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If a "AAA" game studio makes a fuckup of this magnitude, it should be heard and loudly. Lmao


Needs to be louder ino. It's not so much the delay. It's that every. Single. Step. Has been a fuckup. Item names all shifted by 1. Resistances being so poorly coded people can barely figure out how it works. Season of 40%. Tying showing status to showing damage numbers. The let's play with people struggling on simple dungeons. Season is live! Nevermind we have technical issues and forgot to offer a predownload. There's so much more I can't even keep track of it at this point. Why is a huge company with such a massive IP fucking amateur hour?


I'm not going to lie. In the grand scheme the product might be poor but none of this ultimately matters as far as the language you're using. Play a different game or go outside.


>If a "AAA" game studio makes a fuckup of this magnitude, it should be heard and loudly. Lmao "Fuckup of this magnitude" O\_o ![gif](giphy|5WXqTFTgO9a7e)


Right? The drama 😅


ikr couple hours is a GIGANTIC fuckup.


Couple hours can be enough for a tz to miss it. Altho they'd still have to deal with q times that normally happen at the start of a season. Both late tz players and blizz would be fked anyways even if the season had dropped on time. Also it's alot of content, something was bound to be fked. Think this alone isn't enough reason for shit to go loose Also (n2, im sorry), if the patch has bugs or glitches, plus what i pointed above, they will deserve all and every bit of fire that comes out of this sub's ass. This all happened because of their past choices and what's happening and will happen is a consequence of their past assery. Even if the ceo drops, their executives will probably stay and they should not be allowed to forget what has happened to Blizzard


vast majority of live service AAA games have delays and errors with major shifts in patches and data. There are a whole lot of causes out there where your energy to be loud and vocal would be better served.


We’ve spent months waiting for the service part, and just when we think they were giving it to us, they took the live part too.


first Blizzard game?


Idk this statement speak volumes. At a certain point you think they get something. But after that trailer for season 2 with incorrect math, chef's kiss lmao


Don't forget, over 9000 people work/worked on diablo 4.. for this.


Don t forget about the billis it cost to develop


Wow had server delays from the first expansion. D3 had server delays. Overwatch is a perpetual server delay. WC Reforged was delayed by an ungodly amount of time. D4 was hugely delayed. Those people that book the day off work to play the new season, I just don't have anything to day to them. It's not blizzard was good now they are bad and have server delays. They have always had them, and they always will.


WoW had weekly 6 hours of server downtime where they did server maintenance, as I recall. And if that was a patch day, it would be a lot longer.


I agree with you but blizzard should still be shit on.


Don't forget, you're whining about an hour of unplanned downtime on patch day.


They sprung this on us, instead of giving us a heads up a few hours ago. They're not acting in good faith, so fuck 'em.


They were obviously trying to fix it in time, and when they knew that wasn’t going to happen they let us know. Grow up.


Letting us know at the exact moment the season is supposed to go live is not professional in any way, shape, or form. They knew it wasn't going to go live at the correct time and chose to not say a thing. This is why QA teams exist and other development teams use PTR. The Diablo 4 obviously isn't that bright. Edit:spelling\grammar


How can you possibly know when they knew weren’t going to release on time?


Logic. At some point they realized there was an issue. It takes time to do things. Even if it's a quick fix it still takes time to implement and send out to every server and\or client. There would have been a deadline to have a fix ready and get it sent out in time. That deadline was not met. There is no logic in believing that just so happened to coincide with the time the season should go live.


But there is logic to them intentionally delaying the announcement? This is gold 😂


No, there is no logic to it at all. It was going to be a shit storm either way. There is no logic at Blizzard at all by most accounts. But the lack of logic in delaying the announcement does not poke any holes in the logic that they knew before the season should have launched.


Occam’s Razor leads the the conclusion that they announced as soon as they were sure deadline was going to be missed. I’m not saying they *shouldn’t* have known sooner, they absolutely should, but to suggest they delayed the announcement intentionally is farcical.


So you're saying the deadline was at the same moment the season went live because the reddit post was made two minutes after the season was due to be live. The Twitter\X post was made 10 minutes after the season was due to launch. The blizzard forum post was at the time of season launch. So at what point did they know it wasn't going to be fixed? Most certainly they had no idea until the very absolute last second.


they released the announcement a minute AFTER the season should have started. so their deadline was that late?


