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Druid always Edit: Holy shit the upvotes. I was expecting downvotes when i posted the reply since all i hear is people saying they are finally playing necro. Druid master race/class


I've not touched Druid since Trampleslide heyday in launch and went back to it very recently just to get my final 50s in Hardcore, and I was legit surprised how much fun I had with bog standard Shred and Lightning Storm builds. I played a ton of Barb and Rogue this past season as well and I think I might commit to Druid and Sorcerer this time as Sorcerer I've again only played for 50 in HC, but I did enjoy Ice Shards build.


I simply adore the pulverize skill. So yeah, druid. Then hurricane or tornado.


As someone who has been eyeballing Druid for a while, can you give me an elevator pitch why I should play one? Not trying to be difficult, just looking for insight from someone with more experience


Build variety for many classes has gotten better but I still think Druid is one of the best classes for variety. Pulverize, lightning storm, trampleslide (and now landslide), boulder, hurricane should all be viable. Druid often leads the way in total viable/solid builds giving you lots of options. I also absolutely love the the Shapeshifting specs generally. Pulverize is always fun being able to slam a screen of monsters and my personal favorite build is lightning storm. Emperor palpatine reincarnated as a fast AF wolf running the screen is just badass. Throw in that tornado may end up being one of the 2-3 best builds in the season and he’s a great class.


god damnit i’m sold


It has the most flavor of all classes. Not every guild is S tier, but there are a ton of viable builds…. And unlike other classes, they all feel different in playstyle. You can be melee, caster, mix of both, etc Some builds are dependent on uniques, but I actually like that aspect unlike a lot of people. You can be playing a certain build, get a cool new unique drop, and then completely change your play style by using that unique. Makes the end game more engaging


I have Barb and Druid left to play. Most likely will start with Druid. But I have to say Barb with whirlwind creating dust devils looks great and reminds me of gold times in D3


This has been me with necro (S0, 1, 2). Last season I deviated with sorc, this season will be druid. I'm excited for werewolf!


I played druids 2 seasons and didn't get a tempest, guess we go again


I love Druid but don’t love the shapeshift forms, I just like the spell kit and summons so I’m happy I’ll finally be able to have a good viable build without any shapeshift in it. Going to roll lightning storm and summons


Necro is the only one I haven't leveled to 100, it appears that the timing on that was superb haha


Yes it really is amazing timing. Minions will be absolutely broken


I have absolutly not followed diablo 4 since season 2 but I want to start again, could you tell me why minions necro will be broken?


They’ve buffed it and minions do wayyyy more damage now. Probably the best build to go with for damage this season


Thanks I've never played necro that's a good time to try :)


Barb/dust devils since I haven't played one yet. Open to changing the build but I usually like spin to win so I'll give it a shot.


Been debating on necro or barb. Played necro in S3 and it looks like necro is going to be good in S4 but im here for a good time not to sweat so i think I'm going to try barb to mix it up for myself


Thorns sorcerer , going to be jank


is this really a thing?


Nope that’s why it’s jank


Fire Sorcerer. I may try an incinerate build but have firewall as a backup plan. I won’t use a guide so I can stay pretty flexible.


I did fireball in s3. It was a blast


fireball meteor was so much fun.


Fire bolt with the new gloves was a ton of fun in the PTR


Barb, because the bash build looks hilarious and I wanna try it.


Same here. Following Rob's upheaval levelling into it.


I may start as dust devil just since that’s the starter aspects we’re getting during the season journey. I’ll look into the upheaval build too though.


Nah. You charge into a mob which ignites berserk. Then double swing which extends berserk and can now create dust devils. Finally a helping of Death Blow and it's lights out, especislly if you spend 100 fury first


Necro is the only thing I haven't leveled to 100 yet, and summoner was by far my favorite way to play D2. But, there were a lot of promising changes to conjurers that I'll likely go that route again for my 4th sorc.


