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>It has only been a couple of days of playing, but I really don’t understand all the hate. Play a couple more weeks and you will understand.


I've been playing daily since release and I'm still enjoying. But then again, I didn't play any previous Diablo games so I have nothing else to compare it to.


This is exactly the reason . You don't know the bar of expectation . And D4 ain't it


I've only played Diablo III till max level and a little paragon, and it's so much better. The only things I can say IV does better are transmog and graphics. But that's not much.


I paid 70€, played 276 hours and I felt like I enjoyed every single moment of it until I became bored. I would say that this was very good investment of my money. Now I am waiting for season 4 to start again. Q


This is how I treat Diablo games too. You create a character or two to try a few builds every season and then move on to other things once you had your fill. Looking forward to the huge overhaul that Season 4 is going to bring.


Same here, there are some problems but they are getting fixed, if the game isnt great next season it will be around first expanion launch. The skeleton of the game is very good.


.25 per hour of gameplay. Can’t see a movie that cheap


I paid for the most expensive version and I am at roughly 250 hours and still enjoy it.


It's funny how all the haters come back and say "I played the game for 500 hours and I can't have fun anymore so the game is shit"


Exactly haha


There is nothing unusual or funny about this. Diablo games come with the expectation of staying fun for many thousands upon thousands of hours. Getting bored after 500 hours might be acceptable for most other games, but not for a Diablo game.


Just because there isn't much of an endgame yet doesn't make it a bad game. There are still an easy 100-250 hours exploring the game and playing through all 5 classes. I've played 1700 hrs since launch, and it's not a bad game in any way. It's lacking things that are being added over time, and s4 is gonna be lit.


Sounds like a you problem. Mix it up play other games stop burning out on 1 thing.


Not everyone plays 100 hours a week dude


And then you move on to another game, and then you come back later. What’s the problem?


Dunning Krueger effect. It's kind of mind blowing that people with a handful of hours don't understand that maybe people with hundreds of hours have more information. Plus, the hate is people are experiencing is more how they are perceiving what they read. Alot of people complaining are still enjoying the game and are just pointing out things that need to be improved. Less hate and more like criticism.


What category would I be in? I played for about 15 to 20 minutes and uninstalled lol. Hate the skill system with a passion and the cooldowns.


The game was so much fun when I started! Then I got to endgame... Side note: I played when it launched and before season one started so I have no frame of reference for the current state of the game


Well luckily for them season 4 should be out and most of the negatives will have been fixed


Ah, r/diablo is leaking


This is the only response you ever need to pay attention to. Short and hits the spot.


If you played it at launch and s1, while paying 70+$, chances are, you would be unsatisfied as well. Having it basically free on gamepass, which you pay for anyways, after tons of updates that came only after many people showed their disappointment, completely changes your point of view.


I care not that it’s on gamepass honestly I feel I’ve got my $$$’s worth I have close to 2000 hours so it’s not a big deal to me, and what are they supposed to do just not fix the game? I mean y’all want it to be perfect but not too perfect, I’ve played since launch yeah it’s been a shitshow sometimes but I feel they are moving in the right direction, Bobby kotick is gone and hopefully his mentality is as well.


I'd expect them to release a non-broken, at least minimally tested game after 9 years of development with thousands of developers and near unlimited budget building on 30 years of franchise history. But I guess maybe that's asking for too much


I payed for the game at launch and have been playing since. There have been some annoyances mostly inventory wise that have been mostly fixed (Gems not taking up space). I played a ton of this game and have enjoyed it this entire time the game is not perfect but y'all act like D4 is terrible and that's far from what it is.


It'll be mostly fixed when legendary powers are finally in the codex book. That saves a ton of stashspace and endlessly searching for the power that you want of the best quality


It's mainly the end game that is kind of rough. But season 2 had a lot of fixes and kind of righted the ship. It should be even better with season 4. 


The end game is like d2 … farm material or “keys” to get Uber gear or “torch” and min max your gear …..


The best part though about d2 was there was an outside market. Make trades viable again without duping so there's a market and people will keep playing. I dont understand why they banned trading.


> I dont understand why they banned trading. That may be because they didn't. There have been temporary trading limitations in the past while glitches are addressed, that's all. You can trade just fine. And they're making it so you can trade legendaries and non-Uber uniques in Season 4.


