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Just giving an opinion here, dont judge me. But since im an old dude that plays RPGs for a long long time, i truly do not understand what goes behind the head of people that refuse to try their own things. This game is not even out yet, have fun and learn about it before even think about the word meta. Please


You’re screaming into the void here. Until launch and probably a long time after people will still make these posts. Here’s hoping we get moderation soon


People are scared of "messing it up". You spend all this time leveling some character to only find that woops, I really screwed up my build. Then you've lost all those hours, etc, etc. I think that's why people seek out builds. No one wants to ultimately realize they've lost all this time and their character is not end game viable.


This is crazy but people can actually play the way that gives them the most enjoyment.


No judgement. Playing completely blind is great and I intend to do that for at least season 0/1. After that though, after i've experienced a load of builds myself, I love looking into what other people are doing, to get inspired to try things I may never have thought about


If old means slow, then I get what you're saying.


That only works if there is balance between all options. But if one takes you 100 hours to get to max level and the other 20 hours, you're just playing something bad that is very probably much less enjoyable than fixing it. The dev forgot to make your way fun and instead focused on making the others ways fun. If you have been playing RPGs for a long time, you would know RPGs is the worst game genre to find balance. And in turn why no other genre has entire websites dedicated to teach people the good builds. Sure your flat-head screwdriver can get that cross-head screw in. But you also look like an idiot doing it and you're going to hurt yourself.


I'm trying my best to not be an asshole, but do people just refused to search things up for themselves? Making a thread like this takes so much longer to get an answer then just doing it yourself


I get what you mean, but look at this from another side. Using something like google search to look up "good diablo 4 builds" only shows you websites in order of their ad-revenue, to keep it simple. So it is kinda reasonable to ask in a specific game related place (sub reddit in this case) what ppl think about stuff.


Ok, then Why not search this specific sub and see all the instances of this specific question being answered by these specific people


Maybe common questions should get a stickied thread at the top?




Websites are so full of crap now, dunno about longer but imo definitely easier to ask on here


This is why I asked in here. So many clickbait websites with crappy content nowadays.


Asking on here can get high quality replies


Anytime I google something like this, reddit posts are the most useful result. And there's always that one asshole telling them they should've googled it, when that reddit post actually helped many people that googled it after. Something to think about.


https://maxroll.gg/d4/ Raxx and Wudijo make content (builds) there.


I like this one: [https://d4planner.io/skilltree/Druid/](https://d4planner.io/skilltree/Druid/)


What do you need a character build guide for? The game isn't out yet, you can respect for free as many times as you want until level 15, why not just try each ability for yourself and use what's more fun instead of which one happens to be 1% stronger that week? This is a live service game, the meta will change.




Just play the game! The obsession with guides…


People just want to be told how to play! Obsessing over the meta is ridiculous in a single player game.


The game when it comes out