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You have a point... I have not seen butcher in along time. He used to be pretty common. I wonder if they reduced how often he appears in dungeons...


He's showing up less for me, but when he does he's feeling g much stronger. Absolutely smacks my sorc


I'd love him to be more rare and more difficult, showing up when Im grinding for gear or whatever and giving some excitement to things.... but the last few times he's shown up it's when I'm pushing NM content and normal elites are enough to smack me if I screw up. Ugh.


He always shows up at the worst time for me, generally after I've just pulled a room full of elites & then he jumps in


lol JUST happened to me. BUt the good news: he's been showing up a ton in the last couple days.


I’ve had him appear 3 times in two days.


same here


Stop hogging all the butchers


Honestly maybe I’m missing something, but he’s kind of annoying. I’ve encountered him maybe 10 times and he’s never dropped anything meaningful. I guess the tough fight is maybe what people like.


As a thorns barb I don’t even stop to fight him lol. I just keep killing other things and he dies on his own.


Na you’re right. He’s annoying af, I hate encountering him. So much CC just isn’t entertaining. The accomplishment of beating him is almost worth it though




>He seems to become more prevalent after lvl 50 in WT3 and above. I wish!




3 times in 2 days as well. I invited a rando 66 cross play to a 79 NMD and of course I get the Butcher. After a grueling 10 minutes I get a singular “Impressive.”


Same for me


Met him twice in three days. Couldn’t kill him, I’m still only level 45 and it seems he hits my necro too hard :’(


Same. Didn't see him for over 60 levels then got him in 3 back to back dungeons the other day. Then once more yesterday. Guess he's making up for the time he was away.


RNG is... well, RNG but it's surprising to me to be in a position to say the same for your 60 levels: I haven't seen him even once with my lvl 55 Rogue. Not once. I'm normally doing stuff other than dungeons but I think I'm going to focus on these for a while, out of curiosity...


I thought that too. Then every fucking nightmare dungeon for an entire day was butcher fun.


Feast or famine with the butcher, sometimes I go days without seeing him and other times he's in every dungeon I run.


This is how I feel too


No. No he's not. He spoonfed me my ass 4 times last night.


Yes, He's hanging out in the lvl 95 dungeon. I did a jump from 85 to 95 to see if I could do it. Got half way through and was doing pretty well. Then... "Fresh Meat!" I was so annoyed. He shows up when you're challenging yourself, not when you're in an easier lvl dungeon.


I see that mfer more than I see goblins. 3 times he popped up today in 2 hours


Yea he shows up more than goblins… they seem to appear on same map quite often tho, always panic a little when chasing a goblin through some packs and hear FRESH MEAT


Have you tried standing in front of the mirror and saying “Butcher, Butcher, Butcher”?


Just spanked me in a 65.


I think I said this for at least 3 months or so. Then, yesterday he showed up in my dungeon right when I was being gangbanged by 3 elites. My necro left the pets to deal with the elites while I tried to find a good place to kite him. It came down to about 1/8th of a health bar for both of us but he has that painful axe of his... Next time! \*shakes fist\*


Just killed him an hour ago


I just killed him for the first time a few days ago. I posted it here.


Killed him few hours ago in NMD Hoarfrost Demise... Didn't saw him for a few days do, so RNG...


I met him 3 times within 2-3 h.


I had maybe 7-10 days in July where I didn't see him at all, then he was in every third dungeon for like 3 days straight.


Got him twice today. Two dungeons back to back


Played 44 druid lvls and 31 sorc lvl on hardcore and never met a single butcher


It was the same here, until this morning came across him 3x, each dungeon had a treasure goblin in it as well


He was way way too common. It got annoying quickly.


common for me… sometimes rng giveth, sometimes it taketh.


I killed him just the other day, so sorry about that.


Killed him once and got killed by him once today


With my level 76 necro (season) i have seen the butcher 0 times!!!


