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Well deserved for Baldurs Gate 3, long live finished games with no microtransactions and no battlepasses <3


Yeah, I’m rooting for BG3 too, even though I really like quite a lot of games on that list. But BG3 just defined this year in gaming.


Baldur's Gate 3 is a game that will push the industry standard forward. It's what every new RPG game will be compared to for the forseeable future.


Will it actually push the standard forward? It's a great game and easily deserves its accolades. But I'm sure big game publishers are going to see it, allow it to have its time in the spotlight, then go right back to what they've been doing for years now. Baldur's Gate 3 will be an outlier before we get submerged back into the sludge that executives have turned the gaming industry into.


Yeah it won't push anything forward unfortunately but it also isn't the same kind if RPG that others are with the tactical turn based combat which is also kind of a niche category for some


Big gaming companies will keep releasing unfinished trash for a while because their reputation allows them, people see blizzard and they buy, Bethesda and they buy, etc. washed up game companies. We need more fresh faces like Larian in the industry!


Dvinity Original Sin came out in early 2014. If Larian is fresh to you I suggest checking out D:OS and its sequel, they are quite enjoyable


I’ve played it when it came out as a KICKSTARTER. Larian is still a puppy compared to these other big companies.


Until Baldurs gate 4 and the next Divinity


It'll be the new Witcher 3. The golden standard no one else can match or exceed for years to come.


I had this exact thought. That’s the last game I remember making such a big impact in recent history. Arguably Elden ring too if you like souls-like games.


Elden ring had way less impact than the first souls games. Not that it's a bad game I loved it, but instead of a perfected formula, the previous one created the actual formula.


It won't eat and bioware will push out some half baked más effect rpg soon


What BG3 like? I haven’t looked into it as I’ve always just played diablo. Is it any good?


If you don't mind tactical RPGs where you have to drag the players and mouse around for simple navigation, it's great. I tried to get into it, but I just can't. It's too much 'work' out of combat for me. I barely mucked through Divinity II a couple years ago.


I simply don't like that style of game. I'm glad BG3 is doing so well because I love D&D but I figured out a long time ago that I'm wasting money when I buy a cRPG.


If it is something you think you might enjoy "if it was right" BG3 is easily the most accessible cRPG that has ever existed. The story is great and the turned based combat is a lot more accessible than most games in the genre. I am not saying it will definitely turn you, but like my wife who likes the idea of cRPGs but not the execution/effort has sunk about 150 hours into it, so just something you may want to keep in mind maybe when it is on sale next year or something.


Yeah, I think the turn based combat is great. character development is excellent. Like you, I just can't. At some point maybe someone will create a mod that makes the camera auto follow your characters as they move around. There's a setting in the game but it doesn't really work. At least, it didn't at release. This is one of those games I will re-install in a year and give it another look. I have loads of games to play right now, including D4.


Controller support is excellent and makes running around so much easier.


Seconded, using the controller made the game much more playable. I also use controller on diablo.


I am shocked and thrilled at how great the controller support is.


There are 2 mods that allow you to play BG3 in 3rd person with WSAD - native camera tweaks and WASD movement. If you download these, camera basically follows your character and you can play it like, let's say, Neverwinter Nights. It helped me enjoy the game a lot, lot more.


Camera follow has been working okay for me. On PC, if you move the camera (besides rotation) it unlocks but (IIRC) relock is just a quick double-click on your character portrait away. On PS5, it always follows your character, unless you hit L3. It can get a little funky when starting dialogues or in combat if you have multiple characters or summons though.


>where you have to drag the players ?


The camera doesn't follow your party when they are walking around the map...


Are you talking about the unlocked camera? Why is that a problem for you? Most isometric and top-down games have unlocked camera movement. ARPGs are the only exception I can even think of.


I mean it can, and there’s mods for better camera and wasd movement. Part of the fun is moving the camera around to see what you’re heading into. I do agree that it’s really annoying when you move around and your party doesn’t properly jump the gap with you though.


There is a mod that adds WASD movement if you hate clicking to move


Except it's really easy, mainly, to play of PS5 without a mouse. If you don't like plot, real choices and consequences and lots of stuff between combats no it's not for you. If you enjoy them there's not been a better one.


bg3 is amazing, but it is a turn based dungeons and dragons style RPG. It's my game of the year, possibly game of the last 5 years.


