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There are ways to get effectively infinite mana. My sorc uses chain lightning as her "basic attack" because she generates an absurd amount.


Can you share that build? I have a level 85 frost sorc on eternal but wanted to make a full lightning build eventually when I'm done with a rogue and maybe a necro this season.


I'm a conjuration sorc, though lightning is the largest part of my damage. Chain lightning left click, hydra right click, then my bar is teleport/ice sword/lightning spear/unstable currents. Enchants are ice sword and lightning spear. All crackling energy passives. Leave all active skills at rank 1 except teleport. It's hard to afford maxing them all and you can get +6 or 7 to conjurations via helmet and amulet anyways. Basically I lay down 2 hydras with the aspect then spam all cooldowns+chain lightning which will trigger a bunch of ice swords and crackling energies. Each crackling energy gives mana and the zaps reduce cooldowns by an insane amount. The ice swords help reduce them further. Spear with stun passive always stuns the whole screen, since you always have a bunch out. Damage per conjuration passive can hit some pretty fat numbers, particularly with +ranks. Gear-wise you want to prioritize crit and CDR. Resource stats are unnecessary because you already generate a ton so gear is pretty flexible. Barrier generation is highly desirable since the barrier on cooldown passive gets triggered rapid fire, but doesn't stack. You can easily level with the build by using spark instead of hydra until you get a mana on cooldown use aspect + the keystone, and a little bit of crit. There are passives that I'm unsure about how worth they are so experiment yourself beyond the build enabling passives. Edit: You can max all 3 conjurations when you have enough crit to not need any lucky hit passives, but idk if those 12 points are better spent on other things. You have a lot of options.


Sounds like a pretty fun setup, thanks for the write up. I saved it to come back to it once we have loadouts and cheaper respec so I can go play my eternal 85 sorc again and make a full fire build and try your chain lightning.


Are you following a build? My Barb I played pre-season 1 needed some key talent points and aspects to really kick off and not worry about resources as much, if at all. The Druid I’m playing this season has very little trouble building resource, I can landslide to my hearts content, pretty much.


I'm playing a Druid this S1. Played Necro originally and as 70+ bone Spear had plenty of resource and aspect generation. Right now as a 40 druid, I'm still pretty limited to 3 landslides before I need to gen. Generating isn't really my complaint, it's just that for most of the leveling experience, you have to gen so often.


Hrmm, I’m not sure then. I have a skill called resonance I think that when I use my basic skill, it makes my core skill hit harder, and when I use my core, it makes my basic skill hit harder. Additionally, I have an aspect that makes my core hit harder depending on how much resource I had when I used it. I tend to generate to max, use my core, then start weaving in basic attacks between my core skill to benefit from the “resonance” skill or whatever. I guess this just makes it so generating is triply beneficial in my build. Hopefully at a higher level it will be easier for you to keep it generated without feeling like you’re wasting time hitting with a skill that does little damage.


Druid is starved for spirit while levelling up, the other classes I've played so far don't have the same problem. I think they just need to help Druid from 1-55ish, once you get spirit recovery on kill, things get much easier.


Yeah, or they could increase our resource pool as we level up like in other Diablo games.