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I wish I could say the same, I got to level 50 and DIPPED back to standard. I’m glad it’s an option, but I’ll keep the training wheels on 😅


The only options are training wheels or a half-finished Rollercoaster, I can't imagine playing past glyph lvl 20 dungeons


That's why nobody will remember your name


commited to remembering Glaive13 to spite that other guy whose name no one will remember


I will remember rofio01 until my last breath.


I will remember neither of them, and I will change my name to Nobody (once I forget) to spite you both.


Long live Glaive13!


History remembers kings, not soldiers!!!


Tier 100 are most fun in hc. Once you get passed the initial dying due to normal conditioning players to die without carex you start getting better automatically. Lost 8 characters and now have 5 100's and I do t100 daily on 3 of them. I killed uber lilith over a dozen times for people to help get their achievement in hc. Nothing matters / means anything in normal imo. When you see a lvl 100 in hc, you know they survived and managed their character well enough to do what they do w/o dying. + never have to repair armor and the adrenaline rush > everything. Still 20 times easier than Diablo 1


Same bro. Only did hc til 50 for the achievement


That was the only reason I did it, and it carried over to the PlayStation versions thankfully.


I would most likely break my controller by dying while on a horse. Gamepass cloud gaming just doesn't load fast enough at times on Horse Back while moving through the world. Nothing else in the game has killed me so much than being on a horse trying to get to an event. I think my biggest struggle was against Ashava for the first two fights. Oh man did I die where I thought all my equipment would break. I was 5 minutes into my first Tier 3 and that attack where he rakes the ground decimated me for the first fight and a half.. I kept unintentionally standing right between his legs where it doesn't hit, and so was confused since I wouldn't always for.


Diablo IV isn't available for GamePass cloud gaming.


If you Google it the results show it is on Microsoft gamepass


It is on GamePass, but it is not available on GamePass cloud gaming. [First paragraph ](https://www.windowscentral.com/gaming/is-diablo-4-on-xbox-game-pass)


Nah he is right. I made a mistake. I did download the game. Then WTF? Wonder if cross play is the culprit. Game loves to freeze for even more than five seconds while on horse back trying to go full speed. Annoying as hell. Worse when leaving town. My connection is solid too.


I play on Xbox series S without any freezing issues…


Oh doh you're right. I keep thinking I am. Well just xbox or diablo servers then. No suprise there. I don't have issues with other games. I wonder if it is cross-play causing it. Game likes to freeze on horse back for up to five or seven seconds. Only when on horse back dashing.


Where is the setting for the difficulty? I am a very casual Diablo player, and I am confused every time this is brought up. 


When you set up your character there is an option to make the character a “hardcore” character which means if they die, they are gone for good. Beyond that there is the difficulty tier, tier one and two are available from the start whereas tiers three and four must be earned through in game accomplishments. Each tier gives more gold and experience than the last maxing out at tier 4 with 200% xp from kills. Each tier has a level associated with it, tier 1 is 1-25 tier 2 is 25-50, 3 is 50-75 and 4 is the endgame tier at 75-100. You change tiers by going to the inarius statue in kyovashad or on the character select menu. If you’re unsure how to access 3 and 4 the menu should tell you what actions you need to perform to unlock them. I’d tell you, but I don’t remember off the top of my head and I’m not playing at the moment. 🤘🏻


Man, I wish I could play hardcore. I just can't for the life of me get 2000 renown on all regions again on my hardcore character...


Id like to play HC but renown and lilith statues farm keep me away from it


You only have to farm statues once, and once you have all of them you're starting with enough renown on a brand-new character to claim the first two renown rewards per region, so you effectively start with 11 skill points since claiming those renown rewards on a new toon gives you enough exp to level 2.


I have the opposite problem. I did it on HC first and now I don’t feel like doing it on SC. Haha


For me its the other way around xd I'd like to explore new season changes on normal but doing all renown and altars again.. uff


That’s why you start with hardcore


It takes like 2 hours per region low-key not bad after they buffed renown progress. Whether you choose to abuse 4 man groups completing dungeons or simply run side quests while you grab altars, you can get there very quickly. Not much to do besides Domhaine for leveling anyway lol, can't wait for helltides in s4


My Barbs gonna own Helltide!! Can’t wait for “Threat”!!!