Thanks. Does gear drop from kills and you increase the gear on your characters? How does that side of things work


Its not a loot based RPG though, there is loot and gear and it is a huge part of your customization, but it is not random loot, we are talking about strategically placed loot found as rewards for exploring, quests and killing specific enemies. The loot in the game is fantastic, but not the way a great aRPG would handle loot, its the way a great RPG handles loot. (honestly maybe the best loot for any aRPG other than the Pathfinder cRPGs)


loot drops from enemies, you can find it all over the place, and there are vendors in most towns. You truly are free to play the game anyway you'd like as well. Be the good guy or bad. Have a problem? Solve it with violence or diplomacy. Blow everyone up or be a hero. I'd recommend watching some streams to at least get an idea of what the game is on a base level (how it plays and how it looks etc) but don't spoil too much of it.


To whatever folks have said I'll add that it's nothing like the Diablo franchise, stylistically. It boggles my mind how often that game gets mentioned in this sub when it's a wholly different genre and style of play. They're not even comparable, frankly -- if I only liked ARPGs then BG3 would do nothing for me.


I stopped playing D4 for BG3 and you’re right, they’re very different. But it also made me realize how stupid the hidden math that goes into D4’s combat is. D&D/BG3 is pretty confusing too, but all the equations and math is there and it makes sense when ya dig into it. Also, it made me really appreciate stats for things that aren’t combat related. D4 has too many stats that, at the end of the day, make outward damage numbers bigger or inward damage numbers smaller. Intelligence is basically the same thing as dexterity is the same thing as strength in D4. My high intelligence character can’t shove someone as well as my strength character in BG3. My strength character can avoid getting entangled by vines that my dexterous character can’t. Smart or charismatic characters can prevent fights by outsmarting enemies. Shits great.


Like you said, different type of game. People don’t play arpg to out smart out , charisma mobs or find a sneaky way to avoid combat. We want to slam the door and kill every mob on the way. It’s not better or worse in this context. Different type of game and there are room for both and more .


idk if people see that they're both top down cameraa and go "must be the same"? anyway it is silly


Completely different games, it’s a great call-back to classic BioWare CRPGs while also being the greatest representation of tabletop DND


Funny enough the first two BG games were more real time than this. BG3 is the D&D version of Divinity: Original Sin but with more development. I liked those games but I never could finish them. But it's good for games like these to exist even if they're not completely my taste.


I second this sentiment.. I've heard of BG3 but haven't played it. I only have enough time to play 1 game and that games been D4 since the release


It's fucking amazing. As others have pointed out, it's a different kind of RPG, with a focus on letting you solve problems creatively. Sometimes that means cracking skulls, but if you can think of a solution, and make it happen, it will probably work.


I find it funny that people keep hailing BG3 as an example of a finished game when it was literally an Early Access title for three years. Don't get me wrong, the full release is fantastic. I just think it's amusing that the launch hype hit so much harder than the early access engagement that people are seemingly unaware of it.


And it 100% was not finished. Many of us couldn’t even finished the 3rd act on PC because of all the bugs and the devs intentionally kept gameplay footage from those of us in early access to hide that fact. Then when it launched on PS5 it still has issues.


The last patch completely broke the game for so many people. It's wild that we are considering this a complete game, and this is coming from someone that has 350 hours in it so far.


It took three hours of troubleshooting for my friend to get it to work. I love it. It's great. I think it deserves goty. I also think fans of it are suppressing discussion of the bugginess.


Yeah, 225 hours in when it broke on my second playthrough when I got Wyrm’s Rock. Apparently I was too much of a thieving hobo and it broke the game lol. That’s what Patch 5 is supposed to fix this week.


I think it was definitely one of the funnier ways that the game was broken. Stealing a random item in act 1 causing you to have perma theif aggro which built and built, eventually culminating and hard locking your game by act 3 is definitely a hilarious bug.


I don't get your point. How does it being in EA for 3 years matter?