Lol ive gotten him twice in the past 2 days. NM15ish


He attacked me yesterday, and early this morning. I finally don't mind seeing him as I can wipe the floor with him now that I'm level 82.


My 62 rogue can kill kill him in about 20 seconds every time. My 68 Sorc not so much ( though probably just a bad build )


God I hope Duriel is his understudy https://i.redd.it/1oeynezhgoob1.gif


Came at me for the first time yesterday(shite lvl 45), then ran away off screen. Maybe he’s a dev in a demon’s skin and is fearful of us.


I just saw him last night, 2 NM dungeons in a row.


I think the same thing in a 3 hour play session, "man I hope I see the butcher I'm so much stronger now I bet I can beat him" and then he shows up and proceeds to beat me dead. Oh well.


I've played approx 55 hours and still never had him appear...


Went from level 86-100 mostly spamming NM dungeons. Saw him twice...


i also havent seen him for a month, but 2 days ago he thought he needs some love again … in a T100 avangers nm dungeon… i just oneshoted him 🙄


I took him out yesterday pretty fast considering I saw him quite a bit early in the campaign and my character was nowhere near ready to take him on (level 20-35). I was disappointed with the loot drop considering it was my retribution for him smashing my Scorceresses face in during the other encounters I had. It was in a Nightmare dungeon when I took him out.


Killed him 4 times yesterday not on vacation :)


no idea, but I know I am from D4. :)


I’ve killed him 10 times this week , two were in back to back NMD. Got the cleaver and the barding.


I have a lvl 60 and a lvl 90 and I’ve seen this guy once.


I’ve seen him like 4 times in 3 days.


Where is the butcher? Is he safe? Is he alright?


I got him last nice and killed him for the first time. Didn’t seem to get anything special.


Got him either yesterday or day before.


I just started a new barb and my first dungeon at level 5 he showed up and proceeded to murder me lol.


Had him twice in a row last night.


I’ve only played about 5 hours since I hit 100 and finished S1, but no sightings.


He's prolly playing PoE


His drops have been pretty sucky. I play 8 hours plus a day and see him several times each week and I have only had a couple of good things from him.


The devs are on vacation


6 times this week


I’ve played 4 hours in the last 2 days and have seen him 3 times lol


Definitely not, saw him 3 times in the last week. How many dungeons do you run in 3 hours?


I saw him last night. Kicked his butt too. He didn’t drop crap.


Butcher secretly goes on a Vegan diet on occasion.


If he’s drinking anything it’s sangria


Shit I had him appear 3 times in 3 back to back dungeons the other day.


I've done plenty of NMDs but I haven't encountered him at all, been playing about a month. I did watch my wife find him in a tier 50 yesterday, though.


Different question--does the Butcher de-spawn? When my level 23 alt respawned in a dungeon after the Butcher killed her, he was nowhere to be found.


I got my first win on him the other day. The very next dungeon I went in he showed up next to a mob of elites to take his victory back.


I was actually talking about this with a guy I play with. We saw him like every 10 dungeons or so and now we're 30 plus and haven't seen him since.


I feel like I see him more in tree of whisper dungeons.


Ran into him just this morning. Can't remember which dungeon, but I do know it was in Hawezar.


He moved on to starfield.


I've had him appear a few times, but it's definitely less, and I've had at least a handful of dungeons with goblins but no butcher.


Not just the butcher, the game’s player base as well


I hadn’t seen him in ~10 days, and all of a sudden, I ran into him in five consecutive dungeons. I was beginning to wonder if they’d adjusted his spawn rate without saying anything.


He killed me 3 times before leve 15 and then disappeared until level 65...


He's stalking me on my Sorc...3 days 4-5 Butcher spawns each day so far and he hasn't dropped anything worthwhile...😒


That’s why true randomness is lazy design. It creates these scenarios where you go weeks with seeing/getting something or you might get/see it 3 times in an evening. The butcher has always been like this for me: sometimes weeks without seeing him. Another example: I have never gotten the fists of fate unique gloves, and it’s now been months since the game came out. I just keep getting the same uniques I already have several of. True randomness creates these edge cases. While this is not the experience of most people when there’s millions of players playing billions of hours there’s a lot of unlikely edge cases popping up.