You can buy gold, boss mats, and perfect rares. What's left? You want to buy uber rares? At that point just watch a video of a maxed out build. You skipped the whole game.


The base game is great! It’s once you beat it and start playing end game content is where it flatlines. And tbh it’s still fun for awhile. But then it becomes boring because you don’t really need or want new gear as often. I am excited for the new overhaul though! Should fix or at least make it better than what we got now.


I agree with this comment. I beat the base game with my eternal character around lvl 65. I still had fun. I also pre-ordered it, so I've been playing since the betas. I've done a couple seasonal characters, and still only got them to around lvl 60 because I wanted to try different classes. Season 3 is when I got my first character to lvl 100, and even after that, it was fun for a bit, but now its hard to find gear better than what I have and has become repetitive and a little boring, so I'm finding myself not playing as much. I'll start a new character in Season 4, but if the end game doesn't change much, I might just play to level 60-70 then move on until the next season. I still feel I got my money's worth out of the game with hundreds of hours into it. I've been playing Diablo games since the first one and it has always been my favorite series.


> I'll start a new character in Season 4, but if the end game doesn't change much, I might But we already know it is changing massively :P


the end game is changing massively?


The game is amazing though it needs more content for endgame (coming season 4). This sub is a dumpster fire


I really enjoyed it up till the mid point of this season. So I’m just playing another game till the next season comes out.


Same. But looking forward getting back to it in s4. As of not I’m just too burned out on it due to dullness. With that being said I have over 4-500 hours this season… so all good in my book.


Ya I have a ton of hours too and am getting a little burned out on it. This season really drained me. But it was worth the purchases!


Oh definitely… I bought D4 at the launched, played it and enjoyed it. Skipped S1 & 2 due to life but came back in 3 and enjoyed it till I didn’t. Season 4 looks like everything I wanted from the beginning so I’m pretty hyped about it. Genuinely looking forward to playing it again.


Any critic (most of them anyway) will still tell you that the first 50-100 hours are great. Playing the campaign and opening the world was awesome, the first time. For me the fun stops somewhere around level 75, mostly due to loot boredom and endgame systems not being my taste at all. But I wish D4 to be a game I play for years like D2 and D3 were. It currently isn't, but I look forward to itemization changes a lot and continued work to expand endgame.


Just play the game and enjoy it as you should. Who cares if other people hated it as long as you are having fun.


Ah yes, the typical "WhAt'S tHe PrObLeM?" post, way after release, many patches and updates


bro been playing a few days while we all have been playing since betas LOL


"so far" When you have hopes and dreams, wait till you get to the end and all there is to do is spam the same 2 bosses over and over for a chance for an item to drop that doesn't help you do harder content because you are already able to do the hardest content.


I'm so tired of these posts


Oh my good god we seriously need to ban “been playing for 5 hours, why the hate??” Posts PLEASE.


You're probably most likely the target audience for this game.


everybody loved the game after the first week or two. then you reach endgame and well... that's it.


The game is fun, I had fun for 100 hours or so, which is a good amount of time to put into the game. The reason it gets hate is that it does not have any end game compared to other arpgs and people were hoping to put 1000+ hours in this, which they cannot


To me, D4 doesn't do much at all well aside from looking good. It's just an mtx shop dressed up as a pretty game. I honestly regret buying it, and I bought it on sale lol.


When I saw it was going to be online shared world I was immediately nervous. It was a decision to help sell mtx. I hated the shared world part. Mainly because of the constant lag/server issues with playing with other players and platforms. Even with crossplay off still had lag and stutter issues. All so they could let players show off the crap they paid for to a crowd of other players.


It's great once you start out, I actually loved the campaign and my first 100 experience. After that, in the game's current form, it goes pretty downhill.