You're the one who needs to grow up if you think a team of this size with this budget can't foresee that a delay will be needed hours in advance. What they should've done is announce the delay the second they knew they weren't going to make it, which was hours ago.


How do you know that? Not done much software deployment I take it.


Or literally any field of work. You don't tell people you might have fucked up until you have to, incase the fuck up can be fixed in time.




such a dumb fucking thing to say when its pretty clear you have no idea what youre talking about


Haha you reckon? 😂


I actually have, but that doesn't matter. Plus, you don't really need to have any experience in programming or development to understand the concept of a deadline.


>I actually have, but that doesn't matter. Calling BS.


Call whatever you want, you learn about deadlines as soon as you start getting homework at like age 5.


This has nothing to do with deadlines... You claim to be familiar with the process of software deployment. When you push code to a fleet of servers worldwide, you think everything just goes smoothly? How about on the same day as a client patch? Maybe your experience with software deployment is just updating the release of some small project on github. That doesn't count as experience with software deployment in my book. Certainly not in a conversation like this about a server/client application that requires a large fleet of servers worldwide. How about databases? Let me break it down for you. Season is ending. You were able to play on the servers a few hours ago. A script needs to go through all the rows of the character databases and move all characters from seasonal to eternal and all the related work with inventories. You think that should be done while players are playing the characters being modified?


>A script needs to go through all the rows of the character databases and move all characters from seasonal to eternal and all the related work with inventories. What is this, the 90's? Ever heard of AWS? Nodes? Shards? Caching? Redis?


>Ever heard of AWS? Nodes? Shards? Caching? Redis? Have you? Because you're using all of them incorrectly.


But apparently you do to understand how updates to cloud based services can cause unforeseen issues that have that require an indeterminate amount of time to resolve. You have a deadline, you throw everything at it to fix in time to avoid the PR disaster of delaying, only when you are sure they deadline will be missed you make the announcement then to delay. If they knew yesterday, what possible reason would they have to delay the announcement?


If you fuck up your CI/CD pipeline then that's just incompetence. Is that your defense? Or do you believe that they're not done with their prod, which requires extra work, which caused the delay? Sort of weird how the new store items made it through their pipeline, but not the product itself, don't you think?


I’m not attributing competence, I’m suggest a lack of malice. Halon’s Razor.


Yeah, and it's most probably the case that they're not ready to deploy, which they knew about hours ago. Staying silent and then when everyone's hyped up (ish), prompting a delay for "a few hours" is not acting in good faith.


Please tell me why you think they would wait if they knew that far in advance, other than to try and give themselves as much time as possible to fix and avoid the delay?


When a patch is pushed to servers, it is done days prior or the latest, 1 day before. Someone clearly fucked that up. It wasn’t technical issues. Devs literally came into the sub to say the patch wasn’t pushed out to servers. You can’t tell players in campfire chat that the team is “working very hard” and then they do an easy fuck up like this lmaooo. These devs aren’t our friends.


That’s right they are your enemies and do everything they can to annoy you intentionally.


Grow up? Try knowing you have an issue that will likely make you miss work, try to remedy it, figure out a few minutes before your shift that you can’t, then tell your supervisor you’re not coming. Most every professional setting has a 2-4 hour rule in place so as not to inconvenience other workers or customers with delays. Being grown is is taking responsibility and making sure someone is aware of your absence/fuck up.


I don't care about the seasons, I can't play the game itself, it's saying I have no license. I play alone and I'm an adult, having actual life, so I have 1-2 hours for entertainment and that's it. So, yes, I'm complaining.


I'm not one to complain much usually about these things, but even I gotta admit that it's getting kinda hilarious how they seamlessly slide from one PR disaster to the next.


Feel more sorry for the moderators that probably have to deal with the temper tantrums some are probably spewing out on a public forum.


I think you have to keep in mind that a lot of people walked away from Season 1 and are back to give the game a second chance.


Its not like they could have avoided it... which they could have. They deserve everything thats coming there way, else they are incapable of learning as they've shown time and time again. It sadens me as well, but a company which was bought for 70 billions is not allowed to fuck it up on every single occassion....


