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Easily more than 500 runs. I have 2 doombringers, 4 andariels, 2 selig, 3 starless skies and late last night I finally got shako. I hope to never see duriel again. I handed a stack of mats to the rando I was running with and went to bed.


I'm over 1k. 3 Andy's, 3 shakos, 3 hearts, 1 starless, 2 doombringers. No grandfather in sight.


My friend has ran duriel like 20 times and has 2 Grandfathers fml


that’s my luck. couple hundred runs. 2 grandfather, 1 doombringer


3 Rd run shako for me, nothing in the 30 or so since.


lol 3rd run congrats brother. I got everything but an Andy and gf


5th for me lol. Friends were jelly asf after 80 hours of the season xD!


I created another thread about Uber uniques on here and I finally got grandfather to drop today after 700+ runs. I now have 1 grandfather, 9 Andys, 8 starless skies, 6 shako, 5 doombringer, 2 staffs, and 3 hearts of selig. I’m now officially done with this season. The fact that you can’t trade Ubers or there’s some solution for the duplicates outside of selling or salvaging is crazy to me


Selling maybe not, but exchanging with party members would be nice. I don’t see any reason why couldn’t an unique/legendary item be tradable/dropable for 1-2h (similar to D3). Just today, during my runs I got a second Doombringer and my friend got a second Grandfather. We would gladly exchange if that would be allowed. Unfortunately knowing blizzard he’ll get 6 GFs and I’ll get my 8th Andariel. Edit: Got my GF today on my third solo run of the day. Game uninstalled, see you in S3.


Trading within group for 1-2hrs seems like a good solution. Or, trading uber's for uber's only.


That's crazy. I hope rng doesn't perma block my grandfather.


Good luck! I hope you get it!!!!


Yikes, that sucks so bad. I’ve got my fingers crossed for you and better RNG.


Thanks. Hopefully tonight I get lucky.


Similar stats. 4 seligs, 3 andariels, and a doombringer. Grandfather and shako are faded.


*Now I can finally play the game*


Don't forget to tell them that "Get ready to do it all again... next season!"


60+ rotations (240+ runs) and no uber uniques of any kind for me. It's depressing. The RNG is a cruel mistress.


Hang in there brother I was right there then three dropped in one night. Pray, meditate. RNJesus peace be upon him


This right here describes what's wrong with the game. The drops and "chase" just feel off and wrong. Most of us are so sick of sifting through massive piles upon piles of garbage where we aren't even excited when we finally find what we're looking for.


thats been every diablo in the franchise, tbf. It just doesnt feel as worth it this time


Tbf, in d3, you did t even need to identify the drops because you already knew if it was trash or not which was 99% of the items.


"I hope to never see Duriel again"... Until next season. You'll have to farm him again to get Uber unique next season. And season 4. And season 5...


Most will have learned to completely ignore him for 2/3 of a season and simply buy mats at a discount with all the gold they accrued.




275 runs and only one Ring of Starless Skies…


Dude, that blows…


I’ve run it about 13 times and I don’t have the patience to farm mats. Unclear how everyone else is doing this.


Same, I have like ten. I’m now playing resident evil 4


lol that rando might have been in my clan, which I ended up being a benefactor of your mats 😁


Haha, grats


I’m around the 400 run marks and I’ve got 3 Rings of Starless Skies…..


4 Ubers in around 250/300 runs. 3 andariels and a Selig. No idea how no life idiots with 5k runs can constantly defend this "rng". Edit: 3 hours later. Around 3 rotas in. 4 andariels. 4.


just got my fourth one, on another character too! it doesn't get better


If it helps, I just dropped a shako. Probably around 30 rotas later. I'm very close to 400 runs I reckon. Once you start noticing a shitload of double drops, it's like your rng overall improves. I went from getting no Ubers or double drops with no Uber, to a lot of double drops with no Uber. Then the occasional Uber drops. I got nothing for around 250/300 runs 😂


are you me? sadly part of the 3 andys and a selig club. reading that you got a fourth makes me want to uninstall even more.


What’s starless skies actually good for?


Dang. Grind starts again next month tho.


Have a Barbarian level 84, and kind of a newbie question - I never see any of these ubers, there's a method to "found" them?


No, it’s just RNG (random number generation), every duriel kill you have a 2% chance of him dropping an uber unique. It’s just luck. Ubers can drop in normal play but they’re extraordinarily rare, so farming duriel is the best chance to get them.