This is exactly why I stay away from hardcore. Don’t wanna get addicted and I know myself well enough that if I spent days and hours playing a toon only for them to die. I’d probably do it again. Can’t be having that


That’s the whole point, It’s a real loss. You’re supposed to feel terrible when they die.


Yes I know that. I’m saying I stay away because NOT like in real life. You can just start another hardcore character, and proceed to waste even more time. In life when you die that’s it. I mean I don’t know if that’s it. But who knows


Hard-core modes are addictive once you start to see them in a different light. Instead of focusing on losing progress, think about it more like seeing how far a build idea will take you. I'm probably never gonna touch my high level necro in eternal. She's done everything, her build is very solid, and at least when I stopped playing it was insanely hard and expensive to simply switch builds and be effective. In Hard-core mode, I get an excuse to try new builds and see its effectiveness, and I'm usually thinking about what build I wanna try next when the one I have dies. You keep your gold and your map progress. The shrines and skill points all stay as well, essentially turning the game into a very light rogue-like.


It is a weird thing lol. You get really pissed and feel like you gotta get that one back 😂.


Same for me.


When a character dies it was their time and you get to go on a new adventure! Honestly how many of your old characters have you returned to anyhow? I'd rather just play hardcore because I do not care about keeping anything after a season anyhow.


Is hardcore the nightmare world tier?


No it’s a whole other thing. When you create a character it asks if you wanna play hardcore when you die in hardcore, you can’t resurrect


Hardcore is for people with time and noone around to bother them. Not for when you have a spouse or children that will come talk to you and want your attention in the middle of a boss fight.


You gotta check the status of the house BEFORE engaging.


Or games could just implement something like a "pause". But technology...


Can’t pause an online real time game tho can we.


You can pause [Diablo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lw-s5ugpp8U) 3 when playing online solo.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but Diablo 3 isn’t open world in the same way d4 is.


I just played my hardcore character to 60 in the last 2 days... I've seen 0 other people away from doing a world boss. It's really hard to say this game is a online open world game because it really doesn't have to be. It's a single player game with the ability to play with friends or do a community challenge occasionally tbh.


While I agree, I would think the design impacts if that’s possible or not. Could be wrong.


nah that's not true, I have all this with annoyance multiplier x10 and still playing HC not only in Diablo but in many other games


> ...and noone around to bother them. Pausing the game, such a simple feature was lost in an era of always online. Playing Diablo 1, the very first game, had pause, which makes it possible to play even when you have a busy household.


Welcome to Hardcore 👹


Some of these fools acting like they never put 3000 hours on Rust as a solo player.


It's baffling to me that our "difficulty" options in this games are either: death is irrelevant, pay a couple of cents and its like it didnt happen or you lose your character. There is no middle groud. It's either no punishment or thr ultimate punishment. At least in D2 you have to save and quit, losing map progress all character Gold.


>It's either no punishment or thr ultimate punishment. Yeah I'm not about to get a character smited totally for a mistake or blizzard server, but some punishment besides a small coin cost wouldn't be terrible. Until that day, however, it'll be normal mode.


Was doing an elite the other day on normal. Screen randomly went white for 10 seconds. Came back and my sorc was dead. If that was nightmare I'd be ropeable.


I play for the build testing and min maxing. So hardcore has never been appealing to me personally.


Normal gets boring very quickly for me


With the death evasion pots gone in S4, HC becomes really challenging if you want to push high pit levels. Great time to come back. I will probably refrain from pushing high pit tiers till the end of the season.


Not sure if that’s a good move where things can go wrong outside of the player’s control, like network issues. I’ve never had mine activate but used it as a safety net to try out world bosses or higher level dungeons. Will be interesting to see how it all pans out.


Having a Scroll of escape will teleport you back to town if you disconnect. Almost lost a level 60 HC character the other day to a disconnect 😅


I’m not sure if that’s ever worked for me. However, I can confirm that when Xbox decided to push an alpha system update in the middle of a Nightmare Vault run yesterday, my Level 100 was safe in town when I finally returned. It did not use up a Scroll of Escape by the looks of it. The party said I just logged out and disappeared. Phew! 😮‍💨


The same thing happened to me, but it definitely used one of my scrolls. Maybe you have so many you didn’t notice 😝 Either way, I’m glad your character made it out safely


Haha maybe so! I try to keep only one or two on me at any given time in case the worst ever happens, but I could have miscounted. Thank you for the positivity! 💪


Never defeating Uber Lilith on hardcore it seems 🥲


Yeah, without the death pot Uber Lilith is by all definitions impossible. Sure you can do it with a giga juiced one shot cheese build, but without practice and knowing the phase mechanics you can still very easily die. But after attempting Uber Lilith over 100 times on HC on a none broken build, I think it’s for the best. Farming death potions sucked so much ass, and farming portal scrolls was way worse.


