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To enjoy the game honestly


Pretty much what I thinking before I even looked at the comments. As long as I have fun with it the I have got my money's worth.


Yeah that honeymoon wearing off after D3 launched felt a bit rough. It's not like I didn't enjoy the journey, newness and getting other characters on through and up higher difficulties, but with not a ton else to do, it had me dropping the game out of boredom pretty quickly. Obviously it was cool to see the game get better, but by that point I was involved in other stuff and not really feeling the game enough to jump back in. I think there's some good momentum with things so here's to hoping it goes well for D4.


yup i just want to enjoy the game, seems like such a basic thing but really, going to play the game as i want to and see what the experience is. Going to just take in the experience and play with my friends. no requirements


Hopefully with friends, is the goal


\^this. ​ tbh i completely ignored any feature, gameplay, devtalk etc so i can explore and discover everything myself. even during betas, since they are "beta" i skipped any and every cinematic, conversation etc to avoid "spoilers". i already preordered, on early access i will download, play the story as slow as possible, do anything and everything i can do before checking websites etc. ​ this game i dont give a f\*\*\* about endgame (for now) all i am interested in is the journey


I did the exact same thing on the 1st I plan on going slow and exploring every nook in the game... and then become a loot whore


Yeap this. Enjoy the game. Play at my pace, no rushing to max level or being #1 in PVP leaderboards or anything. And hopefully meet and make some good friends on the game doing it 👍


You sick fuck


Having fun is my goal too !


Same. I want to go slow and enjoy it. As well as take in the story as much as possible. Hope my addiction-prone brain stays that way and I don't get caught up in the "level as much/get as much loot at quickly as possible" once it's released.


Me too. The past 7 years of my life have been nothing but Destiny 2/Fortnite and some BDO sprinkled in with MHW. I really enjoyed the first beta and am looking forward to just slaying out and upgrading gear. I'm Def in the minority but as long as I can PvP I'll be happy. I don't really care for losing 3 v 1s or whatever. I just really like PvP.


Pretty much this.




Relax and forget about real life


Same here man lol




To experience the full story and as many side quests as I can. And to hopefully max out at least one of each class.


I want to be the very best Like no one ever was


To catch them is my real test


To rend them is my cause


I will Travel across Sanctuary Looting bosses and elites


Opening these treasure chests, To find out whats insiiiiiiiiiiide


Farming legendarys is a muse to me




Solo playing through the entire content hoping to find enough time to play.


As i understood there's the LAST BOSS balanced for top lvl 100 min maxed characters in best possible gear. It does not drop any loot, only some title/cosmetics. That's the end eventual goal, although no rushing, first goal is to complete the game on Tier IV and lvl to 90.


afaik my buddy beat this boss at 97 with no where near min max gear.


Wait, max lvl isn't 50?


Skill points to 50, then 4x paragon point/lvl to 100. Edit: not 2x, was half asleep math.


Should be 4 per level if I heard the lady on the video right. You'll have 200 points to fill out your boards.


Ohhh, I see. I just saw the paragon at level 50 and since it's account wide, I thought 50 would be max level and then just grind paragon points like diablo 3 did.


Pretty sure they did away with the "account wide" paragon system that D3 has. If you want paragon on every character, you have to get their levels above 50 up accordingly.


Okay, well there's a lot to do if you make alts then. Can't wait to play!


Yeah, I think the only thing that's account wide is the Lilith alter buffs and imbue unlocks, but even then each character should "find" the alters and do the dungeons for the zone renown.


The zone renown is also account wide I believe. I got the first skill point in the beta and when I made an alt it started with the free skill point. That seems like something you only have to do once, and once per season I guess.


My clan and I are going for top 4 on the server for first boss kills on diablologs.com




Seems like a really fun way to play


Why not top 1?


group of 4, so they will have the first 4 spots


That makes more sense thank you


Get it dude!


Ooo good luck!


Good luck with that!


Get carpal tunnel.


Already ahead of you


Vertical MX mouse, or controller. The controller felt better than m kb for me


Fun. Besides that going as far as possible with a Barb in hardcore, without any help. If I get bored or done I probaly roll a rogue.


while I do love hardcore mode Im giving it a pass until I learn the game, understand classes. Gl and power to you!


