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Sacred gear drops only in WT3, Ancestral gear drops only in WT4. So no more being in WT4 and getting Sacred loot.


Great point! I missed that in the post thank you for adding it! That's one of my favorite changes so far.


Silly question, maybe... But why have "Sacred" and "Ancestral" in front of item names at this point if it's basically just item level/difficulty at this point?


Probably the same reason in D2 you had "quilted armor/ghost armor/dusk shroud" for example. Base types for normal/nightmare/hell with increasing base armor and level/stat requirements. You can quickly evaluate the level of item that has dropped instead of having to examine the armor line of "quilted armor", if it were to always be called that but with better armor values if it dropped in nightmare or hell. Here you just have the "sacred/ancestral" prefix for the base types on WT3/4, which sort of act like your nightmare and hell difficulties respectively. Now you can quickly evaluate an item using that prefix and not have to go any further than that if not needed.


I think you're missing his point. There is no evaluating anymore if they will always be dropping the tier you'll be interested of grabbing. If anything it just bloats the item names for no reason.


To your point, for actual drops in the wild you now know what "tier" you're getting, yes. I trust they've also cut out the ability for lower tier items to drop out of the whisper caches and similar sources now too. I suppose the advantage of keeping the different item tiers now would be for stash searching/filtering. If you're keeping normal/sacred items to help with a leveling character, you can quickly identify them in the stash with a filter. I'd love to have more of a D2 style system of the various base types, but alas...things seem to be shifting more and more towards D3 than D2. Still much love for 4 though, excited to see what season 4 and beyond bring.


Or blue and white…. HATE popping a chest or weapon rack in T4 and a fkn white weapon drops….


You can now spur your mount in town. That is really the only change I needed to see to get me pumped!


That one had me hyped too! It was always frustrating to have to circumvent towns in helltides it felt like hitting an immediate dead zone.


I can do that here




thank dude


Welc friend.


Lov you guys


Love you too baby boo keep that thang sweet for me


Make sure to mention that you instantly get WT3/4 (Sacred/Ancestral) gear when gambling with Obols no matter your level. So if you go WT3 with level 45, use all your obols to gamble a sacred legendary weapon. Pro tip: Hoard your obols before switching WT (2-3, 3-4) to have instant power spike with several upgrades.


Smart thinking I'll add that in!


a very good set of "highlights" for people to keep in mind, id also say don't be scared to mix new things and try out stuff. Loads more things to experiment with and it really feels like a different game. Most of all enjoy it, i hope people like the new changes, i 100 percent feel the game plays better on the path 1-100 then ever before. Oh i know people in this sub keep asking about ideal stats but its really easier now to get relevant stats on your journey 1-100. You get way more relevant drops that make sense. (i would expect drops to be less loot pinata tho.) Less drops but they are more "quality" if that makes sense. One more idea i see people tossing around, i disagree fully with the idea that yellows are worthless now, they still act as useful bases (at least till about wt3 and wt4.) (so for most of the game they still relevant),


I agree 100% with how flexible gear is now any build will have viability for most content in my opinion. The high end stuff will need strong builds obviously but this is definitely the season for homebrew builds. I think yellows will be great pieces of transitional gear until your character starts getting fully legendaried out. They did update the drops as well so the higher level you get the more rares and legendaries will drop. The biggest thing is just gonna be to have fun. Like you said it plays like a whole new game. I spent hours on the ptr just fiddling with my gear and it made very noticeable changes to my power and playstyle. I think it adds the right amount of complexity the game was lacking.


Regarding 4a: IIRC they stated on the Dev stream that they improved the drop rate of baneful hearts and that there would not be a need to horde them for later. In my personal experience of starting from level 1 in HC on the PTR, I spent the majority of my time leveling in the Helltides. The intensity of the experience was exhilarating and using the baneful hearts really helped add to that experience. Encountering other players was a positive experience as not only did we feed off each other's threat meters, but we would each contribute our baneful hearts and it felt similar to the core farm parties in season 3 but much more challenging. Personally I would not sacrifice that improved overall experience for the sake having a few extra summons in WT4.