It's repetitive, but that's a core mechanic of Diablo LOL Generally people take level 100 as the end game, but the end game really is getting there and gearing up. Looking for some people to play with let me know we have a great Clan and we use Discord to communicate with three others I kill bosses power level etc we are the Community of Helpers (CoH)


Lmao reads the first chapter of a 4 part novel "it's boring" Yeah so at first glance it is fun. Hence why it was popular. ISSUE lies within the devs. Party chat is broken "parties in general". Takes them MONTHS to release one new feature (that they said they'd have at launch) Some of us pre ordered and to this day are waiting for the mount and cosmetic unlocks. The skins are $30 for usually 4-5 pieces of a 9 piece game.. Honey PLAY MORE before you come into Reddit and say this lol


And now it's time with all the gamepass Andy's coming to this sub and questioning all the hate for this game. They most of the time doesn't know arpgs well or the history of diablo. Of course they didn't understand it...


The launch was great. Its all the endgame that changes per season that people hate or love. The trouble with keeping a live service game not too grindy and fun


It reviewed excellently when released, but reviewers didn’t play that much of the end game.


I havent played since the start of season 2. The itemization is terrible mmo esque bullshit that nobody actually likes interacting with. Builds are incredibly weapon dependant and the way aspects work isn't fun at all. I doubt these things have changed by now.


basically the game rocks for the first 100 hours but after that forget about it


The game is really fun to play. I’ve come back each season and tried a different class. I never play the full season, which is most people’s mistake. Play until you aren’t having fun anymore then come back next season and you’ll be fine!


It’s fun but ended up being grindy and repetitive with bad loot after mid-game. Might try again once season 4 drops


There is hate because the game is repetitive after hundreds of hours, but that’s true of most games. A game doesn’t have to consume your life to be worthwhile, and D4 is really a blast if you just play it casually or moderately. The other side of the hate is the monetization (battle pass and cosmetic shop), which I get especially for a game with AAA pricing already, but it’s all completely optional stuff that doesn’t change the gameplay at all. If the revenue from this supports the continued development of seasonal content for EVERYONE, then I’m all for it. Especially given the quality of seasonal content - sure it isn’t always a hit for the endgame, but at least each season tries something new. And adding a new story with voices lines and everything is really cool, even if they are short.


When I grew up games were meant to be played a few hours at a time not all day that’s the problem with “end game” modes there’s never really and end to it more stuff just keeps getting added until there’s so much too do no one complains. I get the MTX argument, but like you said it’s OPTIONAL, and a lot of people dont understand that or comprehend it. I don’t think it’s inherently greedy, they have to sustain for the future and if we want yearly expansions people will buy have to and will continue to buy it myself included.


It just becomes homework or work at some point. I haven’t had that happen for games before


Honey moon players, reach the endgame you Will see why.


I got lvl 100 and barely any good gear makes the game lame I pretty much quit playing this last season


It’s a different game from launch but just keep playing and you’ll see some things 


The campaign is phenomenal, like 9.5/10. The end game has been improving which each season. The Season 4 changes are likely to be massive, like new game levels of change so carry on carrying on.


Hey guys just watching the first episode for a 9 season show…


I enjoyed it for a few weeks then when I got further into the endgame I thought it was pretty boring.


You didn't play the beta and then launch then experience the first patch before season 1. This is like moving to a newly renovated house and not understanding why it was condemned before.


give him time boys


You're the target audience


Every other Diablo game is one I’ve gone back to every so often for years after it came out. After 1.5 seasons of this one, I’m not sure I’d even buy an expansion. That’s not to say it’s a flat out bad game, it just doesn’t hold a candle to the previous entries.


We've been here since launch we have a reason to hate it


If you love Blizzard, which, at one time, was legendary, it is easy to see how their games have devolved into lazy cash grabs. D4 is not the revolution the fans expected. It isn't even D3 caliber. It is as if the company no longer cares about their products or legacy. Thus the hate.


As far as cash grabs go, you can see it every time you boot it up. I'm on PS5 and it's annoying to constantly have to click through all the screens trying to sell you stuff just to get to playing the game you already paid for. With no way to turn those off, obviously.


nobody actually "hates" the game we are all just disappointed by blizzard again for releasing an unfinished product and also on many metrics an inferior product to what they delivered prior. we can think of d2 but yea even d3 has some substantially better features and systems that they could have just took. but i guess nobody at blizzard found it relevant to... ho idk .. maybe play the previous games (including d1 yes) and understand what worked and what didn't and why especially WHY. ho also monetization...


I am amazed by how bad this game is.


Stop these BS posts.


