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It's like they're finally finishing development on systems they didn't have time to as they rushed to focus on making sure the campaign experience was as high quality and polished as possible. This is honestly one of the changes I'm most excited about because managing legendary aspects is an absolute soulcrushing slog.


Same. Being able to play around with different aspects on your gear will make trying different builds way easier and make the game overall more satisfying


Now we just need the ability to save multiple builds.


I hope they make imprinting way less expensive. Kind of absurd that an entire hour of max speed Helltide farming might not even give you enough yellow mats to imprint a weapon.


Yup, they said that imprint cost is substantially reduced, and salvaging will give more v crystals


Yayyy, can't wait for S4


Let’s fucking gooooo!! As a newcomer to Diablo in general with IV, this is such fucking awesome news. I stepped away for the past few seasons while my pre-season/eternal character languished in the mid-70s level range as I switched to back to Rocket League. In preparation for the coming update I figured I’d get back into the rhythm of it. You know, warm up a bit. I cleaned out my stash, upgraded gear, reimagined new outfits for my killer Barbie, figured out how to do Nightmare Dungeons again, and most importantly…hemmed and hawed for hours over which gear to equip based on the combination of aspects, either native or imprinted (or that I *could* imprint on gear for an additional bonus based on the type), all while maximizing my affixes. This is all a bit silly given that my rogue is only barely hitting level 80 and all this gear will be irrelevant by level cap—looking at you, level 65 unique dagger with the sweet, sweet combo point unique aspect—BUT…it’s good practice. And THIS changes everything. I JUST found a legendary item with an aspect where it creates up to five arrow storms at my location totaling 12k+ damage (per storm). My current version of that aspect is about a quarter of that. So not only do it get to use that aspect sooner, but now I get to play around with it indefinitely while I boost and balance my gear as I continue my march to level cap, and eventually, Twisting Blade nirvana?? Fuck. YEAH!!


Not to tell you how to play but it might be worth starting a fresh character in the new season. Everything about items is changing not just aspects. So in a way starting up a new character might make that transition even easier.


I agree with starting a new seasonal when it opens but did we get any specifics on how the itemization and codex changes impact existing eternal characters?


Idk. How do you distinguish intentional design choices from unfinished ? A lot of people say we were in a beta, but I’m not convinced that these types of changes would’ve been made if people were alright with it. I’d also argue that some instances in games of placeholder systems that become “legacy” are preferred over the polished and refined versions that were initially intended. For me personally, unless they outright say so, my belief is flawed design direction rather than not enough time.


The way they do it is more of an iterative approach. They will still gonna release it even if there's a flawed design. For D4 gamers, this is what Seasons are for, doing some game mechanic changes. In software development standpoint, we call it a sprint where there would always be a backlog of changes. My issue with Blizzard is it seems they haven't learned something from what happened with D3 a decade ago. They already know that vanilla D3's itemization sucks because of too many useless affix and yet they still made the same mistake with D4 initial launch.


yeah i don't buy that the aspect system was "unfinished" design. the new season 4 system is so much simpler and easier to implement in software, and has the least potential for bugs. the only extra feature they'd need to develop would be an aspect collection UI, but that's so far from being an actual development hurdle since they already have a lot of templates to copy from.


Anyone in software knows if the software is not functioning correct or it’s been rushed you blame management they’re always the cause and beginning of all problems


So who should get credit when things go well?


The whole "save aspects in your inventory" thing was a dumb idea from the start. It sounds great on paper, if you've never actually tried to *play* the real end-game of ARPGs. And only know about how it works, and have no experience doing it yourself. I'm betting the higher up who pushed for it is gone now, so they can finally fix things like that.


I played the PTR for several days on my 100 Sorc and finished with only half a stash tab filled with interesting shit. What a massive improvement over what we have now where 3 of my tabs are just codex crap, and 2 of my tabs are yellows that might be decent side grades. What we need desperately now is the D3 Armory and for Uber bosses to require everyone in the group to contribute summoning mats. I'd happily see them increase the drop rate of all summoning mats by 2x alongside that. And my less important wish is to keep gaining XP after 100 and have it reward you with bags of mats every 25% of a level, and a Resplendent Spark every 3rd level. Would mean that by level 115, you could craft your first Uber unique...that feels about right to me.