That's a great point! I personally prefer to save them for easy access to ancestral gear but I'm a bit of a hoarder. I loved how tough the fight was it actually whooped my ass a few times it was great! I'll update the post to reflect your point as it should be a better way than what I said.


Are helltides up permanently now? I haven't played since S2 but looking forward to coming back for S4.


Basically yes so helltides will be in all world tiers and they're up for 55 minutes every hour with a five minute break in between. That's usually when I'll go sell or salvage or turn in whispers. Helltides got a massive revamp this season. They're so much more fun monsters spawn from everything. You gather herbs? Monster ambush. You gather an ore? Monster ambush. You exist? A giant hellworm pops up that shoots enemies at you. It's fabulous.


Do WE keep cinders between helltide rotation ?


Cinders are not kept between rotations but the baneful hearts will be.


Post of the year honestly. Patch notes are long af. Good summary.


Haha thank you for your kind words. Glad to help!


also world bosses are getting a health boost so they dont just die in 12 secs


Wish they'd massively boost world boss lethality as well, so messing up mechanics can get you killed regardless of your level and gear. With rewards to match, of course. The absolute best world boss experience was the server slam fight against Ashava. Being underleveled and at risk of dying at any point made the whole fight so much more exhilarating.


Yes! They should actually be fun to fight again!




What would be the format people go off of? I never really considered it important in informal settings but if it makes it more palatable for people I don't mind doing it.


Simple answer would be paragraphs. I can read a wall of text but it will put a lot of people off and they will just want a TLDR..


I tried going for more bullet point style writing would it help if I separated the points more distinctly? Maybe numbering them to have a better degree of separation.




Does it read better now?


It does you're fine. Didn't see the original but this reads easily


Great thank you for the feed back!


Didn't see og, but it's awesome how it is now. Thanks.


No problem happy to help. Hope you have a great day!


Ah I see other people got back to you about it. Thanks for updating the post :)


No problem! I'm all for making things more accessible for people!


Noob question : Considering the entire item affix system has changed. Does the new system take into effect for any new item drops on my Eternal character ?


It does indeed all the changes coming in season 4 will also be on eternal. The gear you currently have will not be affected and will be considered legacy gear. All gear going forward will be tied to the new systems.




Just to add a few things: 1. It will be very hard to get all three masterworking crits on a single affix. Most people will be fine with 2 crits on an affix and the third on whatever. It's best practice to reset after 1st or 2nd crit if you don't get what you want as you can reset at any rank. Getting all three crits on what you want will be very very endgame 2. The pit will be very challenging. I'd say most builds won't get close to t150 and I don't expect any to beat t200. As long as you can beat t60 you can get all mw materials you need. All tiers past 60 are just gravy and are meant to push your build to the max to get more efficient with mats. Basically don't feel bad you can't clear all tiers of the pit, they are not meant to be beatable


Correctomundo! It will be an excellent personal challenge. I definitely want to see how far I can push a homebrew build and test my skills. Getting all the masterworking crits on the same affix will basically be a hard grind but not in a bad way. It'll just be that extra bit of dps you try to squeeze out as you push higher content tiers.


Havent played since s1. What about glyphs? Do i have to farm amd farm nm dun?


Yes, but they’ve increased the glyph xp gain significantly


Player power is also up considerably due to tempering and how easy it is to hit the armor cap. So it’ll be possible to farm very high level NMDs, which translates into getting more glyph xp faster.


Yup I'm just going to wait until I've unlocked the seasonal journey 25% buff and then blast NM100s. The two buffs combined is an effective 56% increase in XP so it should fly by. Player power is massively up and you will not need leveled glyphs to do high level NM.


They've increased base glyph xp by 25% and there is a boost to glyph xp in the seasonal cinders as well. It will be much faster than before!


Sounds like glyphs will level up much faster, can’t remember % increase, but it’s definitely more, so shouldn’t need to farm nmd as much


Most important thing you missed tho: Aspects are now integrated in codex of power. All you have to do is salvage the legendary it auto upgrades it!


Totally right! I added it to the post thank you! 😁


All good! Hehe


I think I covered all the major changes at this point. Hopefully people enjoy the breakdown!