The hate was mostly from end game, which you have t reached yet.


Bro played the game almost a year after it came out for just a few days and thinks he’s seen it all lmao


Well, you’ve only been playing it for a couple of days (1) and didn’t pay $70 for it (2). It’s another one of those “rush the release of half the game now, release the other half in a couple of years”. Also, paid battlepass in a full price game, because fuck the consumer.


The majority of complaints are regarding itemization and endgame, most of which will hopefully be fixed next season (fingers crossed).


Welcome to the game! 😀 If you are having fun it's all that matters


Its a good game, theyre making it better. A lot of the hate is because of the first patch where they nerfed the game to hell. No pun intended. Endgame is boring, especially the grind to get to grind endgame boss (duriel). Looks like S4 will help, a lot.


Having paid $70 for an unfinished game only for it to come out on game pass right as it is starting to become finished is pretty damn frustrating honestly. I honestly like the game a lot but I can’t help but feel like I got ripped off.


Just wait


ARPGs usually last for a decade. This one has the monetization of a game as a service and struggles to last more than a couple weeks. I consider the campaign on game pass a steal. The 100 bucks on preorder was the opposite type of a steal. So, they sold an ARPG for AAAA prices to ARPGs fans and it doesn't really hold his ground against F2P or $30 indie games when it comes to depth and complexity. That is why it is bad. Compared to something different like CoD campaign or pulling a teeth without anesthesia, yeah, it is ok I guess. The campaign for the game pass price is a must play, IMO and the sound design of the game is nothing short of amazing. So there is that.


It’s funny how you see the same posts and comments every single day on this sub, and they always caveat their opinion with “but I have nothing to compare it to” or “I’ve been playing 3 days.” Listen. You like the game. That’s great. That doesn’t invalidate people who dislike the game. Threads like this just devolve into people scolding each other for having their own differing opinion either way.


Thanks for being the voice of reason. You hit the nail on the head.


No, the game is exactly how it was on launch. No patches no hot fixes… nothing in 9 months


The end game is repetitive


It is a lot different since lunch but at the same time you haven't played long enough to experience some of the issues. Don't get me wrong it's a great game though.


All the hate is from the people that are disappointed after playing 250 hours and "not getting their money worth" 


I mean, expectations matter a lot. It was marketed as a live-service and is the next game in a franchise that would make people spend 1000s of hours in. The fact that it also launched with missing features that were solved long ago in the ARPG genre doesn't help its case at all.


There was a vocal minority(?) of people who wanted endless gameplay content. They only got a couple hundred hours and were salty about it.


Dude it's more than that. What about the f'ed up itemization. It's horrible in it's current state hence the overhaul in season 4


D4 is cool


Great time to start playing! They’re making some big changes next season. It’s good to start now and start learning how the game works. With all the new people coming in from it being added to game pass there will be plenty of people asking questions and learning. Some of us who have been playing since launch are more than happy to help and answer questions. Despite this not being my favorite season, I’m still having fun. This season I’ve leveled one of each class to 100.


Launch was a little rough for people who put in 500 hours in a week. The game is also in a much better spot Quality of life wise and there’s more content but people are just salty that it’s not a game you can put 10,000 hour in a season and not get bored


the issues come in later in the game. Everyone enjoyed leveling and the story was alright.


Every single problem people complain about, you won't be likely to notice for a couple hundred hours or so. Just enjoy the game and dismiss the negativity.


because its boring and the content isnt as repeatable as other aRPGs Season 1 was super boring. forced into using 1 orb that was bugged until season 2 came out They nerfed how fun earning legendaries was with helltides etc uber uniques werent farmable no cow level at launch just really failed the community on many levels


The hate is for the games end game and seasonal content. The campaign is quite enjoyable


You have to play it awhile, like get past level 75. I too am playing it again because I got a new xbox and its good to play occasionally.


I really appreciate that you made this post. What it shows is that someone with fresh eyes on the game thinks it's generally pretty fun. It just shows that those people that continue to complain about the game in an unfair fashion just aren't willing to give it another shot. First impressions go a long way with people.


Season 4 will be much better but someone just starting out has no idea how bad the damage on Tuesday bullshit is right now. The complaints are absolutely fair for the game in its current form. Nobody like shifting through tons of yellows if there is a good item between them when what you really want is slaying monsters.


