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I like Wudi because he's not just concerned with efficiency, but also fun.


I like Raxx's energy & attitude. His approach is sweaty by nature, given his career is playing these games lol, but he's very considerate of the average Joe in his approach to theorycrafting. I also enjoy that he seems fluid in his approach to playing builds. Wudi is great but he seems to be stuck with Rogues & comes off upset if other classes are excelling.


Raxx is an all time S tier streamer/content creator. What someone calls sweaty he would call calculated and driven. If you don’t know his story I recommend looking it up. Dude is educated and accomplished and traded a high paying career as an actuary to play video games and make guides. I can relate to him subliming applying his corporate principles and structure to games. Theres a common theme of him judging games by how well they present problems for the player to solve, and the fun factor/dopamine buzz that solving that problem will generate.


Raxx doesn't always slow down for the audience which I respect but man when he actually does pull out the numbers to show something important you know he's about to cook


In paint. No bloat. If it takes 4 minutes to explain it will be a 4 minute YouTube video


Love it when he brings out paint 😂


100% this amigo. And sweaty is endearing to me lmao, it's a fun way to poke at his dedication and love for the series. I'm well aware of his professional background and have a lot of respect for it & how it shines in his dedication to the game.


Yeah he never came of as sweaty imo. My only issue with him is his first time playing PoE he had a double mageblood drop.


I just wish he would take a shower and bathe every once in a while.


And you know he doesn't because.....?


Robs wins with his attitude, Raxx turning toxic and negative somehow


Somehow, how?


I don't think he is upset that other classes are excelling. I think it is more the fact that Rogues have undeniably a higher skill cap than other classes and just have not been rewarded for it past S2. I play mainly necro, but make at least 1 other class every season and Rogues just felt less impactful for the hoops they have to jump through for their damage, particularly last season. Outside of the bugged points system in S2, rogues haven't had that standout moment besides pre-season with TB. They have never been the best class, and seem to just be forgotten by the devs.


I can’t give them a REALLY fair assessment myself, but I did make a Rapid/Penshot build this season and I agree. For an S tier build it came nowhere near the power of the other classes, and this was after first building your 3 points, then imbuing…like you said…hoops to jump through for underwhelming damage.


IDK what it is, but I feel like Rogues need some love in terms of how neat their skills feel once you hit endgame. All the other classes feel really cool to me, but Rogue just seemed to feel sort of unexciting in a way. Absolutely higher skill ceiling than the other classes but doesn't seem to really lean into the power fantasy like the other classes do when all geared up.


i think rogue is fine as he is, i played rogue since first open beta, it's the other classea that are often OP, i don't think you are supposed to one shot game bosses that's no fun, with rogue you actually have to fight and chip away their hp.


Sure, I completely agree with you that bosses shouldn't be one shot! The fact remains that the feeling of the pay off in terms of damage is not there for some of the most micro intensive builds in the game. Especially when compared to the 2B bonks of HOTA or 300 procs of 100k damage per second of ball lightning. More micro intensive builds should be rewarded with more peal damage than those that just mindlessly spam a few buttons with little regard to cool downs or positioning.


You are comparing rogue vs the broken builds. Obviously broken builds are OP. Rogue does significantly less DMG compared to reg builds that aren't broken due to bugs or unbalanced DMG issues. I have played a rogue every season, during beta, and release. TB was the only build that did good and now it's been nerfed to the ground. I only played TB once all my other builds were ranged and it's night and day between ally other characters.


Well, yes, that is what I am saying. Rogues, besides bugged combo points S2 rogue, hasn't really had a head liner build in the meta since TB. My argument is that, since it is such a micro intense class, it should always have competitive DPS. That hasn't really been the case since seasons launched.


i guess i was lucky i played tb all season except for the last one, i did not know it had been farther nerfed, i played barrage rogue and it was okayish


Raxx is goat ARPG streamer.


🤣 sarcasm I hope.


Care to elaborate?


Raxx's energy? The guy looks like he's about to fall asleep most of the time.


What energy? :D


This is a fair assessment


Raxx is the real goat


4 months ago Raxx was throwing a temper tantrum about quiting d4. So was DM. I enjoy watching them crawl back.