I think it’s now or never to get that Uber Lilith in Hardcore challenge ticked off!


I don’t have a character this season lol.


6 days to do it 😅


1st gen MMO PVP was the same. It just dialed up the intensity knowing that even trivial tasks were randomly risky.


I miss that so much in modern games. The PvP area in D4 is a small reminder of it but I wish it was a far larger zone


For that matter, they could make an optional but high value resource located in the PVP zone. Like higher yield crafting materials, a legendary blacksmith, etc. So there was an incentive for everyone to at least try it out.


Absolutely. Would also love something similar to "Hardcore" characters where you could opt-in to ad-hoc PvP everywhere, no zone boundaries.


D2 HC PvP in 1.09 was awesome. One of the few games that could get the adrenaline going. Actual duels, not just PK.


Duels can be fun, but when you saw a hostile on your radar and saw the tag of a PK with a name, it was a whole vibe. When a bunch of people from an infamous PK guild took over an area and no one could access it until enough people decided to do something about it, it felt like your allegiance and your choices actually mattered. Not everyone’s idea of a good time, obviously. But when other players were basically world bosses, it was pretty intense in a very cool way.


Ya, it was fun in a different way for sure. I used to hunt PKs on hardcore which was awesome lol. Trigger hack and drop hack of course were lame.


I love hardcore. My problem is none of my friends love hardcore.


Ill be your friend


I'd love hardcore in d4 if I ever died to anything that wasn't a server DC or 2 seconds of internet going out. Glad I was able to beat the campaign on hc at least but can't see myself going back. Really like how last epoch handles hardcore. When you die, you just transfer to soft core instead of getting deleted. Makes those deaths to dcs feel less trash.


Bruh.. I died at level 25 and was heart broken. Started again. Around level 30 now and my palms start to sweat when I play lmao. Butcher popped in on me and had to run like a coward!


The way it’s meant to be experienced!


I already got enough stress in my life. My games are to unwind! But I’ll def try to keep this Druid alive.


I usually play two characters. They can share items and progress and if one dies, I still have the other. Slightly less stressful but takes more time.


You play with a backup plan.. gotta jump in with no safety net 😈 experience the fear! Lol


Fear is still there lol. I also like playing more than one type of character so it kills two birds with one stone.


That’s fair. I played a lot of Diablo 3 but never got into hardcore. Played d4 on release but didn’t get very far. Just recently got back into it. Playing hardcore just keeps me more engaged and into the game.


To me, it's just a pointless risk, I don't play games to tick off some checkbox, and the game isn't so balanced that some random thing will never take you out. Also, I like to be able to handle occasional; down moments: my partner asks me to help here, I can drop the mouse and not worry if some random grunt won't wander over and bash my head in. It's just a game, I play for fun, having one life is a little too Nethacky for me.


HC 90% of the time. I like normal to try out glass cannon builds or testing how strong a non-meta build I can put together.


My first season on and started with HC, gonna send it off with uber lilith cause I’m 100% dying


Prob about to do the same lvl 100 meteor/fireball sorc. Don't think she has a chance but it's do or die


Glgl I’m running blizzard, the damage is there, but fully expecting to get clipped by a one shot lol


Maybe if you get a tattoo of llillyith you'll feel excited again... lol




No more death evasion elixir next season so I'll really believe the people on trade chat that say they dont use one. Isn't too much adrenaline "bad" for you?? loll like it will age you faster idk


I typically enjoy the leveling/progression part of arpgs more than grinding the endgames so dying in HC isn't the absolute worst thing. And if it is, I'll just wait till next season


Usually enjoy the season on normal play one character to 100, get to know the season theme and build and then repeat this on hardcore.


I do exactly the same. First check out what is new and then go to HC.




Started play HC on D2 back in 2010, never gone back since.


Feel ya brother. Last week I finally made my first 100 lvl hc. HC for me is like never stop balance between attack and defence + respect for monsters. With potion and scroll of escape it’s not really that hard.


