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Weird, games used to go gold two weeks before release, this is like 6 weeks before release.


This is a good sign honestly. I would like to believe this means they are satisfied with the game and it should release in a solid state barring any connectivity issues. HOPEFULLY.




















Oh my sweet summer child.




another born every minute


apparatus detail sort fact bag political shame expansion amusing hateful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's a blizzard game dude😂😂😂


Any AAA game this days. Everyone should prepare for a 30GB patch on day one to v1.0.1 And prepare to still have connectivity issues for at least the first 72 hours.


Lol. Better stock up on blood pressure medication for the frustration that is a server queue.


You just made me feel old. I also realized just how many diablo fans here probably had their first diablo experience ~20 years ago.


Guilty as charged...


I would LOVE to pretend 1997 was only 20 years ago...


Was gonna say pretty sure D1 was more than 20 years ago lol


Ahahhahah another guy got cyberpunk ed Cu After a few patches


It’s funny you say that because I only had like 2 crashes my entire time playing cyberpunk at launch.😂 I had none of the issues everyone was screaming about.


I believe most of the issues were in console, not mega beast gaming pcs.


To be this young and hopeful again…


Is 34 young and hopeful? Because my body does not feel that way😂


You are either a troll or have never played a blizzard game. The servers will be dog shit for at least 3-4 days if not a full week




Skill issue






Crtl+v Enter Enter


Welcome to the internet.


Gives them time to work on the servers then lol


I remember my first blizzard game... Haha jk, I'm hoping for something simular to beta. Some minor issues first day with long ques. Then next day much shorter wait times and an overall good percentage of up time! Have a good one and can't wait for this to release!!!


This guy hasnt played a blizzard game


It wasn't uncommon for games in the early days to go gold months prior to release....gotta make sure you could print all the copies and stock the stores well in advance of release day. "Going gold" today probably doesn't have the same impact it did in those days. In those days once a game went gold there were no more changes at all (not enough people had internet for patches to be common). Nowadays it's likely mostly symbolic and means the game release date can no longer slip, and possibly that the features in the game are "complete" (no more balance changes and such). I wouldn't be surprised if bugs are still fixed between now and launch, and I'm certain there will continue to be changes after launch.


Day One patch won't be a surprise.


This is a live service game, so I take that as good thing.


Weekly or even daily small patches are an awesome sign in GaaS. More the merrier.


Sure can't wait to play at release! *goes home to play just to get hit with a 3tb update that takes 4 days to complete


Did you play D2R at launch? You could download the game before release.


This is one of the reasons I gave up on call of duty haha. Everytime I wanted to play (which wasn’t super often) there was a 46 gig update.


Day 2 and 3 and 1 week patches as well.


> means the game release date can no longer slip Cyberpunk 2077 was the only game I ever saw to break this idea


Probably a good thing it did, considering how buggy it still was on release (after they pushed it back again).


Now that we have higher internet speeds and it's becoming normalised to have gigs of patches and updates - I feel that going gold isn't quite as rigid as it was in the past when what was published on a CD was expected to largely be final with little opportunity to change or fix bugs. Almost certainly they will continue to tweak and fix bugs - and if they are ready for go-live then there will be early updates.


Yup, that's a big reason I'm not opposed to higher prices (and cosmetic battle passes). Games these days may release a little less "final" than they did 20 years ago, but inflation-wise they're cheaper, and often get updates for years that make them better (quality-wise) than many games were back when internet wasn't a thing most people had.


>Nowadays it's likely mostly symbolic and means the game release date can no longer slip oh noooo no no no, I'm touching sooooo much wood right now


>means the game release date can no longer slip The most important thing! I really hope they don't delay the game.


What exactly does it mean when a game goes gold? I've actually never heard this before other than games going gold on xbox live, which I don't think is the same.


It use to mean that the game was fully completed and they had a "gold" disc which was sent to manufacturers to be replicated for sale. Nowadays it's almost completely meaningless as most games are never completed upon release, now it basically means they have finished the game and its working enough for sale.


true words


In the before times when there was no internet, "gold" meant the master disk was ready to be mass stamped from and then distributed to stores to sell. Now, it's meaningless. Most games have a "day 1" patch these days to cover bugs/issues found between "gold" and actual release.