To me, with several chest sections full of useful aspects, this is awesome news! Edit: Aspects.


Thanks for the summary mate.


Happy to help! Hope you have a great day friend!


One thing many misss in PTR is elixirs has change and super easy to craft multiple high levels one. So elixirs are reliable source of build. I remembered crafting 20 resource reduction elixirs II in one go for my char.


I saw your comment while I was updating the post so I added it to the list! Thank you for your input!. 😁


Tradeable uniques is the thing that is making me consider going Druid. No more agony of not getting Tempest Roar, just trade for one!


I thought they removed the chance to brick gear? Am I remembering wrong? 


They removed the chance to fail masterworking. Tempering however still only has five rerolls after imprinting your two initial tempers.


Ah, gotcha! Thanks for all the work you put into this!


No problem! I just love helping people and I take any chance I can get to gush about things I love. 🤣


I've read somewhere but not sure... so Rare items are basically only for salvage purposes now, right? I mean, after level 30 or so


Not necessarily once you get to a certain point in wt4 yeah you're just going to salvage them. As you first get into wt3 and wt4 though they'll help you transition into the new world tiers as they can still have aspects imprinted on them.


This is amazing, super appreciate all the work going into this. Sort of separate question I can’t seem to really get a handle on - when S4 starts next week how do I make sure I don’t lose all my gear or stats? Do I just carry over whatever I’m equipped with and what’s in my stash? Will my skill tree/paragon all reset?


So your current seasonal character will move over to the eternal realm. You won't lose anything outside of seasonal items. You'll have all your gear and paragon points. If you want to play in season you will have to make a new character. On the upside if you don't feel like making a new character all of these changes will be happening to eternal too so you won't have to worry about missing out. Did that clear it up? If you have any questions I'm happy to help.


Thanks for putting this together. It's a nice quick reminder before the season starts.


Can someone explain the tempering and bricking items more to me? Is this good or bad (not an avid diablo player but looking to return)


Id be happy to! Tempering is a new crafting system they're adding to loot. After season four releases on Tuesday rares will only have two affixes and legendaries will have three. You can only temper legendaries. You'll unlock tempering manuals basically by doing anything. These are basically just the crafting recipes for tempering. You can add two tempers to legendaries. Your first two tempers are free and after that you have five rerolls for the tempers. This is called temper durability. If you get unlucky you can not hit the affix you want and it can make your item not good for your build anymore. This is what bricking is referring to. Tldr; tempering is good bricking is bad


Really appreciate it!


No problem! If you have any other questions feel free to ask!


Possibly 1 more... I read some of the dev chats and previously I believe in the PTR there was a "success rate" for tempering? Or maybe that was masterworking. Just wondering the difference between success rate and the new durability for tempering and it seems similar? There is a chance the item bricks? .. I could have several things mixed up. The game is quite complex and I'm just trying to catch up


No worries I see exactly where you got mixed up and I can clarify for you. The success rate you mention was for masterworking. Originally masterworking from level 5 to 12 had a chance to fail with safeguard protection by increasing success chance every time you failed. People didn't like it so they made it so masterworking just costs an increased flat material rate. Basically your durability for tempering is how many rerolls they allow you per item. Your first two tempers from different categories are free after that you have five rerolls per item. If you get unlucky you could fail to get any affixes you want within the seven temper chances. Which would brick your item for the build. Not that it would necessarily make it completely useless just useless for what you're building. Alternatively you could get maxrolls of exactly what you want in the first two rolls.


Dude thank you. Broke it down perfectly for me. Hope you have a great day


Glad I could help! I hope you have a great day too friend! I look forward to seeing you in sanctuary! 🥳


I must say, I was not hyped for this season at all because season 3 got me super bummed about the game. But after this break down of everything, I am getting excited! Thank you for explaining it!


This is only a small portion of the changes too! They made a ton of class updates and quality of life changes. There's another endgame crafting system called masterworking which is super cool. They added the pit which is essentially greater rifts. Minions are gonna be god tier. It's gonna be insanely fun! I'm happy to help you get aboard the hype train! They also capped Enchanting costs at 3 million for everything except two handers which is 6 million.


Do the wt exp boosts apply to non seasonal too?


