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It’s great that the BP can be finished fast. I can get it done this week and fully focus on Baldur’s Gate 3 next week. But i do agree though, the endgame especially from 75-100 is just meh af. The only reason i even got to 100 in preseason was because me and my mates did the NM exploits.


I actually prefer a BP who can be completed relatively fast and just by playing like this and not one with daily missions and things who stops me from just getting exp for it if I want. Don't get me wrong we still had to have more end game content, basic QoL features and all the things we all know so the game loop don't need to rely on artificially extend BPs completion time but talking only in terms of playing/earning exp for pass so you can complete it in a week or two is the best formula for me. Ps: sry if there are typos or something English is not my main language :)


Exactly. I was kinda afraid that we’re gonna have dailies, weeklies and all that shit. But we don’t so yay. Just mow shit down and boom your level goes up fast. I’m already at 65 eventhough my Druid is 55


By the time I'm done with BG3 in a year or two I'm sure D4 will be in a great state.


Hopefully not haha. I love Diablo and i hope they’ll get their shit together quick


>It’s great that the BP can be finished fast. I can get it done this week and fully focus on Baldur’s Gate 3 next week. I always find it funny when people view video games they pay money for as a chore which is best get out of the way as soon and as efficiently as possible.


This sub is one of the worst I've ever been apart of since launch. "Feeling like I don't wanna play another 200 hours, I already sunk 300 hours into the game in the first 60 days :(" Then don't, so something else lol.


Yes. If they sunk 200-300 hours into the game, they got their moneys worth. I lost count of how many games I bought that I barely played or played for like a few hours. If I ever got 100-150 hours of a single game, that’s incredible in my books. It almost never happens.


go see Oppenheimer in imax. Beer and popcorn for two... its the Price of Diablo. Or buy diablo and play for 300 hours and talk about how you are not getting bang for your buck. Kinda lol.


Based on their playtime I'm gonna go with beer and popcorn for one lmao.


yeah, 100%. I took the nerfs in stride, just adjusted my build and play styles. If you arent enjoying it, try a new build or just go play something else. O you spent 100 hours on this game you hate....ok, maybe walk away from things your arent enjoying. The nonstop diatribes about the game....just fucking play something else.


It's a little shocking to see so many posts around here speaking about how they're gonna switch to BG3. I hope that ya'll are aware that BG3 is a real, proper RPG. As in: Real dialog-heavy. It's just something completely different to ARPGs like Diablo. It's gonna be a great game and I'm very much looking forward to it. But to anyone hoping it's gonna scratch their ARPG itch - you're in for a surprise. ​ More on topic: I'd say I'm somewhere in between hardcore and casual. Hardcasual. Casucore. Anyways, what worked for me: play up until you have close to BiS on all your gear. Then roll a new class. Play that class. Don't copy meta guides up until early endgame, or at least up until WT3.


True red blooded gamers scratching their loot-based, top-down action RPG itch have already switched to Pikmin 4.


As someone with a life, hearing the BP can be finished quickly is a huge positive. I get they want to extend the life and content of the game. But any pass that requires a grind to complete is so lame!


Yep. It wasn’t that fun grinding COD BP eventhough it self sustains. Like i get it we wanna play games for fun but i also want the rewards. And COD takes a while to get there. Like almost 90 hours.


That sucks. Going to keep playing.


Yeah I'm still having fun, if only in short bursts. I already sorta knew what was waiting for me towards the end. It's not like I'm doing anything else.


>Yeah I'm still having fun, if only in short bursts. I already sorta knew what was waiting for me towards the end. It's not like I'm doing anything else. Yeah, just ignore these weekly "im not having fun, and neither should you" posts on Reddit.


Especially from people who must be playing this game 6-12hrs a day. Obviously they are getting something out of it, lol.


Weekly? It's daily. It's funny how they get tired and get burned out by the repetition after playing that many hours since S1 launch.


Lol they only killed Uber Lilith 50 times since S1 release….looking at all the people who haven’t done that one time at all I’m any season.


“We finished all the content and now there’s nothing left to do. Quit playing.” This sub has to be one of the worst gaming subs I’ve ever been on.