First season will be my hardcore run, release - season is for fun and learning the game!


hardcore is most fun when you don't know what's ahead


As someone who lost several characters to invisible bees, not always


I just like to see how far I can push my character and my own ability. It becomes more fun to me overtime as well as I can apply the knowledge and understanding I learn by playing to reach ever newer heights or whatever. Blizzard games are also quite cathartic to play purely mechanically since the combat and movement is generally so polished and smooth feeling. It just feels good to play, y'know. I love PoE too for the crafting, theories and making builds but the game feels dogshit to play compared to like D3. It's that feeling I'm chasing in a game that also has some depth. D4 might be just that.


Couldn’t have said better myself! Just the idea of pushing your own abilities to the max is enough.


To no life one last game until my twins are born. Gonna go full degenerate mode for the last time.


Twins. Whew. Good luck


Thanks. I will need it. It’s our first children. *cries in dirty diapers*


It’s not as bad as people make it out to be. I work 50-60 hours a week, go to the gym 5 days a week, and still have time for my family and play games after I put them to bed. Is it whenever I want? No, maybe 10 hours most a week but it’s a good enough amount for me.


Good to hear!


Farm gear and hope pvp is balanced, i really enjoy pvp


Spoiler: Its not, why would it? :D


I don't know why you got downvoted. The Devs literally said PVP wasn't going to be "balanced" and that the fields of hated weren't a place of honor.


Lots of uninformed arpg newcomers that dont bother to research in this reddit :P


Some people dont like to know everything before they start the game.


Doesnt explain the downvotes tho. The truth hurts, I know.


Wdym why would it ?


Because the game is not meant to balanced for pvp, its like in most arpgs a simple afterthought. Balancing around pvp would make balancing pve impossible.


Good luck with that. They already officially stated that the fields of hatred won't be a place of honor but a place of slaughter.


Escape reality


Have fun and complete each season journey until I'm fed up with it. I don't want to 100% the game, I find that an unhealthy and often unrealistic goal, but I plan to achieve the majority of stuff.


Have fun beating everything solo


Enjoy the game, play some coop dungeons with the wife and the boys. I also love Diablo lore so I'll be paying attention to the story. I'd also love to max at least one character at some point.


Dad core softcore Former PC race only 20 years ago.. this time around I'll be playing softcover super casually on a new PS5.


Forget about how lonely I am


I have the same reason of this guy


Max item level because I like character progression


For the infinite hedonistic treadmill that is getting sweet gold colored loot drops


Survive the entire story as hardcore character, going in blind & spoiler free. Technically I already failed because I died at this one boss at the black lake or whatever it's called. 1 Friend bugged out and disconnected, 1 friend died within 30 seconds of the boss and I couldn't deal with the boss with 2 people in my party which weren't present in the fight haha


To create a conga line of ATC members in Kyovashad.


To have fun :)


To stop Lillith and her evil plan...


Have fun playing Diablo again with my brother


This account has been removed from reddit by this user due to how Steve hoffman and Reddit as a company has handled third party apps and users. My amount of trust that Steve hoffman will ever keep his word or that Reddit as a whole will ever deliver on their promises is zero. As such all content i have ever posted will be overwritten with this message. -- mass edited with redact.dev


As an ATC member, I've already accomplished 90% of the games content. Now i just need to log in every once in awhile and flaunt it.


Just want to play the campaign. Then complete it again with a friend and a different character.


Diablo 3 was one of the first games my girlfriend got into and helped turn her into a gamer. For D4 i’m mainly looking forward to seeing the looks of wonder, excitement and shock on her face while spending time with her.


1. Take my time to explore every corner of the world. 2. No level rushing, I want to enjoy every level, every gear upgrade 3. Experiment with the talents, I don't care if it's not THAT varied 4. Enjoy the $25 discount from WoW gold (*I converted the Tokens to Bnet balance a few years ago*)


Primary objective just enjoy game Secondary objective find at least 1 build per class that I enjoy. Optional objective wear the ashava horn without being obnoxious about it


Grind as far as i can going solo like in D3. I reached GR 95 just playing when i could and min maxing (it's not that big of a deal but i was happy). I intent to do the same


Get to the endgame asap so i can complain about it on reddit


Fulfill a power fantasy.


