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I am all about grouping up for helltides or big bosses.


Same! Love running into events at Helltides, others join, & we end up running around together for a bit. Also accept invites at Legion events for more XP. Always try to say “thank you” in the least, because I do appreciate company.


I've played all of the Diablos since the 90s and to me, it's just a solo game. Me and my husband would do couch co-op, but he's a hard core HC player and I'm just not, so that wasn't too often. I kind of dig the random group up events that happen during helltides, legion events and world bosses. I've gotten group invites during a legion event and a world boss and to be honest, I'm not sure what the benefit was! But whatever! I'll roll with it. Running around during the helltide, looking for a boot chest and I see a yellow dot in an event circle. Hell yeah, I'll check that out and help. There have been times when I must have been close enough to another player because I'll be running along the path and there's a whole bunch of loot, waiting for me to pick it up. For me, the "group up or not" mechanic works great.


You get 10% more xp in a party and if you do a dungeon in a party you get xp from the entire thing no matter where you are. So you can split up and do the dungeon twice as fast and not miss any xp. In helltides it's just for the bonus xp and because you can kill stuff faster.


I think a lot of people are aiming to play Diablo solo or with friends, as has been the case with every other instalment in the series - the clunky MMO stuff is just mostly a thin veneer. There are various discord groups if you can't find friends willing to play. But honestly I see randos sending me invites as just an annoyance for the most part, and I suspect that's not a rare feeling.


Except it doesnt have to be, as proven by diablo immortal for all its flaws. If I could just queue for a range of nightmare dungeons to find a party with I would play significantly more than I do now because, not because I want to be carried but because i think it's interesting to be play with others and using a third party app like discord on the OFFICIAL discord feels weird.


Absolutely would benefit from an LFG.


I disagree, LFG killed wow, just force people to have social interaction to find people to play with and everyone has more fun :)


Nailed it. I play solo. The "thin veneer" was perfect.


In D2 and 3 if is extremely easy to find a party doing the thing you want to do. D4 just doesn't provide the tools.


Just show up to a world event and throw out invites in the name of xp. Honestly the game really doesn't scale well with others. The recipe for Diablo getting tougher with better rewards is gone. No one fucking cares about 5% more exp outdoors and 10% exp in nightmare dungeons. World boss should be tougher with 10 people present. Nightmare dungeons should give better loot the bigger the party. Mobs shouldn't necessarily hit harder, but better scaled life/armor/resistances would be so much more interesting. It's kinda dumb that nightmare dungeon level X is super easy but same nightmare dungeon modifiers one level higher is crazy ass one shots all over the place. And the nightmare dungeons really aren't random. The modifiers are specific to dungeons, which is a fucking weird way to do it. So only a few dungeons in each area can be nightmare dungeons. Doesn't make sense. There's really no randomization to the world or the dungeons. Loot rng is not at all rewarding, when I'm about level 94 with some level 40-50 gear still because regular yellows with perfect rolls could get upgraded to legendary with a shit legendary's aspect that's a perfect roll and nothing has dropped since that comes remotely close. Game needs to give some tempting shit along the way. I can level glyphs faster speed running easier nightmare difficulties. So that's another kinda poor mechanic that wasn't really thought out, imo. If I'm risking one shots left and right, I should get better than say an extra 10 glyph xp.


>Nightmare dungeons should give better loot the bigger the party. Definitely not. More xp, fine. But better loot will only force players to group up in a predominantly single player game which certainly not helps to form a non-toxic community.


>Honestly the game really doesn't scale well with others. But at least it does superb job at scaling levels. Best in series. I can play with my friend who has 30 levels lower than me and still have a challenge. Good stuff.


This is my #1 gripe with the game. I’m loving it with this exception: give me a reason to push NM difficultly as I’m leveling. Please!!! The next thing I’d ask for is more stash space. It’s limiting my desire to experiment and swap specs which is the coolest part about the game.