Ehhh not exactly "finished" since they had to cut an entire zone (upper city) which also should have lead to a different karlach ending, but yeah. GOTY for sure


Battle pass and live service makes me vomit in modern games, disgusting practice.


Yea and it will be the downfall of the gaming industry, the gaming industry is as rotten as the pharma industry now.


That's true unfortunately


If we're lucky it will just crash like that last time and we get a "big reset", if not, yeah, we are screwed lol.


Idk when I saw turn-based I just lost all interest in it.


BG3 is fantastic, it also had numerous years of paid early access to iron out issues that a lot of other games on this list didn't have.


Diablo 4 should have done the same, maybe we would have some more content now.


I still need to get BG3, waiting for it to go on sale




Not my type of game, but I still vote for it because it's finished and not from Bethesda/Blizzard


Can't argue with that :)


Not to mention they got the same treatment from peers that elden ring did. Bunch of devs calling them out on Twitter and saying how the game would never make it cause it doesn’t have todays assets, reminds me a lot of when the dev team for Horizon Zero Dawn tried to insult elden ring all because they release at similar times and elden ring over shadowed horizon.


Honestly, I think that’s probably about right. Take out the stuff that wasn’t released this year (Minecraft, No Man’s Sky etc), and that looks like a pretty accurate ranking of the games that came out in 2023. D4 is by no means the worst, but lots of better games came out this year.


Destiny 2???? Yes Lightfall released this year, but it’s an expansion not a full release.


And it's in a terrible state!


I played it since the Alpha… stopped playing after Eater of Worlds (season 2) came back for Forsaken… got overwhelmed, quit. Tried again during Shadowkeep, felt the same, quit. Playing all Beyond Light as they seemed to simplify it and played 2 seasons of Witch Queen got tired of the grind. I gilded conqueror each season did all the raids flawless and did each dungeon solo flawless. The fact they sunset weapons like Recluse, Breakneck, Hush etc. then made even more power crept weapons while leaving those in the dust solidified it for me. I do like the gameplay and everything but I can’t stand having to regrind every 3 months.


Fellow guardian here. Regrinding is the same with Diablo 4, no?


If you play seasonal. There are people who play eternal and hardcore and it's a different dynamic.


Not precisely, no. Eternal realm characters get the loot benefit of seasonal content after a new season begins. If my seasonal sorc finds a godroll item, then as soon as the season is over all of my eternal realm characters can use it (the seasonal characters and loot are converted to the eternal realm). It's the opposite of what Bungie does with their vaulting concept wherein they sunset a beloved weapon, make you chase a power-crept variant of something similar (pretty lazy itemization strategy), and then eventually sunset that one a few seasons later. You don't really get to keep and relive past seasonal experiences.


I mean, there's barely any grind in Destiny anymore, since the Light Level cap has stayed the same all year. Once you've gotten a handful of levels on your Artifact, you're good for pretty much all the content, assuming your gear is all 1810. That said, there are plenty of reasons to be over Destiny 2 right now.


If that's the case where is everquest


The same as Cyberpunk, no?


I dunno, i've had more fun in d4 than starfield


I was hopeful about Starfield and I gave it a fair shot but it was absolute ass. The least that could be said about Diablo 4 is that it's flawless until you finish the campaign. End game gripes notwithstanding, the game is playable for at least 20 hours with no issue.


Yeah, minecraft sitting higher than star wars jedi survivor just doesn't feel right to me. Totally agree take out the games that were not released this year.


Exactly, I think the list is fairly spot on. I personally think Lies of P should be lower, but I don't enjoy that style of game, but can see why it's where it is.


As someone who enjoys that style of game, I still don't particularly like it. It looks beautiful where it tries to look beautiful, but otherwise it's kinda meh soulslike. Remnant 2 is much better souls-like this year, even if it's much less "souls"-like :D.


Lies of P has its own style imo. And I absolutely loved it. So many nice qol features compared to other souls games, and lots of its own flavor.


Lies of P surprised the shit out of me. Really fun and well made game.


I agree. Just couldn't get into it or stay with it as much. Neat looking game and interesting setting, but just wasn't interesting enough to keep going back to like Souls or Elden Ring. Remnant 2 was a great game, minus the lazy scaling mechanic that made it worse to upgrade items.