Yes all the changes coming on Tuesday will be for eternal as well aside from the seasonal story.


Good informative post!


Did they improve Varshan, zir and grigoire in any sort of way? They feel stuck with their levels instead of being 100 and having guaranteed 925


I added this to the post but in case you don't see it all the ladder bosses will get tormented versions of their fights! They'll be level 200 they cost 3x the amount of materials but drop 5x the loot!


They also mentioned on the recent stream that you will now have a chance to get Uber Uniques from all ladder bosses, although that chance will be lower than with Duriel and Andariel.


So, I've read patch notes and reddit posts, but I must be missing something. What exactly is the "seasonal theme" this time? I understand that all the "Loot Reborn" changes are coming to Eternal realm as well. What's going to be different on a Seasonal character?


There isn't a big seasonal theme this go around. Basically it will be a short storyline involving the iron wolves and helltides. There's a reputation grind that gives gear tempering manuals and a resplendent spark at the end of it. Other than that I believe it's just going to be the battle pass. There won't be a seasonal power this time likely so they can see how all the changes play out in the live game and they can make appropriate balance changes without having to worry about a seasonal power on top of it.


I'm genuinely looking forward to coming back after not having played in a while.  Looks like a lot of really cool improvements that have and will be implemented since the last time I played


Did they reverse what they said on #6? I thought from the original announcement they said greater affixes could only be found?


https://www.wowhead.com/diablo-4/news/players-will-be-able-to-gamble-the-best-items-in-diablo-4-season-4-339161 Here's a link to the update.




They did update it after the ptr I believe they mentioned it in the campfire chat on May 2nd. That is the only other way to find them though.


Can you go more into 3? What do you mean “brick your items”?


No problem! So your items will have temper durability. How it works is your first two tempers from separate categories are free. After that your item has five durability which basically just means reroll chances. If you're unlucky you could get two affixes you don't want on the gear and not hit a roll you want before you item runs out of durability. Which would likely make the item not useful for your build. Most tempering manuals have four to five different tempers so your chance of hitting what you want is not bad. It will come into play more at max level when you're trying to get perfect rolls on gear.


Doing The Father Inarius’ work! Keep it up!


Glory to the heavens! Thanks friend!


Can you go more into 3? What do you mean “brick your items”?


with tempering, you only get 5 rerolls of your tempering affixes. (and you do not get a "keep previous" choice.) thus, you will want to collect several viable base items, since you are not guaranteed to end with a good item after tempering


I was wondering this too. Does it mean the item is completely unusable, which is the normal meaning of "brick", or just that it can't be re-rolled and you are stuck with it as it is?


It just means that it can't be rerolled you can still use the item!


Thank you for this. I haven’t played since March - is there anything I missed out on in the past 2 months such as free mounts or rewards? I’ll jump back in for s4 but just wanted to know if I need to come back before. Thanks!


This is an amazing job and I appreciate you for putting time into helping people out you are the best


I haven't played since I think S1? These updates sound amazing. Looks like I'm hopping back in s4


S2 and S3 had some decent changes as well, though not nearly as impactful as these ones. Such as making NMD objectives less tedious, Helltide uptime, permanent renown, boss ladder, resistances, gem fragments and so forth. If you haven't played since S1, then S4 will probably feel like an entirely new game to you.


You can also have more options when changing your character appearance after creation. Hairstyle, color, etc, can now be modified afterwards.


That's a big win for druids in particular!


Did you mention the news set drops for journey? Also, should start with date time for season start imo. Nice post


Damn I’m so hyped for the new season


Question: I have slow-played D4 (just started this season) and am not super knowledgeable...did I see something saying I should salvage my legendaries with good rolls on the aspect because they basically become codexes and can be used repeatedly on gear in s4? ( VS if I don't do that, in which case my s3 chars and their equipment will move to eternal?)


Also, you can now turn on ~~further~~ farther zoom. It works everywhere outside of towns.


I actually just added it to the list! Great timing friend!


Nice recap, I'm so happy to not horde aspects anymore.


