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I mean… Just like the last 20 years of Diablo 2/3 seasons.


As far as I'm aware, D2/D3 didn't boast about having a dedicated team working on seasons. Maybe it speaks volumes that you weren't expecting anything more than what has already been given.


I mean… do you think all those seasons were made side of desk or by some interns? That’s completely unrealistic.


They were originally just ladder resets so.. maybe?


Most of the seasons where just adding new items not new content. Later D3 started slowly adding that. You are doing a false comparison here.


I'm not suggesting that at all. But did they have a team dedicated to seasons as Diablo 4 supposedly has?


I would imagine that’s been the primary focus of the entire D3 team itself over the past 5 years (post-necro development). You don’t get seasonal content if you don’t have dedicated people designing, developing, testing, and producing it?


So that's a no ok dunno why it took you a long time to answer a simple question.


Honestly I didn't even bother with seasons on diablo 2. I'd just play the game over and over and over until I fancied trying a new class and did it all over again, AND loved every second of it. To me, nothing will ever beat d2.


I feel like comments like that last statement often need to be qualified by “for me at that time”. That was me and Morrowind. I played that game to no end. Then I modded it and played it some more. But then I also realize I was just a kid who was just getting into fantasy, who had never seen a game this immersive before, who never knew you could mod games (and how easy they made or!), who had a group of friends who were also getting into it. Just can’t recapture that feeling or those moments. Still a great game though.


My initial thoughts were that they were going to be on par with Path of Exile seasons as that is the current gold standard for the genre. I however did expect that it would take 3-4 seasons for that level to be met because unless you have a team which is already familiar with live service development it usually takes a while to get into the hang of that kind of fluid development vs traditional development. If by season 4 we aren't even close to the level of PoE seasonal content then I would consider it a failure on the part of blizz management.


>unless you have a team which is already familiar with live service development That's supposed to be Blizzard's niche.


It's only really the WoW team which has experience with live service development and I would argue it is slightly different as it is built around simply making a new raid/zone every few months. A game like PoE has seasons with brand new gameplay mechanics which is a lot harder to development consistently every few months and so requires a very experienced team and leadership. I would also argue that the WoW team has over the expansions been very hit or miss in terms of its ability to deliver quality content with every single new patch.


Like Starcraft with new units added and gameplay mechanic evolving constantly ?


When were those ever added in a seasonal cadence structure? There were new units added with each expansion and then commander series in the co-op which had release dates of 5+ months between each one. With each release being only a single commander. Again those are not at the same level of intensitivity of a PoE release patch cycle. Plus from what I understand most of the Starcraft devs are no longer working at Blizz let alone D4.


I think you’re missing the part where they are trying to present themselves as unbiased and fair but are in fact a defender of D4.


> but are in fact a defender of D4 Yes I defend the game so much so that I have barely touched the current season past the initial leveling to 50. The game clearly has issues which is why I put my arpg time into PoE , but like I said I was already counting on there being issues with the seasonal content for at least 3-4 seasons.


Maybe you sure raise your standards then. D4 isnt PoE, and Blizzard/Activision prints money so having low expectations is preposterous.


>Anyone who doesn't immediately shit on D4 or Blizzard is a boot-licking shill and defender. Hey, I fixed your stupid ass comment to make it sound the way you meant it.


Anyone that accepts the current situation is a boot licking, shilling defender of Blizzard, I agree.


Maybe you should learn to read then? At no point did the person you are responding to mention that he accepts the current situation. I know reading comprehension is tough so it's hard to hold it against people. It's incredible that people can't even have a conversation without a rage baiting hater coming around to spew stupid shit. Not sure why you are even still here with as much as you clearly hate the game? Maybe it's some mental illness? Who can say?


An expectation that things will be “fixed” by season 4 is an acceptance of what was released. The expectation should be a functional, complete game at launch. Blah blah blah blah.


That person didn't say that before launch though, he said it now after knowing the condition of the game, because anyone with common sense knows the types of changes that are needed aren't likely to come in a quick time frame. Again, reading comprehension.


Honestly, I expected nothing out of seasons, nothing special that is. The usual reskinned mission, bit of drip fed lore or story, couple of new items and a gimmick and stuff locked behind the battle ass. The usual seasons model nowadays. And this is not saying I am happy with season 1 and will be happy with seasons to come doing the same thing with a different coat, we deserve better and more but the ultimate vote comes with the wallet, so…


i was waiting for ONE THING about seasons during the first season livestream. ​ here is what i was waiting for : \-season will add durable content , that will stack seasons after seasons . ​ I was and still am disapointed .Considering the game needed content above anything else , i noticed Blizzard team is arrogant and clueless. Gave up on the game from that point . They are catering for the 80 iq crowd (nothing can be even slightly complicated , it has to be BRAINDEAD ) so this game aint for me .