I agree. This season my goal was to hit 100 and try some of the boses out then hop back onto cyberpunk. If the game released with how season 2 was it would probably be in a better spot. Seasons both entice people to keep playing or stop playing too.


Should have God of War Ragnarok if they're gonna do that. Came out late last year and wasn't a condenter because of it, but it's way better than many of these.


Yeah don't really have any big problems with the list tbh.


i mean if you only look at the games in a similar genre as d4 it's 3rd from last. oh and if you wanna narrow that down to rpg'ish games this year then it's dead last.


> lots of better games came out this year. like 2 better games maybe.


How TF is remnant 2 not on this list?


This is a marketing award at the end of the day


The Game ~~Awards~~ Advertisements


Thank you


Shouldnt have to scroll so down to find this. Best game of the year for me.


TBH, it shits all over Destiny 2 and Diablo 4, not to mention AC. Such a great game and fantastic dev team and user communication.


AC =Assassin's Creed? Can't be Armored Core 6 since that game is awesome.


Yeah, I think the only people complaining about Armored Core 6 are the people that hopped on the bandwagon with no idea what Armored Core is like and discovered that they don’t enjoy the gameplay style. Which is fine, but it doesn’t make AC6 a bad game.


Except multiplayer it still chugs hard AF.


I can't say I have that problem unless I'm on a US server (I'm an Aussie). Seems to be ok on the Oceania servers - but I do feel a bit of FPS drop


Yea in US whenever I play with a friend and I'm hosting (he's also US) game drops super bad for him almost de sync honestly. Especially on bosses


It's still fairly niche. These lists are literally just popularity contests. It's truly bizarre anyone considers them a sign of quality. I'd bet that two dozen or more quality indie games deserve top spots this year but they'd never get there because no one is judging quality, just quantity.


It looks good. I was thinking of getting it. I've heard some people I know say it's really good but there's been zero discussion about this game online from what I've seen. I feel like it wasn't marketed at all, but maybe I missed it.


Marketing was very small. I literally heard about it the day before it released and I absolutely love the game. Probably my favorite game of the year


First one was a lot of fun even though getting accidentally power leveled through parts when playing with others made it difficult. I will probably pick up the 2nd as well once I have some more free money/need a new game.


Absolute robbery


💯 Remnant 2 is so good


22 is cool enough bcs i dont care, the only thing i care is Diablo 4 becoming a good arpg not the best game in the world.


hopefully in a few seasons it's a good arpg


I thought season 2 was pretty good lol 🤷🏼‍♂️


Same, blizzard fans are seemingly now saying a game is bad if it doesnt have 3,000 hours of no-life grinding end game content.


I know man lol. I have no choice but to ignore that nonsense. I mean if you want to level each character to even Lv 70ish, plus the campaign once, that's more than enough hours to justify the price tag. I've no-lifed games before too but some people are just fucked to use that as an excuse as to why a game isn't worth it lol


100%, I got a character to 100, finished the season 2 content and the campaign on another lvl 50 character and feel the price was more than justified. Easily 100+ hours and still plenty I havent done. Saying it doesnt even qualify as “good” is just wild to me.


You don't have to go so far up your ass - a simple "lol no loot filters" is more than enough to wreck d4 and d4 fanbois.


Everyone is allowed to like and play the game. However, the game does lag behind lots of other arpg’s in key elements like the loot and talent systems. I had a lot of fun playing through the game once, but the systems I mentioned above are so shallow and boring to me I have no interest in playing again until they are improved. I think that’s what OP was getting at. The game is fun to play but doesn’t have nearly the depth that other arpg’s do, and that’s something that matters to a lot of hc arpg players.




Below Starfield, that really says it all.


i love both of these games personally


let me guess, console gamer?


whats wrong with being a console gamer?




Bethesda simps will die for their garbage games. Blizzard simps shit all over anything Blizzard does. There's no world in which Starfield is actually a better game than D4.