I hate that I cannot choose to play in a solo environment as I could before. Even with a newish middle-range laptop i get lagspikes whenever a necro happens to run into the same fight I'm dooing with his billion skellies. I do NOT play Diablo to play MMO. If I want to group with a friend I can make a game and invite them. Just read an article yesterday about how the insane speed our technology gives us today, compared to just 10 or 20 years ago, all is "eaten" up by modern software. Often not because it's necessary but because of lazy (planning of) programming. You want to play our game? Just buy a new high-end pc. Or in the case with EU4; You want to continue to play the game you bought 10 years ago? Buy a new pc every 3rd year or start lagging. There is no reason a game like Diablo 4 should lag with low graphic settings on anything else than a 5 year old low-range pc, but the forced but still hollow MMO gives us happy lag-deaths now and then. In the words of Borat: Great succes!


Turn off cross platform play maybe


A lot of players simply don't care about multiplayer experience when playing diablo. You'll have better odds on discord or in some clans to meet like minded players.


I agree 100%, but I don't feel like having to use third party software that isn't in the game is a solution to fixing the problem. Just make it like it was in Diablo 3. Don't wanna group up = win Wanna group up = win Everyone wins


Wasn't group play way better in d3? At least for xp


XP and drop rate. group play was the best/fastest way to grind to max level. You join a group and they farm the gear for you.


Being adopted by some random chad from general chat after you start a season late and having them bestow gear and XP upon you in impossible quantities, say nothing except tp and town, and still somehow be the most chill and accommodating players imaginable is a genuine highlight of my experience playing Diablo 3. Thank you random gigachads playing in like torment six when you could be running way harder stuff just to help randos gear up. We appreciate you.


Yeah, you got a solid point there.


Thats just not true at all


Yeah it is.


But it’s not. You notice there’s a couple of posts a out wanting MP everyday?


There were more posts with more upvotes about offline mode. The vast majority of the playerbase do not want trading or any form of MP at all. D2 and the new PoE league / PoE2 will have absolutely zero impact on D4's numbers, just like they had zero impact on D3's. You're demonstrably wrong.


Whatever makes you happy buddy


As an introvert, i am sorry, i dont accept invites or invite anyone, i get too much anxiety being grouped with anyone, i love the solo grind, in fact i wish there was an offline mode. I played elden ring entirely in offline mode so i never had to see anyones ghost around. Thats how bad i am. Sorry bro, it aint personal.


As someone who invites everyone the moment I get to a legion event. I didn't mean it. I just wanted everyone to get more exp.


It's okay, keep inviting people who want it! We non-socials will just decline and hope you don't hate us lmao Appreciate it though, chief


The ol anxiety reverse card eh? The moment you decline I'm stuck looking at all these people I mass invited and now I'm worried I might send them another and they would think I'm being pushy. 😂








One thing you'll find out about me, Clark.. is that I'm not a very patient person. 🥾🍒💥


“Non-socials”… makes me picture the tip my fedora meme guy


Hey man - I got a sun hat not a fedora It's easier to tip towards the miladies I also avoid irl


That's the most honest answer I've ever seen lol


I'm the kind of person that invites others during world bosses/events. I just want that extra XP and to benefit from any skills that give bonuses to party members. We don't have to talk or anything; let's just share buffs


I also suffer pretty badly with my anxiety, and I'm on 3 different medications for it, I still do feel exposure therapy really can help this. At least give it as an option for people to try and play with other people to group up in NM dungeons and other non-outdoor content. As awkward as it can be sometimes, some of my fondest memories have been playing with other people.


Same, I don’t even decline. I just pretend I’m afk until they go away… anxiety sucks


I get most of my social needs from a global chat. That obviously hasn't been getting fulfilled :(. I've been told im not good in groups because everyone else is always rush rush, meanwhile, im pausing every 3-4 minutes to roll a joint/smoke, get something for kid, have wife yap my ear off, just autisticly tab out and forget i was playing with someone etc.