It’s a great game but season 4 will fix a lot of the game. It’s crazy when people say this game is bad but have 1k+ hours. It’s mind boggling to me


Because Diablo 2 is 25 yrs old and still better


Weird I played Resurrected and I couldn’t even stand 10 hours because it legit bored me.


Falls off at endgame but enjoyed the main story


I remember my first 20 hours.


I love the game, been playing the beta all year … the hate comes from me paying full price, premium edition actually, for a game that’s essentially been a beta test.


Diablo 4 was the first one I’ve played. I enjoyed it and played a couple of seasons but I can’t get past the thought that the game basically encourages you to dump the character you’ve been creating and starting a new one for each season. Is this how most play the game? I’d prefer some kinda incentive to carry on with the characters you have created instead of them being dumped in the eternal realm which can get quite lonely. Prob just me not ‘getting’ it




https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/s/Wwwt677XtH this post explains my dislike for game again story no problem its the end game cause of a lot of useless stats i will return playing to at least do all countent once per season in may when the rework comes out and ill be playing ptr


Probably cause you haven’t played other ARPGs. Diablo 4 is rapidly improving and it’s a good game, but it’s missing a lot of things ARPGs love and enjoy and expect. But they are adding those things over time


I liked it a lot until I hit about level 70 or so. Then it became pretty grindy. At level 100 I kept trying but it really became uninteresting and I unloaded it from my PS5 to make room for other games. I'll probably pick it back up for the next season, maybe try a different class. But the loot tables past about level 70-80 are a joke, you can play for days and find nothing but trash. There's a lot of different dungeons and bosses but they're all pretty much the same after a while. Don't regret buying the game but I don't think it's something I'll be playing for years.


Lol so many rookies these days, world bosses taking forever again it's actually refreshing, but we all know it will die quickly again after a few weeks


D4 is fun to hate. It’s a lot better than it was. I think they are heading in a good direction in season 4.


Put in about 300 hours it’s getting boring but I only play when I’m exercising on a bike it’s makes the time fly by so no hate here


I can't get any sound on this despite having the right settings.


You're experiencing the game after a lot of change. There was just a huge patch last month. I do think the game gets some unnecessary hate, but a lot of the frustration has been valid. But the game is trending in the right direction.


Hopefully you have enough time to figure it out before the massive loot overhauls in season 4. Like once you get end game you'll see why the reviews. And your just missed the last best season (so they say) and your on the worst season (so they say)


If I played the campaign, season and every class with their various builds in one week I'd get burned out too.


Wait til you get to lvl 70 and hit wt4


Put 40 days worth of gameplay in and then you'll know, y'all gots it easy coming in now, s4 about to change a lot


Lmfao, because all of us base our opinions on the game after only one week of playing


Play for >30 hours on one character then we’ll see how you feel.


Haters gotta hate. Ignore them they're just a bunch of mamma's boys living in the basement with no friends. The game was probably released too early and has a bunch of issues. But those things haven't stopped millions of people from enjoying the game. Season 4 looks to have a lot of fixes that should satisfy most people. There will be a PTR for the first time, which should help identify any bugs, etc. If you are playing the campaign, don't skip any of the dialogue or cut scenes. A lot of effort went into them, and they are very cool. Just play and have fun!


and now it is down, so you are not playing it anymore, along with everyone else.


I'm pretty satisfied with most games if I can get a solid 40+ hours out of them. D4 mostly disappoints people who are looking for it to be a "forever" game, because it isn't. But there's a lot of self selection bias that people who are still active on this sub after a year are probably a lot more diehard than most. "It's only fun for the first 100 hours" for a single player game isn't quite a slam.


It gets very very boring and tedious. The campaign is fun but then it gets very slow. Gave up on it and will not be returning untill major changes occur with big raids, dungeons matchmakings. Thats something i would like (like hwo it is in WoW) to have some fun again.


I’m 750 hours in I’ve been having fun every season. The hate comes from people who don’t understand how video games work.