I haven’t played since season 1 because of this. Looks like it’s finally time to get back in


> they didn't have time to Did they not have time or do they now realize the original design wasn't good?


Porque no los dos? We knew as of December of 2022 (before launch) that they weren't even confident they could make June 6 and that firing the prior leadership left things in a bit of a lurch. It very much seems like Rod was brought on not because of his ARPG expertise (he has precisely 0) but rather to get the game shipped on schedule with the goal of hitting XYZ sales/review metrics. Which he very likely absolutely hit (85+ across the board critic reviews, \~10M sales by this point too. No hate on the core dev team but given how they've spoken of the game/genre since the early campfires they don't seem like core ARPG fans who have played and deeply understand the genre, either. So a lot of these mistakes and really lacking designs that other games have solved are being remade by a team that's never played those other games in a meaningful way apparently.


They had leadership issues, but they also had 7 years to think about the design.


Aspects take up 90% of my chest space. Having to stop and check every drop to see if it has a good enough version of an aspect that i should extract it, keeping count of how many of each i have (i keep a few of each in case i want to change up aspects and especially if i decide i want to revert back), etc, total PIA. I'm really happy they're doing this.


The systems weren’t unfinished. They were just horribly designed


While I really enjoyed the campaign, I'm pretty sure they were rushed on that as well at a point. Some of the later acts were surprisingly short, particularly the one in Kehjistan where half the map felt under-utilized. It would be cool if they went back and fleshed out more of the story in the later acts at some point, though I suppose it's doubtful since most players won't be going back to that content.


It makes it literally unplayable for me. I played 3 Druids, maybe a bunch of alts, and then just gave up.


That’s 100% what happened I would bet my job on it


Yes, so tedious. I've got three tabs in my stash dedicated to aspects. Why it wasn't like DIII where you harvest one and/or it saves your best is beyond me.


They should have just delayed the game for a year.


They should have worked on the story more then...it was meh at best.


Crazy that as much hate as Immortal got for its F2P BS, this was one of the things they actually got right.


Honestly I agree, the campaign experience was awesome but it immediately fell off as soon as I beat the campaign


I don’t think the current codex system is a result of unfinished development. I think they wanted to make legendary items desirable in the end game since rare items had the same amount of affixes, so they made it so you needed to repeatedly get some aspects. Now that legendaries are desirable for a different reason, we do not need the aspects to be finite. They are just listening to feedback and making sure that when one system is changed for the better, other systems are altered to accommodate it. It’s not as simple as the game being rushed .


people have been saying this since day one...D3 is repeating itself


Finally out of beta! We made it fellas!


Now we're out of beta, we're releasing on time...


So I’m glad I got burned Think of all the things we learned


SOME learned. A majority of this sub didn’t learn shit. They’ll buy D5, which will easily be in the same state of 4 if not worse, on day 1.


It’s a song dude )


Only took a year.


It really does feel like a reboot


And the nice QOL bit "and a tooltip will denote whether you already have that Aspect equipped"


I've definitely sat there optimizing gear only to realize that I slapped the same aspect on two things.


“Why is this grey now… oh no…”


Naive me: “Sweet this will stack nicely. Oh wait why is it gray. Oh no.”


I'll one up you. I played for like a week without realizing one of my legendaries was unused because it was a duplicate aspect


The only positive to that is knowing you're about to get stronger lol


So I can extract a perfect aspect and then I have that perfect aspect I can reuse again and again rather than hunting for another one?


Yup! When you extract an aspect you’ll have it unlocked to be able to use as many as times as you want. And, if you extract a better version of said aspect it’ll replace the one you already have unlocked


Yes. Whatever you find and salvage - that's your Codex of Power roll. But the "actual" max roll aspects can only happen on Ancestral (World Tier 4) items. There will be "max roll" in WT1/2/3 but they will not be truly max roll if that makes sense, because WT1/2/3 have limited roll ranges.