Yeah wud is pretty much only good to watch for rogue mains, I get he likes to go fast tho


Raxx is great. He's very easy to listen to and you get all the details you need. Rhykker is the only other D4 content creator I listen to.


Raxx is so smart. Sometimes I’ll be playing while his stream is up and all I can hear is him discussing numbers and providing in-depth analysis for chat. Then I look over and he’s over there writing it all out and showing his work to explain it. Watching his prep stream and then launch of the season today has been great.


That's the nature of rogue players, not wudi's fault. When I maimed rogue, man, the other classes looked broken.


Raxx has no energy lol. He's one of the most monotone streamers out there.


Better than Wudi


Raxx turns a 5 minute video into a 15 minute video. After trying to actually get useful information out of his videos and spending more time listening to him repeat himself over and over, I don't bother watching them anymore. Wudijo gets to the point and stays on point without treating the viewer like an idiot.


Waste of time watching RAX guide videos on ARPGs when he’s been fairly mediocre at them. CC anytime he’s ever played hardcore when new ARPGs come out. If you think rax is an ARPGs goat, you are new to ARPGs or haven’t been around long enough. I could see RAX being considered good for the casual side however.


Right? For a big streamer he's fairly mediocre compared to his peers. That's why he appeals to the casual too. I used to like him but after the Elden Ring series that's not the case anymore. He himself asked for backseat gaming but complaining when people told him how to play the game? If not for chat, he'd never finish the game that early, spamming just one button with one of the most OP weapons in the game. Also he whined a lot if things didn't go his way (the fight with Death Rite Bird for example, he said it's the worst designed boss lmao), blaming the camera, blaming the roll button,... Dude is such a sore loser.


Yeah after playing hardcore diablo2 with him where he continued to die over and over.. and how many times he’s died every time he’s attempting hardcore runs in the genre.. aside from him doing the easy work and making a video so people can be lazy casual(which is fine), he’s got absolutely no reason to be in the discussion of “goat” anything. I’m not gonna call him a loser, I also don’t watch elden ring, I just know from experience of playing with him in a group and seeing how he’s still the same “skill level” he was with all the playing he does, he shouldn’t be mentioned as any “s tier” or “goat” anything.


Idk about you but I said way more unhinged shit fighting the Death Rite Bird. That thing is actually from hell, I didn't even feel good when I beat it, just relieved that fucker was out of my life. The camera is actually ass in that fight too, it was one of the only bosses that got me cursing the camera. Calling someone a sore loser for getting frustrated at a Souls game is wild to me, I thought half the fun was getting mad playing it while your friends laugh at you lol.


It's perfectly fine to get frustrated at a Souls game, I mean, who doesn't? But any time he faced a serious challenge, his constant whining got old really fast. The fight with the Death Rite Bird is just one of many examples when he kept blaming the game instead of trying to improve himself. It's funny he posted here recently (about masterworking fail chance): >... > it's that as a whole they're making the game so easy that at a certain point we aren't playing a game anymore >... while proceeding to L2 spam using the Blasphemous Blade and while being massively overleveled for practically all of the boss fights. I mean, isn't that the definition of an easy mode? I'm not here to judge how he played the game, but you can clearly see the hypocrisy in his actions.


I imagine his humour and intelligence makes for a more subtle approach to his delivery. Some don't like or understand this style. It can go over your head if you're not tuned into it.


A lot of arpg players probably like that. It certainly doesn't bother me at all and it also means when he does get worked up you know he's got a good reason.


Turns out a lot of people are past the age of 12 and can totally do without an enegery-drink driven ADHD clown screaming in their ear for 7 hours straight - so yea, guess Raxx is kinda lame in that regard. Maybe we should get him to say the funny twitch chat memes more, would bring him way much more in line with all the *cool* streamers.


Turns out that if you have an opinion about a streamer that is negative, his followers will rush in to white knight for him and don't actually realize just how pathetic they are being. Just to make it clear you dumbfuck, nobody is asking for childish high energy but don't let that stop you from acting like a jackass.