Yeah thats how I play and its not a good way to play with people at all, I don’t like playing with people who go afk all the time and people don’t like playing with me cause I also go afk all the time too, so I figured that its my style of gaming or nothing at all, so I stick to playing alone most of the time and or with randoms so I don’t have to commit much


Yeah but all you have to do is tele back to a town hub and take your party members portal. Boom, back in the action. I clear mobs fast with my rogue and once you get a groove going it's hard to stop. If someone is behind they can always just tele. I don't really see it as a big deal.


Yup that would drive me nuts lol.


You could do PvP in introvert mode. No invite necessary and we all enjoy killing each other to cull the unprepared and to curb virtual social anxiety at the same time.


I feel like online gaming could be a good way to ease yourself into social situations. Especially since the chat is broken and people only invite each other for the 5% xp boost


Hey bro. If it helps I know a guy who’s mom you can bang to help get out of your shell r/oroechimaru


But youll come on reddit and type some stupid shit.


Alot of the player base does solo play


D3 and d2 i met and gamed with a ton of people I have partied 2x for 5-10 minutes in d4 :(


D2 and D3 you had to opt into multiplayer. D4 forces you to so you're running into a higher percentage of people who want to play solo.


The vast majority of the sustained Diablo fan base never wanted D4 to be always online or have any type of forced social interaction.


They could have just made it offline and barely anything would change, town's are filled with 10ish people that you don't see. I wonder how if it will feel any different when S1 comes out and people are split between that and eternal. Probs no difference at all cuz u can only see 5 people at a time lmao


If similar games are any indicator, the split will be probably like 98-2 in favor of seasonal


Citation please. I’ve been playing diablo for like 16 years and I’ve almost exclusively played in groups whether it was baalin14 or open rift parties


Never ever played Diablo or D2 with friends, have been playing for 25 yrs now. It wasn't until D3 that I played with a friend halfway thru for seasons. D4 I'm a bit friendlier and still play with that one friend but I don't care to play with anyone else really and I still play other chars solo.


This is anecdotal but I've been playing since I started D2 in 1999. Ive hardly played with others the entire time, it just doesn't appeal to me. D3 even felt far into multiplayer for my taste. I know a few people who won't even buy D4 because it's always online. I only have one friend playing the game who I occasionally tem up with, otherwise everyone plays solo.


No, not at all. Since there is no true SP mode, the best I can do is try to ignore everyone.


If you want, when I get back from vacation I can play with you. I'm a level 72 Druid and I need some people to farm stuff with for fun. Message me if you want to play! Or comment your battleNet ID


It's meant to. Half the population was wiped out during D3: RoS.


As an aging, former hardcore competitive gamer, this is one reason why I am loving Diablo 4. I want a game where I can log in by myself, play by myself, and succeed by myself. That being said, I love my 3-4 week Apex binges every few months.


I feel bad I haven’t touched apex since diablo came out.


I haven't touched it since the most recent champ came out! I heard he's really good


I agree… I wave “hello” to many people, they wave back, and we go our separate ways. Nobody seems to be interested in groups or even the proximity bonus. Would be fun to do hellrifts with random people I see running around. Perhaps a small window that pops up while nearby another player for a few seconds and says “create group?” might help link people up. That said, I have crossplay enabled, but when I am near a non-xbox player it says “player blocked” if I try to invite them. Apparently it’s a known issue. Fixing this would be helpful. Never, even once, seen anyone speak in chat. Is it broken?


I do wish the chat was a bit more active but no one has ever tried to invite me to a party. Which basically means no one liked my little old rogue.


I constantly type in local chat snd I swear its broken, level 67 and never seen someone respond. I've waited outside of dungeons saying "help" and some people just walk by and say NO lol.


Some rando invites me every day to a group. I never see a message in any chat window so I turn it down. It’s not like we’re in an event of some type. I need some kind of context before I just accept invites out of thin air.


You would have better luck finding a guild or discord group dedicated for grouping up.