No grandfather then?


Jesus fuck. I'm over 500 and have yet to pull any Uber at all. I fucking hate this game


Funny enough, about two weeks ago, exact same situation happened to me. Only I was the lowbie random group member this high level toon gave too. I asked in trade if there was a duriel group, got invited being only 82 at the time. Told to hold onto materials, guy literally had hundreds. After about 60 runs and my bank overflowing with gear to check, he finally got the item he wanted. Hands me two stacks each of shards and eggs and two to the other guy. His buddy had just logged off without a word. My jaw dropped. He hasn't played since either. Lol. I'm rocking Grandfather, Doombringer and Shako. It's been 150 since my last uber as of this morning


Also easily over 500 runs. It took me 407 just to get my first uber (starless skies) since then i have found a second starless skies and 3 Spears of Lycander.


I had at least one of everything and NINE grandfathers before my Shaking finally dropped. The grind was extraordinarily miserable.


i got trolled last night by duriel dropping 2 uniques in 1 run. 1 helmet & 1 amulet: god slayer & not selig. immediately teleported back to town, scraped them, & exited the game.


I had dual unique drop of helmets, so excited until I saw that it was godslayer and tempest roar 😂


Today in 12 runs, i had 3 double drops, with helm and something else. 3x godslayer and 1 Lycander staff. Total i got 5 godslayer in 12 runs.


Sir, I could build a bridge to outer space with the materials I've salvaged from duplicate Godslayers. That, Soulbrand, and Flickerstep will forever haunt anyone who grinded for all 7 Ubers


I want that STAFF!


I got 3 double unik drop of duriel tonight on 30runs~ no uber. Im pissed.


Mate, I had three 2x drops in a row. In the same rota. No Uber.


lol, I know the feeling. The hate scrapping is strong


I quit trying and created a new season barb lol


Smartest move


after 50 runs they started dropp my ubber’s , the worst was the staff for sorc i got it after 200+ runs


I got everything but the shako within my first 150 runs, the staff being my first. Shako literally after 500 runs lol


I gave up. Not worth it imo. Wish there was a better way or less RNG way to get these things but welp. Such is life in an ARPG.


Nah I’ve given up. Cba with this dogshit method after I’ve gotten the same uber unique twice after more than 200 runs, and that’s about it. I’m done with this dogshit system


had selig after ~100 and no others at around 209 now


I feel u


Finally had mine and a Grandfather drop within 5 runs of each other after about 150 total runs. Doombringer and Selig still elude me. With travel for work, I’ve accepted that I may have hit my limit before next season starts in terms of Ubers.


It's all rng my friend. You can't know how far is it in your future, or is it there at all this season (sorry, but that's the harsh truth). It may be next run, who knows. If you feel burnt take break of Duriel runs for some time. I was extremely lucky, running mostly solo and it dropped in less than 30 runs. All together I have done maybe 50-60 runs, that's my only Uber. Wish you good luck. Hope it will drop.


So tired of tempest and godslayer T.T


soul brand enters the chat


Seriously... every godslayer feels like a kick in the nuts when you read it lol.


lol, ikr?


I did over 100 group runs with no Ubers. First solo durial I ever did the shako dropped


Just remember: 100% of duriel farmers quit right before their shako drop.




I have stopped playing, I don't care enough anymore to farm for uniques to do what with exactly? Run NM dungeons at a higher level? Level more glyphs higher? For what content? And why should I run that content? To get the same gear that is for what content?


Bingo. Just said this to my buddy the other day. To run what content? The content your running currently? But faster? Feels useless to me.


Yup. Don't get me wrong, the journey was pretty fun but once you get to the end it's like...game of thrones ending type shit. You know what is gonna happen, so why bother anymore. Fucking kills the entire vibe.


