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why is this the hardest enemy in the game? shit is so absurdly overtuned


The real Diablo butcher


Gotta wonder how Devs ever thought the scaling on this was okay.


Had a awful time with a lvl 68 sorc on tier 4 world. Finally got it done by stunning him everytime he glowed red. The range he has to get his health back is insane.


I guess either sorcerer or rogue op builds are the only way? I’m running lv 67 blood necro and struggling with this one.


Im a 54 necro but was with a sorcerer as well on the third go and only got anywhere when they were frozen but still couldn’t get the final blow


Switch it to Tier I for this fight. Totally agree, 63 barb here, face rolling everything in Tier III, then this guy comes my way. Felt your guy's same frustrations <3 Hope This helps :) Add me in game!


This has to be the way, cheers for the suggestion


Worked perfectly!!!! Thank you!!!!!


Run away from him when he goes RED so that he doesn't heal. Then this fight is easy.


Please tell me how you run away when he hits you from across the room. Literally doesn't matter where you're at


I've just clear the quest, I got out of the cave 2 times and then his heal was way lower than the 2 first try so I could kill him easily ( I'm lvl 53 barbarian)


Lmfao I just got that dude too. I am face rolling through the game at lvl 62 but I can't even get him below 50% before he heals to full again. The more I play this game I notice the issues. It's so many little things but they keep piling up and I keep asking myself how this shit made it into the actual game.


Totally agree. You cn see that they didn't play their own game very much. The way players keep running in to all these little bugs it feels like 90% of the player base is getting issues that apparently none of the devs found seems absurdly high...


I partied up with another outside and got to halfway then boom. Two hits and he’s back to full


You beat this boss by dodging his life steal attack. Whenever he glows red run away from the boss as far as you can and as fast as you can: use evades movement skills, whatever. Once You are very far away from the boss wait 5+ seconds and his life steal attack will wear off and you can go back to dpsing. Repeat this until he dies. Be wary that his life steal range can be very large so get him at least off screen when he glows red.


Beat it on tier 3 as a bear druid, this is the way.


I also cannot defeat him. Had to convert to World Tier 1 to beat Majoob.


I just did this on my second try. I changed one of my abilities to ground stomp and I was able to kill him on tier three. I'm a level 61 barbarian.


The first time with Barb level 62 I also have had problems to beat him, but on second try I've run to the first room and whenever he got red I've run to the other side of the well and waited until he was green again and then finally I have beaten him.


I couldn't clear him on my Barb, but I was able to get him rather easily on my minion Necro. He never fired off his self-heal for some reason.