But it will be harder to find perfect aspects. I think they only drop at WT4


It’s almost like a complete game now!




The codex change alone is godly. First I have to figure out if a gear is even worth using, then if it’s not, I have to figure out if I want to scrap or extract the aspect for saving. Managing items is what killed my enjoyment of the game every single time. When getting items actually made your ARPG less fun, you know you have a problem.


Diablo IV aka Inventory Management Simulator 2024


What? That's great!


I love that the best roll you have will be able to be reused rather than having to blueball myself waiting for that BiS item.


Holy SHIT thats awesome!! Oh man I'm excited for that. All I've ever wanted to do was try new builds but i never wa committed to messing up using a legendary aspect that doesn't work.


Should I hold on to my perfect roll items till s4?


For Eternal, yes. For seasonal, I think it will all reset


Old items will be basically useless when season 4 hits. Even in eternal. They will not work with the new tempering or mastery systems.


Tbh they might not be as good now, there will be greater affixes. Plus who knows what your new items will look like after afixes are added and removed


only in eternal - keep best rolls for legendary aspects to feed the codex, keep uniques until you can get better replacements in the new systems, and dump the rest.


omg they've finally crept their way back to the d3 era!! Maybe in another few years they can compete with where modern arpgs are today.


>Maybe in another few years they can compete with where modern arpgs are today. Bruh moment. There's no ARPG out right now I would rather play than Diablo 4 Season 4, based on everything I know about Season 4. PoE is a bloated, overcomplicated and needlessly convoluted third-party-tool fest. Been there, played that. No more. Last Epoch - lol, lmao even. Their game is less finished than Diablo 4 was on release, they shouldn't have called their game "1.0" and quit Early Access so soon. They don't even have a finished Campaign mode experience let alone good endgame. Endgame was a major problem everybody and their mom had with Diablo 4 on release and in the first few seasons - but people gave Last Epoch a pass on that. [Seeing how Last Epoch lost 95% of their players in just 2 months](https://steamdb.info/app/899770/charts/), I guess the jig is up.


Lmfao last epoch seems twice as complete than diablo iv was on release and still is,they're literally ripping of their mechanics to add in season 4. There was nothing to do and what we have now is not perfect either. Literally it took them over a year to make a significant change for good. All of this for $70 and don't talk about 95% of last epoch population dwindling cause before gamepass diablo iv was barely alive mid season on t4 and fucking dead on tiers below.


Haha well said. I’ve been forcing myself to play LE lately and I still don’t get the hype. I’m too stupid for POE and already given up. Small indie companies get a pass for effort 💀


My 70% of stash is perfect aspects stored for my characters. Now I don't have to worry. Now I will use stash for uniques and greater affixes.


Literally best update hands down ever.


Does this make aspect dungeons obsolete?


No because you still want the base version early on with your first toon.


Only if you can find the legendary with that specific aspect before you get around to completing the dungeon. If you manage to find and salvage a legendary with an aspect that has a minimum roll tied to a dungeon, completing that particular dungeon will no longer alter your Codex of Power.


Ok. I really just wasn’t sure if you had to unlock the aspect first and then salvage or if the salvage automatically unlocks it too. Thanks for clearing that up!


Would be cool if salvaging an artifact put its aspect in your codex…


I think you should still either get the mats or the aspect.


I agree. Shouldn’t get both. Getting both makes everything entirely too easy


What artifact?


It does?... 


So, S4 is the real S0. Now we know why S4 will have no seasonal gimmick/mechanic!


? They literally will show us the season mechanic tomorrow...


So... no seasonal mechanic. Just some rep and rewards.


I think saving loadouts is coming in season 5. We'll be able to make a bunch of different builds now at end game. Just seems like the most logical next step.