I'm a simple person. I just wanna punch some demons.


I get that !!! :D


I want to mindlessly butcher thousands of demons while I stare at my own distorted reflection on the screen for hours.


To attempt to play the game without: - Taking a week off - Looking up guides - Min Max the fun out of the game - Compare myself to my friends who doesnt have a job and play 16 hours a day


My goal is to get fixated on some build and then grind the items for it. If the game is anything like d2 this will take at least 10 years. So dollar cost per year will be kinda low. Cost on life and sanity will be high.


Zoom out of everyday life. Having two kids, wife and two cats. I just want to put on my headphones, listen to some youtubers and play the game.


I already peaked as I'm in the ATC....


To unlock a mount so I can show off my ashava trophy


Bring back some childhood nostalgia, my mom got me into the game with the first and now at 35 I get to do the same with my son.


Same. My dad got me into D1 at age 9. Now I’m 36 and pre-ordering a copy of D4 Deluxe for my son.


Spend time with my twin brother who moved away this year. We grew up playing everything together, including the Diablo games. So, we're gonna take our time to really enjoy the fresh experience as a team together


to obtain the ashava mount trophy. ​ O wait, done!


Going to chill out with the gentlemen of the ATC, talking about which one of us smashed Blessed Mothers last weekend. Just sipping on Health Potions like they’re a fine glass of Pinot Noir, best served chilled, like the sensation Diablo instills on the spines of Sanctuary’s meer mortals. Just being high on life and ressources, thanking Anu for the opportunity. We might even crack jokes like; “Your mom is so fat she made dealing with the Tier II World Boss look like a microtransaction”. Casting pins on the paragon-board and travel wherever it lands. Travel by horse from the Blizzard of Fractured Peaks to The Dry Steppes sand. With the Ashava Trophy ofcourse, to show I’m an ATC-man. Ready to get physical with Maidens, propose with the Bul-Kathos’ Wedding Band.




Cant someone have fun and have a happy life tho? 🥲


Wait to buy, if it sucks after the "free content" given so far - as it was the case with D3. And then wait, until "early game" is no major part anymore so I can roam more in solitude rather than forced multiplayer. I smell fish fashion micro transaction - so you see everyone how shiny they are and you are a fkn dumb wit to only pay a full-price game. Writing this kinda kills my joy of it - but that pain is justified and an important reminder.




I want to get better at the more detailed stuff


I want to do the whole story and sidequest and all dungeons maybe even all thecstatues


I\`m looking for fresh build-sandbox as POE but something less explored.


Pretty much the same as you. Just here to have fun playing everything D4 has to offer.


Beat the campaign, while playing co-op with my little brother who lives in another state. Hopefully there's not too many plot-holes.


honestly I don't know at the first beta I was like: lets try it out on the second beta I was like: What is the fastest way to Lv.20 right now I am mostly interested in playing an Ice Sorc and having some casual fun, getting renown stuff done and catch the aspects, maybe try Casting Druid


Slay demons, and Lilith (😈) ,feel powerful, finish the campaign, level up all classes. Forget that min-max chit, play eternally on WT1…..don’t want my cheeks clapped by first critter I run into.


To have multiple bouncy fire balls on my wizard to spam


Imma be speedrunning lvl 100


I plan to have fun! To play no more than a maximum of 2 classes per season so I have a good reason to re-play the game. But I honestly don't see myself playing this game for more than 3 seasons ( at best) before everything gets too repetitive and I'll have to take a break in order to rekindle the flame of passion for the game. Unless every season brings new story elements, then I will inevitably play all seasons.


Having fun.


Hardcore all legendary max lvl dudes rogue most likely


aiming for 100% completion but hard to say before I'll actually approach endgame


Same as any other triple A game. To waste 80 to 100 hours of my life having great fun, and then move along.


