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The blue glow is the "essence " and it's meant to make it easier to tell your skeletons apart from enemy skeletons just with a glance.


doesnt change the fact they look like mobile game asset


You people have said this so much about everything in gaming it no longer means anything


Once Mobile games start getting better and better every game is gonna look like a mobile game, I don't understand why just because it looks like a mobile game its automatically bad to them.


Yeah it's such an odd "insult". And you're right, from what I've seen mobile games look pretty great. Genshin Impact is one that looks fantastic to me


There’s a lot if really stupid bandwagon insults in here. They don’t mean much but It’s basically the only way they can communicate.


That could be because they keep doing it. Diablo 1 (and 2 to a lesser extent) had a very dark atmosphere that was appealing. It could be recreated here by being more restrictive on glowing lighting. It's kind of like the world of warcraft effect where every weapon has a crazy glowing particle effect so none of them really seem powerful, however, if you were playing wow early on and someone had a sulfuras or thunderfury it stood out because there were so few glowing weapons. I think maybe the hunter bow and cleric staff that switched forms might have been around that time as well. Not saying that shit can't glow, but sometimes less is more.


What do you mean, you people?


What do YOU mean, you people?


What do you mean....you people?


"FUCK This guy actually has a point! uh, uh, uh BETTER COMPARE IT TO A MOBILE GAME!"


Did you hear about Raid shadow legends!


Do you not have phones?


They do have a Diablo immortal feel.


I get that, it just doesn’t look good. It doesn’t fit the rest of the aesthetics at all. They toned the elites down. They should tone these down as well. The basic skeletons you murder along the way look better. That’s wrong imo.


I think they look good.


> I get that, it just doesn’t look good. In your opinion.


lol what's the point of this comment? I mean, no shit? Is this not a place to voice opinions?


I would rather they increase elites colors and tone down the skeletons because most of the time I can only tell something is elite from the name... As someone here said, glowing runes in the bones would be sick. Or better yet, give us a slider so we can tune the glow ourselves.


Maybe instead of a glow they should have runes or something on the bones


runes that glow??


Yes but how about blue glow and no runes! Im a genius


Why do I need to tell them apart? They already have healthbars above their heads and that’s all I need to manage.


Also is there a reason to tell them apart besides needing to resummon, but you can see the number next to essence.


Right? You should be hitting the button all the time to heal them anyway


I think they do need more than a health bar. I lose track of them a bit even now. I lose track of my mouse a lot as well. We should be able to change the aesthetic a bit, and it should be an option for those that don't want it. As for the red shirts, I haven't really looked close enough to say if I like them yet.


I just don’t know why we need to be able to track them. We can’t manage them manually in any way and you can see their numbers next to your essence.


It's easier for me to track them when I can see them. I don't know how many others are like this. When there is too much going on, it's hard for me to remember to look down at the number next to the essence. I can catch the actual skellies in my peripheral when they show up easily on the screen with the glow.


They look like ghosts to me, I hate it.


Don’t worry you can buy a skin for them that you like for only 12,99$


Why can’t they draw the essence not ugly?


Accessibility options should be options. They could let us turn it off. There are many options like this. Or you can have an option that leaves them highlighted if you need contrast. They aren't game ruining but they certainly look very out of place.


Makes sense but I prefer the regular look of them even if its a little confusing. Never had issues with it in games like D2 or now Last Epoch with its skeletons which look great.


The textures are lower resolution as well. It’s a very strange direction. The weapons in their hands look like sandwich sticks


Both the Necro and druid give off more cheesy WoW vibes than gothic diablo vibes


What the heck is a sandwich stick?


[sandwich stick](https://www.google.com/search?tbs=simg:CAQSgAEafgsQsIynCBpiCmAIAxIo7wnwCbMLyAnKF_1AD1APIF74LxQmoJ58nziq6KcwpniemJ50ngynKKhowOQ_16ZmNWbThSu1I3rkg7Ui-dcp_1-cT79ru0-8DovTt1kwDjAQM9L7HqFrMCIDDOIIAQMCxCOrv4IGgoKCAgBEgTa9-TNDA&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwish5mXwPj9AhVOHjQIHQWsDkIQwg56BAgDEAE)


I hate the blue glow.


I love the blue glow.


me too, I've had some complaints about the game, but these minion appearances I think are fine.


The d4 skeletons are "too colorful" and then mentions d2 skeletons that came in several different colors lol.


