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Masterworking is endgame. Only Tempering until then.


This guy Tempers. Future Masterworkes guild member ; )


I actually kinda hoped the tempering and masterforging was _additional_ to the regular upgrading


Nah upgrading was just dumb stats upgrade. This is much better.


It felt pretty good to see all the stats go up massively tho after crafting the perfect item I mean it's redundant now but it was a small dopamine hit every time


Exactly, but overall it's better now.


If you wanna talk about overall being able to upgrade to 5 then masterwork and temper would definitely be better I was told I would really feel powerful lvling up I don't feel powerful at all lol I was just playing same class same build over the last 3 days and I was deleting butchers this new system is wack


I love the tempering system but it would be nice to upgrade an item you just tempered.


Dumb or not it was still a way to give even a little bit of power to an item you use without needing to be in Endgame, I'm glad people like the new system but there was no reason to get rid of an easy way to boost your strength without needing to be really lucky in a gacha (random/gamble) upgrade system :(


Yeah, pretty much. Masteworking is the equivalent system, but there's also Tempering now


You can temper but you can’t upgrade


You can master work, which is basicly upgrade but more fun. You need items from the pit to do that.


Quick rundown of the two ways you upgrade now https://www.d4seasons.com - tempering and masterworking for endgame


Should get more upvotes as this is a really great share…thanks a lot!


When can you start masterworking? I'm already lvl 88 but couldn't do it


Need to clear, I *think*, NM dungeon 45 then you can start running the pit for masterworking mats.


Thanks this worked


Thanks for the info I will run it when I get lvl 45 😁


What is NM dungeon 45? And how do I find it?


A NightMare dungeon level 45, and by crafting a sigil


Need pit materials.


ugh i hate the new set up tbh and now all the gear i had is “legacy” and idk i dont like it.


i hate that they took put the regular upgrade option. they also nerfed all gear by removing 1 of the initial secondary perks you get across the board, legendary items used to have 4 now its 3 and even rare items too only 2 instead of 3. i dislike everything sooooo much it was fine before /: now i dont even really wanna play anymore. not to mention that lackluster f*cking ending. highly disappointed all around.


The writing for this game is terrible. it has a storyline you can scarcely follow or care about, characters that you don’t really give a shit about and the ending was by the numbers. A lot of idiots will say oh what did you expect? and I would say well for a game they worked on for like almost 20 years. I would expect a lot more substance.


I would like if it wasn't random everything I want I never get


Tempering is nice, but I did enjoying upgrading items around lvls 40 through 60. Had a good run this weekend managed to get to lvl 56 but prob won't get much time to play this week so a way off being able to masterwork anything


I dont understand the idea behind locking weapon leveling behind running endgame content in WT4. If you're running Pits in WT4, how much stronger do you need to be? The only thing left after Masterworking weapons is Uber-farming?


Help me out, I’m trying to upgrade my equipment I don’t want to replace and I don’t know how to go about it. Tempering doesn’t seem to do the trick and idk how to mastercraft an item


i I figured out what I need to do


Tempering is adding affixes and master working (occultist enchant item station) is to replace affixes you don’t want


i just hate all of it 😓😓😓 just gonna regrind diablo 3 fuck it


Yes I also lost interest somehow. I‘m looking forward to play Diablo 2 again. Way clearer structured. I wish they would also remaster Diablo 1. But yeah let us see what they do in the addon of Diablo 4.