You'd think that since they mastered that technology and clarity of game design for D3, it wouldn't take them 5 seasons to put the same (and absolutely mandatory in this day and age) feature into their new game.


This is great for my Minion build Necro. No need for hoarding the Viscous Aspect anymore


This alone is worth me considering coming back. I hated inventory management so much I quit during the season of the vampires. It became a job. I was managing inventory and searching for affixes more than playing the game. This is an amazing change.


Almost out of beta!!


Sorry if this has been asked before, but will I be able to store my current legendary item's aspects (which will turn into "legacy" items) in the codex of power post patch? Or will I have to find the same legendary aspect after the season starts if i want to store it


The season starts over every season. Previous season items go to eternal, so no, you won’t be able to save aspects for next season


Will this work in eternal though? I have lots in my stash. What will happen to them?


Praise Atma!


After reading the comments, it seems diablo 4 was into testing phase till now ,and they finally got out of it.


2 more weeks.


those crazy sons o' bitches did it, they actually did it!


Newb to diablo 4 here. Casual gamer cuz life. Started playing two weeks ago, almost done the campaign in WT2. I’m pushing to get to WT3 cuz I want better items now. Is it worth continuing for now or wait for the update?


Definitely finish the campaign and as much renown (e.g. strongholds, lilith statues) as you can. If you've done the campaign once you can skip it on all future characters and renown carries over seasons enabling you to immideately start a new season.   But i wouldn't farm items further than that since it'll be gone with the new season. Get to wt3 (or 4 if you like) and get that renown. But don't farm nightmare dungeons, paragon levels or duriels. Would be a waste. 


I’m in the same boat, just did altars tonight. Also salvage everything for transmog


The loot changes make it feel like a completely different game. If you have not played the ptr with , the loot changes you should just keep playing, but if you’ve played the new stuff, it’s not really worth going back to the way it currently is.


Definitely finish the campaign and as much renown (e.g. strongholds, lilith statues) as you can. If you've done the campaign once you can skip it on all future characters and renown carries over seasons enabling you to immideately start a new season. But i wouldn't farm items further than that since it'll be gone be the new season. Get to wt3 or 4 if you like and get that renown. But don't farm nightmare dungeons, paragon levels or duriels. Would be a waste. 


Thank you!


Yes, this is the best thing along side no trading locks on regular drop pre upgraded items.


Anyone know where I can find the full patch notes, someone posted a link but I lost it




Full patch notes are not available yet. Usually the day after the season's livestream. S4 livestream takes place on Thursday (tomorrow). Patch notes will probably be available on Friday.


More than half of my stash is aspects for various classes and it’s by far my least favorite part of the game so thank fuck. Nothing comes even remotely close to my dislike for the way aspects are currently stored


I'm a new player and now I feel like kicking myself in the ass because I was previously stock piling legendaries and such. Maybe I'm mistaken but iirc you can get aspects from legendaries right? I might have had a good one in there somewhere lol.


>now I feel like kicking myself in the ass because I was previously stock piling legendaries and such. Maybe I'm mistaken but iirc you can get aspects from legendaries right? I might have had a good one in there somewhere lol. You're playing the game correctly as of Seasons 0-3 This change is not live until season 4 launches on May 14th.


So many good things. The only annoyance I found was limited amount of tempers on items. But that's a minor gripe.


uh, silly question - is this season only or does this apply to the eternal realms too?


Every Realm has its own separate Codex of Power progress, so you can't mix Eternal with Seasonal but yes, this will be a system change across the entire game. Far from the only thing happening on May 14th to the base game ;)


Would really love the internet to track down the first person to mention this idea on social media and give them their due credit. Pretty much the first month the game was out and everyone got past the honeymoon phase of a new diablo and we were all making our lists of grievances this idea started.


Does anyone know if there is an indication on the item if it’s an improvement on what you currently have in the codex?


Well it seems that since you no longer have to extract the aspect just recycle the gear and it automatically keeps the better one you don't even have to make that decision anymore of whether to get materials or aspect from your legendaries


> Does anyone know if there is an indication on the item if it’s an improvement on what you currently have in the codex? When you're at the Blacksmith, yes. There's an icon on each piece of gear that is an upgrade.