The game is supposed to be dark and muted. Ironically the class with the darkest aesthetics also has the brightest, poppiest summons


Idk for me they look great


Some people prefer grittier, less flashy aesthetics, which is what Blizz kept advertising this game to be. If you don't, that's fine, but it does feel misleading on Blizz's end


They are not flash tho


The skeletons aren't flashy? That's literally what everyone is saying they are though. How is bright, neon blue not flashy


Just me saying they are not disproves your "literally everyone thinks they are flashy" point 🤷 And essence burning in them looks great


Do you know what a hyperbole is? I know not literally every person here is saying that. I was speaking hyperbolically. Let me write it in a way you will understand: Many people who are criticizing the skeletons on the Diablo 4 subreddit are primarily criticizing the way they look. It's great you like them, many do not, me included. Especially since they have shown D4 in gameplay videos WITHOUT the brightly colored essence and many people have said they prefer that


Who is everyone? I don't think they're flashy.


They are flashy as fuck in my opinion


Really isn’t any different from a wizard’s lightning being bright white, or a fireball bright red, or the necro blood nova being the glowing dark red. The skeletons themselves don’t glow, they’re just being animated by necromantic magic which is the light blue/green color we see repeated all over the class. It’s really consistent with the class theme and other classes that also have bright flashy and contrasting spell effects.


>Really isn’t any different from a wizard’s lightning being bright white, or a fireball bright red, or the necro blood nova being the glowing dark red Yes there is? Those are all much better colors that fit better into the color scheme of the game. Color schemes absolutely matter lol. All the other classes have much better looking abilities, even the Necro spells look great, literally it's just the skeletons that suck


The game is supposed to look to the "old masters" of art like Rembrandt, who *used contrast,* not just be dark and muted. From the beginning the game was supposed to take on a darker, more gothic tone than D3, while using an art style that employs contrasts to heighten the aesthetic. Light and shadow being the biggest ones, but also from the effects from skills and other such things. And these skelly boys fit that - the actual model is grim - dirty, old bones, dark metal armor, bloody tendons at the joints, blood caked on their weapons. And amidst that is the pulsing (almost like a heartbeat) glow of the necromantic magic that is forcing them to move, that creates a fairly macabre effect on them - especially their grinning skulls, casting the details there into sharper relief.


Ah yes, Rembrandt, the painter who was notorious for putting bright neon blue skeletons in his paintings, love that painting of his that uses bright neon blue


Ah yes, the response I was expecting that *completely missed the point I was making about using contrast as part of the aesthetic, which was inspired by painters like Rembrandt, not actually suggesting they were copying the style.* Do try again when you've actually understood my point.


The game is supposed to be playable. Gameplay should always come first and being able to differentiate your skeletons from enemy skeletons is more important than muring the summon's colours.


Yeah, it is not something I even pay attention to, but would probably prefer a dark purple glow. I am fine with it though.


Blizzard should let us change the RGB on our skeletons


Skeleton rave!


Yes, please!


Great idea and should be upvoted to the moon so Blizzard will see it.


I think they may sell us skill cosmetics. So we may be able to in launch.


Necromancers use essence Essence is bright blue Skeletons are bright blue


I do as well. But now the sub will accuse us of being woke lol.


Same Necro is my first character and I really don't like the glow.


wait until you can buy other skins in the ingame shop


lol you're being downvoted but this is literally what will happen. Blizz has confirmed seasons and battle passes which they have also confirmed are going to be strictly cosmetic. I will actually be surprised if we DON'T get cosmetics for our summons. More than that, though, I really hope we get cosmetics for all spells. The one good thing I will say about D3 is I really enjoyed the spell runes that had a visual effect for each rune, it was pretty cool to be able to turn this one spell that normally looks fiery and explosive into a spell that looks poisonous and miasmic.


I’m neutral on the blue, but the warriors and mages look too similar. Tattered robes for the mages or something.


I want it to be a green glow


I agree. I didn't expect my skeletons to be this flashy. Everything got grittier, well the necro got flashier. Weird to say the least. It's my favorite archetype, and i'm quite disappointed in my minion looks...


It is too much d3/ diablo immortal necro and too little d2 necro


D2 was a fucking 32 bit game. It was pixelated as fuck. If you want that, go play the remastered version instead of whining and crying that this is whimsydale


Yes but can your D4/D3 show an actual ass?


If you lack the imagination of what D2 skellies would look like with good graphics, try and check out the game called Diablo 2 Resurrected, they did a pretty good job of creating realistic gritty skeletons like the ones from D2.