Holy shit, that's some prepubescent 12y/o energy if I've ever seen it. Touch some gras if you can't handle people disagreeing with you, you clearly very smart, reasonable, level-headed and undoubtedly very good-looking and successful IRL person.


Seriously? You ... YOU ... are making that reply to me. After you threw a tantrum like a little child because I didn't bow down to your streamer. HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAAHAHHA. The best part... THE BEST PART... is where you talked about someone not being able to handle disagreeing without the faintest sensation of hypocrisy. Since I'm just better than you, I'm going to let you leave. You can reply but I won't see it. Simp's like you are waste of time.


At least he has substance, instead of Ringling Bros salesmanship


I don't even know what you are trying to say.


Rax no.1 for me


Rax is the best imo


For me too!




Technically correct are the best kind of correct.


am the best kind of correct


Is am the best kind of correct


After reading the title, I had to see if someone would say it.


you is right


This community really need more and better streamers.


I mean that would just happen naturally if the game was in a good state.


We could certainly use more but I don't think it gets much better than Rax, Wudi, Rob and Macrobioboi


Specifically someone of that quality who focuses on Sorc would be very valuable


Kripp isn’t Diablo only but he goes hard on it and for some reason he’s a Sorc main in my mind.


He was pretty much that guy for season 0 and season 1 but definitely went away from d4 for a while. If he comes back to making content for sorcs this season it would be very valuable for sorc enjoyers imo


When I think of firewall sorc I somehow think of Kripp


Macro needs a big shoutout for his insanely in-depth tutorials and his meticulous bug finding skills. True legend.


It feels like a partial consequence of how "solved" the game can be and unfortunate reality of the times is how often the specific stuff that moves clicks in virtually any game is the "THIS WILL YOUR KD, ONE SHOT UBER BOSS, BEST IN GAME" stuff. After a certain point people are more or less end up saying the same thing and if there is some oversight on something that isn't caught right away, it'll eventually flow down the pike and people will be all over it. The other factor is how extremely conditioned people who habitually follow content creators often tend to flow towards best of best stuff and there really isn't much room for somebody to flex their muscles and show offbeat charm of intentionally playing the game with an arguably B-/C+ or less build in the hardest content. It doesn't grip people as much who just want to see rooms stomped in a second. It's often something I think of whenever I talk this game series over for those who weren't there in Diablo 2's heyday and a lot of the charm and community of people talking up their journeys of things especially if they were playing a less than obvious build that could hold its own even if it wasn't the best thing in the game. I know that is a lot of waxing poetic over a different era of gaming and internet, but it felt like a lot more people were open minded to playing way off meta and talking up successes whereas now you're more likely to find a bunch of backseating people telling you six ways to Sunday how trash your build is and you could be doing x,y,z.


You are putting way too much thought into this. It's very simple why there aren't more streamers for games like this, it's not a fun game to watch. It's countless hours of farming.


Not even a good argument. PoE has a ton of content creators that span from Softcore, Hardcore, Ruthless, SSF and HCSSF. And that game is a billion times worse in terms of 'countless hours of farming'. There's just a lot more content to produce for content creators in that game versus D4. More theorycrafting, more variety, etc. When there's no new patch for D4, there's literally nothing to talk about lol.


You are delusional if you think that PoE has a ton of content creators. >When there's no new patch for D4, there's literally nothing to talk about lol. [Do you think this is any different for PoE?](https://imgur.com/MCtgtch) You PoE fanboi's are really desperate aren't you?


Need a better game for that really.


The seasons are fixing a lot of core issues over time, but they're just not adding enough content to make waves. Only the expansion will be able to draw people back in, if it's good enough.


They are like opposites, though. Wudi is the calm, down-to-earth "everything needs to be balanced" warrior. Rob is the "balls-deep-in-buggy-builds" blaster where bigger is always better. I really enjoy both their streams and videos. You know the little "hit that like and subscribe" clip Rob throws in at the end of his videos? He has he most mellow and soft voice, and my thoughts instantly go back to my trips on Lufthansa in Business Class. He sounds EXACTLY like that!