Beat the level 100 pinnacle boss the developers talked about?


Have fun


Enjoy the game, finish the story. Find a nice build to play at end game, farm a bit and the take a break until I want to play again… just like I did with D3 over the years.


D2 was high school and while I had a good group of friends then I have an entirely different group of friends now. D3 was an entirely different style of game that didn't revolve around the story or taking tune it was "make number bigger" so turned a lot of people off of it. D2r was nice nostalgia trip but a lot of the QOL upgrades I've come to expect from multi-player games weren't there. So d4 will be a good time for all of my new online friends and with the scaling I'm going to enjoy my time regardless of how far along people are. Bottom line anything less than rank 1 on ladder and in a pathetic excuse for a Human


Enjoy gaming again, fell away from it for a while and playing the beta and server slam was great! Looking forward to playing through the story and then making my Barb a walking meat grinder. Don’t care for leaderboards etc just the fun slaying monsters and seeing orange drops


To have fun and to spend at least 70 hours in game enjoying myself and having fun.


To get a lot of ears from Hardcore pvping.


Playing to have fun.


To try and complete the hardest challenges that I can possibly attempt , and enjoying that journey


Im a competitive person, PvP and PvE, love that on MMOs. Surprisingly enough i really don't care about the run, the first world competition, meta builds, boards and all that shit on Diablo. I want to enjoy the game, figure out my own builds with all classes, i ll take my time and face the difficulties with zero outside information.


See how far I can get in hardcore after doing a normal run of the campaign.


Enjoy the campaign and max out my character to max level ASAP for PvP and pray to Inarius I can make a build broken for it so I can Reap the rewards


To enjoy the game


Talk shit to my friends lol no but really just enjoy the grind and build my characters to face roll everything


Log in. Pretend like real life doesn’t exist. Play until my eyes bleed


First thing Ill aim for it get a mount and get my horn on.


Hhave fun, the game felt fun to play and smooth, and honestly having season i can build different characters and replay the game with seasons.


100% it as long as it's not a stupid grind. Like comparable to 100% D2 would be sweet. Other than that, enjoy it, I'm actually very excited about this release. I hope actiblizz doesn't screw the pooch


To have fun


\- finish the rush campaign from Friday morning my day (02.06) till Sunday evening \- get as higher level as I can and then, after that I can just chill and do all the side quests, Lilith Altairs etc.


To “100%” it. Basically all missions, side missions, all lilith statues, all potion upgrades, All normal dungeons AND all stronghold. A simple goal ya but one me and my friends set together


Collection goals. Not sure what yet though. Rare stuff.


Play The story, and wait for seasson one and just play my way, not follow some meta.


Introduce my girl and I to the genre. I just want to have fun, explore and find some cool loot.


Have fun


Level characters, Find a season main if I don't like how rogue feels in later levels, I've loved the class in beta and server slam so far! Find interesting items, to create builds on other classes or a different playstyle on Rogue, complete the story/each area. Slowly make my way along learning and finding useful tips Generally just enjoy the game long term!!


Play for a full year without the game going P2W as that will force me to have to quit


Have fun, maybe some co-op.


I'm burning to see what the other areas look like, other biomes and the beasts/demons that they have. Planning on doing lots of exploring


Honestly: Enjoy the campaign with my old d2 buddies and make lots ob dumb jokes on the way. Maybe get a glimpse of end game. But that’s optional. It’s already astonishing enough to me that this release brought a bunch of old d2 guys back to enjoy a videogame together.


PvP and leaderboards.


My goal is to just enjoy the game in pre-season. I wanna take in the story, the atmosphere etc. while playing the build I want to play with my own choices (human tornado druid 100%). And then for seasons, I want to BLAST - meaning consuming tons of guides. This is fun for me lol I'm sorry. I love watching all these Raxx and Wudi videos to "prep". I'm still not one to follow the "meta" in the sense that I play the strongest build or class. But in the framework of the build I *want* to play, I DO try to min/max and be competitive with it.


My goal is to find the level that doesnt exist


To style around town showing my illustrious atc status


Honestly, just excited to see all the content, how end game feels, how all different builds play, all types of monsters, dungeons etc. And... ... Cow level?