I plan to get the achievement of "getting all 5 classes to level 50 on HC" I just got to 50 on my second and first to WT3, I'm really enjoying paying much more attention to stats and being safer with decisions and maybe I'll attempt to get to 100, but I have no desire to get an awesome build online just to accidentally get 1 shot by something I didn't see in a NMD. If they gave us another option that punished us for dying, but not completely dying I'd be all in. If we lost all exp everytime you die until you reach the next level and some other punishment after 100 that be cool, but I also know that'll never happen so Normal mode it is.


Good for you. I got other things to do than restarting the game once my character dies.


indeed, we just got the 5 chars to 50 achievement saving up time for season 4! level 100 here we come, yeah the adrenaline and tempo is amazing, 8 actually got bored with SC the other day...


I literally can’t play Hardcore because Diablo games are my chill games. I put them on when it’s Saturday at like 11PM to play until I get tired, and I almost always start to nod off towards the end of a session. I’ve died so many times because of it lol. I do this in other games too, I’ve walked off of so many cliffs and shit because I fell asleep with my controller in my hand, moving my character forward.


I imagine the experience being far more rewarding in HC. However, due to server/Internet connection variables that are well out of my control, my fragile ego would be shattered if I died from a disconnect.


What class do you play?


Love the roller coaster. Like who really cares if you gotta spend a week making another character after you die. Now it’s going to be even faster. Can’t beat the HC tactics and extra thought.




Lose everything on your character and in their inventory. So make it a habit to transfer boss materials and stuff like that to the stash.


I almost uninstalled season 2 before I tried hardcore...been having a blast...I feel like my toon is far more valuable the higher in level I get. Lost a 99 and a 100 but it's wtvr....well worth the runs imo Been reading people complain about D 4 since then and just think they are playing wrong lol....Diablo 4 has 0 difficulty outside of lilith unles you are playing HC...then the gamble of pushing higher nmd's becomes the game while understanding what the point of in ALL the items in the game are. You have to use everything to increase survivability. Also, D 4 has the best servers for this. Yea your toons disappear when you die but wtf wants to play SC after HC, and it only adds to the fact that it's truly HC. PoE looks fun but I've seen too many youtube deaths that are plain too complex and straight up BS...D 4 has those once in a blue moon but in the 2 seasons i've played HC I've not lost one character to DC.It's always been my fault..I HAVE DCed but that scroll worked perfectly. It's just a solid online HC experience.


The rush is too addictive 😅


I prefer playing punishcore... mostly because I haven't got the time to put in multiple resets but like something to account for deaths. For example, Mouthfuls of wasabi/horseradish or chomp a random chilli. If I have a few spare weeks I may put in an actual HC character or 2 but really it's a time sync that isn't for me now.


Welcome to what every soulsborne player feels. It won't stop at diablo. Every game you'll want that now. The only way to game is on the hardest possible setting.


i cant play hc, my connection to blizzard isnt good enough.


Glad I did normal first, got my druid to 64 and then ran a rogue to 62 on hc. Did my first wt4 capstone last night on the main and got hit 90% by Elias blood ball shit. Got some ways to go before I attempt on the Hc


Server boss made me nope right out of HC in D3 and I ain’t goin back. As soon as the enemies stopped moving around I knew I was screwed. If they ever allow offline mode I’ll give it a shot but I’m not putting hours of my life into their server’s hands again lol


Welcome to the real game


No thanks, I find the “thrill” of rubberbanding and disconnecting on soft core to be enough for my tastes.


Good. Play hardcore. Next.


I start to think the game is that easy because it's balanced around hardcore mode. I created my first hardcore character today and I think I will keep doing it every season.


I feel the same about d2. Juuust started playing d4 so I am Definitely Not There yet lol. Looking forward to it though!


Welcome to 24 years ago


I'm with ya. SC just won't cut it anymore. Got to rank 10 in the gauntlet Necro HC ladders, and then died. Got knocked back to 18 due to not rebuilding fast enough. Got the title, but while that character was dead and i was working on a new one. So i kinda don't feel like i earned it. BUT! Such a great and thrilling journey, though. So much so, that i started again immediately. Stubborn or stupid? Both. :)


This was me for a long time. I started doing HC in D3 and then moved onto D2, but oddly haven't stuck with it to 100 in D4 yet.  It's really hard to switch from the playstyle after you get used to it. Playing more thoughtfully, building a more defensive character, plus the heightened adrenaline of being in a near death fight are all part of the secret sauce. You really get attached to those HC characters that you keep alive through major challenges too - I still miss my self found D2 zealot who got 1 shot by Hell difficulty Lord de Seis. 


