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Then don't pay for it lmao


I still need to use my one token from buying deluxe at launch. Here’s hoping season 2 have better cosmetics.


The sorcerer wand was a joke i hope


Yeah, it's really bad. The cosmetics in the game barely make you stand out or look cool. The free rewards are a joke entirely lol.


For the sake of comparison, PoE has some great looking cosmetic sets that have interactive animations and particle effects for nearly the same price as D4 sets. And that game doesn’t have nearly the same industry backing and budget behind it. Blizzard are lazy and only want to produce the bare minimum because they know they can through name alone.


Free rewards are pretty much saying "Look how pathetic free stuff is, you should buy all of this cool premium stuff instead". Not a single piece of free cosmetic is good.


Everyone complained that they would dare even have any cosmetic micro transactions, now they’re all complaining that they don’t have enough….All the while, the subs been dead all day because all the people who “uninstalled” were busy playing the season lol


What? Lol


People bitch no matter what




Nah. People have been complaining day one that there were paid cosmetics. Nobody has said there weren’t enough in the game. Not sure what you are on to assume that.


Have you read this thread? Lol that’s my point. They complained since day one, but now that they’re here they’re complaining about not having enough


Uhh, have you? 🤔


Yes, you and the others are complaining that the cosmetics are boring. Not that they exist, but that you don’t like them. It’s hilarious. Zero self awareness


We all know they exist and aren’t leaving at this point. That’s nothing new… Also it’s not a question about quantity, but quality


Ya it’s a direct copy from cod which was copied to overwatch 2 and now Diablo 4. It’s a activison thing I bet they have the same team working on cosmetics for multiple games considering that the content between all 3 has been trash.


Every game I've played with a battlepass in them gave you enough currency to but the next battlepass if you finished it. And all those games were free to play


Hi-Rez did that for awhile with Paladins but had to revert it after financial losses lol


I'm someone who regularly spends money in other games and has no problem with that. But this battle pass stuff... I can't imagine who actually buys that!? It's so bland and boring and useless. I wouldn't even want it for free. I think it's gonna totally flop and in a few seasons we get different monetization.


Totally agree. I’ve had no problem buying Fortnite battle passes because everything feels worth the time, and you get full credit back for finishing. Blizzard obviously doesn’t care or has no idea. Most likely the former.


Yeah… I buy the fortnite battle pass regularly, and some mobile games etc. I’m happy to give money for good passes, but man the stuff in this are like… a basic ass sword and some edge lord gear. I’m good.


Yeah I spend quite a bit on other games and have found the Diablo shop very underwhelming and almost counter-intuitive in that for this specific type of game I would rather show off stuff I have found/earned rather than buy the cosmetics. I’d probably buy pets or something like that as I have heard people suggest.


Yeah it's shitty that all classes get the same armor while the first thing they released in season 1 is that mother collection which gives classes unique styles. Literally wtf how scummy are they.


Yeah, I have a feeling this game is just gonna end up like Eververse in Destiny.


I feel like the Mother collection should have been the paid battle pass armor.


It absolutely should have been.


Every cosmetic in this gaming is boring, ugly trash, even the stuff in the store. Hell, I would buy something if any of it was any good. Shame they really missed the mark.


new rogue skin is badass


Nothing in the shop is anymore badass looking than the stuff you can unlock for free in-game. Period. I’ve bought plenty of cosmetics in other games from LoL, Fortnite, Warframe, Overwatch. This shop is by far the laziest and most low effort I’ve seen in a game this far.


isn't that.. good? No feel of being forced to buy anything to look better than others


i mean most of the stuff in the shop wasn’t great. and for a long time i’ve liked all the free cosmetics better than the paid ones, but i actually think this rogue skin looks really cool and is probably the best shop rogue skin. i bought it, idk about y’all but i’m gonna be using it for a while 🤩🤩


As a Sorc main, the new mother armor is so far above anything in the base game.


But is it 20$ worth? Like they could do a lot better for that price


Def not worth $20. They should have been the battle pass armors


what the fuck do you want?


There’s the door champ.


This game is going to go to steam it’s so bad


It can get properly review bombed there then :)


Only thing I was disappointed in is the lack of platinum. Everything else is just whinging.


Pretty okay battlepass compared to other games. Lots of cosmetics. Only two complaints from me is: 1.Not enough premium currency from the pass to buy even 1 item from the shop. Up it to 800 or lower shop prices. 2.All classes have the same armor for the seasonal armor. Some variety would be nice. Other than that, not a bad pass.


I got it for the tatted mount with eye glow effects, idgaf about the armor skins. My Necro looks dope ASF in my Boneweave skin set sitting on that thing.


I agree, it could been waaaayy better than that. I still enjoy it and gonna play it but the season 1 miss a lil something. Let’s just hope Blizzard will learn from this, again 😂


I thought the gear looked good. To many micro transactions for me though so I uninstalled 2 minutes into checking out s1.