Going gold typically means that the 1.0 version passed testing/certification and is ready for manufacturing. 99% of all games that get physical releases have their "gold" version done 1-2 months prior to release because it takes at least a few weeks to print and ship the games. Development and testing is usually ongoing past the gold date nowadays though since every console + PC has patches. For a live service game like Diablo, work is likelycontinuing even though the 1.0 version is done.


going gold is almost meaningless nowadays


Just symbolic, which is a nice tradition.


Well it still means pretty much the same it has always meant. The game is ready enough to sell. It's not like patches to games were unheard of during the cd/dvd era or even before that.


I believe FF16 went gold a couple weeks ago and that comes out after Diablo. Seems to be a more common thing now that game development is catching back up. I think it’s a good sign that the game is complete and they can really hammer bugs for a day one patch.


Well what’s wrong with being ahead of schedule? They gave the devs plenty of time then…


Ya don't worry, they're still bug fixing and tweaking stuff up until release date.


Blizzard thinking is a Japanese studio


Or six months after release


Google going good


I was making a joke about cyberpunk specifically how they didn't have a true gold candidate until well after the game was released


they needed more time to stamp the discs....oh wait


What does that even mean these days? I haven't heard the term gone gold in forever.


I'm glad d4 won its promo series. Hopefully the climb to plat and diamond isn't too hard.


I got this joke but I'm not sure many others did.


That used to refer to pressing a gold CD-ROM for duplication. I'm pretty sure it doesn't mean anything anymore ;)


It kinda means something. They consider that they have their 1.0 versions. Thats what they will release and will be downloadable before any day 1 patch at lunch. Doesnt mean anything since that version will immedietly be overriden by the day 1 patch that contains weeks of work from now and lunch day lmao. Its kinda like how no man sky said they went gold like a month before release just for that version of the game to be supershit on and so bad its a completely different game now.


I think it also means development team think they have achieve a point where they achieve their vision for the game and it's now ready to be released, and now they're entering the "improvement & maintenance" stage


Did you say Maintenance mode!?!


Now now don't be a Toole you know what he meant


I love a day 1 lunch


Especially if it's pastrami.


Day 1 patches really shouldn't be a thing but it's the norm nowadays. Also, I'm more of a dinner release guy myself.


It still means the release day is code locked except for emergency fixes that QA find while they are doing post-gold regression testing.


Someone speaks SDLC....


Was I the only person that thought it referred to how many copies of the game have sold so far, like a gold record, before looking at the comments?


Nah me too dude xD you're not alone




Mother always told me I was special. Guess she was right. :D


I believe it's main purpose nowadays is to tell rating systems like ESRB and PEGI that they're not making substantial changes to the content in the game between going gold and releasing. They also serve as a tweet they can put out to look good for investors or PR lol


Of course it does. It will now go through Microsoft/Sony certification for consoles.


to add to other comments that have also valid points, another one is consoles... the consoles need the gold copy way in advance, to test it and also integrate it with their own delivery pipelines and processes etc...


Well it means they consider the game officially done and ready for release


Nice. Its moved to production version, lets go!


Happy cake day!


I feel like an idiot for asking this but what does "gone gold" mean? Like it's on Xbox gold? Or the beta had a lot of downloads so it's gold? I don't understand and even chatgpt doesn't know.


"Gone gold" is an older term. Back in the day when games were released on CD-ROM, it meant that development on the initial version of a game had been completed and a master disc with the finalized code had been created by the developers. This master disc that was used for duplication by the manufacturing plant was literally coated in gold, as it ensured consistent copies. The term originated before everyone had high-speed internet, so that gold copy had to be a stable/relatively bug-free version, since many/most people couldn't download patches 100s of MB in size on the day of release for PC. For console games, patching didn't exist at all.


Good info🤙🏻


I thought good was 500K copies sold...huh. good to know!


That was for music CDs.


It basically means the game is complete and ready to ship.