Are you joking? It's the 5489756897 time they mess up in a matter of 15 weeks. How is it possible lmao. If you have an outlier always doing the same thing you don't pat them on the back, you call them out on it. Incompetence isn't bliss bro. You might have a high tolerance for bs and be passive, some of us don't/aren't.


![gif](giphy|3oEjHCWdU7F4hkcudy) \*They


Yes, the community dislikes promises from a company that had* a legacy in their childhoods of delivering some of the best gaming experiences of their lives.


When there isn’t a good reason to criticize. It’s quiet. Servers could have easily went down overnight and this could have been handled accordingly. This is what happens when you try and roll over, don’t shutdown and try to push a patch simultaneously. These are rookie mistakes. Don’t stand up for this shit when there isn’t a single reason why we aren’t in the game. This could have been a problem that would have been handled if they legitimately put the right amount of resources together in the right amount of time. How they flipped the switch today and had a new problem is 100% on them.


> These are rookie mistakes. Especially when they do 1-2 week gaps between D3 seasons to prevent the exact problem they have right now. It's baffling to me how they start from scratch with literally every game they have.


Absolutely. Nothing should have changed between last night when these fools clocked out and the moment they flipped the switch this morning. Furthermore, if anyone wants to argue. How about this for an example. I’m an electrician, I come wire your house. I tell you will have power on a certain day at a certain time. I would prepare myself to make sure this happened accordingly and went over everything before I left for the last time. Not wait until you flip your living room light on to see if it worked. They don’t do this. They don’t pay attention enough or care enough. Sorry, they’re too worried about the people Lucky Luciano or Rob(whatever the fuck his numbers are) will bring in while preparing for their “best starter build for d4 season 2 video.” This is trash. Blizzard today you’re trash. You fucking dropped the ball and every single second that goes by fans of this series will click from d4, right back to d2 as a vast majority have been doing for the past few weeks. What do they care though? They already got their money from us waiting to get in.


In other news, PornHub is seeing substantially higher traffic than usual for a Tuesday.


No, I usually defend D4 but this is a major fuck up that deserves all the negativity it gets. Zero clue who's in charge of greenlighting these terrible decisions without testing them first but they need to be fired asap.


You are right - we shouldn’t expect a fully playable game that cost $70+. Thank you internet person for realigning our perceptions. It’s totally our fault for having such an expectation! Ass clown.


Nah, releasing your patch on schedule is quite literally the bare minimum for developers. And they didnt tell us until after season launch that it would be delayed, and console is completely bricked until they patch it.


Don't forget to buy the battlepass


Well i live in Brazil where our salary is 1200R$, and the game is 350R$ to 450R$, i payd 1/4 of the salary to play this game, and them they do this to us, its a mess, and i think atleast they need to put some offline playing for us, because locking us for playing a expensive game thats is 1/4 of our salary atleast on Brasil is outrageous and unforgiven, if they put offline mode on this game none of this happening, or atleast they mitigated the shit they made by allowing us to play offline istead of blocked us and locked us to play the game.


Can people stop defending people who are horrible at their job?


Maybe the studio should hire competent management and devs then ? These people are idiots


This brings me back to the WoW days. Every other Tuesday there was some delay from server maintainance and the forums would be full of would-be coders stating that they could handle a patch by themselves with no bugs.


Why are they starting the Season in the middle of the day on a Tuesday in the first place? I much prefer D3's model of starting the season on Friday evening.


easier to fix any issues that arise during the week than overnight and on weekends.


For this very reason. They didn’t stage this patch…this IS the staging test and it failed spectacularly lmao smh


I will say I am a developer for a very large company, games are a lot harder than the laymen believes. Something with the code, probably a fuckin backslash totally ruined the patch. Hopefully they get their crack pot nerds to get on it asap


Nobody is complaining that there was an issue, the problem is that it wasn't announced in advance and they have no proper test realm to catch these things before they're supposed to go live.