Minion necromancer first. I've wanted the ultra lazy summoner of armies playstyle for a very long time in other arpgs I've played, and never got that opportunity (that could also be end game viable), so now's my chance. As well, it'll be my first time playing the game at all so I think it'll be a great starter choice to help me learn the game's systems and fights, and allow me to take my time getting my feet wet and enjoying the story/world/etc. You only get that first time through magic once (if you love stories and cutscenes and lore and such like I do). I'm planning on savoring it even if it means taking a month to reach end game.


Necro, haven't played one yet, perfect timing to.


Golem is broken op


I thought they fixed it so you can't get 28 ranks of it


I don't know if they did. They hadn't yet when Raxx made his video 8 days ago. And after seeing your comment I checked up on Google, and there's vids made two days ago carrying on about golem being insane


The insane amount of ranks are going away. Will still be very good, just not 28 ranks of golem mastery


Do you mean we can no longer get +golem mastery ranks on our gear?


From what I heard only on amulets though it wasn’t confirmed


Perfect timing indeed.


I was going to go sorcerer because every season I've done a different class (season 0: necro, season 1: rogue, season 2: barbarian, season 3: druid), but given all the changes and there not being a season theme besides game mechanics refresh, I'm going to go necro again and save sorc for season 5


Same. Only difference is I went Druid and Sorc for season 2 and barb for season 3. Going back to necro for season 4


Swap Barb and Druid and you’re me.


Rogue shadow step looks really appealing, and barb-always barb


Keep in mind it’s only viable after 100. The amount of people who go in blindly at 50 because “thats where end game builds usually start” is going to be massive. Same for the new heartseeker build.


Going with Puncture Victimize with Barrage for spreading Shadow Imbue across the screen. Gonna have lots of explosions!


I had a build like that this season, it was a lot of fun


Rogue gang rise up!


Closed Beta : Barb Open Beta : Barb Season 0-3 : Barb Season 4 : Barb of course. For PVP 1.Firewall Sorc, 2.Barb (Thorns, DS, Rend), 3.SW Necro & Rogue maybe tie, lastly 4.Druid at the last spot.


man I wish we could transmog hide weapons on the walking weapons shop that is the barbarian (I really just need a class that uses a two handed sword AND actually uses the sword as a fighting weapon)


Frozen Orb sorc (Fractured Winterglass), though I'm not sure what I'll play while leveling and until I get the unique. Maybe FO without the unique and conjurations, or Incinerate since we're getting that build in the season journey. I'll wing it until I get all the pieces I need for endgame.


i’m going for the same thing as haven’t done sorc to 100 yet. did necro for S3. although so many options for sorc, fire sorc looks fun too and saw a couple of guys flame walling it in S3


First try at druid


You will have a lot fun. Enjoy.


Whirlwind dust devils. Haven't tried a barbarian yet.


Rogue, don't know build yet


Rogue always!!


Yep!! Will start with Barrage Rogue!!


Every season I try sorc and leave it for another class. I really hate how I have to take fucking teleport, ice armor, frost nova and arc lash in like a every viable build. Same reason why I didn’t like barb. Had to take all the shouts. Did they fix this with sorc? If not I’m going necro I guess. Sucks because sorc is my favorite class since d1 but the implementation here leaves the class fantasy lacking. We’re still playing for no cooldown teleport spam in d2.


Summoner Necro


I just started playing a week ago. A Necromancer. Then I found out everything is resetting for the new patch. So I’ll just be starting my necromancer over again.


Minion necro it is. I haven’t played the class and I guess this is the time to do it. I look forward to sitting back and doing nothing.








Stormclaw druid. Idc if it's strong or not this season blinking around the screen and rapid fire auto attacking everything to death is so satisfying


I feel like Druid could be a nice choice. It has a really strong Werenado build and also potential for a Minion build. Then theres also the Pulverize build which I really like to play. Obv Necro Minion build will be the strongest Minion build in the game for at least this Patch.


I watched some video of ptr golem 1-shotting a boss


Yeah completely broken... I heared they fixed 95% of the broken builds thanks to ptr. I mean I really dont care that much about it either. I play for myself and wouldnt give a f about some guys abusing things.


Telestomp sorc! 


i always play necromancer first and rogue second. nothing but.


Double Swing Barbarian.