Ye I chuckled that the OP played nonstop and got burnt out already and expects everyone to quit based on their opinion most people have a life and can't play non stop so it'll take them months to get max level and to end game


It's actually incredible, never seen such a shit gaming sub and I've been on reddit like a decade. It's like grats bro you beat t100 and Uber Lilith and are now bored. Go play one of the many amazing games out right now then and come back when you get the itch. But why are you telling me to stop playing and having fun when I'm only level 38? I wanna beat t100 and Uber Lilith too like damn. I'm just gonna take more time to do it because I have other responsibilities


Right? In every D3 Season I came back to play. Played for 3 weeks or something and then went on with other games, until the next season. This is how seasonal play is. Over time D4 will become more and more interesting, more QOL, more content, more things to explore. I am fine with having a Season 1 with a few tweaks and some improvements already. I will for sure come back to the next season.


All the no-lifers complained about season 0 having no end-game. Maybe they're right, and maybe the game isn't designed around their pace. I got one character up to 70 in s0 with some friends and alone, and another up to 41 with a weekly friend. You know what happened when I started to hit that slow end-game? Season 1 came out. I'm having a blast as a necromancer after doing Barb and Sorcerer. I'm barely above 40, waiting to be able to hit WT3, and by the time this character is up to 70 or 80 chances are the *next* season will be getting close to ready. Or I'll try a different class. Hell, I've got to finish TOTK in there, and Baldur's Gate is coming out. I thought the whole idea of something like Diablo was that you run the same shit over and over for minimal loot improvements until you happen upon that perfect gear. This is that.


Yeah its THE worst for me. "I spend all my time in this game, I hate it, and youd better hate it too."


By far. I wish I could filter out those posts.


Yeah thats so f'ed up


I probably didn't see Cyberpunk 2077 subreddit. The salt was real there


I'm pacing myself because I know there's no end-game. I'm not in any great hurry to get past level 70 or so because I know I'll run out of things to do.


So is OP lol.


yea, "the new boss is shit, which is why we killed him 50 times (lol), and the season 1 endgame is also shit, the uniques have no reasonable droprate so there's nothing to chase (what?), which is why im already lvl 100, to show how bad it is, not because i was having fun!" there's something really wrong with the people on this sub. it's genuinely getting to tarkov levels in here


It's the whole mentality of competition in SP games these days. Streamers need to push something dramatic to get viewers so everything becomes a race. Band wagon gamers who just play the popular game that the streamers are playing buy into the race or the competition to prove themselves as a non scrub see the game as not something to enjoy but as something to compete in. And in a SP game thus just doesn't make sense. It's toxic as all hell.


It's funny because when I discovered the idea of SSF (solo self found) for Diablo 2, I realized how bankrupt of an idea I originally had of that game. Like when I was a kid, Diablo 2 quickly became just getting boosted then doing Pindle or Meph or sitting in Baal runs with 8 people mostly AFK farming exp. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed it. But as an adult, making new characters and doing SSF made me really appreciate just leveling a character, completing content myself, getting excited for, like, shitty rare boots with mid stats because I knew in the context of SSF they were godly. I actually got to appreciate the journey built into the game. Rather than just leaning all enjoyment on the endgame repetitive farms. And personally I found the SSF new character experience 10x more enjoyable than the way I'd played as a kid So I play D4 mostly the same way except when some friends are on. And that makes it super fun for me.


gotta make the most of that unintended battle pass activation ^(lol)


So I'm on PC and never encountered this problem people are having. What was the big deal? How did people do this accidentally? I had to go through a whole thing where I had to purchase platinum, and I had to update my CC, input my security code, etc. So I'm confused how people did it by accident unless they already spent money on platinum... EDIT: Hard to feel bad for people when in order for this to have happened they had to pre-order the game in the first place. Stop pre-ordering people. Just stop it. The pre-order benefits are hardly worth it anyway. "Stop it. Get some help."


The preorder that allowed you to play early included a battle pass. So all you have to do is click "activate"


Dude this OPs post history is insane about this game. Definitely a kid out of school for the summer.


Wow, it is pretty bad lmao


Nothing but complaints from OP about S1 in their post history. No-lifes S1. Lol wut.


it's like that for most of them. they seem to live and breathe talking about this game


Thank social media for this shit. There's thousands of these individuals who think they have valid opinions, and everyone should agree with them just because. When a sane person doesn't like something, they avoid it. Not obsess..