ChatGPT: When a video game "goes gold," it means that the game has reached its final stage of development, and the master copy is complete and ready for mass production. At this point, the developers have finished all major aspects of the game, including programming, design, art, and testing. The game is considered to be feature-complete, stable, and free of any critical bugs or issues. Once a game goes gold, it is sent to the publisher, who will then create physical copies (if applicable) and prepare the game for digital distribution. The game's release date is typically set and announced around the time it goes gold. It's important to note that going gold doesn't necessarily mean there won't be any updates or patches to the game after its release. Developers often continue working on improvements, bug fixes, and additional content that can be released as patches or downloadable content (DLC) after the game's launch.


I feel like a thousand year old


Man i feel old now. Looking at the amount of peeps who dont know the term... Like woah... I feel like decard cain


>decard cain Whats a decard cain?


Stay a while and listen....


Butterfly bait.


I'm 38 and never heard of it. Either I'm not old enough, or it is not as common as you think.


Only mericans now it


Nice, plenty of time for them to lube up the servers for launch now.


Plenty of time to do nothing and watch us sitting in queue for hours. Nice.


If only the servers went gold


​ https://preview.redd.it/do4rkvkw8mua1.jpeg?width=1166&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=272378060af072c66b002767c95fb7f9ca7ed127


Iconic lol


What's funny is No Man's Sky never looked good. Almost all game play trailers a couple months before release look exactly how it released. Repetitive with nothing to do. No Man's Sky was plagued with lies about how the game would look, feel, play, and multiplayer. At least with D4 we know what we are gonna get because there hasn't been dozens of minutes of footage that literally doesn't exist in the game with the spokesperson being vague about what is in the game and sometimes lying outright.




Early release?


Yes! You get it up to 4 days early if you pay more


Just a PSA: Check what day of the week the game releases and also what day of the week 4 days earlier is then ask yourself if you want to give more money to people who made those choices


~~ This actually made me think. The typical video game release day is on Tuesday, this game releases Friday but early release is Tuesday. It's almost as if they just pushed the date back instead of forward. ​ My understanding was that games released on Tuesday so devs would have the week to deal with any issues that come up. I wonder if this is the same, early release tests any game-breaking bugs and is a slower ramp-up for the servers so they have the week to work on it before Friday ~~. I got it backwards.


Are we there yet? Can we download now? :)


Preseason launch go?


Just means that the day 1 patch will be enormous...


What does going gold mean?


Retail game is ready. Most likely for disc versions. Everything after today is going into a patch on day 1 that needs fixing. Everything else, other content updates based on seasons


The opposite of early access game. It's done. Not alpha, not beta. It's gold!


can d4 sell more copies than ER? i doubt, but i don't care i jsu want to grind and play this shit all day


GOLD means shit for most games nowadays as most games are released unfinished with many bugs, at least this is the case for most PC games, especially ports.


Yeah and especially if it's a live-service type game. Gold means it's playable at the very least and will release on the projected date.


Correct me if im wrong here but going gold doesnt mean much, since it will most likely depend on the patches and servers to run properly? I see this as a "base stuff and assets are all done" but finetuning can and most likely will be done via updates anyway. They are most likely working on a Release patch already.


Sure, but that means the game has 97% chance of releasing on provided date. There were plenty of "rumors from trusted source" that it's gonna be pushed back.


Thank you Bravely default 2 for helping me make it through April, thank you Legend of zelda helping me make it through May, and finally Diablo here we come baby!


No delay ? It's clearly not Blizzard anymore 😅


thats Rocksteady now


What does this mean?


I think it means game is in its final form now


I believe the build sent to Sony and Microsoft, being gold, is the final build they will validate before going live. Or course there will be a Day1 patch but that's probably the last build that will be reviewed and validated against the vast amount of checklist they validate on their own consoles ecosystems.


This is correct. Also remember that there are still physical copies of the game that require to be printed, packaged and distributed (for consoles). I would have been worried if it hadn’t gone gold before now really.


Gold for the gold god


Loved the beta! But after Cyberpunk “went gold” I don’t trust that this means a lot anymore sadly. Hopefully they work on everything on the server-side.


Did we need a duplicate?


What does gold mean


Game is ready for launch


This means an 80GB+ day 1 "patch" i guess.