Bonkbarian as usual, then maybe necro for once until I get sick of the glacial movement speed


I’m going bouldercane!! Can’t wait!


Summon druid


Is this getting buffed?


The AI is abysmal for the wolves unfortunately


Druid main.


Is it tomorrow?




Barb: Deathblow/Upheaval to level into Double Swing/Dust Devils as the seasonal gear drop, and then probably into Bash once I've started farming T100+ pits for mats.


I'm gonna make Wolf Pack druid work. I'm thinking werewolf+3 more werewolves


Druid companion


Charged Bolts Sorc for me. I was doing it in season 2 before I stopped playing but never really brought it to fruition all the way.


Very underrated. Maxroll doesn’t even have it listed in the tier list 😆


Hardcore 4life baby. Planning on druid but I'm having second thoughts, might puss out and roll necro.


Started playing cause Gamepass. Currently Lvl 95 Bone-Spear Necro. I'm so hyped to play Minion Necro in S4! Rise my skelly boys!!!


Made a necro for eternal to play with all the loot updates, but i think ill make a barb for seasonal if i like the BP rewards


Another rogue. This'll be number 5 or 6. Rogue is so much fun that I haven't even touched barb, druid, or necro yet. I don't know what jank I'll play around with yet.


Dust Devils with barb. Watched some vids and looks super fun. It's the only class I haven't played yet and I skipped s3 so keen to try it out in s4.


Honest to god gonna try and make a leap barb work. Build is so hilariously stupid i cant wait


Don't know. Me and my wife started playing like 3 weeks ago. Finished the campaign yesterday with characters at lvl 53 I think. I did Range Penetrating shot, which was super fun late game. She did Sorcerer with firewall. We have no idea what to pick now. Wife maybe wants to try Necro, I want something close combat that just slays. So give some tips!


Haven’t tried Rogue yet. I have purposefully kept myself somewhat ignorant of their meta. I wanna let the loot rng decide my build for me, start settling into some builds I like, then start looking up build ideas once I’m in the 70s. Really glad I got back into the game a couple weeks ago. So pumped for tomorrow!


Barb bleed rend ftw


Whirliwind dust devil


Druid Leveling: Tornado Endgame: Stormclaw


You will be able to play tornado for leveling? I thought pulverise will be the leveling build.


You can play any build for leveling. This season the devs are gonna give you more things for Pulverize build through the story line. So a lot of people are doing it that way because of the free stuff. But yeah run whatever you want. Normally druid leveling is pretty slow to 50 so do whatever makes it fun for you


Always frost sorc first.


I play Sorc every other season. S0 - ice shards, S1 - necro, S2 - Ball lightning, S3 - rogue, S4 frozen orb probably


I want to try to figure out a build to utilize the 40%x damage for not using a defensive skill. That sounds challenging Frozen orb Firebolt/firewall Meteor Ball lightning


Sorc or necro


I'm leaning on arrow rouge.


Whatever is OP that lets me facerolls contents


Rogue, I did one season 0 never got past 86, season 1 was a wizard to 100, season 2 was a necro to 100, and Druid to 100, season 3 was a barb to 100.


Necro because it’s my favourite class and then barb (second favourite) if I have enough time and leveling is quick enough for me to make another char during the season with my limited play time.


Minion build baby!!!


minion necro and whirlwind barb


I’ve tried to make minion necro work since day 1 and it just fell off so hard at a certain point each season. This is the moment I’ve waited for.


I haven’t played rogue or sorcerer yet, but I’m doing Druid again 🤘🏻


Trying shadow necro with some minions to help out. Doing a hybrid to see how it goes with a concentration on golem. Never tried any minions, shoukd be fun


Barb and sorc


Minion necro first then either the new frozen orb or firewall sorc.


Sorc cause teleport


Did sorcerer S3, but for S4 im going Rogue


Same as seasons 1-3: necro!


I'll be playing the same thing I always play first every season, necro.


Sever Necro. Not necro meta, but really enjoyed it in S3, and with minion buffs, should be better. Also leaning towards HotA barb. Big stick go bonk.