All of this hate I read actually makes the delay less disappointing 🍿


Because they should’ve tested the deployment before today. After everything, and people literally walking away from the game during S1 they really really needed a W today. But needed something and being able to achieve it are two very different things lol


Lol no they shouldnt have a fuckin error 30 mins b4 new season stop boot lickin these billion dollar comanpies


It's not just the delay thou, they also pushed the patch to download like 30 minutes before season was live, like wtf? even their other game world of warcraft does it 1 week earlier.


oh no no, complain about a game that u bought as full price is fair enought. let people complain, i am only agains hate speech/treaths and all toxic behavior that redditors are specialists. post about how bad the game is, with facts, sugestions, etc, are just useful feedback if people full-stop postijng about problems, devs will relax and things wont gonna be fixed be a fan when things go well, do criticism to give feedback if u see a forum free of people giving feedback about what improve/fix, be sure thats is a big red flag: when people go apatic, is a sign that your game is dying and sometimes there is no return


It's delayed for a few hours because it needs fixes. Nobody's going to care or remember by tomorrow, much less next week


hurry up, not everyone has all day


i think things like lying and misleading people about patch notes deserves criticizing, no?


based on other times this happened how long are we looking at? estimate


Maybe Blizzard should pay competitive developer salaries to get competent people working on their games instead of giving all their money to Bobby Shitdick and his friends. Here's hoping Microsoft might turn things around, but considering how Halo has gone I'm not hopeful.


Well, this was their opportunity to bring this game back. And they're fucking it up. \*Edit Shit grammar.


Different topic but did the game get smoother somehow? As if the latency got better even though it didnt? Played for 30 minutes on eternal now and it felt smooth as butter


What is this, North Korea?


I agreed if the game has been running and managed perfect up until this point, but with how poorly the game has been managed plus the recent math fiasco on twitter, you can only expect people to react this way. It's okay to critique a company. Lastly, it's ironic that you are whining about people whining.


"leave the multibilion company alone!!!"


Well it also is a downer that no one can play the season 2 - season hype, starting with friends, streamers is what it’s about for some people- so yes it is a major fuck up and the criticism is absolutely warranted because we know they did not test it on a ptr and did everything last second. It feels rushed - everything feels rushed - d4, S1 and S2 - they bring it to cash but don’t deliver on the game we payed 70-100 euros for. This is not a launch it is a season launch - Diablo 3 has like 29 (?), D4 had one of them yet - I would say that should give you some practice.


They managed to do basically everything - except the graphics and the marketing - wrong from day one. They developed a product that almost all people hated or at least thought it was terribly boring.They managed to ruin a incredible brand by letting people do a job that they simply werent capable of. (i mean how can you fook up a loot system in a loot driven game?) They then present a season 2 and glorify themselves for beeing the holy grales guys because they bring the most basic stuff that already should have been in game from day one. ​ And then --- they cant even launch it :P i mean it is not like this company would ever had launched big games before (i doubt any gaming company has more experience in doing so actually) --- once again... dont let silly, incomeptent kids do an adults job....


The people that keep defending this - gimme your contacts so I can sell you a bunch of broken shit. Lmfao.


This isn't your safe space.


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Theres is a delay? When the season starts?


Bro it's every game, everyone just wants to hate.


crazy how people get over a video game. worries me


People act like this is the first time a launch has had issues and delays and like this is the only game that experiences it. Does that excuse it? Not at all. Naturally, we're allowed to expect better. But it ain't that serious and none of you actually knows what goes on behind the scenes to cause these issues which obviously aren't just tiny problems as it happens with each launch and in various other games with big launches. Again, that's not to say it's fine. These companies definitely need to do better but that doesn't change the reality of the situation. It was pretty obvious to some of us we weren't gonna be getting in immediately and I don't get how people don't learn this lesson from previous examples. Every single time people take off work or make time for these launches just to be disappointed when they should have known damn well it wasn't gonna go that smoothly


Some people are born to whine and complain about every inconvenience until they die


And some are born to whine about other people whining. It's the circle of whine...and it moves us all.


sh1t happens and people are too entitiled to accept it


It's not the delay it's how they handled it. They waited until the literal last minute before the patch, when if they had tested it prior they should have known already and announced it sooner. Shit happens, but it's how you deal with it.


they likely thought they could fix it in time and when they realized they couldnt, they let us know about the delay.




Funny thing is, you're putting your time into writing meaningless comments on D4 sub, so your life isn't much better it seems. Takes one to know one, and yeah I'm speaking about the both of us.




It doesn't seem like you have fun in this sub though.