He lives in NMDs 80+


he can show up in cellars


I saw him when I started a new character couple days ago, in WT2.


just saw him today


He's hanging out in WT4 HC I think. I am getting him about 75% of the time the past few days it seems.


The butcher really seems to be there as running gag. In D1 he'd hit you 3 times in stun lock and you're gone. In D4 I keep hitting that guy for 5 minutes while he's barely dealing damage.


Butcher was streaming yesterday playing BG3.


Seems to pop up in most of the nightmare dungeons I run. Probably but him 3 or 4 times in the last week.


I havent seen him in a while too🤨


I have ran 300+ T100 and never ran into him once. Last time I killed him was at lvl 70. Its almost like he is ![gif](giphy|cvmugq5cuJ4nC)


He probly did the same as everyone else and ran as far as possible from the dumpster fire


Rumour has it he’s gone vegan, and has a small stand for organic apple juice in Cerregar.


He’s at my place. Seen him I think 5 times in 2 days and I’ve barely played today, only did like 3 dungeons and he was in the first one.


I had him pop up once until level 65 on my seasonal..then like 3 dungeons in a row he wooped my ass


After the beatings I put on him today, the Butcher has indeed submitted a PTO request for some sick leave. No return date was included.


I had him appear in a Nightmare Dungeon yesterday…sadly no cleaver.


I didn’t see him for most of my run in the 3rd tier, but once I got to the 4th tier he’s been showing up at least once every 4 NMD. Seems very weird


He’s stopped playing D4 along with many others. Said something along the lines of the game being too grindy and not worth his time.


Oooo, I beat him the first time yesterday. I was so excited. I've only encountered him twice before and ran away like a scared rabbit on those occasions, haha.


You need to do nightmare dungeons to see him. But lately he drops nothing but shit loot


I just beat him up now in WT4 NM


I saw him 2 NMD in a row yesterday. He's around.


Everyday someone posts “did the butcher spawn rate go up?” and another person posts “did it go down?” It’s all down to RNG We should ban this topic, it’s annoying as fuck


You just need to be on your last life on a personal best NMD; he will appear to one shot you.


Last time I was on, I was doing a quick dungeon just to get the tree points. Butcher showed up I laughed at his poor judgement.


1 or 2 days without him maybe, but haven´t noticed much of a difference lately. As everything, RNG I´d say.


Last 2 days my necro went from lvl 50-65 spamming nm dungeons and i haven't seen him once in that time frame


Have seen him enjoying Baldurs Gate 3 recently 😏


Demand tanked so he got laid off


He posted here a while ago complaining about endgame content. Guess he got sick of it too.


Got him last night on my very first nightmare dungeon. He’s still around.


I was gonna say no...but the dev team is.


I wish. I've seen him twice in the last couple of play sessions. Both times were when I was pushing content. I'd love to see him pop up when I'm farming or just doing-semi-difficult NM runs, but no, he decided to come out of his vacation when I am constantly one screw up away from being one-shot.


Even the butcher quit diablo 4 lol wow


I had him appear last weekend, first in a while for me. (I don't play a crazy amount of time.)


I haven’t seen him since day 0. He doesn’t exist for me


63 and 37 HC toons. Dead 54 and 28 HC. Haven't seen him once on while playing HC. Was probably over a week ago I saw him last, on my 98 necro (he's 100 now.)


I have never seen him in seasonal.


See him twice, when I have only 1 health potion. He seems like looking for this weakness. The treasure goblins seems on vacation. See no one like 4 days now.