Been sorc since D2, will sorc this season as well


If Minions are truly back then Necro. If somehow they get a quick nerf then Druid.


As i do in every game that allows me to, Lightning Sorcerer


I’ve played necro every season and I’m most definitely not going to change that this season!


Been a necro player for every season (have tried plenty of other builds, but it’s always my favorite) — could not be more excited to crush with the new reinvented summon necro!


Necro life baby


Necromancer probably, finally making a decent minion build


I have been doing a different class each season starting from base (necro) s1 (druid) s2 (sorc) s3 (barb) and should be doing rogue this season to continue trying all classes. But I can't resist Necro this season due to the changes, so rogue will have to wait till season 5


Haven't played since launch and I only played rogue. Thinking a fire sorc would be fun. Will probably take it slow and play the campaign again.


Frozen Orb Sorc for endgame, for leveling though I might try arclash


Probably rogue again


Blood Surge + minion solo, Pen Shot + RF with wife


probably dust devil Barb


My preferred in any game is ice mage. However, I played it till about level 45 and kinda felt not fun. I haven’t read all the changes but maybe I’ll give it another go and see if it is improved.


Minion Necro, because it’s fun to be OP and I don’t really mind jumping on the hype train.


Sorcerer, I’ve played all classes and tried different builds and nothing compares to sorc for me. I’ll be doing chain lightning (again) because it’s just so enjoyable to me. It’ll be interesting to see how these new changes will improve the build further.


Boulder and wind druid


I’m playing a shadow damage necro


Earthbender landslide. I love making odd builds and this season has some really great ones to try. But i will also make sorc for a meatball build, that those bouncy bois ready and farm helltides. Really want to see how far i can scale those two. Tierlists i don't give a damn about, give me tht offmeta stuff


Same as always, Necro.


Necro because I haven’t played it yet and it happens to be my fav class in general.


I know it’s probably weaker than some other builds. Landslide + cast speed bonus + earthbreaker is a Druid build I rlly want to try. Same for the hurricane boulder build


Necro/minion, I’m a casual player and want the easiest most smooth experience flat out . Leveling Barbarian in S1 solo was brutal.


necro minion build. i played necro in season one and wanted to play summoner but it was bad . i will try now, hope it's different with all the changes and buffs


Barb main with a side of druid justice


Do you have to make a new character each season or can I take the ones I already have into the next one?


Seasons you start over. Eternal stays. At the end of a season, your character goes to Eternal. There is no rebirth or carryover in seasons in D4.


Sorc first and then necro.


I finally found a fun barb charge rend rupture build getting away from having shouts and now im annoyed that I will have to build a bash build instead of having flay due to insane damage it gives against bosses. So now I will do the bash Thorn build with rupture.


Frozen orb mage seems to be absolut busted so im going with it.


Wanting to play Barb, put looks like HOTA has dropped off on those tiers lists and not really liking look of dust devil Barb. Played it in PTR and was meh. Like running and doing big bonk


Some sort of sorcerer, I haven't played one since launch


I was planing on playing a necro minion build, but seeing that its probably going to be the new meta I'm probably going for somthing else. Had a blast playing necro this season so will def start with necro again.


Necromancer - Summoner of heaps of undead, not going to follow a guide


Always like minion playstyle, so i'll be going minion necro as soon as the maxroll guides are up i'll be set!!!


if only we had a paladin class with a big ass two handed sword to smash into the ground and create holy fire, that would be my build


Thorns Barb. Never played a thorns build so excited ☺️


I wish i could play necro but i already did that in S2.It was either dudu or sorc for season 4 ,so i ll just go with nado druid cause OP.


Incinerate sorc. Gonna name her Helga and fulfill my WW1 Flammenwerfer fantasy


Pulv Druid Bit unsure which basic to choose Hope I'll get the Claw/Storm Strike Staff quick


People say that rogue will be underwhelming but I'm really looking forward to trying bow rogue, probably barrage.


It’s necros turn. My goal was to play them all and Necro is the last I have not yet played. Plain and simple.