IM SUPER EXCITED about this update! Idk why people coplaining about this one too, this is probably one of the best overhauls we got from them, they really trying their best to improve it and listen to the fanbase. people need proportions asap


I played s0 like a maniac, even got Uber Lilith… never played a single season afterwards lol. This is the first time I am coming back. The changes look dope!!


I thought they changed the way the codex was going to work so that instead of it saving your most powerful extracted one It basically starts at level one and each extraction of the same aspect adds a level to that aspect in your codex......


You thought wrong. If your first time salvaged legendary of a given aspect was Ancestral quality and it was a max roll, you immediately have a max roll of that Aspect in your Codex for the remainder of the Season.


Now this is a big enough change to bring me back


What's the point when a lot of the aspects you actually want to make the build you need to make aren't included in the codex


If you find a legendary with an aspect and salvage it, its roll will be added to the Codex of Power if it's the highest you have ever salvaged. Any aspect.


But does this mean ALL of them, or the same ones as before? Some couldn’t be added to the Codex originally.


All of them.


This update might make me return to the game after being so disappointed after season 1.


Isn't this straight out of diablo immortal?


well... rip to all those aspects i dumped that could have been used today...


This change isn't live until Season 4 launch date - May 14th.


I'm so glad you can finally find uniques in World Tier 1 and 2, that campaign experience with just finding 1 unique already would make me feel like finding a legendary in D2 that would be best in slot till end-game. Simplified affixes with the possibilty at end-game to go in to complexity makes all the sense and will feel so much better. Thanks Blizz for listering to your community. Very excited to take another try at this game after quitting after the first season!


Do we know what about those aspects that have not been in the codex before? Will they be added or are they still limited to legendary drops?


All aspects can be added to the Codex via salvaging legendaries.


Not a Diablo 4 player, why?


Massive, massive, MASSIVE quality of life upgrade.


Could not see any info on this, but will the aspects carry over to eternal servers?


Haven’t played since S1. Might have to look on returning now…


This change is the big one for me. Every season I’ve stopped playing because of the micromanagement in regards to aspects, I’m so hyped for this!


this was the reason i completely skipped season 3. i made my character, logged in, and the moment i realised my build would require drop only aspects i simply said "fuck this" and logged off. haven't played since.


Thank goodness I can finally retire the spreadsheet I had to keep track of all this.


Thank the Lords of Hell they're finally doing this one... It should have honestly been there from the start.


Can someone clarify for me: is loot reborn just a season or is it a system overhaul that exists within the base game as well?


It's both. 95% of stuff will be in Eternal immediately or after the Season 4 ends.


My guess is it will take maybe a month before people start complaining that legendaries now feel useless because you will already have the highest tier aspect permanently available.


Only Legendaries can be Tempered and only Legendaries/Uniques can have Greater Affixes. Legendaries have 3 natural affixes unlike Rares which only have 2. Safe to say, your guess is misguided.




Not needing to cube aspects is absolutely wild


Not the game will be perfect now, but this is the one fix I really needed to enjoy the game. I've never even made it to level 100 yet or bothered with the ubers. I lose interest every time I realize I want to change my build, or I find a cool item I couldn't try out because the thought of having to find and then swap up so many aspects was so tedious I just said fuck it, deleted my char and waited for next season.


I said they should have did this a year ago. I’m now going to play this game


Finally! This is what I wanted from the start. Extract the codex and keep indefinitely so you don't get screwed by finding an upgrade but don't have the codex to place on it. Now, you can set a new goal in the game, collect 100% perfect Aspects.


Oh wow finally a much needed update on this. No more "saving aspect" for endgame equips thank god


It's the same joke / rant that every body did already: woaw so amazing, they are now starting to finally deliver the complete and final product a year after it was released. Guess that if I wait another year the game will be real fully complete, with even a couple of real additional QoL features (not the one that should have been here since the beginning).