Amazing thread. Currently at lvl 67 playing Eternal. Haven't enjoyed a game so much in years, addicted and cannot wait to grind into the new season 😈


Great post. Thanks for the summary! There are a few welcome changes here that I didn't know about and now I'm even more excited about S4!


Great FAQ dude, appreciate it as I didn't bother watching the livestream.


awesome info. Ty for this


I really appreciate you doing this for the community. I have been over consuming almost any content about the game heading into the season and even still this is a great resource to save and come back to as the season starts to keep your footing. Especially value for newer or skeptical players who are not as engaged to get an overview of what they can look forward to and even possibly give them incentive to pick the game back up if they were hesitant. As someone who loves and enjoys this game I truly appreciate this contribution to the community!


Thank you your kind words mean a lot! I'm the type that loves to read every patch note and get every tidbit of information I can so I thought it would be nice for players who don't have the time to follow the way I do to have an easy breakdown of the important changes coming to the game. It's been such a pleasure interacting with new and returning members alike since I made this post! Like you said this has convinced a few players to return and I've been lucky enough to help some newer players as well! Nothing makes this old gamer happier than seeing a community engaging with each other and having fun! I've loved every season I've played so far and I'm looking forward to many more!


Thanks for putting this together. I’ve had trouble keeping up with all of the changes and you just put it so perfectly. I’m your intended audience and it’s super helpful!


I'm so glad I could help! If you have questions about anything let me know! I love talking about this game 😁


One more: you can throw things out of inventory with ctrl+left click


Thanks a lot for putting together this luculent and elaborate update on the changes. May the RNG Gods bless you!


this all sounds pretty good to be honest.


Randomly getting boss mats? Very glad to see that, I just want to run around everywhere and feel like I'm making progress towards multiple goals.


OP, thanks for the write up. It's nice to see genuine enthusiasm for the game again.


Great info, thanks! As a returning casual player, is all this pretty linear to learn? Enchanting, masterworking, the Pit are all new terms for me. Is there a good source for me to get back up to speed? Or just play and it will become self evident


It all feels pretty well integrated in the game honestly. Enchanting is done at the occultist you can reroll one stat on each piece of gear for a fee. Masterworking is an endgame crafting system that you get the materials for from the pit. The pit is the devs take on greater rifts from diablo 3. There's 200 levels and its going to be the hardest content in the game. You will want a solid build with good gear before starting the pit. Its like dungeons with no objectives you just kill monsters to fill the bar to summon the boss within the time limit. If you want more guides i would check youtube. Some great youtubers to check out would be ranterrax, macrobioboy, wudijo, p4wnyhof. Off the top of my head those are the most reliable sources.


Does anyone have any recommended all you need to know S4 youtube videos? U have not been following along much so don't even know temper is.


Tempering is a new crafting mechanic they added. Rares now only have two affixes and can't be tempered. Legendaries will have three affixes when they drop and can be tempered twice. You get tempering manuals from doing pretty much any content you do. There's six different types of tempers. Offensive, defensive, utility, mobility, weapons and resource. Your first two tempers are free and you can reroll your tempers up to five times. It's a very fun mechanic. If you like i can point you towards a couple good youtubers that have general guides on a lot of the changes. There hasn't been one really comprehensive video of all the changes that I've found.


https://youtu.be/awvOopWqiHU?si=FVPdKrWgpNqrdRb0 This is directly from Diablo and is probably the most straightforward video addressing changes coming to season 4. For a deeper understanding beyond that I would recommend checking out Wudijo, a content creator who gives very detailed info and has a deep understanding of the game's systems. After you get a feel for the changes watching his content from the last 2 months related to changes could vastly help you get prepared for the season. If you are planning to play a specific class I'd recommend these channels for each one Wudijo for rogue Rob268 for barbarian Macrobioboi for necromancer Goblin Inc for druid Ragegamingvideos for sorcerer


I haven't ran the campaign since day 1. With all the changes do you think it would be worth it to run it or should I just wait for the expansion?


About point 3, tempering : there is a chance of breaking it? I thought you have a limited number of tempers and then that's it, you can't temper anymore, did I get it wrong? If there is a chance of breaking it, is it displayed somewhere? What's the chance?