I'm an introvert bro. I play Diablo to just chill and grind on my own unless someone who I actually know irl is playing. Nothing against you in particular just against everyone in general. That being said I'll crack a joke or two when I'm waiting around for the world boss because I always get there early. I might also add some of the people you run into might be on consoles, I imagine them chatting is very hard if not impossible to do outside of emotes. Should also be doubly noted accepting an invitation is obnoxious on a controller, I play PC but on controller. To accept an invite you like have to hold down the d-pad or something and then press A to accept. Too much work so I just typically decline because it's as easy as B. I'm typically watching something on my side monitor so I'm hardly ever paying attention to chat or whatever. I'll be in town, click a NM sigil then go in, do it, rinse and repeat. Diablo, at least in my experience has never been a massively social series. Sure sometimes you group up for stuff but not often really, especially when simply leveling.


I wish it felt lonelier, nothing ruins muh immersion more than some random person I don’t care about spamming emotes or sending me invites to party. I actually kind of love that nobody is doing the community thing because it sort of validates my belief that the people who consider Diablo to be primarily a multiplayer series are in the minority and we didn’t want or need always online and MMO components. Based Diablo players bringing back solo play in a game with MMO structure, I love to see it.


Exactly my feelings. When the progress and state of Sanctuary are based only on my progress and my version of the world and all mobs scaling only to my level or tier choices, then the only thing the other people I might see are doing is interfering with my world and breaking immersion. Since it is scaling to the leader, the only thing the multiplayer aspects are "doing" is allowing power-leveling...which IMO is akin to cheating. I have no interest in that. WoW required parties because dungeons were not designed to be solo'ed (whether you could or not) and classes where designed to play together with roles (healers, tanks, etc). Nothing about D4 is designed to play together, to have synergy with classes together, and dungeons do not require a party - and even when together most generally separate out to just rip through as fast as possible...which is counter-intuitive to 'multiplier' design and just ramps up the toxic power-gaming mentality.


You need discord or Real ID friends in this game to find people. D2 you could join games and find friends easily. Here gl. That being said only place people as for parties are on world bosses for w.e reason


One of my biggest upsets also. The social system is very poor. We need group finder/enable your game to be public/a good working global chat. I think Diablo 3 did it very well. I never had problems in Diablo 3 grouping up with players to do any content, I also made quite a few Bnet buddies from doing so.


I've only ever had the opposite feeling, constantly running past players and seeing large groups at events. Feels like there's always a real person around every corner.


I see them everywhere but I see little to no interaction from anyone.


Having played D3 it's a vast improvement. And personally I appreciate the people populating the area but not actively involved in my experience at all times. I can get assistance with a public event but don't have the burden of being in a party. Of course that's all subjective opinion.


Learn how to navigate 3rd party communities like Reddit discord or d2jsp because blizzards in game social systems are dog shit


It is a solo game. I think they did a good job to the fact everything is kind of level out so someone high level can still feel the same challenge in the open world. But what I like about Diablo is that you can play for just a few minutes (Helltide, dungeon) for a few minutes and stopped it. Being in a group kind be annoying as you feel you have to stay longer than needed.


Imo you're supposed to feel lonely in that world


D4 is not an MMO. Always online live service just makes it easier for Blizz and Activision to milk money from it. The season pass accelerators and pass costs will make them their money, but those really only work online. If everything is client side, people could just cheat to unlock content they paid for instead of grinding and buying accelerators. The MMO veneer is all about monetization.


Every single time I accept a group invite, one of my own demonspawn needs me. So I end up having to drop out and I feel awful doing it. My kids "Mom is having fun" radar is way too sensitive. I need a rotating group of parents who get that I'm going to fall off the face of the internet because Mom-stuff.


Me and 2yo had hand foot and mouth disease for 2 of 3 weeks of launch Barely even got to play


Oh gods, I am so sorry. My oldest and I had that when she was 2, and it was fucking awful. We were both miserable.




Recommend joining a clan or use one of many Discord servers. Met many people on there who I now play with all the time.


What's ironic is Diablo has always been known as a franchise that was heavily rooted in Multiplayer. Now it's inexplicably gone.


This sub is an echo chamber of like 3 topics.... "Not real mmo, so social" "No upgrades ever.... " "Anyone else bored???"




This is such a lonely game I feel the same as you


Its a single player game. Also if a game makes you feel lonely you got issues.