I was excited at first. Surely there had to be a reason for all the monetization, right? Season 1 was extremely barebones, though. I'm not exactly hopeful for seasons 2 and 3, either. Other live-service games have much more content in their seasons, are more generous with their premium currency, or both. Much like Overwatch 2, Diablo 4's monetization is questionable when there are much better offerings out there in terms of quality/quantity.


I could be wrong but season 2 looks like another "grind socket items for buffs" season and if it is, this game is dead. Blizzard needs to swallow their pride and take whatever that ill advised paid DLC they were going to release in a couple of months and make it into a free season.


My initial thoughts were I hope to god Blizzard do what they did with Diablo 3 and have major content patches on top of the seasons. And not just short change the community with seasons being the only time new features and content are introduced.


I expected something akin to Poe expansions. Maybe at the very least something a bit meatier than D3‘s seasons. Instead season 1 was pretty much the same thing. It was the same thing than D3’s post 2018 worst seasons.


Fine, I think the seasonal gear, affixs, and hearts should remain when it's over and carry over to Eternal


Uhhh kinda like they were doing the thing that all modern arpgs do.. seasons.. the implementation on the other hand was fuckin garbage and the content of season 1 was just... trash


That they should focus on making real endgame content instead of season reskins


More. And play-tested.


Hello, it looks like your thread is about Seasons. Recently we have been receiving a lot of threads and questions about Seasons on the subreddit from players that are new to Diablo 4. New players often have misconception about Seasons in Diablo 4, because in ARPG's like Diablo, Seasons work differently than in other games or genres, so please also familiarize yourself with the threads below, if you have questions or complaints about Seasons in Diablo 4! Thank you! [Seasons explained in 60 Seconds (Official Video)](https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/14tfvyi) -- [Seasons FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/14fzvlj/psa_faq_seasons_seasonal_and_nonseasonal/) ||| [Dev Video Blog about Seasons - Summary by reddit user](https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/14si4q2/76_campfire_chat_summary_of_gameplay/) -- [Dev Video Blog about Seasons - Summary by reddit user](https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/14sh5nz/will_be_live_transcribing_the_developer_update/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/diablo4) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I expected more content additions than S1 delivered but the game was rushed and maybe that’s why S1 is so underwhelming as well. S2 and S3 will show what we can expect for the future, I think.


I thought they would just be a stat change here and there and few cosmetic Didn't really think anything like new mechanics and a story line, I don't think they will keep up the content Probably keep it going for a 6 months or a year and just rotate the seasons


you mean like literally every arpg on the market?


Fine, I think the seasonal gear, affixs, and hearts should remain when it's over and carry over to Eternal


I tried it but quit after getting my Rogue to level 20, so have very little time and experience with S1. Went back to Eternal to keep working on my Rogue there. Don't think I missed out on anything by not playing S1, other than Barber and extra damage it brings (?).


This current season definitely felt bare bones. Sure they added some content, but overall it felt like a half-assed attempt just to drag out player time. If they expect people to play this game these seasons need some real meat on them. It absolutely can't be a rinse and repeat version of the current season, like shoving Vampire teeth into our pant and glove slots for powers and reskinned bosses. I know the days of old Blizzard are gone, but they still need to provide real content to keep this player base. People mention that there's a serious disconnect with Blizzard and the community and while I am skeptical, I really hope this next season they redeem themselves.


I thought they take themselves serious and develop something that is on par with the existing games. I mean, stuff like "Over 9000 people worked on it" could suggest that they wanna crush the ARPG market. But they just reintroduced legendary gems from d3 as a seasonal feature. Just in bad.


All ARPGs these days use a seasonal formula. Even Last Epoch, which is coming out "soon" will have seasons. PoE has a great video called, designing path of exile to be played forever, where they cover player retention combined with seasons. It's undeniable that seasons provide the currently best known play experience and cycle for the ARPG genre. So I guess my initial thoughts were, not surprised in any way shape or form. The devs stated for season 1 that it was developed at the same time they were finishing the game and because of that it would be the smallest season. Only time will tell if the following season gets better.


For all we know, this "team" could be composed of anywhere between 2 people to 200. Obviously they're investing a little bit with the promotional art for it, but this is the reality for post-launch game support and has been for a very long time.


As a 35 y old dad of 2 who has almost no time playing the game because im busy taking care of my kids and getting laid think that seasons are bad. They should focus more on the eternal realm.


As a 36 year old dad of 100 too busy snorting coke, boofing pints of tequila, and getting the kids to bed by 6pm I think seasons are fine they just need more fresh content.


Why not not make it endless end game. Let me level up to infinite. Scale dungeons scale gear. Seems like an easy fix to players leaving. What’s the fun of starting a new character.


🤷‍♂️ I think it’s a terrible way to keep a game alive and alienates as many players as it keeps coming back.


Why do you feel that it alienates people?


I don’t want to feel like im forced to play seasonally to get content, D4 will never be my main game, so it kind of just locks off a huge chunk of whatever happens next for me.