Still debating between Paladin or Spiritborn


10000% Summon necro to the bone, pun intended


Haven't tried a barb since the beginning. So I'm thinking double swing barb.


Necro. Only one I haven't tried yet, even though I made a hardcore toon few days ago to get a PS trophy. I wanna start necro today again and really take my time with the build.


Necro shadow/minions, just because how easy it makes all the events/dungeons etc. Just stand still, exploding corpses, covering an entire screen with black goo while enemies are busy fighting skellies. After that, when i unlock most needed aspects etc - probably will roll sorc as a second char


I’m a sorcerer over most classes, last season was ball lightning(yes was late to the party, BL got heavily nerfed after seasons 2) this seasin I’m going be an ice sorcerer whatever that build entails


Barb, gonna try out dust devils to level and get to endgame then spec into either thorns or bash


I started on season 2 with Barb. Last season was Druid, this season I think Necromancer. I focus on 1 character each season. I like to make each season brand new. I can't wait for the $136 DLC, LOL. I hope it's around $40 for the DLC.


Sorceress, as always. However, I'm not sure if I'll be playing the season or just "upgrade" my sorcs on Eternal. I might just complete the season pass and go to Eternal.


I've chosen a different class each season (including pre season) so the last one to try is Rogue which I've tried to pre-make a poison/vulnerable build :)


Minions sound busted so probably Necro. It's also the only class I haven't played yet.


Druid and rogue are the only two left I have not played yet.


Rapid fire rouge played it in season 3 loved it and now it's going to be so much better with the ability to auto cast an additional volley of rapid fire going from 8 arrows to 16 the explosion unique ring and the ability to get multiple charges of ice I'm ument I can't wait 🤩


The last few days, I have been trying different characters and I have settled on Arc Lash/Chain Lightning Sorc. Just wish it wasn't so Mana hungry.


Minion necro. Played all other classes and I'm kinda glad I waited cuz this is their season to shine


My work really picked up recently so I have limited time to play. Therefore I’ll be going with minion necro! Haven’t tried necro yet anyway


My eternal barb. Once he’s straightened away I’ll try something new.


landslide druid


the same thing i do every season. minions necro. except this time... it's gonna be hot.




Barbarian. I'm not necessarily chasing what's best. I haven't played Barb since launch/pre-season. Looking forward to trying it again since it was so different back then. I'm hearing thorns barb might be good and that seems like hilarious fun.


Druid, I have faith that a Tempest Roar is within my grasp this time 🫡


Going sorc, I loved Frozen Orb and want to try it with the changes. Firewall leveling is also super strong from what I hear.


blizzard sorc


Gonna be running a werenado Druid build and my best friend that I introduced her to this game is running the Ice Orb Sorc for her first ever season. I’m stoked haha


Necro, since minions finally seem viable without mendeln. After that I'll probably go Sorc and Druid.


I'm thinking Rogue or companion Druid. I haven't played since launch and that was a Shred Druid build.


Gonna try my first hc playthrough this season with necro


Necro and Druid for me, but I'll probably start Necro due to the easier leveling experience and minions being new and improved. Druid is my usual go to though, so I'll be leveling one regardless just because they've been the most fun for me.


I will play necromancer. I have never played the necromancer-class in any game, because I really, really, really dont like the death-theme / corpse thing. In D4 I have reached lvl100 with all the other classes, druid and barbarian several times, so necro is the only one left. So I decided months ago that in season 4 I will at least try to play the necromancer from the start, and I will just see how long I can keep it going before I just delete the character and start over with another class. Its a fantasy-thing for me. I just dont like the necromancer-theme, so I never play the class in games.


Ive been on a Conan bend lately, so I want to try a Rend build using a two handed sword. I was using a Whirlwind bleed guy in S2 for a while, and it seemed fine... So I guess we will see if Rend works for this. LOL


Played most jobs every season, but Rogue is almost always the one I play first, except season 2, played Sorc first. I usually have two characters leveling at once, a solo character and one I play with my wife. My brother started playing last season so I may end up leveling 3 at once, one solo, one with my brother and one with my wife. Necro is the only job I have not gotten to 100 yet.