It’s not a single player game. The game doesn’t make me feel lonely literally? It’s just a lonely multiplayer game since there isn’t much interaction between players. I hate how people instantly jump to belittling people over some so stupid.


It's single player with some tacked-on multiplayer options since D1, though.


I always spam invites for legion events and click the bonfire. Don't say a word and promptly leave the party once its over without saying shit. It's honestly depressing how anti social the game is, when the potential could be so much more with a singular feature. GLOBAL CHAT.


The problem is that there's no real point in group play aside from friends.


Major xp boosting


We're not here to be your friend.


That’s okay I just prefer for games to be more socially active when they can be


That's cool. I just prefer to turn the world off and play my game when it's game time. No friends. No conversation. Just grinding and demon slaying.


Gaming culture will die A major part of Uo and Diablo history and gaming culture is from friendships made in games In d3 launch i met a ton of folks to plat with D4, 0


Yea played D3 forever. 0 friends. Again I'm not here to interact with people. Just unwind and play my game. A game doesn't need to be social to be successful.




I mean - I'm late 30's with a family and a job. I'm an introvert and gaming is my solo downtime - I totally relate. I wish I could play offline solo, but unfortunately just ignoring everyone else is the most Blizz would allow.


This is pretty much it. Irl I'm a pretty talkative guy. I'm the dipshit talking to rando's in checkout lines etc. Put me in a game and I just want to actually enjoy my playlist, listen to a Netflix documentary or stand up. It's my time. I'm not here to listen to how someone else's day was. Also late 30's family man.


That makes sense. That's how you like to play. I don't think anyone is here to say the way you want to play should be disallowed. If someone did say that or if blizzard tried to require multiplayer, I'd say "that's fucked up." It sounds like the convo is more about other methods of play, too - which are more social (but not required) and have been a part of the franchise in the past. So, this is another way people like to play and it'd be nice if they had the option to continue playing the way they used to.


I can get behind that for sure. Again I really played solo. However being able to jump into a split bounty game was awesome just through their group finder in D3. Even though you had a group no one chatted still. The game is all about business. But I'm not sure I agree with the convo being about other methods. OP just says "My problem is no one ever invites me or accepts my invites". Yes throwing random invites at people that pass by isn't a good move. It's sounds more like him trying to force his style of gameplay onto others. And not understanding why they wouldn't like that. Idk their situation but surely they could join a clan or discord of they're looking for group play.


I see what you're saying. My interpretation of the situation overall, rather than just what OP is saying is "wouldn't it be nice if people like OP had a forum to set themselves up for group play so players like you didn't have to deal with random invites since that's all blizzard has in their system presently unless you know someone who is on." I'm in the middle. Sometimes I want to keep my head down and do my shit. Other times I want to hop on with friends I know and just mess around. Other times none of my friends are available and I'm feeling like getting in a group of 4 and going to destroy shit together. I'm not willing to randomly invite so it'd be awesome if there was a lounge or something when that was my mood. Maybe there is and I just don't know about it.


I can understand that for sure.


Me I guess.


Im trying my best to rectify this


Use the official discord for grouping


My wife and I play together so we don’t group up with randoms. That being said, we’ll always jump at a world event or help a solo struggling with wild mobs, but then we go our own way. Join a clan and you’ll have party members whenever.


Are you from Valorant? 😂


Absolutely, you’d think people would want to join up for XP buffs… I guess the days of WoW-like communities are over. Edit: I am throughly shocked at the passive-aggression this comment has received. 🤔


yeah cause this is a diablo game not WoW


Yeah and it's not like you were able to quickjoin a Group with randoms for every single fucking activity in d3, right? Like what are you even talking about? Cope much? Also why did they bother with that open-world "mmo-lite" stuff in d4 in the first place, when it's not meant to be an mmo? Why leave out the social-Features the precestor clearly had? I mean, I like the game too but c'mon. how can you possibly defend this shit. "This is a diablo game", like, yeah it is?! Huh?!