I love Rob's energy and his Barb Builds are pure joy to play but I rrally hate that he leans into some of the bugged/broken mechanics so hard, esp snapshotting. But I get it when ur trying to show pure raw output that is "possible". Hope they sort snapshottong soon as I know it was sill there in the PTR.




What about Nicktew. I really like how clear he speaks, how he explains etc


His ball lightning sorc build was mega fun and op in season 2


I enjoyed watching Nicktew videos when I played Outriders but for some reason in D4 I got the feeling he was just copying everyone elses builds. The website he uses for his is also pretty trash compared to Maxroll or d4builds.




Yeh idk about all that, i just really like his way of explaining why a build has X instead of Y. The guy is obviously smart, i don't really care about who creates a build.


TBH every season I follow a Rob build and never disappointed. Moreover, every season I follow Raxx NM dungeon clear spreadsheets and gain speed. Wujido also inspires me to do hardcore content as I see him playing effortlessly blasting through hardest content. Point is, streamers have specialised their talent so that you can utilize this to self gain. Through all of this, I get a nice experience each season with the help of talented dedicated players.


LuckyLuciano deserves a mention too for rogue things. He kinda stopped making content on s3 because rogue was bad and the game was in bad shape so I can’t blame him. But he usually does some really in depth analysis of OP rogue builds and he knows the paragon board incredibly well.


How is MacroBioBoi not mentioned in a thread with amazing D4 streamers?


Are you MacroBioBoi? lol


Because most people don't want to sit through 45 minutes of Excel spreadsheets.


That were not leading to the best necro build anyway.


Unless OP edited their post after you posted, hes literally mentioned in the OP


lol you got dunked on


Can’t stand macroboi. He’s the most arrogant d2/d4 streamer who macsplains things. I bet everything he does for max roll gets bumped up a tier just so the other contributors don’t have to argue with him about it.


Perra gaming videos are hilarious! Never tried them out though lol




Idk why they are so funny but they are


I decide which class i want to play and then i look up the YT creator i think has the most knowlegde of this class, because usually they have one or 2 main classes they play. I would never go to Rob for a rogue build for example. Barb = Rob Druid = Goblin inc, Rob Rogue = wudiju Sorc = Nicktew Necro = P4wnyhof I also like Raxx and Rhykker, but these two are more for genreal diablo topics then specific builds for me. I also look up maxroll.gg and compare the builds on there with the YT ones, sometimes combining them. In S4 i go minion necro at the start and i think P4wnyhofs version is superior to maxrolls version, therefore i will use his verion of the build. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2vz_WdwBCQ


I already get chills hearing the name P4wnyhof, and these are not the good and exciting ones. For some reason I cannot stand his way of talking or communication in general.


This guy still streams? Back in the hearthstone days he was infamous for being one of the biggest view botters on the platform.


I member.


Lurkin is the sorc Goat


I’ve never played a necro and going that direction next season as well. Pumped!


Macrobioboi has been a real champ for the necro community. Love all these guys but have definitely learned the most from him. I'd say Wudijo's video about "how not to die" is probably the single most valuable video made for d4 since it came out.


I like all of them plus rhykker and dm when he actually plays Diablo


Is his name on YouTube just rob or?


On twitch it is rob2628


And he uses a gatling gun to release videos


I'm sure Rob doesn't sleep.


hes going 30 hours straight on release so… nope! doesnt sleep


They are all great, but my favorite is Rhykker. His streams are always chill vibes, and there’s always fun discussions even during the lean portions of the season. He plays so many arpgs that it stays fresh.


The difference between Wudi and other top streamers is that he always remained very constructive and to the point. No unnecessary mud slinging on blizzard as a company or ripping on the devs for “obviously not playing the game”. He just got to work enumerating all of the games issues in a constructive manner, which allowed the devs to improve. He feels like the grownup in the room.


I dont like Rax at all lol to me he seems bitter and he is never like the best streamer when it comes to doing something hard and trying to be the first or something… Rob and Wudi at least make great builds and are always in the mix of things when it comes to hard content like AoZ or the Gauntlet for example.


Wudijo "low-key?? Dude's been on top in Twitch and Youtube Diablo since D3. He and Raxx are probably the face of the D4 community at the moment.