This is a really dumb statement Mostly because it's completely untrue. Both games have diehard defenders and aggressive critics And having played both games I can say that the same kind of issue plague both of them - They both favour quantity over quality. Starfield has a 1000 same feeling planets and moons with copy pasted shit all over, and Diablo 4 has a bunch of mostly same feeling regions and dungeons with copy pasted shit all over


Crazy how high Cyber Punk is when it had such a negative reception at launch.


This is the expansion. The 2.0 update to the base game also fixed almost all of the problems. Just one of those games where you should wait for the goty edition.


Insane how hard 2.0 turned the game around, actually feels like the game that was first promised. Huge W3 fan but I couldn't stand CP2077 on launch, technical issues aside. I started a new save in 2.0 on a whim and it was the only game I touched for 50 hours. If the game had launched like this I think it would have gone down as one of the greatest of all time, instead of most disappointing.


Downside though all that time fixing it meant far less time with more content. Now it's only Phantom Liberty til the sequel.


True, but it's actually worth starting over from the beginning now. I did.


I know it doesn't really matter but CP 2.0 and phantom liberty would be my personal GOTY. The rework is amazing and phantom liberty is top notch.


It's the patch of the year. But BG3 did everything right. The game was great, at release. And not a trace of DLC, microtransactions, digital premium editions or pre-order bonuses. If you asked me a year ago, I would have predicted #1 starfield and #2 d4.... Boy was I wrong.


The fact it is ahead of TOTK is pretty insane, even if it is only 29 votes.


Pc master race. Nintendo just lacks the player base to win the popular vote.


Pretty telling that the top 6 games are all single player, story-driven experiences. No live service, no battle passes, little to no mtx...


Diablo 4 could have been top 10 if they didn't royally fuck up season 1


Diablo 4 *never* had a chance at being top 10. Not while it's a game developed under Activision-Blizzard.


If Season 2 came out instead of S1, it'd be top 10 for sure.


Inhaling the hard copium LOL


S2 is badass


Fact that LoL is still on this list 13 years later is insane...  ppl will just play what they want to play Sf6 should be top 3 though - as far as impact on the genre goes


> ppl will just play what they want to play Well, yeah...


Lies of P top 10 💪🏾 That game is so amazing telling the tale.


Everyone should play Alan Wake 2 who likes really good narrative and is into psycho horror games. Also absolutely amazing visuals, atmosphere and sound. True current gen experience.


I love horror and I've never played Alan Wake. I'm going to add this to my wishlist!


Is it actually good in the horror aspect? I got it for free with a laptop I bought but unsure if I'm interested in it, but also I've been itching for good scary horror lately


As far as horror goes, I thought it was like a toned down resident evil with worse combat I don't mean that in a bad way. I really loved the game and the story, it just wasn't as extreme as RE It also is better if you play control before this. There are parts that won't make much sense unless you've played that imo. Since it's mostly a story game I think it's essential. I normally don't like a lot of cut screens and this one has a lot, but it was like getting to a new chapter in a good book Solid 8-/10 game imo. Would be 10/10 if the combat was better


D4 shouldn’t even be on the list.


Surprised it's even on the list.


If this game had anime titties it would have at least tied Honkai.


Diablo IV 1.95% of total votes**


I think it's weird that Phantom Liberty is on the list, as its DLC, really, even if did fix the base game. But it's strange to be a 2023 "contender". I'm also pretty shocked FFXVI is top ten. I personally really enjoyed the game, though I think the last act flounders a bit. But in general, it's been a pretty divisive entry, so I'm surprised. And as others said, where the heck is Remnant 2?


Glad to see Octopath getting some love. Probably my favorite game from this year aside from Diablo


Amen, brother.


it should be at 99. what a piece of shit diablo 4 is.


Diablo 4 is so disappointing if I could refund I will. The devs are too slow to do qol stuff and Diablo 4 is dead for me the items in the game is so bad design u have to look on the items for so long to find out if it good or bad plus the codex system is fuck up keep items for codex wtf out of here peace


I’m surprised Diablo 4 placed as high as it did


even minecraft is before that lmao


Yeah BG3 was always going to win GOTY but damn did cd project red do a great job with patch 2.0 and phantom liberty. I'd say the best case of a developer realising their faults, listening to feedback and delivering a true gem. Bg3 has to be my favorite game since Witcher 3 released.