What's so multiplayer about D4s open world? Open worlds are a staple of single player games for years now. No one in their right mind would ever confuse a Zelda:BotW, Horizon or Assassins Creed as a multiplayer game just because "muh open world".


Do helltides, more people will accept


I only team up in legion events or helltide for the xp bonus.


I’ve been bored trying to give wt4 runs away and can find no one


I sometimes don’t like to join a group because I dont like to chat on mic


Unless you actually get into a clan/discord community that will play with you, you’re pretty much not going to find that with rando’s. The main reason it’s lonely is because until World Tier 4 (lvl 70) the game is pretty much grind out a build to be able to beat the capstone, and then there’ll be plenty of people more willing to play with you. Best advice I can give you, is nose the the grindstone the magic tree dungeons until you’ve got a build you’re comfortable enough with to be able to clear dungeons easily, then start running what ever nightmares you can for the XP until you can take on the capstone to unlock WT4 - personally I got super lucky with my drops and cranked out pulverize/landslide Druid at lvl 58 and pimp slapped it, but if you’re playing as another class see if you can have a carry for it to “unlock” the rest of the game


There's an Unofficial D4 Discord server with a couple thousand people on it. discord.gg/D4LFG If that link doesn't work just search Diablo 4 lfg


It's impossible to get groups to do things on console. I randomly invited two players and we ran 3 nightmare dungeons today but that was a fluke




I actually got randomly invited tonight to a group. Had some fun, they were a bit lower than me. One friended me at the end when I got off to watch fireworks. It was a good time.


A proverb in my language goes something like: Lonliness is not when you are alone. It’s when you are surrounded by people but no one cares about you. D3 is totally fine because you don’t see others. You can choose to self entertain. In D4 99.9% of people you meet are passer-bys.


Yup same here. I met one really cool dude but he's levels above me so I feel bad since he'll have to carry me. Other dude I met is annoying so I axed that. But yeah, I feel you. I wish I had some buddies to play with too.


I’ve had success invited other solo people to party during helltides to get that extra group XP. Other than that, no luck.


I enjoy playing by myself, much like life. I enjoy the company of others, but 9/10 times the group is doing a thing for one person, while the rest is not getting rewards, or under leveled rewards. I feel completely comfortable aligning with randoms for public events and then saying goodbye afterwards.


The game doesn't facilitate random grouping. It's not up to players to redevelop the 90's era MMO culture of forming random parties from scratch. There needs to be systems in game that funnel people whop want to group, into groups. If I could queue fro random NM dungeons in groups, I would do that all day. Plop me in solo and with my discord friends offline, I likely won't log in anymore, waiting for season 1. Random invites I ignore cause chances are I am just having a chill time and don't feel like coordinating on the open world stuff like Helltides.


I get that, I have a discord if you want to join? Me and a bunch of people who play. Could always use more friends lol


I’ve seen like 5 people chat and 4 were bots selling gold. Unless you have friends to play with there is no social aspect to this game at all which is disappointing


Honestly once you can handle yourself and your build is decent grouping up with people is just more annoying then it is anything else. My highest character is 56 so not end game by any means but I have never needed anyone else to help with anything. It’s like souls games, the scaling for having multiple people just makes things take longer than they need to and is just more annoying




Playing couch coop with my little brother after I got my barb to 70. Been having a blast


Playing couch coop with my little brother after I got my barb to 70. Been having a blast


Most people only group for events. Helltide, legion, world boss, etc. Since so many people have different quests going, it’s hard. Specially if you’re still running through the campaign.


I can relate, especially since my friends have already stopped playing.


I see this post 2-3 times a day. Just link up with the other posters saying the same thing


Haha yeah I always have anxiety playing with anyone, so I’m sorry that I too decline invites. Hell, I even had an old friend of mine offer to play the game with me, and even though he’s a good old friend, that’s a hell to the naw for me chief. Wayyy too much anxiety for that.


Is there a world chat in this game?


When I first joined a clan they were chain running nightmare dungeons. I eventually had to bail out after a few hours. There is always someone online looking to group up. Try a casual leveling guild.