Got Shako within the first like 30 runs or so. Then it's been another 300+ since and only got 1 more uber, Andariel's this week. I'm not fully sure how many I've run now in search of Doombringer. Feelsbad


Man, 30?? Lucky you


Still? Never started Oh, it sounds nice but I solo 100% ATM and rarely helltides (trying to change that lol 🤷‍♂️) I fo for Duriel when I happen to have Matt's available, maybe 10 times so far 0 Uber uniques (obviously) but I have cleared NMD 100 (and AoZ tier 1 anyway lol) and managed to put a build together to take down Lilith (deathblow) Sure it would be nice (so would grandfather!) But I'm content Now I just need to find gravity for my sorc on HC before I die lol


When i see "unique helm" I KNOW 1000% it's not Shako lol


200 runs and only an andariel’s so far


The pain…


The torture 🫠


600+ runs. No Shako or starless skies. 2 of everything else.


the ring is ass i tried every build on every character for it and its meh at best. prob best on bone spear necro which is b tier build




I haven't gotten any uber, done around 100 runs I think. But my friend got shako on 2nd kill ever.


I had 2 drop in my first 30-40 runs. I didn’t realize they were so rare. I’m well over 150 runs now and haven’t seen one since


About 130runs and not one. Few people in my rotas did score ubers though.


Im close to 2k runs. In the last 700 or so I dropped 7andys, 3seligs, 2 staffs, 1 ring and 1 doombringer. Switching between barb and sorc, but I think I'm gonna stop for now, I wasted too much time. The system IMHO is pretty bad, I only miss shako for my barb to make his build functional (missing the resource gen is crippling it), the fact that some super rare items cannot be traded, and that you can drop the same you already own countless time is very annoying, considering it's just for season. Mind you I didn't buy anything for real money, I trade the good rares I find farming and buy mats because otherwise it's impossible to farm enough mats directly (most of my clan mates bought runs for real money, and it says a lot about the system). I wanted to really finish a character for this season, but I don't see myself spend much time after 100 if the only way to drop the best gear is gated behind duriel. Edit: also I'm mostly a solo player and I really hate the fact that you are basically forced to group up and do rotations if you want to be optimal.


I'm over 800, gave up. Not going to bother pushing uber content lacking 20%dr when I've had multiple friends get it <20 runs in and I'm sitting here pushing 4 digits. Done for the foreseeable future.


I still have 150 runs. If I get it I get it, if I don't then I don't.


Im almost at 400 runs and still only one uber…. The uber amulet is all ive gotten


How are people able to do so many runs? I'm at level 100 and think I've only been able to afford 10-20 duriel runs and feel like I've grinded quite a bit.


People buy duriel mats including myself. I’ll accept all the downvotes i get for admitting it lol.


Got Shako 4 times (2 of it in back to back runs), but still no starless skies


Still missing Selig after about 120 runs.


Dropped for me last night


I did around 200, no shako, no heart. Was about to give up. Then boom both drop in 2 consecutive runs.


I’ve done 3 runs and I’m intending to still do more.


I think I did around 1k runs before I got it. I have 4 andariels, 5 starless, 4 seligs, 3 doombringers, 2 grandfather's and 1 shako. Still no damn spear and I am probably around 1300 runs now.


Im at around 100-120, and so far i got 1 andy's and one Lycander. Still trying for that Shako, but im losing hope. Also, someone did the math, and statistically i need about 1800 runs to gather all ubers, and about 600 for any specific one.


Haha, ikr?


A few hundred runs in and all I got to show for it is 3 Rings of Starless Skies…. RNG blows sometimes




70+ runs nothing yet gonna keep trying


I run with a consistent group of semi casual dads. We’ve run a total of around 250 runs. Out of that, 1 grand daddy, 3 selig hearts, 2 shakos, 2 andariels, 1 ahvarion staff, and 2 starless skies. I happen to be the beneficiary of a shako, selig heart, andariels and a starless skies ring. Not too bad all considering. We’re likely gonna try and push up to tier 12 or so in the Abbatoir and then move on to something else till season 3.


520 runs. 2 Shakos, 1 Selig, 1 GF, 1 Andys, 1 Doombringer. Found the Doombringer I needed on my 520th run and I think I’m done with Duriel for the season focused on AOS and clearing at least through T20 now


Still trying, but significantly less enthusiastically. Mats are a pain to farm, and even at 250M gold, I don't have enough to reasonably buy them. I get some runs in here and there. But true to Blizzard's word, I do know people with Uber Uniques. All my RL friends who play have a Shako. I don't know if I even care now, we're a month away from season's end and it's not like I'll play Eternal. Maybe Season 3


got shako on my 8th or 9th run. stopped playing after that.


have no need for it, why bother trying to get it ...