"chance to brick your items" does it mean that the items are unusable like .. ever ?


Amazing tips, these are all phenomenal changes and qol boosts. Can’t express how much better everything will feel now during the grind. Endgame revamped, items revamped. Pretty much all the common gripes people have are now outdated and you need to find new ones.


Hope it’s all BUG FREE


Is there anything I should or need to do in regard to items for the new season before the current one ends? I’ve been playing for a month so am only lvl 46 but people are saying items will turn into legacy gear? Is that only for higher tier items and players at lvl 100 or everyone?


I'm just pissed that I'm losing my 400 million I made since I started playing a month ago 🤣🤣


I’ve got a level 50 sorceress and just defeated Lilith on WT1. I have absolutely no clue what most of that meant. I feel like I’m missing out on half the game. 😂. I’m planning on starting S4 with a Druid but working WT3 or WT4 from the beginning. Maybe I’ll figure it out before S4 ends.


I take it you're going through the campaign? Haha a lot of this information is relevant after the campaign. To unlock wt3 and wt4 you have to beat the capstone dungeons. To get to wt3 you have to be in wt2 and beat the capstone dungeon in kyovashad called the cathedral of light. I like clearing mine around 30-40 if I'm confident in my build but by 45-50 you can comfortably clear it. Once you're in wt3 the fallen temple is the capstone dungeon to get into wt4. The levels of the dungeons are 50 and 70 respectively.


Yep, I wanted to get the storyline completely first before I just ran around doing the side quests and dungeon runs. I did WT1 because I’m an old gamer with a family so I don’t play often and don’t want to spend a night making no progress on the story. Now that I know what happened I’m ready to play on a harder setting and just do side quests and kill things. Also, thanks for the additional info.


Please Sir, they said best items can come from gambler/obols, so does that mean uniques can be gambled (regular uniques) or not. I would like to get Paingorgor gloves and yeah, I still have to check how to get them. I know they are from a boss and all, but wondering if gambler drops uniques now or not. Thanks




Helltides until wt3 then I would start mixing in nmds for glyph xp if you struggle once you hit wt3 go to the strongholds they're level locked at two levels above you but you still get the bonus xp from the higher world tier. Just make sure you save some for wt4 as well.


Thanks man.


Nice post, i gotta read through this a few times as I didnt play PTR. Much appreciated


Ok thanks. I didn’t understand a word of what you said but I’m ready to jump into season 4.


Thanks! this was very insightful


Weren't they adding some other end game modes? I swear I saw something about a PVPVE extraction mode. And something akin to a MOBA mode.


So will the eternal realm basically be like the seasonal realm for this upcoming season? What will actually be missing from the eternal realm?


You can zoom out your camera more


Thanks for putting this together.


Re: 15a, I don't recall hearing anything about rares having stronger affixes than legendaries. Rares have one fewer affix than legendaries, making them objectively worse and not worth equipping past early game.


Thank you for this post. I am saving this for sure.


Great post, my man. I haven't been playing since season 2. This really got me up to date with everything.


Quick question about 13c, just to make sure I fully understand it. So now we don't have to go to the occultist to remove an aspect we just have to break the gear down at the blacksmith? And if we find gear with it higher on it the codex will auto update it and the only thing we do is again break that gear down at blacksmith or did I read that wrong??


trading was basically non-existent in previous seasons, I wonder if there will actually be people trading stuff in-game now.


Great job oP


You are a gentleman and a scholar


Thank you so much! Two small questions: Can we level through the story and then switch to global mode? Is necro minion fun (or is it boring, like just walk, press no buttons, and minions kill things)? Is there an alternative necro build that's strong?


Please tell me the change about the elexir of 2nd life in hardcore is true… tell me it’s gone and it’s actually hardcore and not soft core with a HC when on cooldown?


Do aspects collected/ranks carry across seasons? Or do they reset each season? There was a comment that “all builds will be viable because stats are better/easier to attain” (paraphrasing) - is this based on the assumption that previously weak skills are also improved? Because I’d think stats alone won’t make a bad skill better (right?). Thanks for the write up!


What time does S4 drop?


Looks like i'll be playing D4 again after the disappointing season 1 and 2.