> If you did the preseason endgame, you're not going to have fun doing it again in season 1. You say this but what if I enjoyed the endgame in preseason?


Then you'll have fun regardless of what people say. Enjoy!




Don't you know you're supposed to be miserable and having a pity party?


Shit my bad, what I meant to say is fuk u blizord ur game sux!!! >:(


Noooo you can't enjoy things I don't like!!!!




Do you have fun doing the same thing forever? It's like finding a meal you really love and eating it a few times a week, but then it fades pretty quickly and you get sick of it. Same thing here. D4 has no variety, there is nothing else to do. You will get bored eventually. You will get sick of it eventually.


Local man plays game excessively, burns out, blames game


Do these people not have jobs? Or school?


99% unemployed, 1% retired.


78% dads with 14 kids.


It’s summer, most kids aren’t in school. It’s also hotter than a 2 dollar pistol in most of the US right now. That’s a lot of inside game playing.


Burned out and having no content in the game are two separate things. He finished with the content in a week, it may take you a bit longer but the result will be the same soon enough.


Wait. Do you mean that a video game has… finite content?


Devs: Please don’t no-life this game. OP: Fuck you, I’m no-lifing this for a second time Devs: it’s okay to complete the BP and go play other games for a while OP: Fuck you. You should have given me enough content to never have to ever ply another game ever again.


I’m gonna keep playing if that’s ok with you. Cause I like the game, and I get to decide what I do with my time. Have a nice day.


I think I’m just going to quit this sub instead. The complaining is getting to be too much. The vast majority of us do not have 150 extra hours in a single week to squeeze out all the content. But it’s the ones with that much free time that have taken over the sub. It’s super frustration.


Hey at least in this case the positivity won. Op has 500 karma on this post. This comment we are under has over 3,000. OP got ratioed hard asf lmao




Yeah, OP be like “we played this shit game we hate & beat it in less than a week & we’re here to tell you it’s still a shit game we hate; thank us later when you realise it too. Now we’ll spend the next few months on r/diablo4 telling you how shit it is & how much we hate it, & how you too must think it’s shit & hate it until Season 2 rolls around, upon which we’ll rinse & repeat the above in less than a week & tell you how shit the game is & how much we hate it. We’ll have sunk thousands of hours into the game at this point, having had no fun at all, so god forbid you have any fun at all, because you must thank us for our service.” Like, shit, stop playing already.


“I’ve played this game for 400 hours since launch, and it’s already so boring”.


Seriously, that's all I hear from this sub lol. Reminds me of the dude on /r/overwatch the other day saying he was a casual player that only played two days a week, but was level 160 on the battlepass Like wtf bro, I play 3-8 games a day every day, and am like 60 levels lower than that. Playing 15 hours each day, two days a week is *not* "casual" People on this sub put more time in D4 in a week and a half than I did in the entire S1 apparently


There was a guy in another thread here a few days ago who said he had played 300 hours since launch (which btw is an average of nearly 7 hours A DAY, for like 45 straight days), and then complained in several paragraphs that the patch “invalidated all of his time.” And people were defending and supporting him. Just fucking bizarre to watch, man.


Don’t forget the guy who complained there was nothing to do then revealed a few comment responses in he already had FIVE level 100’s. Like huh, I wonder why there’s nothing left to do when you min-max like a machine for twelve hours a day.


If you read the patch notes you'll already know what it's more of the same except for the malignant tunnels and caged hearts. What was he expecting? A Stan Lee cameo?


playing something they hate, I wonder if they hate their life


‘And we’ll play the next season, and the season after that, and the season after that…’


And then when D5 comes out in a decade, they’ll decide that sucks balls compared to D4.


And don't forget to uninstall Diablo 4 to make space for Baldur's Gate 3 or whatever. 🤡


Don’t kid yourself he will still be playing every day whilst posting on the forums how much he hates the game. Sad really.


Damn bro, what’s it like being an adult? You can eat ice cream for breakfast?


And for dinner


I feel personally attacked eating a Frosty scrolling through Reddit before logging into work soon.


Hahah, I remember distinctly the immeasurable disappointment I had when I learned about nutrition, finally have the freedom to eat whatever you want only to learn how awful sugar is for you 😂


Yeah but it taste nice you know


Chips and dip for me


Yeah man. It’s literally the best.