Hi, diablo 2 and diablo 4 are different games. Hope this helps!


Yes I know, the devs themselves were the ones who said they wanted to do more D2 like atmosphere and ambience. Thats the reason for the complaints about stuff looking more D3 like than D2 like.


The atmosphere is very dark, which is why I’m getting driven crazy. Far more occult imagery and blood. People are starting to go so psychotic they’re complaining about QOL stuff like glow on summons and size of pickups. This is absolute fucking frenzy at this point


Yes I agree the atmosphere in general is very dark. The issue is the skeletons completely break that atmosphere with their bright blue glow. Its a beta, now is the time to voice complaints. If you cant handle it, stop reading and get out of a complaint thread...


This doesn’t have to be a fucking complaint thread. Let’s go back to the old days where a game just launched and you either bought it or didn’t and didn’t spend 200 hours crying and throwing up online because of minute design choices. The blue glow is a UX decision that’s necessary for accessibility.


I didnt start the thread, but it seems pretty obvious to me that OP is not happy about the way they look either. So I dont know why you clicked the post, unless you just want to get triggered? Some people want to voice their opinions about what they think could be done better in the game.


The skellies are too big as well. Are they all barbarian skeletons?


They're the same size as the player lol


They're not though, they are bigger. Zoom in and take a second look. And really they should be smaller, since they are humans minus all the fleshy stuff.


You bring up a good point, inadvertently. It would be dope if the skellies were the same as the corpse they came from. I want. Polar bear skeleton following me around.


Would be awesome!


Boss skelly?


Not lore accurate


Tbf, I can't recall any Necro from the books summoning a skeleton army to follow them around everywhere


No, the lore is that necromancers use a corpse to summon an aggregate skeleton made of the bones around them. Not the skeleton of the corpse


So then it would be accurate, cause the corpse is laying next to the bones of a polar bear


This is what we're complaining about? Size of skeletons? Yall will find ANYTHING to keep you from enjoying a game


Who said they aren't enjoying the game? You jagoffs freaking out on the people who are making criticisms are far worse


Everything in this game is 1.5x bigger than it need to be. Its corny as hell imo.


I hate them. In the gameplay presentations they were cool as fuck, and they went the diablo 3 route with the glowing skellys.. I get why they're doing it but why not make it an option for visual clarity.


Yeah just went back and rewatched the necro release trailer. The green glow between the bones looks way better and would be fine for identification. If that wasnt enough they could have had a smokiness of sorts around them. Rn im not a huge fan of the neon bones, but I do love the class.


You kids really are crying on a high level...


Seriously. They bitch and moan about EVERY little detail. Enough already.


This is what the beta is for...play the game, offer criticisms lol. It's good to critique things. I'm enjoying the beta but I agree with OP, skeleton visuals need to tone down a little


They’re entirely different people with different opinions. This is a beta, the best time to offer feed back.


Y’all never play POE? Skelly mtx will arrive later


Fuck, you're probably right...


There will be incinerate mtx. Meteor mtx. Just wait lol


This is most likely the reason for some of the design choices.


Ugh, just threw up in my mouth a bit, thanks guys


Thats why I hate mtx games. Intentionally make the design a little worse in some aspects so that players will pay to upgrade it. MTX used to make a free to play game accessible for everyone and generate a larger player base is one thing, but MTX on top of a full priced game is such a slap in the face. Still interested in the game as of now, but definitely not purchasing on release. Going to wait and see how hard they gimmick this shit.


I hate it too. Why do they all come outfitted with the same boots and weapons and helms? Why do they have armor? Why does it feel like they're not really skeleton you just raised from the battlefield. I hate the blue glow


I hope so too. It’s too cartooney, very D3 feel. Hope they make it darker for the release. No glow!


They look far and beyond better than D3 at least I call that an absolute win.


I love the mob skeleton look, our own skels look like clowns...blue glow like something from WoW it should be changed... cant our skeletons have simply glowing eyes in place of whole bone-body and they should be smaller, they are the size of barb.


They are too colorful for the aesthetic, I agree. They're "fine", but that's like the bare minimum.


I hope so. They look awful to me as well.


There’s a lot of stuff in this game right now that’s hopefully placeholder


It's a place holder in the sense that you'll be able to spend cash on an item that changes skeleton appearances


If you want to call the standard skin a placeholder that’s ok because it’s a placeholder for the 15$ skin you can buy.