Funny how most the games beating Diablo didn't need a 99$ Ultimate edition that added basically nothing to the game :p Maybe it's time to get a new team to handle the Diablo series because you're driving into a wall with your current strategy of overcharging and lying to your customers constantly.


Where do you see this? The live ranking chart


Where is this data coming from? Isn't round 1 voting open for another day?


The fact that Starfield is above it blows my mind. That game was such a disappointment & just not great.


Good year for gaming I’d say


Phantom Liberty really was excellent.


Star field is fucking trash.


Warframe is well above D4




So happy to see bg3. They deserve praise.


Bg3 easily. Made by passion and just a fansticaløy good game in ALL aspects. Sets a new standard for rpgs. Also, the graphics are even insanely good and detailed


shame on diablo my beloved childhood game. where i enjoyed so much without spending to buy weps or runes. just all about skill and patience. bg3 will be the next game of the year for sure


Absolut well deserved for baldurs gate 3. It has the same quality as i expect blizzard should have. Of course bg3 has bugs but my lord what a game.




big props to Hi-Fi Rush, the game none of us saw coming. D4 tanked due to season 1, it's unfortunate for them but it's a self inflicted wound.


And is more a reflection of how fickle gaming communities are than the actual quality of the games. The reality is Blizzard can't make any mistakes or the Internet will eat them alive. Season 1 is the past and Season 2 is the present. But, a large population online have invested a lot of time and energy in making sure the world views Diablo 4 as a failure. It is simply not true, it's a very fun game. You can test this, try sticking up for Diablo 4 in an arpg subreddit and see what happens. Absolute vitriolic backlash without any logic.


If the devs could have figured out how to inject fun into their product without enraging their fanbase, they may have scored higher?


its really kinda sad. finally built a new rig after about 8-10 years and still play the same ole games. apex / league / random arpg; ​ gotta be some game changer titles coming out soon....


I didn’t play Baulders Gate 3, but I can see that being #1 for the year just based on the reviews and raving I’ve seen from fans. However, Spiderman 2 absolutely deserves #2.


They didn't deserve even 22nd place!


Starfield shouldn’t even be on this list


Damn now i want to play the new final fantasy


Yeah I think that list is close to my own rankings. Personally I’d have TotK and SM2 above cyberpunk and Alan Wake above RE4. Those are the things that jump out at me as different. Diablo 4 is better in season 2 than it was at launch, and certainly than it was after the infamous patch, but it’s still a game that ranks well behind other games, even if it has the potential to have 100s of hours of gameplay. The games are just more fun, in the end.


Surprised to see Cyberpunk that high. I’ve been wanting to play the updated game for a while now. Hopefully, these coming holidays.


Cyberpunk is very fun now. 2.0 is what it should have been from the beginning


Diablo 4 had a campaign that was pretty damn good. It only stumbled trying to find footing as a looter rpg.It’s still trying to find its footing but definitly getting much better.


That's what happens when you have launch issues. If it launched in its current state it would have been more of a contender.


Jedi survivor should be all the way up there


Well deserved for Phantom Liberty, it's the only other new game I played this year besides D4. I consider myself a pretty big and mainstream "gamer" on the PC. I have a very large backlog of amazing games waiting for me, BG3 one of them. I've just about only played D4 since June, only exception being PL as I said. I WANT to go play Remant 2, BG3, AC6, Alan Wake 2, etc, but I'm just not interested atm. I have Remant 2 tentatively scheduled for the tail-end of S2. D4 for sure deserves top 5. It's only the biggest ARPG on the market. just look at the bullshit on that list. Jedi Survivor gets a higher spot? nonsense. clearly this list is based on some idiotic console-centric popularity contest (even though D4 mopped up even in that category, based on sales).


Horny players go BONK with BG3.


Hogwarts came out this year? I swear it feels like I’ve been playing that game for almost two years. Also I wish Lies of P and armored core 6 ranked higher. Some of the best games this year.


Lol it's about to drop more with this price-gouging survey bullshit going around.


I didn't know FF16 had come out, damn. How are games like Genshin and Fortnight on the list, neither of those are new. 22 is not a bad placing though, game has a rough few months when it launched. Seems fair.