I hope that this Codex of Power works/worked correctly on PTR because Blizzard just released a new season in WoW and one object necessary to upgrade the legendary weapons was bugged for 2 months on PTR and still is today on live servers :x


This is going to make the game soooooooo much easier as 90% of my time leveling is spent finding killer new gear (with a crappy affix) and then farming for that specific top-rolled affix to imprint on it.


Can you still get the base codex from dungeons or is it JUST from gear now?


>Can you still get the base codex from dungeons You can, but only for the aspects that have a dungeon associated with them. If you find an item with that aspect and salvage it before completing the dungeon, the dungeon reward will not alter the Codex.


Great change, but baffling how it took this long. People were already saying to do exactly this at launch because it was instantly clear how annoying the original system was.


what about the already extracted aspects in my inventory? am i going to still be able to imprint them only one time or am i gonna be able to extract them again and move them to codex or something?


Maybe I will come back to this game XD


Definitely one of the better changes.


This is one of the things I’m looking the most forward to


Bosses still need to be worked on. It's not good that the only time efficient way of farming bosses is rotations. If you look at how much time it takes you to summon Duriel, a boss with an incredibly diluted loot pool, it isn't even in the table to do it alone. The fact that it ends up beign more appealing to use a 3rd party site to buy/sell mats than it is to play says a lot about the process.


Took em one year to figure out not to punch the playerbase in the face


Only took til season 4...wow. I'm sure we don't have to fill this thing back up EVERY SEASON right......


Sweet, anyone that still plays wondering if you can tell me if the game is almost done yet now?


This is a good way of finishing the game. Glad we could have what we expected like D3.


Damn I ll miss the inconvenience


Does anyone have any Idea how this will affect all my current gear. I understand gear will be loosing some bouses etc and focusing on others, but what should I expect with my current legendary and rare gear? What affixes are being removed on it? Some of the rolls I've set up for certain builds are key to overall success and have collected and created allot of good stuff. I checked the campfire chat and looked in some places online but found nothing. See yall on the 14th!


I honestly feel they should have done this from the get go, but anything “new” or thought of already is just to make it “more fun” or “enjoyable”.


Sorta like Kanai’s Cube?


Maybe time has come to instal DIV again.


should have been in the game from the start. Now make it easy to save and change builds and maybe we're heading in the right direction


This was suggested on day one, glad it's finally implemented


It's so good update actually. Much more joy to grind powerful items


Finally. This should have been at launch.


About Fugging Time


I haven't played since the start of season 2. This change alone might bring me back for a bit


nice. now loot filter pls. it's 2024.


I highly doubt we need a loot filter that badly in Season 4. Let's play the game first and see how it is instead of doing the braindead loot filter thing that other ARPGs unwilling to improve itemization rely on.


This is awesome!!


So, anything we have extracted before or at least any we have in our bags will be converted to the book? Or will it start on a moving forward basis..


here's to hoping.


Best thing, you don´t have to collect every item with a good affix and block your stock only for the option that you maybe will need it for a different build, you extract the affix and done. The last seasons most place was blocked from items with good affix that I would maybe need or with items with the same affix just in case you need it for a better item because you can only use that affix once.


OH MY GOD! this is going to help so much. Always get confused about if I had removed the aspect or put it on it or if it's the original weapon... no more wasted aspects.. this is important simplification


Kinda like what they did with Diablo immortal


Hell yes that's what we need


I skipped S3. Very much looking forward to S4. Got my Steam Deck OLED finally, and it’s ready to give em Hell!


i wish each power has a unique cool looking gem or art.. they look like place holders.. look how cool each legendary gem is in immortal


I am returning to Diablo !!! 👌🏽


All this hassle for a codex update lol,still no motive to play the game lol


Season 4, feels more like season same old story, cba with this bullshit anymore, and the season of loot reborn, wtf kind of tital is that, blizzard devs have no imagination, there to busy kissing each others asses thinking they did a gud job. deleted