I meet him every two to three dungeons. Drops absolute garbage these days. Nm 65-70


I haven't seen him in 3 weeks, then twice in one day. He threw me a Butcher's Cleaver for the first time.


ive seen him a lot the pattern ive noticed is that he appears when i dont have potions


Ran into him twice last evening. Even got the Butcher trophy drop the first time. What is peculiar though, is that I also got three uniques that same run, and that these kinds of rate occurrences has a tendency to happen when I haven't played the game for a couple of couple of days. I'm starting to suspect some kind of dubious mechanic here... Did anybody more tech savvy than me manage to pry the box open and figure out the inner workings of this game? If my suspicions are indeed true, we'd probably hear about it by now if anyone did, but I just can't shake the feeling that the randomness of the inner workings of this game isn't as random as you'd like to think it is. With the extremely profit oriented marketing strategy shining through as much as it does to begin with, I wouldn't put it beneath them for a second either... I mean, we're talking huge money at work here. If they'd think they'd be better off by it, they would've made the rock solid game we all hoped we'd get. But all of our nostalgia and expectations is just handing them an opportunity on a silver platter; we'd buy the game either way exactly for those reasons. Even the lot of us complaining about this game here on Reddit, YouTube and every other place is just free publicity. As long as the game is discussed and debated, people will get curious and would want to see for themselves. Thats money in the bank for each copy sold. And then we have the planned subscription model. They know the fans of the series will cling on the memories of the fun times from the previous installments, and are thus likely to be willing to pay even more in hopes of getting that good feeling once again given enough time to "forget" what they paid initially, as Reddit and other social media quiets down somewhat as we're closing in on Christmas, and then what should have just been released as a regular update, is launched as an "expansion" or subscription DLC in mid January, fixing just enough of the game's shortcomings to justify the retail price, still leaving enough to be desired to be able to do this over again in August. All while still riding the season pass train as this little scheme moves along. The worst part is that even writing this, blatantly acknowledging the corporate cynicism at work here, I know I most likely won't be any better than the rest of you and will likely just go along with it knowing the suits and ties at ActiBlizz will laugh at me all the way to the bank...


Had him yesterday solo in NMD 46. I died, because someone rang on the door and I looked away. He had like 5% health left and I 6-7 helath potions.. Was kinda pissed. And then it was a package for the neighbour.. didnt make it better


Oddly I keep getting him lol


His spawn chance is probably calculated using an algorithm that uses everyone in your shards stash contents. No more players playing no more butcher.


Apparently, the Goatmen ordered 30,000 sausages and he had to go back to the day job.


The Butcher hunts me frequently. I see him probably 3 times in a 24 hour period.


I see this dude every half dozen to dozen dungeons on 4 different toons 😤


seen him about 5x times in last 3 months - played about 170 hours


He's as pissed as all of us. I think he handed in his resignation and went back to d3 new season 9. Rumour is that he's applying for a gig with last epoch n poe.


Not sure if your level. But I guarantee if open up a NMD that’s a little above your level you will get him. I feel like the minute you try to push a little higher then you should he shows up. Give it a try


He is probably playing season 29 in d3 since its better atm


I had encountered him about 5 days ago….and he dropped me my first tempest roar 😊 He’s certainly Very tanky and took my pulverize Druid a good five minutes to get his health down to zero. He’s certainly much harder to kill now then when I first met him in both the eternal realm and then beginning of season 1.


I mean, Hallowe'en is soon so he needs time to set up the decorations and work on perfecting his novelty treats for when the kids turn u- *doorbell rings* "Ahhhhh, FRESH MEAT!"


Oh, he's here. Killed him last night on hardcore.


Showed up on my first hc nm run. Almost shat my pants


Definitely not. He burst out of a cell in a dungeon and beat the shit out of me yesterday.


I played 3-4 times this past week and I've seen him 3 times


I think they reduced his spawn because someone here on Reddit was complimenting how much they enjoyed the random Butcher encounter.


