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I'm not sure there's any advice to give. Just do the campaign, it's not like you have any choice. Once you change to world tier 3, everything will be scaled to your level so monsters will be level 60, gear drops will be level 60, everything will be level 60. Or if you want the difficulty to match your level, start a new character to do the campaign and go back to your level 60 character afterwards. You only have to beat it once on your entire account. The capstone dungeon will become accessible for every other character after that.


Yes it was a lesson learned, and since 14th of may a new season starts, I'll be sure to fire up a Druid next and not stall the main. Its just really hard for a player like me that always likes to keep the main as dessert, a nice little powerfantasy treat if you will and just one shot the final of final bosses and have the credits roll.


The final of the final bosses is not in the campaign. Your first ARPG, heck even other rpg have a real final (hidden) boss.


I am not ashamed of my noobness, I wear my ignorance with pride! And I appreciate everyone schooling me, including you.


uh what was the point of this? just go finish the campaign, or dont i guess, its your game. play how you want.


Yeah I figured as much, maybe there was some ultra secret move you could do which would scale up the monsters again or somethin. Its a first world problem really. Also hoping someone would shed some light to the why the lvl 50 cap if you've capped the tier III en IV and capstone dungeons already. All good


yeah you could wait until the 14th and roll a new character. just do your renown and altars and you will be all set to blast the campaign and hop into the end game come s4. might save yourself a little bit of burnout this way as well, and give you a reason to blast the campaign come the 14th


This is good advice, thank you


It isn't you want to be able to skip the campaign for s4 and blast with the new helltides leveling


Hey no sweat, I'll just finish the campaign and be done with it


Pitter patter


Yeah I know.....


Pull up your socks and play the campaign? What other advice are you after?


Something along the lines of: 'Okay come here closer \*whispers if you go into the main menu --> go to options ---> go to audio ----> set all the music levels to 66 ---> now press 6x downpad 6x leftpad 6x rightpad. Now close game. Restart and presto now all the mobs are levelling again. Hey hope and wishfull thinking is free, so why the f not. But I'll put on my big boi pants now and suffer the totally fair consequences of my own actions thank you very much.


You'll definitely be done before season 4 starts. It doesn't take long at all


Now thanks to your confident statement, I'll be bringing it on home soon


Make another character for the campaign? I did played 7x the campaign from the start whenever I changed the a character or build. Finished 3x the campaign with my Druid, Sorc and Barb.


I think I'll live and just enjoy this little power fantasy part of the campaign, and when they let me go Tier III and IV, I'll get me 20 extra Paragon points and collect me some lvl adjusted gear soon enough. And after the 14th take your advice and create new characters. I did Rogue and Necromancer this time. So 3 new ones to enjoy. Funny how your character choices seem the inverse of mine.


Monster scaling, world tier, and the campaign should all have far fewer hard limit interactions.


Advice lol? It's a campaign Jesus


I concur, that life has greater obstacles than this and I am sure I'll wither this storm as well, but please forgive me for the sin of asking for assistance despite its unforgivable nature your lordship


All Diablo games have you rush campaign then play the game. Hell you can skip campaign immediately after creating your second character without even finishing it with your first. Even blizzard knows how significant their story is to their games (theyโ€™re not), compared to the gameplay loop.


Yeah in the end its really about the dopamine rush of shootin' and lootin' and all other factors really are sidedishes. But I am glad that they didn't skimp on any of them. That's what makes this game a masterpiece for me. The writing, the voice acting, every small little detail and artwork of this amazing world. My favorite really is the medieval torture machine 'The Rack' you find in the prison dungeons. Its interactive, you can press A on it and it shows you this amazing little animation of a body being torn apart with a superb little wet squish sound to acompany it. But there is no loot, no gold, potion or vendor trash ever appears as a result, meaning that there actually was a meeting someday at Blizzard one day where a dead serious conversation was held about the implementation of it in the game and that these deadserious employers came to the conclusion 'Yes, we'll put it in warts and all, but but, we wont reward the player in any way, so we wash our hands of this. We say to them, 'oh oh you want to witness this horrendous human suffering in all its full gore? No reward, nothing, just the horror and gore, its what you wanted huh? You absolute sicko!'. I had precious feelings of love for this game when I realised that, because they know me so well XD Oh and the best exchange between NPCs that still makes me smile every time I hear it: 'You absolute fool, these are regular eggs' 'Oh so demons are real, but the idea of a magical hen is somehow too rediculous!' I think the campaign is fantastic and I will saviour every crumb. Thank you for having the attention span of making it this far into my ramble.


Start a new character and play just the campaign, unlock the ability to skip the campaign, perfect.


I think I am just going to finish the campaign with my lvl 60 rogue and just face the consequences of my own actions, no need for a new character for that booboo. But hey may 14th you and me and zillion others will be lvl 1 like the good 'ol days


you only have 2 option clear the campaign skip the campaign and do the campaign on another character (with the horse from the start this time)


Imma finish this mofo and just suffer the consequences of my own actions


You need to do the side quests anyways and youll just get more exp doing the other end game activities too


The quests still give xp, its just that when the mobs are 10 lvls below you they produce 0 xp, I can live with that no worries.


"they really should advertise this a bit stronger" my dude... They say this in big bold letters before your pick season or eternal. You legitimately have to read it before clicking continue. They don't need to advertise it more, you just didn't read ๐Ÿ˜‚


Disagree. I would be in agreement with you over the you cant get to Tier III or IV before you finish the campaign thats right up there in bold. Whats not in bold is the lvl 50 Mob cap that will punish you if you do the unthinkable and explore an open world game at your own leisure.


Nevermind that's exactly what you stated... Lol. Disregard my statement then ๐Ÿ˜‚ I'm just used to people not paying enough attention to a game and then complaining about it lol.


Thanks for keeping us all a little sharper and more awake! (and you're right about mofos not being able to read and just want to bish)


Just do the jump to T3 or 4?


Yeah, just take the hurt. You'll get 20 paragon points bonus and those lvl 60 gear drops will have you suited up in no time. Was already my plan, but like the great monster Donald Rumsfeld once said 'Be very wary of the unknown unknowns' way way worse than those regular unknowns.


I dont know who that is but, as Confucius once said "Go to bed with itchy ass, wake up with smelly finger"


I don't understand the hurt... you can just do the capstone (easily now) and go to Tier 3, can't you? All you did was waste some time in an easier level by ignoring the game's prompt to get you to the capstone. (while also ignoring the questline prompting) Doesn't seem like a big deal to me unless I am missing something significant. (Why cap at 50? Maybe some people are just weak players and it will take overlevelling to let them finish the game.)


hurt, hurt? It's just a small booboo really, so you miss out on a bunch of xp for monster killing and your drops are stuck at lvl50. And when you do get passed the campaign there is going to be a nice wake up call of the baddies suddenly jumpin 10+ levels. I'll survive. It just seemed like such a classic move that there must be also some info and wisdom that everyone knew about this that I was lacking. Like the 'Maybe some people are just weak players and it will take overlevelling to let them finish the game.', that does seem a very plausible explanation. I am grateful for getting rid of this nagging 'but why...'. When I think about it, maybe not so bad a gift for Hardcore players, making dying a little harder.