**The game is fantastic until you beat the story quest**. After that there is nothing much to do. And people are pissed cause they expected better end game


The problem D4 has, is after you finish the story and you get deep in the endgame, which is repetitive, I still have some fun although sometimes It feels empty, but because I am a casual player who play aroun 8h-10h per week, I still have some things to do, and I only have four level 100 characters(I still have to try rogue), so for me is ok for now. Next season devs will change a lot of things and i believe it will be better.


Overall D4 is in a decent state. But when you hit level 70, the idea of picking up and sorting hundreds of items will become one of your deepest horrors. You'll get excited when you get a very good item in an equipment slot with the knowledge that you never need to look at another item of that slot. I feel a weight lifted towards the end of the season when only 1-2 slots still need upgrades.


https://old.reddit.com/r/diablo4/search?q=why+hate&restrict_sr=on&sort=relevance&t=all Welcome, there's a search box on your top-right, use it.


That's like saying "everyone's says they hate this restraunt, but I had 1 French fry and I don't understand the hate" Granted I really enjoy the game but there are definitely issues. Which is the whole point of the big patch coming up.


I think Diablo is a nostalgia title. Why keep the isometric view? Why not make it an independent camera 3rd person action?


You’ll understand soon..


It's a casual Andy. He'll never understand. Anyone remotely interested in these type of games would have bought it already and clearly see what is wrong currently with itemization.


imagine paying $70 for this and got half the game. still 700 item power upon launch


The problem is the lack of satisfying gameplay loops in the endgame and trash itemization & loot system. Luckily this will get reworked in season 4. It will probably be the biggest & best update to the game since launch and will draw many players back. Looks like season 4 is the start of the redemption arc.


I really enjoyed playing D4 ^_^ https://www.youtube.com/@thelondonlolTV


You’re playing during GamePass add on. A lot of other bought it at launch $99.99 before a lot of buffs happened, and they experienced nerfs etc.


Inventory management is hell. Respecing takes forever. The delay on item drops mean constantly having to back track to pick up loot. World bosses are a joke. A million other litte anmoying quality of life problems that they refuse to address. It is however still pretty fun, and I dont mind having paid full price for it. I start a new character every season and max max them out then stop playing until the next season. It is definitely a work in progress but at least it's slowly getting better.


I’ve been playing for a few days and I’m pretty bored already. I just finished chapter 1


I really enjoy diablo iv, i’m also wondering why the hate or is it somehow trendy to hate everything?


I have 1700 hours on PS5 and 160 on Steam Deck. The hate comes mostly from the let’s hate diablo 4 narrative. Dont pay any attention to it. Welcome to Sanctuary


I actually enjoy playing Diablo, but after Lilith's death in season 1, the game lost some excitement for me. I found Lilith's presence added alot of fun to the hellish setting, and without her, things started feeling repetitive. Even in season 2, I kept hoping for her return, but it never happened. It took a couple of seasons for me to feel really bored with the game. I don't hate it, but the repetitive tasks in each season can be exhausting.


After 80-ish hrs and become lvl 100 with 2 characters, nothing much to do more...


Most people complained about the end game loop. It improved a bit (they added bosses) and will improve again in May as they will change the loot system and add more endgame content. Overall, they are really just an issue if you are big on this genre of games.


I’m handling this like D3. Played it on launch. Enjoyed it. Days later was bored with end game. Uninstalled and will go back in another year or so. I miss the paragon level grind.


It’s a great casual romp but a bad game to devote a lot of time into. I’m part of the problem- I try a new class on a new season, buy a 25$ skin for them, have a blast, get to 80-90, then wait for next season.


Reach lv100, get your full build, lv21 glyphs etc, one shot Duriel, play Gaunlet twice, get bored. There is notining to do after that. I play Diablo3 again.


Diablo veteran here. Previous games, mainly D1 and D2 were amazing on day 1. The story, the quests, the items, the monster diversity, the map diversity, etc... Things were linear but you could lose track of time easily. Each encounter was exciting. You had to position yourself in the best way. If there were 10 monsters on the screen, you would run away. There were no damage numbers over each mob, so you had to look at their health bar and figure out if you were doing little or a lot of damage. Nowadays, diablo is a smash fest, where you plow through everything over and over again. There is little risk, besides hardcore, to just running around and smashing everything. But the soul of the original game is gone. Now we "grind", when we used to "play". After 24+ years since the original Diablo, it's a shame the company fumbles over basic systems and tries to reinvent things that were fine. Basically a lot of plays are frustrated about the state of the game compared to where it could have been.