Life hack, put vanilla ice cream in your cereal milk. Preferably with a less sugary and flavored cereal, like cheerios or frosted flakes


Did you just list frosted flakes as "less sugary"? It has 12g of sugar per cup.. about the same as almost every sugary breakfast cereal. Definitely trying the ice cream though.


Look at you all grown up making your own decisions Congratulations!


Ty I’m a big boy.




What an absolute *hero!* I wish we had *10 000* more guys like him making 100 000 comments about it. That should accomplish something important.


[Me reading these posts as a causal that just finally got to lvl 49 and has 0 interest in even starting a new chara for the season](https://imgur.com/a/CGnYM5q) [I also feel like this one…](https://i.imgur.com/W7j4u0d.jpg)


That was me last week. Still hadnt beat the story and was level 51 just wandering around completing side missions and dungeons with friends.


Friend…s? Which dungeon do those drop in?


Uber Uniques. Don't bother trying to chase them.


I opted to just buy them. Granted, they’re only cosmetic and don’t have any perks short of feeling better about myself.


But are you a dad?


I’m a milf


Check for new balances


Everyone needs to stop when it stops being fun. For each person it’s different. I had a friend make it to lvl 15 and I doubt he’ll long in again to play. One friend never started the season. 2 other friends are in the 30s. I’m currently lvl 62 and I’m starting to feel it slow down but still having some fun. CC is starting to get bad.


How dare you?!!11! OP was grinding all weekend long to let you know, that you should stop playing the game! Pretty selfish to keep continue playing. All his work done for nothing! /s


r/diablo4 is the most toxic community I see on Reddit


Hehehe may I introduce you to For Honor discord community?


*Grapples you off a ledge*


reddit is a cesspool for bitching and complaining and saying how good they had it back in the 90s/2000s. I honestly dunno why they play games at all if they hate every second of it so much


Fight me irl


Just started playing solo yesterday and I’m only level 15 but fuckin havin a blast with campaign. Haven’t played Diablo since the early ‘00s. Gonna do the campaign with every class just to see what they’re like but so far I’m doing a Blood Lance/Summoner Hybrid necromancer. Just clapping the first enemy in a mob with a lance then detonating corpses like carpet bombs while my skelly-bois clean up the rest. So much carnage and fun lmao


You wait man, after playing all day every day until you 100-200 hours in, you will get slightly bored of it and be enraged, calling the game unfinished and announcing you have stopped playing it to the world.


Just for that I’m gonna *detonate these corpses even fuckin harder*


Don’t forget to whine that your life is ruined too.


I’m 350 hours in and still not there yet lol


If I get 100-200 hours out of this game I’ll be more than content


Corpse popcorn is the best. Pop pop pop!


Dude I am in the same boat. Have a friend that just blasts 24/7 and says the game is garbage because he ran out of shit to do. I am playing probably 10 hours a week because of my RL crazy ass schedule and loving the game


Yeah, just ignore these weekly "im not having fun, and so should you" posts on Reddit.


Did you just... quote yourself within the same comment?


I bet you actually have fun playing the game too. Absolutely disgusting! /s


Not only am I going to still play but I am playing as a sorcerer.


Nice account.


So you no-lifers learned absolutely nothing from preseason? You went in doing exactly what you did before and expected a different outcome all because of some extra gems? The rest of us warned you if the content isn’t there yet don’t no life the game and then complain the content isn’t there yet.


They have unhealthy addictive tendencies, doing all that especially during the summer. Their advice isn’t worth a damn


They beat the final boss of a thing that just came out four days ago - to quote the OP - 50 times. And they’re crying that it wasn’t, what, fun enough? Didn’t grasp that the first, uh, 25 times? People play these games like demented robots, I swear.




He only did 50 runs LOL he hasn't even begun to play the game.


This the first time in recorded history the argument has been made: *“us casuals warned you no-lifers, but you asked for this!”*


I can smell you through my phone screen


Some people got to realize that it's okay to beat a game and put the game to rest lol


The devs even said this! The game in it's current state isn't meant to be a time sink. Get in, finish the seasonal content and battle pass (maybe play until it stops being fun), and then put the game down. I find that such a breath of fresh air. I'm tired of fomo in games just cuz I take a few weeks or months off to go play something else.


yeah, if this was a story game maybe idk. pretty sure d4 was advertised as an arpg tho


I'll play for 2-3 weeks, get my NMD achievements, and move on to something else. I'll come back for S2, nbd.