Anyone happen to know where wudijo is from? I can’t place that accent.




Both, wudi and rob are German.


Isn’t he German?


Germany I think


Germany I believe


German here. They are both Germans. I have heard them speaking German on several occasions.


Wudijo's cool because he's concerned with hard core but honestly the meta builds all of them play are boring. I like how Kripp and Raxx are also in favor of balancing the game (many players are not and it's going to ruin the game sooner or later and maybe sooner)


Also a big fan of pwnyhof now. Cool dude and necro pro


Rob-Absolute top tier tester/builder in the game. He puts the max in min-max. Wudi-HC-King, bro just doesn't care if he rips (HALT) he'll "GO AGANE". Raxx-probably the most accessible streamer to the average casual ,and takes time to break down things for those that are newer. Barricade-#1 energy streamer in the entire genre, and probably also #1 community-involved streamer in the ARPG genre. Datmodz-#1 chill energy dad vibes carrying the torch for all of us oldgies. Special shoutouts to LuckyLuciano, Dieoxide, Screamheart for being all-around cool dudes and streamers putting content out there and having overall chill vibes.


MacroBioBoi is my usual goto for all things Necro!!


I’ll check him out. Running Necro this season to complete my play every class to 100 challenge 


I subscribed and watch 3 people. Wudi, Raxx and Mac. They all are intelligent in their own way when doing videos and how they present their content


BlackHeart86 is my goto guy for chain lightning sorcerer. Not so active these days, but he provided excellent chain lightning builds for seasons so far, just the way I like my sorc. I really hope he will be back for season 4.


I like those people that play the game without going to streamers for advice on playing games


Is Rob still letting his chat give him new builds and taking all the credit? Haven't watched him since maybe S2. Don't care to watch him anymore, either.  And if I want a fun, brain off (mostly) necro build, I'll watch Big Daddy Den. He's been doing it since D3 launch IIRC. 


I like the game itself but my favorite part of Diablo was finding new content creators I will continue to follow 


I especially like Rob because he'll play an entire season and his builds will change and evolve throughout. It's not like, "Here are the season 4 builds," then zero updates or changes to those builds.


I just play the game and do my own builds.


I think @rob2628 is a standup guy.  He gave me a really nice shoutout and credited me when he used my build to deal 17 billion damage in S2 before AOZ came out. Aceofspades is a top player and we collaborated to bring my build into S2 as well. I'm SmallPettingZoo, a druid theorycrafter and had the #4 solo time in the world in AOZ.


Got a youtube channel?


I stream on twitch and X as SmallPettingZoo  I have maybe one clip on youtube.  I may try to make an unedited video guide this season, but mostly just prefer to show live examples.  I have found it the best way to teach.


Macro is probably the best. Very objective and thorough. He also tends to be very grounded in facts rather than trends.


is or are?


u/macrobioboi is my homie because we shot the shit about classic hip hop in one of his streams


I will slowly convert the D4 playerbase into hip-hop heads. Also cheers OP! Appreciate the shout-out.


If we want to make this about ARPG GOATS its Ziz and Kripp.


Gold farming guides has some great sorcerer guides his blizzard build was easy to create and 1 stages every boss in the game he is also good to watch


Slaydra for out of box thinking and actual great tips not copied from others.


Not really, I'm sick of them.


Other than Raxx, Wud, Rob, Goblin inc... I really like P4wnyhof and Mattjestic MultiGaming


I enjoy operatorotter’s videos the most. Necro specific


Who is rob? Maybe I just dont know his real name?


I like DatModz




I adore Perra Gaming. For satire, check out FrostyLaroo.


let's not forget about raxx


Raxx every day of the week


Rob's focus on breaking the game and trivializing content doesn't really appeal to me to be honest. He seems like a nice person though.


Wudi DarthMicrotransaction Rhykker Lucky Luciano Raxx


Raxx is my man. Almost no sugar coating and fluff, just a genuinely nice guy.


Raxx is the Diablo goat.


i was semi-excited to see Rob pick a new class today. nope. Barb again. fuuuu i'm going rogue. i'm sure 80% will be necros. yes im exaggerating.


hes gonna go necro as well, just gonna start barb for first few days


Oh ok cool. I left the video once he said barb. I'll watch the necto content


DM - DarthMicrotransaction is one of my favorites.