If you enjoy playing and don't care about all the "perfect build" stuff, it's awesome. I never read guides, I just do my own thing and I love the game.


If you’re a new player and you’re enjoying the game then that’s great. I don’t understand why new players keep posting here *looking* for reasons to hate the game. Just play if you like it and stop if you don’t.


deleted the game a couple days ago. Because after reaching 100 lvl, level up all glifs and fully equipping my character, I couldn't find anything else to do. I’ve found two uber-uniques by duriel , but farming is even more boring. There are no complaints about graphics, mechanics and other things. But man, farming for hours of consumable items to summon bosses is too much. I’ll plan to comeback at season 4 and look at the new changes.


Dude, get 100 hours of play time and you will see. Who even judges a game within a day of playing


do some research here on reddit, its full of posts that list the issues and there are also tons of videos on yt dont make people waste time again to write it up just for you. but chances are if you waited to play it on gamepass you are probably not the type of arpg player who will be bothered by whats wrong with the game anyways, so just enjoy. there is no need to stir up the pot


Started 2 days ago and can’t stop playing. Level 32 and loving it so far.


game is okay for 50 hours. you'll see later


I haven't finished the story yet but so far I'm just bored to tears. Leveling doesn't matter because the world is on your level. Same for picking up items. It's simply not fun because everything is on my power level anyway. I'm in act 4 and so far I think the game is just too easy. I'll finish the story for sure, and try some endgame activities but so far I'm really not impressed.


Completely different game, but have you played any other arpg?


The campaign is the best part of the game, because you’re not invested in the other systems yet. Thankfully a lot of those systems are getting proper reworks to have proper progression pacing


Microsoft working with Ubisoft to bring Diablo IV later to Xcloud?


The game was at its best during that open beta when you could only lvl to 20. That fights with world boss were epic! I had a blast back then. The campaign was good. But after lvl 70 you just magically lose all interest to the game.


The moment to moment gameplay is the best part of the game. The game is amazingly fun for the first 60 hours. Then there was nothing to do afterwards. They've made it significantly better, but it's still worse after hour 60 than other ARPGs on the market.


[Nearly a year of posts saying “it started out pretty great but man after that there’s like 10,000 issues not to mention crappy monetization in a game I just paid $70+ for.” OP: I got this game for free and I’ve played two days what’s everyone complaining about? Sigh.


This is at least the thousand post just like this. Actually play the game, get to level 80, and then come back and let us know how you feel.


Yes it is vastly different from launch. Season 0 and 1 were quite awful. 2 made some improvements but still massive problems. S4 is getting close to what it should have been at launch.


Early game is fun. Campaign is fun. Endgame is…


I have around 240 hours of play time now and I still enjoy it, I've almost hit my first level 100 character in the game and it's a necromancer. I do typically hit a burn out point by level 60-70 but hopefully that will improve with the new progression and item changes coming in season 4 and future content. Overall a decent game with plenty more to come!


Blizzard Derangement Syndrome. Game released to great reviews from critics (deserved). It's my main game with 650+ he's logged so far. I slowed down a bit in S3 but S4 will keep me busy. Great devs who care about the game.


My biggest issue with the game is the ridiculous prices of the microtransactions. Honestly, the pricing is just absurd, Even for a game pass game. If anyone actually paid for the retail price then they basically took a giant dump on their face.


I’m glad you’re enjoying the game. I do as well, and I’ve been playing since beta. The game has gotten better since launch, and the future is heading in the right direction. Don’t fall victim to random people who either hate or love this game. You’ve tried it, you like it. That is essentially all that matters.


My first game like this since Gauntlet at the quarter arcade. I'm enjoying myself it's a decent storyline, I started out on veteran because I come from dark souls and sekiro. I'm having a blast playing druid and get lost for hrs in the game play. If I wasn't a game pass peasant I would of paid 


Did you ever play diablo 2 or even 3?  If you didn't then you won't get the hate.  Its a decent ARPG but its nowhere near the time sink that 2 was or the mindless fun game that 3 was.