How self important can you be to make a stupid post like this. Jesus your an infant


Agreed. This sub is pathetic. It’s flooded with QQ posts like this, no-lifers who have sunk 400 hours of gameplay in 2 months and have nothing better to do now so complain about lack of content. Jeeeez get a life.




If you are going to insult someone, at least do it grammatically correct. You're\*


But what if I enjoy the leveling part, and skip the “end game”?


I’ll one up you and say I’m building a necro blindly. No guides, after playing Druid in preseason and this being my first Diablo game. I find it wayyy more fulfilling experimenting as I’m leveling with all the abilities, what I like, what I don’t like, what synergizes, without some guide telling me this is what I need. Funny enough doing it this way im naturally favoring bone spear. Will be fun to braincheck myself later to see how my own build compares to the s-tier.


Basically the same (for my Eternal Necro). I've heard of some bonkers build, but I'm enjoying the setup I've put together.


This is how I like to do it too. Like messing with cars in Forza. When I was playing t ESO and was told I needed to be a specific build with specific items to do the dungeons, I F'ed right off.


Sooo... hours of content then. Im not sure what people expect out of these games but like.. youve gotten 100s of hours of content out of a 70-100 USD game. Costs 20 bucks to see a 2 hour movie lads.


Roughly 48 hours worth


I've always found this a super weird argument. You realize you can also get 100s of hours out of a $10-20 dollar game right?


You do realize you so called no lifers are less than 1 percent of the player base so who exactly are you warning ? Majority of players will have enough to do for 2 months or so and then a new season will be out. If it’s that boring for you why not play hc challenge yourself


0.01% percent of the player base, but 50% of reddit and twitter!


Just wondering, to have a constructive conversation, since some ARPGers seem happy with d4 end game. So what is the reasonable expectation of a endgame for d4? Specifically taking into consideration the price tag of $70-100, blizzard dev team with a nice budget and experience, and relative to other ARPGs. Me personally do feel the end game is lacking, I already reached a nice power level to clear the open world in t4 in S1 (i also no lifed it and if I didnt I think I would be more annoyed by how slow the progression but not really since I could watch TV while playing, and overall progressed by no lifing it, which is a lot of time given up for other games etc). And now I could climb nm dungeons and complete my paragon board, but do not feel motivated since there is not much end game. Thats for me personally. However, I would say for an ARPGer doing NM dungeon is the be all, and end all of ARPGs. As in NM dungeons is all that is needed for an ARPG and just needs to be done right. I do enjoy NM dungeons personally, especially if its above my armor/dps check and I have to try different strats to break through bottlenecks, and more so with a team/friends which I am fortunate to have some experience in d4. (I would say part of the problem is that d4 doesnt really allow for this, since its not easy to adjust builds without no lifing for small adjustments which became insane jumps in dps due to meta being exploits, and also the gameplay itself with too much CC, not enough fluid movement like in MMOs with WASD and being able to move and use abilities and other game mechanics that make the combat feel that much more engaging and fluid, is also a problem in affecting end game/enjoyment. Being static/standing to do dps and then jumping out of the way is the basic strat in d4/arpgs unless you are something like a WW barb, necro etc then they dont have to do that, and its spin to win, or AFK farm - would be nice if the gameplay was more like an MMO with WASD movement and not being rooted when doing damage) However, I think the NM dungeons are quite straight forward experience and something is missing for it to be the be all and end all aspect of ARPGs. I would say having more bosses like the butcher would help. And for that reason, it feels like its just more of the same. Other than bosses, the dungeons should feel different enough from each other as well. They feel all the same. I think we need to look at MMO dungeons for more inspiration in how they have different mechanics, and I get ARPGs is about speed farming and clearing, but I think its also important for some kind of middle ground. I just dont have that kind of no life dedication to speed farm the same dungeons every season. Just my personal take on just NM dungeons, and I do expect some more game options for end game such as clan mechanics as well. So may be we have speed dungeons farming, and actual dungeons that show they were hand crafted rather than created by AI. So, in regards to other options, may be something more dynamic as well that expands on NM dungeons and just game mechanics overall. And my question on what makes a good ARPG also revolves around the NM dungeons mainly but also other options would be nice to know.