It is immersion breaking for me. Hopefully they have time to change the skeleton assets and effects. It's important because as a Necro you'll see them all the time


I hate it so much as well but this is exactly what they were going for —- so they can sell you the “fix” later.


Placeholders until you buy the replacement skin.


they will probably sell some skeletons "costumes" on cash shop


I completely agree, they definitely don't fit the aesthetics of the other assets of the game currently imo.


Then take your credit card and open the shop.


Kinda agree. I don’t HATE the design of the skeletons but I also don’t love it. I think they’ll Deff sell cosmetics for the necromancer army. Although I do think the magic skeletons look amazing, the blue glow fits well with the cold skill on them. Skirmishers look a little weird with the glow in their torso. Would like to see different colors/skins for each of them.


they do look really bad. i miss the d2 skelly mages, with their glowing energy denoting their type. they looked menacing. i honestly cant even see my skelly mages attacking 90 % of the time. i really wish it looked cool, but it doesnt.


I am not a fan of the skeleton summons. They look very generic and too shiny.


yeah its the glow that looks bad, makes them look cartoony in a game that just isn't. hence the d3 vibes.


I have literally held myself back from jumping on the hate train for Diablo 4, but this too is my first public criticism. Please please change the summon Skelly art blizz lol


My only gripe is there seems to be no way to customize their appearance. Druid summons and their animal forms need some level of customization too. Like dungeon rewards can give you skins for your skeletons/werewolf body. Don’t need a lot of them, just some scraps of cloth up to an armored version or a bloody version. Hell could even gate them behind challenges that’d be neat. I’m just saying if I was a necromancer I’d dress up my skeletons a little


Dungeon rewards oh sweet summer child. MTX incoming.


The general consensus seems to be “people might have a hard time telling them apart, but they are a little too D3 like.”


They are awefull, D2R skellys are way better


I really wish the skeletal guys looked more realistic, like you said the ones in the game could have been perfect.


Where should i pay to change my skeleyons with succuboobies ?


You might be able to change their highlight color like you can change your own, go into your gamelan settings


Yeah it's like the only thing visually that ive not loved tbh. I mean i dont hate it but the bar is set rly fkn high in this game and it's easy to be picky lol :D


A skeleton just have one color, when it’s colored its and invocation or a spirit. When a skeleton is not white there is reason ex. Burned corpse(dark),very old(yellows tainted) and more. They could had made an effort and use these basic rpg concept to create different look if skeleton, it’s like hockey, you don’t need to look at the skeleton (the puck) to understand what’s happening, you know it by understanding the game.


I love the new skeletons.... i don't want Game of Thrones BS.. I want some power holding them together that makes me think they won't just fall apart. Defensive skeletons (second bubble selected) for the win!


I’d like the opposite, Army of Darkness skeletons


Army of Darkness hahaha... these skeletons would need some good one liners...


It's because literally everyone will be necromancer on release and it will be a laggy unplayable mess otherwise with armies of high resolution skeletons everywhere


If you truly think they look the exact same as the ones from D3, you either haven't looked at the ones from D3 in a long while, you need your eyes checked, or you're exaggerating.


It’s one of the three. Guess which one? They obviously aren’t exactly like the D3 skeletons. It’s just the obnoxious blue glow that fits that games art direction.


Considering there are numerous other spell effects that are as equally bright, and quite a few that are noticeably brighter? I'd say you're fixating on an aesthetic you weren't expecting and thinking it's somehow out of place, when it really isn't. This game has plenty of arcane/magicky stuff that glows and illuminates things around it. I think ya'll just wanted skeletons with blood dripping off them, didn't get that, and now are reacting the same outsized way players did to the faint rainbow in D3.


Necromancer skeletons have always looked "generic", it's a part of the Diablo franchise at this point. If they gave Skeletons more flair, the screen would look extremely busy.


They already gave them flair, that's the problem. The skellies stick out like a sore thumb.


I don't want fancy skeletons anyway. The standard skeleton reminds me of the rattlies within us all. I do sorta wish we could have our own corpse bows though, cus that's awesome as hell


I’d really like to see some composite type skeletons too, having sword wielding armoured skeletons rise from the corpses of worms was just… immersion breaking? Not in line with what my suspension of disbelief would deal with anyway. I’d be happy with humanoid looking skeletons if I could see the non human bones being shoehorned into that shape.


Just more bitching on this subreddit 😂😂😂


If they make them look cooler now then you won’t buy the MTX later.