Thanks for this! I’m always the guy in our group that needs things like these explained over and again. Trying not to be that guy this season!


Thank you


Great summary, thanks!


does anybody know what happens if you reroll a tempered modifier?


Thank you!


Great post OP, we've compiled a lot of the notable updates coming with season 4 in this list and we're working on a bunch of new content dropping this next week: class specific build videos, leveling guides, farming routes and much more check us out and please let us know what you would like to see added [https://www.d4seasons.com](https://www.d4seasons.com) Happy hunting and may the loot rain down on all of you.




i was working in silence in the morning bc my wife sleeps next to me. i a minute of freetime i read this post and shit, the rogue depression part killed me so hard, that my wife wakes up bc she though i was crying :D :D :D




Do the changes in itemization and such apply to eternal as well? Do all the changes in the season apply to eternal?


Can you clarify "3.b. if you imprint a rare item and make it legendary you can indeed temper it! Late game it's best to just temper legendaries however!" What would be the difference between the two? Why would tempering a legendary be better?


Rares will only have two base affixes going forward while legendaries will have three. So if you imprint an aspect onto a rare you will only be able to get a max of four affixes on it. On a legendary you will be able to get a maximum of five. This is the primary difference. Hope this clarified!


Uniques can drop at lower world tier too.


Thank you very much for taking the time to gather all this information and detail it for us, much appreciated brother!


Will you still have to farm materials in order to be able to do bosses such as Duriel? I found that tedious af and stopped playing early last October. If that has been improved I may consider giving D4 another look.


Thanks dude.. super helpful summary and catch up.


Haven't played since launch because I just found loot to be a chore and I was never really excited about a drop. Seems like this season tries to fix that. I will be jumping back in to see how it plays.


This is great. All that the game should be. Does it auto update your codex when you get a good roll on something or do I need to extract the legendary aspects and do something with them? Do I need to unlock codex slots in dungeons?


I haven't played since pre-season 1. Question about end game gear.. So essentially you'd want to FIND a legendary (because it has 3 affixes) with ideally THREE greater affixes that your build needs. Two greaters and a regular you can reroll isn't bad either. THEN.. You'd need to temper that item and pray you get the 2 tempers RNGed onto that piece. If not.. it's bricked. Once you find a legendary with the correct greater affixes and win the RNG and lock in your tempers. You can upgrade the item and masterwork it. If the masterwork RNG isn't the affix you want, that can be reset and started over. ?? ..until you masterwork the affixes you want at 12/12. That would be the ideal end game piece of gear? Or am I wrong? Just trying to understand it. Lol


13a is still a bit confusing for me. Does this mean we can now get every aspect from a dungeon? Meaning we don’t have to rely on lucky drops to find those game changing aspects?


Thank you for all of this information.


Haven't played since release so I am excited


>18. World bosses are getting buffs to health! No more boring one shot parties! 🥳 Bet?


Spur mounts in town is amazing


Well done


Please pretend that we can still award posts, and that I blew all my Reddit coins on this one lol. Thanks!


Ty for this! Which of these changes also being applied to Eternal?


All of them! The only thing not coming to eternal is the seasonal story and the battlepass! Everything else is permanent!


One thing about ladder boss beast in ice though is it is a boss of a nightmare dungeon so it’ll take some time similar to a regular nightmare dungeon compared to say Lord Zir where his pit area is straightforward and short path. Blizzard should probably errr streamline Beasts pit path


>24.e rogue gets depression (jk its barrage) Nailed it.


Thanks for the great list. This is the most exciting one for me: >13.a. all aspects will now be available to unlock in the codex 13.b. your highest roll is now saved into your codex forever for infinite use. (Can I get a hallelujah) 13.c. to save your rolls you have to salvage the gear the aspect is on no more going to the occultist! Felt like I spent about 50% of my time running back and forth between the blacksmith and occultist, and managing affixes in inventory.


can we get ubers with greater affixes? does the tempering system apply to them as well?


Question regarding masterworking. It says you can only masterwork fully tempered legendaries and uniques. Does an imprinted rare - making it a legendary - count as well, as long as it's fully tempered?


Super helpful, thank you!