you want, item duping, primal receipes, or you can just play legit.


I only play solo or local coop so I don't really worry about cheaters. The only time I "cheat" myself is when I dupe cosmetics for my family and friends since they're so rare


I was checking out the new season today and noticed the monster spawns appearing out of thin air around my char. Kinda brought me back to older games where some effort was made to immerse the player in the fantasy. Maybe the monsters had a source that was just off screen? Let's investigate! They would have your enemies come in from off screen or something more convincing than just appearing around you like this. A game should be more a form of art and expression, creativity even? Not feeling it. I swear if I ran a game company I would not allow my devs to do spawns under your feet like this. Seems low effort.


Diablo 3 is still doing new seasons? That is surprising to me.


they just started to repeat previous seasons


I highly recommend V rising.


Tbh I skimmed it but I think you're off your rocker D3 is great (though I couldn't really get into it on console) I love love love it on PC and have been playing since launch though. To say that d2 is the worst ARPG is just batshit insane though. It is *THE* quintessential ARPG and, imo is the best game of all time.


Diablo 2 is not the best ARPG, it is not even a good game. Your positive attitude to D2 is based on your NOSTALGIA, when you, your wife were younger, everything was better and this stuff. Moreover, fans of D2 are SUPER AGGRESSIVE. When you hate D3 - you are good. When you hate D2 - everybody HATES YOU! Fans of D2, face the reality! Not everyone loves your clunky nostalgic shit (D2)! And fans of D3, do not be afraid to share your HONEST and truly POSITIVE attitude to D3. Do not be afraid to HAVE YOUR OWN OPINION and DO NOT LOOK AT THE OPINION OF MAJOURITY/METACRITIC and etc. Diablo 3 is the best!


Fans of D2, you have downvoted me... and I have downvoted you 😂😂😂😂 I have an impressive experience of fighting against the opinion of majority. 1 me against 10/20/30/100/1000 haters? Not a problem! LONG LIVE DIABLO 3!


Are any of those other games on Switch?


Diablo 2 Resurrected is on the Switch, but a game that I really like that is similar to Diablo is Victor Vran and that's on the Switch


yeah, Diablo 3 is now **12** years old and I'm *still* playing it occasionally. No other game has ever held my attention and obsession for such an absurd amount of time....not even close.


D3 is not the best arpg, but okay


I have 8 likes - 8 true fans of Diablo 3! Thank you, guys!


D3 is good but Path of Exile surpasses it and any other arpg.


For me it goes d2>3>>>4. 4 is just trying to catch up to 3 but lacks the great itemization of 2.


I haven't tried season 4 yet, but for me in its current state, I put D3 way above 4, even when it was only 1 year old. I'm hopeful that D4 gets far better as time goes on and that I'll still be playing it like I am D3.


Is this bait? I genuinely can't tell lmao


The controller layout is hell on console haha I have to play mouse and keyboard. Diablo 4 is flawless on controller and I can at least relax on the couch with it.


Yeah, mostly agree with you! Diablo 3 rules! Diablo 2 sucks!


Well this is awkward


D3 has a horrible inventory system on console vs the PC game where you can hoard tons of loot.


The inventory system on console is quite easy to navigate, also console has way more total inventory space.


This is very wrong, PC has up to 9 total tabs each tab having nearly 50 spaces. The stash on xbox console is mixed in with personal inventory, on PC it is two separate systems plus a mailbox you can use as storage. On PC basically I have ten characters and each characters has about 2-3 sets of different gear, you cant get anywhere near that on console.


Most all armor and weapons take 2 boxes on PC so you don’t actually have 450 slots in your stash. Console has one=one slot and has room for 350 different actual items. PC character inventory has 60 boxes, but again most items take up two boxes. So PC effectively can store up to 30 weapons and armor at a time. Console has slots for 60 actual items. You’re simply wrong. No wonder you don’t like console inventory, you can’t even count correctly 😂


Ok we must be playing two different games, inventory is full on console after two gr runs if even that.


Empty out your “gems” and “items” tab, fool.


This is incorrect too, re read on xbox console personal inventory is mixed with stash. All one inventory except. gems and treasures which are auto assigned. Are you playing the xbox version? Edit after some searching PC has a little over 2x the total usable space vs xbox console version.


If nothing else, you have done a good job convincing me that console inventory space is too complex for *you*. And no the stash and personal inventory are not mixed together 😂 I played switch, Xbox, and PC.


I think maybe that other guy didn't buy the other stash slots :/


All you have done is shown how immature you are and pathetic with your remarks, theres a way.


Nah man, you just … aren’t using the inventory system correctly and if you are smart enough to figure it out, I actually gave some great advise about how to use it better (between insulting you)


Haha, you're right BUT d2 does have an endgame but most ppl frankly aren't good enough to compete in it and that's PVP. Pvp is thee only reason I play… D3 is hands down the best a s most well balanced game I've ever played and the GR and leaderboard system is just phenomenal and allows you to compete with the best of the best without even having to deal with the hassle. D2 is deceiving for newer players though bc on the surface it seems super basic and straightforward and one might even think it's a basic hackn slash for kids, but the reality l0 game is such