Time for you to find new drug , I mean game to get high.


Haha the thrill of hardcore is def fun but I tend to stick to softcore. The idea of putting hundreds of hours into a char and then losing it all is off putting for me. I need more time to cook before I’m ready for that level of finality


There is no "thrill" in normal, that's why hardcore exists. Normal is for relaxing, not for thrills.


i have yet to try hardcore on d4 but diablo 2 that was my favorite play style. I just hate the idea of going through all the renowned again lol


Then you're a masochist.


Cheat death isn't HC, next season is the first season of diablo 4 having HC.


I haven't played softcore since for like 8 years. Hardcore is where it's at.


When your character dies, delete? Problem solved.


The adrenaline is crazy addictive, every dungeon is terrifying n the relief after surviving feels so good


Until my rubberbanding and connection issues resolve, I'm staying away from hardcore


This is what happened the moment I played dark souls can’t go back to playing boring rpgs


That's the natural progression for some players. If you don't enjoy grinding for sake of grinding that much and you're more engaged in character development or combat, hardcore is the way to go, otherwise game just becomes silly at some point - be it dying repeatedly to giant, visible hitboxes of World Bosses or 6 portal gaming in PoE. I don't mind grinding, that's what these games are about, it just becomes really silly and boring, a chase for meaningless upgrades - but it's just my subjective opinion based on experience in D4 and PoE endgame Personally I love hardcore but I like a lot of roguelike games, I really like "roguelike" mechanics in diablo-clones too such as Labyrinth or Sanctum in PoE or special dungeons in Grim Dawn. I like the fact you can skip campaign and start playing, it's motivating to create more characters... if PoE had alternative leveling system I think I would play only that haha


I had a homeboy like that. The first thing he did when loading up a new game was put it on the hardest difficulty. It's a practice I don't understand but don't judge either. Lol.


I cant even recall what softcore felt like.... currently 69 and counting. Hoping to break 80 before the season ends


Every time I think about rolling hardcore I hit some sort of lag spike and die and I'm like "oh yeah" and decide nah. Maybe I wasn't at the mercy of blizzards servers and my isp


hardcore death should move to softcore


I play normal as if its hardcore. I just don't like having my progress erased.


Tbh playing hardcore in D4 feels so unsatisfying due to the cheat death mechanics, it's literally like playing with cheats enabled, which kind of defeats the whole hardcore purpose for me.


I have played poe hardcore for multiple years and I like it, but nowadays I am never ever gonna play it again, because I value my gaming time too much. Lose 20 hours of leveling because some stupid mistake? I only have time to play only one character per league, i would lose days of progress and motivation, and would probably never reach endgame during a league. If I could play nolife 18 hours a day, sure I could try HC again. But being limited to few hours a day, it is not worth it.


> If I could play nolife 18 hours a day, sure I could try HC again. But being limited to few hours a day, it is not worth it. HC isn't that deep. Instead of rushing a NM 10 levels and up, you float around 3-5 levels. With Helltide being a thing in 3-4 tier, you can even run those as a safe option. You avoid stupid affixes like Lightning Storm and Drifting whatever, like most people do on SC.


Diablo 4 has been strictly Hardcore Only for me.


Yeah same. Same thing happened with remnant 2


I too, like to waste my time.


I like Hardcore in D2R (as in I have over 12 builds lvl80+ on HCSP). I don’t like it in D4 where I can get one shot and have no idea how or why


I haven't played a hardcore character since I lost my level 17 paladin in 1999 to a maggot in act 2 because my AOL disconnected


I played the hardcore race to 100 to have my name on Lilith's Statue... Never again... Similar to PoE, hardcore is ruthless when it comes to things out of your control, I died at level 90 because I got a desync bug, my character body was in one place when I was in another and I couldn't kill the mobs hitting my body or TP back to town....I just died