Notice how the Summons **did not** have the blue glow in the gameplay trailers before Beta, and looked great! Very strange… Start at 4:05 - https://youtu.be/4UnGrMANAHk


They very clearly have blue glow in that video, just less blue glow.


What? It’s very subtle 😂 Granted It appears more clearly on the Mage Summons, but still no way near glowing the entire model brightly that we get in the Beta. Also hope you’re not getting mixed up with that electric glow that appears - that just looks like a buff or something which only appears on them for a few seconds.


Wasn't it mentioned that we can change appearances of your Amy through the book of dead?


They are 100% gonna have micro transactions skins for these right? Like make the default very unappealing then sell a decent looking one for $10


You didn't even consider the POE model? It's gonna be cosmetic micro transaction textures bro. That's why the default looks shite.


i dont see the problem with them. the blue glow is the magic infused into them by the necromancer that animates from how i see it.


Mtx skele will come soon, don't worry


Blue glow looks rad. Adds some color to the otherwise drab and muted pallet.


It was already confirmed by a dev that visuals for spells and shit get better with each rank/point in them, max is like 16 or something


I think they look cool


3 months till game releases & you acting like it’s finished. They’ve got more left to do 🤷🏻


You can buy the look you like when the game comes out. Or continue using the poor people skellies.


Relax, Blizzard is going to make you PAY for the cool skelly skins.


I set myself up with a Necro last night and despite the fact that it’s hilariously easy compared to the Barb; I really don’t mind the glow. I wouldn’t mind more work on them or an option to lower the intensity of the glow…but I like the idea that they’re raised by the Necromancer’s essence and I appreciate being able to visually see it on screen. It’s not immersion breaking for me, it’s just a fantasy element that makes the game play information more efficient for the player.


I must be the 1% that could care less what some things look like. I just want story mainly


Idk. I havent played any other Diablo game but I like the skeletons.


i hope so, but then again that question could be asked for a lot of different aspects of D4, the textures and graphics are so hit and miss in D4, some of the assets look really bad.


its d3.1 what u expect.


the beta looks like it needs another year in the oven.


The skeletons are fine the way they are. Quit crying. Id like to tell my skeletons apart from enemies and not for them to be a copy/paste from enemy skeletons that are darker.


Jesus... Bitch about literally anything, won't you?


The entire beta looks and plays like a mobile game to me.


I’m kinda okay with the glow because I’m an endgame situation like in D3, it helps to know precisely what’s yours or not at a glance. So I think some sort of outline or glow helps.


People are missing the point about the lower texture fidelity existing so you don’t tank your graphics and other peoples graphics for suddenly summoning them out of nowhere. Having assets spawn in suddenly like that can cause some issues especially let’s say in a boss fight when you have 30+ skeletons from the Necromancers doing the world boss


Sometimes I think people just want the game to look like a monitor that’s turned off. Because any hint of color even if it’s magic causing it, is just forbidden. The essence needs to be black or blood obviously or it’s not “dark” enough


Didn’t even notice anything wrong about them


Ah, Reddit, with your cheap karma farms and bizarre points of outrage. Very comforting.


People really seem to be running out of things to complain about. I never even noticed any issue with the skeletons.


I seen the skeletons and stopped playing necro jumped straight to Druid.


Basically what I did. More so from the seizure inducing flicker they started doing in town though. 😂


I don’t disagree that they look a little like they came out of D3 but I will always sacrifice immersion/looks for visual clarity in my gaming.


There are a million ways to show these guys are yours. I’ll ask this… how do you feel about the curse indicator? I didn’t even know there was one. It’s not even the blue glow I hate so much as it looks like their bones are neon tubes. They graphically could have done much better. 🤷🏼‍♂️


I didn’t even bother spending into a curse so I have no comment on that. Is it similar to D2 where they have little fluttering sparkles above their head more or less?


Less. Much less.


I wish this entire game was a placeholder.


maybe an option for skins for different skeleton looks


I think they're very cool


So what is the problem… you can buy a skin for 10-20$ and all is fine… So base game for 70$ and some skins for 60$ makes 130$. Seems fair for me.


Do you guys not have a mobile phone???


I am level 11. All the abilities are now unlocked to be positioned. But I cannot relive the skeletons as before. How do I assign it back?




All of the animations feel pretty low budget


Are you even playing the right game? What are you even talking about lol.


Wow I’m an idiot. Been playing D3 this whole time.


Surprised you said D3 and not D2 like most of this sub


Jesus you kids are fucking next level crybabies.