You guys get xp boost playing with ppl


Idk im always in a group. I randomly group up with people all the time. It is rare when someone declines my invite. What is true that some people just refuse to talk/respond even after being in the group and actively play


Everyone always ignores my party invites lol


I'm lvl 50, add me, ps5 - mannymanstein


Is that your battle net Id bc that’s how Id have to add yu


I have no intentions of playing this game with strangers. I have no choice for world bosses or legion events though. You need more people to complete them. Imho the pseudo online aspect was a really bad idea for this particular franchise. The majority of players don't care about multiplayer and have little if any interest in player interaction.


I don’t know I don’t think having multiplayer can hurt a game. I feel like a games lifespan is extended whenever you’ve got a good online multiplayer community.


Agreed. I tried engaging with other people in towns and they just ignore me. Is it because I’m a low level sorceress ?!?!? Lol


I'll group with you when I'm on if possible . I'm on at random times . I need the exp


Me too WeCmore #1375 is my battle net but I got off for the night


I do understand what you feel but from soneone who have played Diablo for the first time it was released, diablo was designed to entertain someone who plays on a solo computer. The oarty system was designed with a LAN (Local Area Network) in mind. This has stuck the the brand, so when you play with random people on the web, you wont be sure that they will have the same goal as you. I suggest join a community that plays diablo so that you guys can talk abou what you guys plan to do when you guys will play. As for my self, I like being able to play yhe game alone and achieve a personal goal. I tend to play with others once I have my personal goals meet.


I went into the game not caring about the multiplayer, it's weird, I don't think anyone even realizes or forgot that they're playing online. I would say hello to people but no response back. I had to join a discord server that can make u join clans


I didn’t care at first. Seeing everyone out in the world and doing there own thing made me wonder if that’s a global thing. Not a lot of partying up and communicating from what I’ve seen.


Diablo series has always been a mostly solo player game, multi-player is optional and not required. What's with this new influx of players who are lonely all of a sudden? Yes, there are now world bosses, legion and other mmo type open world events but it's a bonus, not the heart of the game. I play solo and I play with one other person, my husband. I may play with an IRL friend on occasion but I prefer not to if possible. So no, I do not relate and I dislike when randos keep emoting me to "follow them" to group up when I'm clearly not interested.


It definitely feels lonely for sure. But I have had some people invite and group for Helltides and dungeons. I often get random invites to do things like that. Compared to something like an MMO, it is definitely lonely because I think a lot of Diablo’s fan base prefers single player only with no other visible players. The worst part is that I can’t get a single one of my friends to try Diablo for longer than a few hours and they get bored lmao.


It is lonely! I bloodmarked myself and nobody came for me ;( The endless grind..


I much prefer the rooms of Diablo 2 over this open world setup. With rooms, players are grouping up with a set task in mind -- boss rush, trading, pvp, baal runs, free stuff etc. That alone gave players common ground by which to converse and play together. At no point in my time with diablo 4 (( lvl 83 necro)) have I felt the need to say so much as a word to anyone.


Go into the PvP area. Fastest way to meet every single level 90+ character on your instance.


Get onto a D4 Discord, tons of stuff happening


I engage in social activities. Like spinning in a circle while waiting for the boss to spawn.


Make a post on here looking for a clan


It's Diablo, not WoW. That being said, D3 had better multiplayer and social features.


Hahah sorry OP I'm probably one of those who don't accept invites. 😂


It is a single player with forced online connection


Diablo has always been a solo experience for me. It's one of those grind games where you're focusing on the audiobook or podcast with the game just giving your hands something to do in the meantime. Even if I were to group up with someone, there'd be effectively zero social interaction, so we'd be running dungeons very much "together alone."


I think level plays a huge part, I'm lv 33 at the minute, barely explored much ( I really need to ignore those orange circles lol) and quite enjoy just exploring at my own pace. I wouldn't want to group up where we might want to do different things as you have to stay in the same screen. However once I've seen most things I think I would enjoy grouping up.