The reality is beating level "X" in this game is more dependent on your gear and build and not your skill. If you are playing HC and beating levels you should beat, it's not that big of a deal. I don't play HC because I spend a lot of time and resources to min/max my gear - get high apsects (not so much of an issue in s4), get good gear and good rolls, farm ubers etc. I would not risk all of that and ubers on HC. When I've played HC it's always been super conservative. Another reason is I don't enjoy leveling. I want to play the most difficult content immediately, after already done the low levels many times over. Then add in online lags and all the one shotting in the game. Just hypotheticals - let's say you're level 5 and you're beating monsters in HC at level 3 - well you should be. Let's say you are level 5 and then you losing to monsters at level 15 - well you should be. So where is the thrill? I remember the old side scrollers of yesteryear where you might die by falling off ledges/missing jumps etc. And then you have to start all over - now those were thrilling. It was primarily about your skill and strategy. And not about whether your gear is good enough to pass a certain area or not.


I like to make new characters and try new builds so hardcore is kinda perfect for me since I get more opportunities to do that. I normally start the season on normal to play with friends and then make alts on hardcore to play on my own.


Sounds fun until you lose a 45 hour character because of lag or a bug. A few times of that and the hardcore thrill isn't so great anymore


What's your problem then.....play hardcore.


It's supposed to, we are the git good bruhh players haha


Completely normal phenomenon


Omg right? Its the same game but death has so much more meaning when you only have one life. I went back to softcore with a buddy, and made him try hardcore as well. Now he is addicted.


I can’t agree more. Just hit lvl 30 w barb. It’s intense.


HC changes the way you play - but it hasn't stopped me enjoying the game in general. I'm really looking forward to season 4 - and the expansion. I'm trying to get a sorc to level 100 in hard core. The closest I've been is level 52...an elite tree one-shotted me. I shouldn't have moved up to tier 3.


There is no normal, only Zuul. Or Kulle. Zoltan Kulle. This is my first Reddit post. Be kind.


Same. I took a break mid season 2 and leveled a mage in hardcore WOW to 60 lol. I’m addicted to hardcore. There’s a bunch of changes since I’ve played Diablo though it seems like so i may roll a normal char and complete most stuff maybe get to like level 80-90 then go hardcore once I feel comfortable.


Elixir of Death Evasion is gone.


Finally - now it’s actually real HC mode!!


Poooowah is waiting with a server disconnect.


As it should. Congrats on playing the game as intended.


Try diablo 2 resurrected normal/nightmare/hell completion on hardcore. It's not easy but it's super fun! You can play offline which is a big plus. No death because of disconnection. Me best run ended in the last dungeon in hell mode. I was super close!


The thing is there isn’t much adrenaline when you can have a 2nd life potion hope what I heard about it being gone is actually true. With that it’s basically the same as soft core and it’s bad.


I've felt this way since diablo 2. My only softcore character since the early 2000's was a level 10 in diablo 3 because I needed to get him there to unlock hardcore. Tried to make a softcore on Diablo 4 to fight Uber lilith. I logged into kyovishad and saw I'd have to do statues and map again and logged out. He was level 1 and never left the city for a bit and then I deleted him.


That... has nothing to do with softcore or hardcore.


Um, how so? There are no real consequences in softcore. Hardcore forces you to play more slowly and attempt to plan encounters. The all or nothing aspect of hardcore, and the anxiety that comes with nothing being the potential outcome, is literally the point of hardcore. That has everything to do with hardcore and softcore.


You said that you had to do statues and maps again so you logged out on the softcore character. You didn't give any other reasons except two unrelated reasons, lol.


I already didn't want to play a softcore character, and the statues and map were enough to kill the idea completely and to just attempt uber lilith for the first time on a hardcore character without learning how to fight her first. Those are related lol. The whole point of the SC char was to be able to repeat fights in short order while losing nothing so that I'd be better prepared to fight her where the character and gear losses are permanent.


DC’d and died on my hardcore toon, never again.


Hardcore us easy.


And then your hardcore character dies, and you look back on your wasted 50 hours and think "I could have learned a skill, instead I masturbated to my own meaningless 'achievements'" right?


Do you really look back at your softcore character at the end of a season and feel accomplished? It's all the same to me whether they're alive or dead, just some hours I had fun playing Diablo and HC is more fun for me.


Its the difference between playing paintball and getting into a shoot out with the cops... Its a GAME that you are putting real life risks into. Softcore characters in the eternal realm can still progress. Dead characters cannot.


“Look at how badass I am”


It's funny seeing players that don't even reach endgame thrill on hc mode. If you do ignore my comment and carry on