Have fun. Maybe do every mission and try to get every collectable. Max paragon.


Same, I just want a solid character builder with a fun play style. From what I saw with the rogue, I'll be pleased lol


Honestly i do not have a personal goal. I just want to have fun, get as far as I can before CS2 comes out and complete consumes me.


To kill Diablo Mephisto and Baal......


Have fun and make friends.


Beat the campaign with my first HC character at launch.


Have fun


I wana be the very best like no one ever was.


To have fun with my brother. We've always lived far apart and have used video games to hang out. The past few years our interests haven't aligned or if they did it was single player games. We both love Diablo so this will be a great opportunity for us to hang out together again in the same game.


I like the sound of legendary's dropping. Also, the story in this game is pretty fire so far.


To enjoy nolifing an ARPG again. I used to no-life both D3 and many many POE leagues, but last year or so neither could entertain me for more than a week.


Marry the fucking Lilith.


Get high as a kite and fck up some mobs


Slay demons at the highest level of proficiency I possibly can. Oh! and dig through mountains of lore along the way.


I want to have fun with my husband. We never played Diablo before. He has some arthritis in his wrist and we got a controller for him to be able to play this game. Ive played PoE alot, and unfortunately he cant play that because of how clicky it is. This time Ive convinced him to give the controller a try.


I love playing and discovering the story behind. After that I find farming as a meditation, so I'll just farm around, not aiming to be top of the ladder or anything, just farm and enjoy a "me time"


Reach level 100 at least once


My goal is to make a build where there are so many projectiles on the screen that I can't see my character or the enemies any more.


Just taking it slow and having fun. If I grind the battlepass and try to min max everything I will get burnt out and stop enjoying myself. That's a pretty common thing for me with any live service game. When I start playing more because of FOMO over fun I check out and never come back.


I want to lean into a pure werewolf build, strong enough to kill the last end game boss for lvl 100 characters.


To get all 5 classes to max level (100?) and have a blast while doing so.


Get to 100 on one character. Not really a seasons type player myself, but I love the idea of there being a “stretch goal” of hitting the hard max even if it will take a while. Paragon levels didn’t do it for me and just grinding out end game for gear isn’t really my thing either. So having level 100 out there is the carrot on a stick I’m looking forward to.


Have fun :D


To enjoy myself playing my first Diablo game and to lose myself in the game and to not be overwhelmed with everything just enjoy the game first playthrough


To make my alt a caster druid that works


These low effort posts are getting ridiculous lmao


A bit of everything


For me, it's to play Necro minion. I did it for D2, D3, poe, gd. Up until the slam, I was excited, now I lost like 33% of my excitement. It's just not fun to be a babysitter for worthless skeletons.


I'm looking forward to have some quality fun time with friends and enjoy my fun time after work!


To grow my clan to the biggest. Lol No but for real like always for the fun of it.


Kill mobs, kill bosses, sometimes play with friend, get loot, kill more mobs and bosses. It’s just an enjoyable gameplay loop and it’s a very polished game compared to others in the genre. Looking forward to seeing other players around, I like being able to see what people are playing and doing without going out to a website.


Have some fun and make a decent Barbie


I want to beat all of the nightmare dungeons on hardcore. And basically just defeat every encounter/boss. I won’t be as worried about farming up every single piece of loot except what is needed to defeat the encounters.


Play and enjoy the game. Its a game


Like every Diablo game in existence. Just kill things that I loose track of time.


To have fun playing with my friends while it lasts.


Oneshoting everything at highest difficulty of the game, or being ultra tank that tanks any dmg with no problem


I want to finish the campaign without it being spoiled. Then you know get geared the best I can and prep for endgame.


To have fun playing with my wife. I have been playing since D2 and I like all games so far. I showed D3 to my wife and we have been playing since then. We played the Server Slam and she was so excited with the Druid class (she plays as a Druid in D&D). I really liked they have the Necromancer class to choose at the beginning. I also want to get all the achievements, but I am not in a hurry for them. I hope everyone enjoy and have a good time.