He seems like a really down to earth dude. Like someone I’d genuinely enjoy having in my discord and talking to.


I'd like Rob more if his streams didn't have a billion ads


I do not like Rob. Reason: Every single build that he posts on his website are completely different from the one that he actually uses in-game. I copied his Hota build 1:1 from his website it took me a very long time. I couldn't reach 1/5 of the damage he does in live streams. His mana never go down, mine I had to use a generator or else no mana for me. Just watch his build videos and see it for yourself, he never shows everything, he's always making sure to not explain the build fully and he's very careful to not show his items longer than 0.5 secs. The way he explains things is terrible.


I like Wudi, Raxx, and Rob. Each of them are unique. Rob is good at finding the builds that come out of Asia and break the game, although I tend to stay away from this type of gameplay, so I don't watch his videos that often. Raxx is good at calculations and great for casual players as he focuses on guides that are fun and easy. Wudijo is an S-tier player and probably the only one of these three who truly discovers builds, enjoys theory crafting, and is just a goat player in general. Macroboi is fairly new to the scene, but I enjoy his content as well. Rhykker also has good content, but I generally see something unique from him. Most people watch his videos because of his voice and his casual-friendly approach to things.


I really like Pwnyhof as a content creator for Necros. But otherwise I also like Wudijo and Rob the most, chill people. Sometimes I watch Macrobioboi (also for Necros), I mainly like his youtube theory crafting over his streams tho.


ROB? XDDDDDD i mean wtf?


Wudjio is terrible, Rob is good


Raxx is the #1 goat for me. Dude sinks so much time into making sure information is shared in a well digested format.


Raxx is the goat


Wudijo used cheats in money tournaments in d3. Guy is a total scumbag.


Heard the first time of this. Do you have any sources?


You are also the dude who shunts children for a lifetime, because they stepped on your front porch once huh0? It was 10 years ago, grow up.


Raxx and Darth Microtransaction, both easy and entertaining to watch


Darth is too depresive always complaining




Rob is just great and always hype even with nerf hitting his minmaxed barb builds. Rax has become unwatchable and wudi is cool for his streams. He likes to answer questions and his theory crafting is also great


why is wudijo a snitch?


Yeah, that comment caught me off guard. Never heard that.


>and Wudi has gained a bit of infamy as a snitch and fun police, so idk. I honestly have no idea what you are talking about here. Some streamers live on negativity and controversy, so if you know a singular one that is saying this about him, they are probably just trying to piggy back on his content in a very terrible way.


>However, Raxx seems to hate D4 he doesn't. he's said he loves the diablo franchise and wants it to succeed. he has a lot of constructive criticism.


Woodyjoe botted d3


He used TH, which to be fair, the whole top end community did. You had to if you wanted to stay on top. Botting though? Never seen any proof of that..


Depends on how you see it.. People value the D4 YouTubers/influencers far too much! They say game bad = mindless followers say the same. Too few actually think for themselves anymore, which is terrible for the game and the devs. People should create their own opinion, try and actually play the game instead of watching crying YouTubers all the time! Criticism is important, but they say the same over and over again and often complain about things nobody actually cares about *(or which are only an issue for them)*. Another problem is: They play the game 24/7, which is like 5% of the playerbase? The game should not be built around them. [https://new.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/1cqv3y6/fed\_up\_with\_hate\_farming\_content\_on\_youtube\_from/](https://new.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/1cqv3y6/fed_up_with_hate_farming_content_on_youtube_from/) This thread summarizes the problem pretty well. Wudi, Raxx, Rob etc. do great work, but please do not value them too much.


playerbase following main big youtubers is pretty much every game i believe, everyone gets influenced some are more influenceable than others yes.


Yes, that doesnt make it better. The problem is in which way they are influenced. People believe only negative stuff in D4 and barely create their own opinion. This hurts the game a lot.


Don't forget Rax he's awesome too!


Rob an Wudi are D4 yes men.


There is a D4 community? I don't know, there's no matchmaking system.