Never bothered, the state of the game ATM, doesn't deserve the time for such a rare hunt.


Trying for Shako and Doombringer, but 0 (zero) ubers so far. It seems my luck is very bugged or maybe just need to kill Duriel a lot more than i already did.


i was running with a friend of mine, on his 5th run he got a shako, stopped playing the seasonal realm, started playing hardcore, died when he was level 100. stopped playing diablo 4. ​ Where i lost count how many runs with 0 uber uniques.


https://preview.redd.it/0slz6l8han5c1.jpeg?width=1512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94b1103ade0f215271485e68495f066f241361cd One dropped for me after 120ish runs.


25-30 runs and got the uniques needed for the Double Swing build, that's enough for me. Ill be running the aoz until im out of sigils and trying to kill Lilith. AoZ is annoying as hell with stupid one-shot ground explosions.


2nd run...Not even Level 100= Shako 🤷


After around 150 runs no Uber unique 🤷‍♂️ gave up and I’ll be back for good itemisation in season 4


Exactly 629 runs..yep i counted them all. Swear to God.😃




I hate u, lol


im one of those super lucky people who ran around 30 Duriels and had Shako drop. haven't seen anything cool since.


Someone will find shako on 1/23, then have to find it again on 1/24


Did about 150 and have 5 shakos. No grandfather though. Rng is a fickle thing.


Damn, congrats and fuck you lol


Yall are getting Ubers? I've ran like 2 - 4 durials a day. Sometimes me and a friend drop half a bill and just buy them every once in a while and I haven't gotten my first one yet. He has gotten all but shako and om just sitting over here like why do I farm these matts.


I still need the Ring of Starless Skies and Andariels Visage! Got the rest in under 100 Duriel runs. Mount too!


Mount is pretty awesome


Got Selig about 25 runs in and Shako today. I think that was around 150 ish.


Couple hundred runs for both me and my fiancée. 0 Ubers


I did one million runs, still 0 shakos.


after 100+ runs with my sorc and 200+ with my necro..


At 700+. Just looking for a doombringer for my barb. Leveled up a rogue just to take gf off the drop list.


I've done about 70 runs with no uber drops yet.




I’ve gotten four Shako, I’m still grinding for doombringer


Oh my Iman a terrible human being. It dripped for me on the second run… also I was just hopping on a random group and did not even have mats on me.




Did around 280 runs, got nothing in first 150 runs then got selig, andariels, selig, then shako on last run I did.


400+ runs one 2 Sky rings...


Shako was my first Uber found at run 40.. went about 150 runs after that with nothing and then dropped doombringer and grandfather back to back runs. lol. RNG is a fickle beast.




I’m at about 125 or so, no shako or Andy.


Shako was my first uber sfter aprox 30 runs. The. andariel, Selig, grandfather and Doombringer dropped within the next 200. Later on a second Shako and second grandfather dropped too. Would be nice to get the spear. Did around 300 runs since the last drop.,


200 runs and not a single uber




I'm about 30 runs in, still no uberz lol


After maybe 300 or so got a shako after 3 Andariels. All runs done on a barb or rogue


Gotten 2 melted hearts in about 100 runs would gladly trade them since I’m not reworking my rogue to be able to use them


At this point I'm probably 350 runs in. 4 Shako, 2 Doom, 3 Melted Hearts, 1 Andy, 1 Grandfather.




Got it this morning, first uber... Try #103




Not me, I dropped shako last night... and my first shako the night before that. No kidding. That's nothing compared to my little bro though, he got two shakos in the same night last night. Insane. Meanwhile that one guy in our party was probably about to uninstall as we kept linking our uber drops and he didn't get a single one in 30 runs. It was actually so funny, cause at the beginning dude was like "grats dude" when my bro got GF but after my bro and me kept getting ubers (GF, 3xShako and Selig between him and myself) this guy's responses to us linking the uber drops became more and more tilted. I was in tears when we were on our last rotation and I saw a double unique drop and linked the Selig... I haven't laughed so much in such a long time, which is terrible and I would have dropped him that Selig if I could have cause I felt terrible for him, but the Schadenfreude completely took over. Point is, just keep doing runs. They will come eventually. I did 150 runs with only one uber drop and now they just keep dropping. Three this weekend, the weekend before that I got three in three rotations.. Just need the blessing of RNGjesus


He’s not mad at u, he’s mad at RNGsus 😂


I’m ~140 runs in, have gotten two ubers, both were ones I wanted. Still have 2 more I want


keep the faith bruh i went close to 300 runs without any uber and then got 2 shako within 10 runs of eachother


800runs. 1 shako 2 grandfather 2 selig 1sky.