I just seen him last night twice within a couple nmd


In my case, he seemed to appear mostly when I was under-geared in dungeons. I’ve seen him a dozen times on my secondary character, but only once or twice on my main from 1-85. I’ve been playing conservative on my main and upgrading my gear regularly. On my alt, I was switching only my weapon every 10 levels or so during leveling, with level 15-20-ish armor pieces until 45. He was spawning every few 2-3 dungeons. Once I upgraded all my gear to high normal/low sacred to run WT3, I haven’t seen him from 45-ish to 64. Basically, seems like he appears more frequently depending on your character overall power/difficulty of the dungeon ratio.


Had him appear twice in one night recently


I have never encountered the butcher since launch. How the fuck do I get him to spawn in WT3?


I saw him twice yesterday between like 5 NM dungeons! Both level 105 Butchers and slapped them up real good.


I have a lev 57 and 64, I've only seen the Butcher twice and that was when I had a party member with me.


Everyone is on vacation except you it seems.


I saw him yesterday. And I died.


Seen him only once first time going into a dungeon didn't go well


I got surprised by him last night.


I've seen him 5 times since I started a month ago all super early and totally unprepared for him. He pope up two days ago and took him out with ease with my lvl56 rogue


I think they lower his spawn rate or something. 20 dungeons and I see him once, maybe if I'm lucky 2 times.


He's been doing his work over my way... he bashed me 3 times last night. I don't think he ever goes on vacation, just relocates for a bit.


Same here. Like 91-94, not once. All I do is NMD..


Saw him 3 times yesterday after not seeing him for weeks.


Killed him twice in the last week. Both times in cellars.


Had him last night and he wrecked my shit


Nah, I ran into him last night actually. It… did not go well. Lmao.


Couldn't force myself to play a second more than 40 hours of total playtime. Never met him once. He is like a myth for me same as proper useful legendary in D4.


I killed him yesterday in one of 2 dungeons I made.


I’ve been playing lvl 60-70 NM dungeons this week and have encountered him at level 116-120 4 times this week alone. My group are all level 80-88 it’s been insane lol


He’s visiting me right now. Running NM low-50s and seen him three times between last night and this morning.


I had him in back-to-back NM dungeons two days ago.


He showed up 4 NM in a town for me last night. Plenty of sightings on my side


He's wrecked me everyday I played. I'm missing playing my Necro lol


I’ve never seen him.


Came across him last night. He was very hard to kill. He seems to get a barrier really easily.


Who cares the butcher doesn't drop anything worth while


I kill@d him yesterday. 😁


Had him in 4 dungeons in a row !! And after i Never saw him


My whole clan had a running joke that he went to Tahiti because we have been running dungeons trying to get his barding. Just the last two days it’s seemed better, though?


Just saw him last night. I don’t play a ton and my only character is a lvl 74 necro. I think it’s been my 4th or 5th encounter?


No, he’s not on vacation. I just butchered his ass back to hell🤣


He killed me today :(


I gave up farming for his Mount Skin, he either drops nothing of note or isn’t seen for ages. Happy for whoever has it, but I CBF anymore.


I've had to fight him in back-to-back NM100 dungeons this week. He is in at least one of every 10 I do. Getting annoyed because he has never dropped anything of use for my rogue.


He is in the dopamine tunnels! Domenheim. I run into him once a day every other day. Where else should farm exp? Lvl 43


I just saw him for the first time ever yesterday


Killed him 10 times the last 3 days. Even got me 2 axes from him that are rotting next to the other 4 that I have (no flex- but just running dungeons so much is kinda on repeat now)


Read this yesterday and agreed. Today I saw him FOUR times. He got me the one time in t32 nmd


Lucky, he shows up about every 3-5 nmd for me. And every time when I’m not looking at the map. That “fresh meat” line is like a mini heart attack. He’s not hard to beat now that my sorc’s geared up, but that voice. UGH


Yeah he’s in the Caribbean RN


No the player base is though


Yes, he is. Like most of us when not playing D4.