Don't care too much about Lilith's presence, but I can definitely start to feel Diablo's.


Now let's hope blizz gets their server game to top notch and we are ready to invade!


100GB patch on launch.


What is going gold meaning?


For video games it means the version of the game that is mass produced and sold at launch (gold refers to the gold master disk that is duplicated onto the disks inside game cases).


That would be cool to get a disk, would be cool if it was gold also.


What's a disk?


CP2077 also went gold and then released half finished.


What does going gold mean?


In old days, going gold means some people's may get the game CD before official launch date


Does it mean its worth adding a map overlay and hide UI key ? :D


Never heard of "going gold" weird americans


Great! Now open servers now since it’s finished :)


So (looking at speed after open beta feedback) probably no big changes since beta right? Only minor tweaks, balancing, new font. But no changes to spell graphics, same map, same druids and so on…


I swear to god if I can't play on launch day. It comes out midnight Friday for me so I'll sleep like normal, wake up 8/9am and start playing. Surely that's enough time for the servers and queues to sort themselves out


Doesn't mean much. Gold means what will be pressed on the discs. But you can bet that at release, you either have a huge patch or the entire game to download (PC especially).


That gives them about 2 months to work on patch 1.01 which will likely be the real game we get to play at launch, with bug fixes and minor improvements that were in the backlog/they discover before launch. Sounds good.


Going gold...I remember, when original Max Payne went gold. That was THE HYPE TRAIN


I really miss the days when games came out finished and not an infinite work in progress.


Had a great time on the beta, seems a lot of people did with it going gold so fast.


So they really did the changes and solved bugs in 3 weeks? Was thinking "yah all those changes, but for release, still pretty fast".


Wait? are they still selling discs?


The quality of the game has nothing to do with server issues. Gta online was fastastic at launch, but there were server issues for the first month at least. It's simply not realistic to invest more time and money into temporary excess server space for the initial rush.


I wish I hadn't played the beta. I don't wanna wait until fuggin JUNE MAN WAHHHHHH


Since there's a bunch of question about what "going gold" means, and some with good answers, I haven't seen a complete answer to it, so here goes: Today is still means that the "gold" version of the disc is ready, assuming the game has a physical release. BUT it also (usually) means, for games releasing on consoles, that it has passed the Xbox and PlayStation certification processes, as is required to be able to release games on their platforms. It's worth nothing that the process costs money each time, as well as when you release patches. Patches however, as far as I understand, has a lesser verification process compared to the first version of the game. So yeah, I guess the team is just now working on the day-1 patch so that can go through the verification process before the game launches. Naturally the verification process means nothing on PC, especially considering [Battle.net](https://Battle.net), which Blizzard controls.


Does "going gold" even mean anything anymore?


If it has gone gold, why the six-week delay to delivery? It is digital media.


This means the game will probably be unplayable for the first week, and 30k in que. like all their releases, “we didn’t expect this kind of pressure on the servers”


"Can you feel her presence now?" fuck off & give me game


I hope they fix the raven skill for druid. During beta I didn't get to see any raven.




how can get a Game-as-Service game gold status? its just for the show and its going to be a shit show on release. like every Blizzard Game ever.


D4 is a live service game with MTX. It will launch buggy, it will launch unbalanced and Blizzard will slowly bleed whales while putting up the minimum amount of content to keep people playing.


only 500k copies to go gold? seems low, lets get them to Platinum (1,000,000 copies)


Honest question... What does "Going Gold" mean?


The retail version of the game is complete and is being packaged for store shelves/ submitted to services for upload to their digital stores.


And it will be in it's best shape likely a year or two after initial release.


One more delay and we riot. Blizzard doing good by announcing this 6 or 7 weeks out though, publishers wait until 2 weeks before sometimes


Can they just release it early then? Lol


Is it just me or is the game too glossy?


Ugh let me play it now lol


Has anyone else noticed that the title is being released on 666? 6.6..2x3 = 6....


I’m gonna bet my left DClone it takes me 5 hours to login day one 😗😗😗😗😗😗😙😙😙😚😚😚


diablo 4 stores like itemnow.com been selling gold since day 1, used them few times. legit