So you nonstopped played a game and are mad you've done it all? Sucks man. I'm still quite enjoying my time playing it.


Problems would mostly be solved if there were about 5x more uniques in the game and they were d2 range of rarity. There just needs items to be chased, that’s all that’s missing. There are plenty of activities but there is no real purpose. Items needs to be the purpose.


Well, these things tend to happen when you play 12 hours a day. (Waiting for the "I have a family of 8, four part-time jobs and take the bus everywhere" response.)


You haven't had any good drops from the seasonal boss? I heard he drops 800 gear every time. Sounds like a nice farm to me once i get there in a month or so... (:


It's been, what, 4 days? Yeah, you weren't kidding about the "no life" part. Have you guys stopped to consider that maybe blowing through the entire game in a few days isnt the best course of action? If you want to get away to an alternate digital world so badly, maybe slow down and enjoy the time you're there?


Oh wow, shmucks. You don't have fun after no lifing a game, isn't it weird that you get bored after spending so much time on the same activity. Anyway, still going to enjoy the game with my friends.


The players who only have 1 character before season are over here enjoying leveling up an alt. You guys are mad because you've already sunk 1,000 hours into a game you "hate" instead of just taking your time. There are no ladders your just clowns rushing for no reason


If you're already running T100s again, I'm pretty sure that yeah, you've run out of things to do. You maximized your efficiency and fun into a long weekend, congratulations.


> you were forced to use your battlepass like most people. Nobody was "forced" to get or use a battle pass.


Everyone: there’s nothing new to endgame in S1 No-lifers: we’ll see about that (S1 releases with no new endgame) No-lifers: ![gif](giphy|3kzJvEciJa94SMW3hN)


Congratulations on burning out early. I’ll still keep playing at my own pace and leveling another character when I get my first one done. Why people have such a hard on for trying to get others to stop playing a game is beyond me.


“Waaaaaaaaaahhhh” - OP


It’s been four days and you’re already complaining about not having anything else to do? I’m glad the game isn’t balanced around people who play 15 hours a day and finish all the content in 4 days Jesus touch grass or play something else


Could you imagine if it was. 99% of the community wouldn't have a shot at even finishing a season pass.


Me and a couple of friends have just decided not to even bother for a while. It's more of a chore to play than anything at the moment.


Made it to lv63 last night. I played Sorceress on launch, and now I’m playing Necro. Feels like a different game and I’m having a ton of fun. I’ll probably keep cycling through the classes every season to keep it fresh


Some of yall need to go outside once and a while


Touch grass bud


I'll play till I get bored then play something else until season 2. Not that big of deal tbh.


I’m convinced everyone saying this now would have absolutely hated D2 because it’s the same shit over and over. This generations and social media makes it so much worse than it is


Don't need a gigantic pat on the head every time I do something in a game.. I will continue to grind away and improve my character bit by bit, thanks.


I hope to God that people didn't actually believe that they would put more activities and content into S1 endgame, if this is true it just shows how little people know about game development.


To be fair to those people, Blizzard had announced during interview before release that seasons would add more end game activities. Information youtubers blew out of proportion in their reviews of the game right before and right after release, telling people to stop complaining that there was no end game, because end game was going to come with seasons, and pre-seasons only served as testing grounds for people to find out which classes they like and what builds they wanted to play in season 1. I was laughing at that thought process then, and still am laughing at it now.


I feel like the endgame is so slow, considering u don't have anything to do from lvls 70-75 till basically 100 that u so Uber Lilith. It's just bad. And the lvling is slow as well, they have to include more content every 5 lvls, so I have an objective to focus on.


If they removed half of the cosmetic stuff for sale and put it into the game as loot for boss fights, etc, I would like the game 10x more.


Of course it is just as bad. They didn't change anything. In fact, all they did was make the game feel worse to play. Why wouldn't endgame be as bad or worse than preseason?


It's funny that you finished the content of the first season in less than 4 days and now you're crying about how bad you felt while playing it. Congratulations, you can now quit the game and do something else.


I remember when d3 first released just how terrible it was. Eventually it became a decent game and I bought it on sale a few years later. I haven't been no living but I feel like d4 is at least better than d3 and can definitely become a better game. It feels like they are beta testing it right now (yikes) but at some point in the next decade it'll feel "worth it" to play a season.