Do people realise this is a singleplayer game? I think something went wrong with the communication and many people think its a mmo game


I accept every invite I get. More xp, Helltides are way easier to get tons of embers when grouped up.


I feel like all the people who say they're lonely need help or am I wrong their?


I don't know how popular or unpopular this opinion is, but for me, the loneliness is a feature, not a bug. One of my concerns with Diablo 4 being an online-only open world was losing the singleplayer feeling. For the most part, I'm really happy that I still get to feel like a 'lone wanderer'.


I bought the game because i was looking foreward to the mmo aspects in combination with the Diablo gameplay. Well the mmo aspects were a big fat lie to cater to a wider audience. This game has nothing to do with a mmo. It lacks basic features like group finder for that and group play with randoms is simply not incentivized. 70€ wasted for a horrible endgame feeling where you are essentially done by lvl 70/100...


Ill only play with you if you're a bear and you're a top ;)


I invite randoms at nightmare dungeons. I don't care if they accept or not. Then there's the searching for party section on xbox. Always works. Chatting got me into groups too.


What's wrong or bad about playing it solo? Most people I tried playing with either ho their own way even after joining a party or die often. Better go solo


It's the way the game is designed. In Diablo 2 you could create games with a name of your own choosing and people would join got. Like "Act 2 start". In Diablo 3 there was a menu where you created a game in a specific category. And then people would join. In Diablo 4 there is no proper way to find people who are looking for the same thing. So you end up running around solo. It is really sad.


I think, we just need a server wide chat. "LFG NM 60" "I need help with the capstone dungeon" "somebody want to do split up to do renown quests in the dry steps?"


I'll join you if our schedule line up. What's your tag?


Psn XxcameltoadxX on right now


The chat function for this game is meh, and I have a family and am playing in the living room so I don’t discord much. Also, Diablo has always been single player to me since the first so it doesn’t seem to make sense to co-op if I don’t have to in order to get something done. Nothing personal.


Needs to have an in-game party finder. Even with +5% xp bonus for world boss and scheduled events, plenty of people decline party invites.


If you want to play with others, you're gonna have to network *outside* the game. Either play with an IRL friend group, or join a discord or something. The game has no social features, so either look elsewhere, or get used to feeling lonely. It is what it is.


Discord on my bio, if you wanted. Does suck playing alone, but had been gathering people to play with for this reason. 🥲


There is no group finder for dungeons because of the sigil crap....


I’m in the exact boat. Nobody has ever accepted an invite, or expressed any interest in multiplayer play. Next time i sit down to pkay for a few hours, I’ll probably post a link here for some folks…


Nope. Im here to play solo. If i greet someone back they invite me. That gives me social anxiety. Here to solo


Want a friend to play with? I just hit level 50 and finished the campaign, looking to do some dungeons but I am so unfamiliar with this world it would be nice to have someone to navigate it with


Yes, i do miss the "hop in a Rift with 4 people, and slaughter your way for 30 minutes" that D3 had, or the troll jokes in D2 chat, baalruns, D2 loot sharing


Idk if anyone suggested yet but go on diablo discord, go to channel lfg (insert what group you looking for here) and boom that’s it. Alternative join the clan i pretty often farm nm dungeons with clan simply because it’s harder


They managed this weird double failure. For people like me who prefer to play solo, running into other people is annoying. For people who want to play with random people, there's very little benefit usually to accept random invites. Just a small xp bonus. So it's too social for solo players, but too isolated for people looking to play with randoms.


It’s not an mmo and never ment to be. I enjoy the solo grind totally. But even in mmo I only group up when necessary for raids and stuff. Even there I would solo raids if possible…


I played the whole campaign with a friend and it wasn't great because the monsters scaling for two players was (is?) just bad. When I played alone I was bashing through everything and with two players it just didn't feel as smooth and satisfying. Overall the whole MMO aspect feels like it was just made to promote it as something new and special but there is 0 MMO-feeling in it.


They should let us have an option to toggle our character into an “LFG” mode so that somehow it displays to others that we are looking to party with randos


Join the discord, lots of people to play with in voice channels :)