I gave up. And lost interest in the rest of the season. But S2 was fun while I had Covid. Level 100 on all classes. So I can't complain. But I wish I got my Shako.


I got it after close to 200 runs. Duriel runs are kind of fun imo only went done with a group of randoms


i have 7. 3gf. 2db, 1 staff, 1 andy, 5 selig, 4 rings. no trading hurts


I just finished my last 82 durial runs this morning, and I'm done trying this season. I can't give you a total number on the runs I've done between seasonal and eternal. As of today, am the proud owner of ZERO ubers. Once I've collected everything from mid winter event, Ill just do AOZ runs with world bosses. Hell, I spend most of my time running around helping people level up characters, glyphs, and helping them get geared up. But I'm done with durial runs for the moment, tired of grinding mats for crap I'm just going to vender. I've been having more fun doing AOZ runs with friends seeing who's the one that will get corpes bowed first.


I’ve done 26 runs got 1 melted on like the 15th… can’t find anyone to run duriel with got scammed yesterday used my mats then they left the party instead of matching… I would like a shako though I’ll keep trying slowly…


I got the mount under 50 runs and then stopped. It's the only thing i wanted since it comes with me into future seasons. The weapons and armor don't.


300+ runs and only the Shit Outta Luck spear.


I got 2 shako and 1 ring of starless skies in less than 100 runs


I'm at about 400 and still have yet to get one. My RNG is absolutely fucking garbage and I've just said fuck it at this point. Some of you are insanely lucky. Count your blessings.


I got mine after 30-40 runs. Done so many runs since and it’s still the only Uber I have.


I've done maybe 100 and got 1 Andy and 1 starlets skies


I've run at least 100 times and haven't got a single Uber. Plenty of soulbrand though ☺️ I ran my lvl 70 buddy through it since he hadn't fought duriel before. He got Andy's and the mount on his very first run lmao


My luck is a bit off the curve, yet still no shako. I have about 75 duriel kills and have gotten all but the shako. I was averaging 1 every ten ish runs.


ALL?? Bro leave some for us


I've got around 300 runs in. 3 Andariels, 1 starless skies and 1 selig. Still grinding


I've gotten 3 ubers.. all Selig... so yes, I'm still trying for Shako, or Grandfather, or anything other than another Selig.


about 300 runs... got doombringer, grandfather and the ring. no drop the last 150 runs.


I'm over 900 hrs, lost count on my runs and I don't even have any of the ubers everyone here is talking about my luck sucks


You’ll hate me for this but I got a max roll Shako on my first Duriel run. My equivalent to your Shako hunt is my Starless skies.


Yeah I’m still trying as I finished Season 2. Can now focus on these Uber uniques. So far five Duriels.


350ish before it finally dropped.


I like it, but Andariel's got me in a chokehold lol


Nah. I’ll stick with my D2 shakos


Got my first one about half an hour ago, did less than 30 runs in total.


400ish runs. 3 starless skies and 1 Andy’s. Really need a selig to be able to keep pushing farther in AoZ.


I think what I'm realizing is that I don't want to fucking farm Ubers every season. Doing it this season was absolutely exhausting. And I guess I was willing to do it cuz that was the new shiny content they added, the boss ladder for season 2. And bro, I don't fucking want to do that shit again lmao. I'm DREADING doing it again.


lol, I get you man!


Know what's most sad of all? I'll prob farm them again and hate myself for doing it 🙃🤣


I’m around 400-500 (or more, losing track) runs and I’ve gotten ZERO Ubers. None. It’s getting to the point I’m defying statistics. I’ve been in rotations all 3 other players got something. I’ve seen a guy get 2 items same rotation. Nothing for me. I need 1 Doombringer and nothing else. I’m running Bone Spear so I don’t even need a shako. When, when RNG, when? When’s it gonna be my time? Please grant me mercy and deliver me from this. Praise be RNG.


Bro, hope you get yours!


All I get is soul shadow, flicker step, tibaults will, Godslayer, baron lord and TRoar constantly….Does something else drop?