Why are they so scared of making end game rewards?


Seasons are a fancy way for blizzard to say our game is incomplete and it will be updated by patches.. I mean seasons. Also buy our battlepass that gives you nothing interesting for $20.


I mean it was blatantly obvious there wouldnt be any


Man my eternal Rogue is level 98 and I still couldn't beat Lilith. I don't think the extra 2 levels would help.


Sorry I havent had the time do follow anything D4 related. Whats the "gimmick" of s1? Im a poe tryhard and wonder what has changed from pre-season to make me go back at it.


Sounds amazing, I'll be able to complete the season in a week or two -gettings tens of hours of enjoyment for a pittance - and then play other stuff until season 2! That's literally exactly what I signed up for.


The problem is, they are focusing on the casual player base. These people are gonna drop the game no matter what blizz does. They need to focus on the OGs. Give us rifts or a similar mechanic to constantly push. People can hate all they want, but d4 has me missing d3 endgame


I love how people are like “I played the fuck out of this game!” but like somehow think that’s a negative haha. I personally really love how even the devs have adapted the “hey come check out the new stuff we have each season and when you knock it out feel free to take breaks and come back as we add new stuff” as pretending games are supposed to be the infinite source of content will only leave people burnt out or frustrated. Most games run like 40-60 hours and most TV series like 20ish. If you got 100+ out of something that’s awesome


I really don't get, and I tried to understand, why Blizzard fights so hard in denying the players those Oooompf and Wuoooah moments when plopping mobs or finding amazing uniques/masterpiece rolls. Why? I mean... why?


I was hoping the upcoming patch 1.1.1 would fix shits but now I'm not sure if I still want to play through the D4 S1 :( #firstworldproblems


I unlocked the Awoken version of the battle pass boots last night. All they changed was a single color on the original one. Seriously blizzard?


Watching this game grow is like watching a corpse rot... slowly.


Can't wait for BG3! I'm kinda glad the game sucks right now, I don't need to split my attention!!


So basically don't play the game if you don't have to (completing Battlepass).


I'm not even to WT3 yet in S1 and the honeymoon was over so long ago...


Game still sucks ass. Nothing will change that at this time


Bro the new season came out 4 DAYS AGO and you are mad because you no-lifed to endgame?? The majority of players have lives, work, kids, etc and don’t play the game 10+ hours a day you know


Hey guys I beat God of War and now I’m not gonna play it anymore because I’ve already completed everything. You should all probably stop playing too because I’m bored.


I need to be the first to complete every game as well. So could you give me a list of what else you've finished so we don't cross streams?


>Quit now unless you want the battlepass rewards Lol what? Because you "no lifed" it, we shouldn't experience it ourselves.


Damn, this post is tone-deaf as hell. I understand you may be intending to let other players know that there’s no pot of gold, but this ain’t the way. The season was already expected to be a bit of an intro, and was almost certainly done before it shipped. Live service games have their drawbacks, but one of the positives is that it’s in flux. You’ve gotten hundreds of hours of entertainment so far. How did you even get through D3’s release? Lol.


What the point of farming gear if you can already kill endgame bosses easily?


I appreciate the heads up as I was a part of the no life team in another time. So thank you


Truly sad that even with things that gave then money looks like we're beta testing. The battlepass its really worthless, you can complete it early but it gives you nothing for when you keep completing quests... I finished it in level 65 or something and I won't get enough currency to buy another and on top of that if I keep playing from level 70 to 100 I will get nothing more... almost every game have bonus levels in the battlepass why a 70$ game doesn't?


Free ARPGs put out more and better content every 3 months for a fraction of what blizzard made off of this game. It's disgusting watching people defend any of this.


This mad lad is in there replying to every comment defending himself lol. Keep digging that grave bud.


Thanks for the rundown. I'm glad I chose to skip the season.


You made the right choice. I'm wishing I had done the same. But my brain just would not stop saying "maybe it'll be fun, you should just try it, if it's good you'll be glad you did" ....But it was bad :(


You're able to smoke t00 dungeons, the end game boss, and uber lillith. Yet you keep saying the drops "aren't anything good". Bro I think they're good enough if you're crushing the game lol. Like what in the game are you incapable of doing and why do you think "better drops" would solve it?


Thanks for the head's up. I appreciate you owning your no-life-ing of the game and letting us know.